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This privacy policy includes all the details about the data collected in stotranamavali App and how it’s used.
As a user we also do not like to give personal informations and we don’t want to see our informations collected without knowing what will going to happen to those datas. stotranamavali App has been alive with the support and trust of it’s users. We want to keep the trust; you can find all the details about the data usage below.
stotranamavali App does collect anonymous usage data. This data does not include your original device identification numbers, your real personality or your personal data if it’s not directly given by you in an open form.
stotranamavali app is not primarly directed for children.stotranamavali app doesn't have any abussive words and sexual content.
Usage / interactions in the application are used to determine what stations is being listed at most and which functions attracts the most attention so we can improve those sections. This information also allows us to be able to se