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Shivam Malaviya Shivammalaviya

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//Check for network connections with SolarWInds IP's based on DeviceNetworkEvents
let IPs = pack_array("", "",
| where RemotePort == 443
| where Protocol == "Tcp" and ActionType == "ConnectionSuccess"
| where Timestamp > ago(7d)
| where RemoteIP in(IPs)
let MSzerodays = dynamic(["CVE-2021-31979",
|where CveId in (MSzerodays)
|summarize Securitypatches= count(),make_set(CveId) by DeviceName,OSPlatform,KBID=RecommendedSecurityUpdateId
Shivammalaviya / ScreenConnect Remote Access
Created July 14, 2021 12:34
REvil threat actors typically utilize Cobalt Strike BEACON to establish their presence within an environment. In several instances we observed, they used the remote connection software ScreenConnect.
| where EventID == 4688
| where (CommandLine contains 'e=Access&' and CommandLine contains 'y=Guest&' and CommandLine contains '&p=' and CommandLine contains '&c=' and CommandLine contains '&k=')
| project TimeGenerated, Account, CommandLine,NewProcessName,Process,SubjectUserName
| where Timestamp > ago(7d)
| where (InitiatingProcessCommandLine == 'gpresult /z'
or InitiatingProcessCommandLine == 'gpresult /v'
or InitiatingProcessCommandLine == 'gpresult'
or InitiatingProcessCommandLine == 'net view'
or InitiatingProcessCommandLine == 'net view /domain'
or InitiatingProcessCommandLine == 'netstat'
or InitiatingProcessCommandLine == 'netstat -nab'
or InitiatingProcessCommandLine == 'netstat -nao'
//Advrsaries can scan your system with some penetration tools
union DeviceProcessEvents, DeviceFileEvents
, DeviceNetworkEvents
| where (InitiatingProcessFileName contains 'Nessus'
or InitiatingProcessFileName contains 'Netsparker'
or InitiatingProcessFileName contains 'curl'
or InitiatingProcessFileName contains 'wget'
or InitiatingProcessFileName contains 'dirbuster'
or InitiatingProcessFileName contains 'hydra'
| where ((RemotePort == "3389" and RemotePort == 'true')
and ((InitiatingProcessCommandLine !endswith @'\mstsc.exe'
or InitiatingProcessCommandLine !endswith @'\RTSApp.exe'
or InitiatingProcessCommandLine !endswith @'\RTS2App.exe'
or InitiatingProcessCommandLine !endswith @'\RDCMan.exe'
or InitiatingProcessCommandLine !endswith @'\ws_TunnelService.exe'
or InitiatingProcessCommandLine !endswith @'\RSSensor.exe'
or InitiatingProcessCommandLine !endswith @'\RemoteDesktopManagerFree.exe'
or InitiatingProcessCommandLine !endswith @'\RemoteDesktopManager.exe'
| where ((ActionType == 'ConnectionSuccess'
and (RemotePort == '5800'
or RemotePort == '5801'
or RemotePort == '5900'
or RemotePort == '5901')
and Protocol == 'tcp') and
((RemoteIP !startswith '10.'
or RemoteIP !startswith '172.16.'
or RemoteIP !startswith '172.17.'
| where ((RemoteIP startswith '10.'
or RemoteIP !startswith '192.168.'
or RemoteIP !startswith '172.31'
or RemoteIP !startswith '172.30.'
or RemoteIP !startswith '172.29.'
or RemoteIP !startswith '172.28.'
or RemoteIP !startswith '172.27.'
or RemoteIP !startswith '172.26.'
or RemoteIP !startswith '172.25.'
| where ((EventID == 5007) and (NewValue contains @'\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Exclusions'))
let Chromezeroday=dynamic(["","","","","","","","",""]);
| where ActionType == "ConnectionSuccess"
| where RemoteUrl in(Chromezeroday)