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Shako Ho ShakoHo

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# subprocess.popen
replay_cmd_list = ["mitmdump", "--no-http2", "-S", flow_file_fp, "--no-pop", "--norefresh"]
self.process = subprocess.Popen(replay_cmd_list)
with open('test.txt', 'w+') as self.fh:
self.process = subprocess.Popen(["ffmpeg", "-f", "avfoundation", "-framerate", str(self.input_index_config['video-recording-fps']), "-video_size", str(self.exec_config['video-recording-width']) + "*" + str(self.exec_config['video-recording-height']), "-i", CommonUtil.get_mac_os_display_channel(), "-filter:v", "crop=" + str(self.exec_config['video-recording-width']) + ":" + str(self.exec_config['video-recording-height']) + ":0:0", "-c:v", "libx264", "-r", str(self.input_index_config['video-recording-fps']), "-preset", "veryfast", "-g", "15", "-crf", "0", self.env.video_output_fp], bufsize=-1, stdout=self.fh, stderr=self.fh)
Usage: [--cmd-config=<str>] [--job-config=<str>] [--config=<str>] (-h | --help)
-h --help Show this screen.
--config=<str> Specify the config.json file path. [default: config.json]
--cmd-config=<str> Specify the cmd_config.json file path. [default: cmd_config.json]
def run_hasal_on_latest_nightly(**kwargs):
# download latest nightly build
pkg_download_info_json = download_latest_nightly_build(**kwargs)
# deploy fx
# specify firefox downloaded package path
kwargs['queue_msg']['cmd_obj']['configs']['fx_dl_pkg_path'] = pkg_download_info_json['FX-DL-PACKAGE-PATH']
if deploy_fx_package(**kwargs):
# generate hasal
import os
import copy
import json
import logging
from lib.common.commonUtil import CommonUtil
from lib.thirdparty.tee import system2
from baseTasks import init_task
from baseTasks import get_hasal_repo_path
from baseTasks import parse_cmd_parameters
from firefoxBuildTasks import download_latest_nightly_build
import ipywidgets as w
o = w.IntSlider()
ShakoHo / Heavy_User_Compare.ipynb
Created August 30, 2017 07:36
Hasal test for Heavy User Profile
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