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Sharzy SharzyL

  • Hua University
  • Beijing, China
  • 20:10 (UTC +08:00)
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SharzyL / mew.asm
Created September 22, 2019 06:30
A self-copying program using a simple machine language
| LOAD: ;load some consts
0x00 | load (const1), 1
0x02 | load (span), 0x70
0x04 | load (code-start), 0 #
0x06 | load (data-offset), 0x3C
0x08 | load (code-len), 0x46
0x0A | load (data-len), 0x0A
| COPY_LOOP: ;copy current code to 0x70
0x0C | mov (code-start), (crnt-addr)
SharzyL /
Last active April 14, 2020 09:40
A calculator for permutation
from functools import total_ordering
from typing import *
_PermutationRingTermSubType = Union['Permutation', 'PermutationRingTerm']
_PermutationRingSubType = Union['Permutation', 'PermutationRingTerm', 'PermutationRing']
_CoType = Union[int, float] # type of coefficient in group ring
_MultiplierType = Union[_PermutationRingSubType, _CoType]
def _check_co_type(_o: Any) -> bool:

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am sharzyl on github.
  • I am sharzy ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is FCC0 1E57 6D77 32FF 264B DE53 C929 DD40 7793 44DF

To claim this, I am signing this object:

SharzyL / gate.nb
Last active September 5, 2020 08:59
A Mathematica script to calculate the matrix representation of quantum gate.
depth = 3;
gate[func_] := Table[Flatten[func @@ IntegerDigits[l, 2, depth]], {l, 0, 2^depth - 1}];
v[i_] := If[EvenQ[i], {1, 0}, {0, 1}];
h[i_] := 1/Sqrt[2] (v[0] + (1 - 2 i) v[1]);
t[i_] := If[EvenQ[i], v[0], E^(I \[Pi]/4) v[1]];
tc[i_] := If[EvenQ[i], v[0], E^(-I \[Pi]/4) v[1]];
s[i_] := If[EvenQ[i], v[0], I v[1]];
gates = {
gate[TensorProduct[v[#1], v[#2], h[#3]] &],
SharzyL /
Last active August 9, 2021 07:56
30-hour clock is good, so display it on your i3bar
# A simple py3status module to display datetime on your i3bar as if there are 30 hours every day
# Usage: store this file as ~/.config/py3status/modules/ (or in directory storing
# py3status modules), then append `order += 'trigesimal'` to your py3status config file
# Timezone and locale setting is left to the user as a beneficial exercise.
import datetime
class Py3status:
SharzyL /
Last active June 6, 2021 03:47
Telegram Relation Graph
# requirements: telethon, networkx, python-pysocks[asyncio], pygraphviz, tqdm
from telethon.client import TelegramClient
from import User as TgUser, Channel as TgChannel, Chat as TgChat
import telethon
import asyncio
import networkx as nx
from tqdm import tqdm
import pickle