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Will Hankinson SimianLogic

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movies i've seen on these lists, ranked from approximately low-to-high
Added: Jumanji, Midnight Special, Guardians of the Galaxy
Atomic Blonde
Shutter Island
The Lorax
SimianLogic / process.rb
Created May 29, 2019 21:26
markdown processor for blog
# Markdown Processor for the IntroCave Blog
# The IntroCave intro maker allows you to create dustomized intro videos for your YouTube channel with no experience
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# install the redcarpet gem first
# i usually drop this file into my drafts folder
# and use like "ruby process.rb filename.txt"
# it will then generate a filename_processed.txt with the HTML
Does Haxe-UI use sprite sheets?
Can you nest containers? Widgets within widgets? Or is this a FlxUI object?
I've typically leaned towards runtime instantiation (the "Code test" in the RPG UI demo). In this case I'd read in the JSON and instantiate hax-ui elements according to the naming conventions.
I might make a go at wiring up a demo of this (I've done a bit of Haxe in the past).
Are you thinking you'd modify the photoshop generator to output layout XML files?
You'd need some way to mark up the additional attributes (as you wouldn't want to add these after export as re-exporting would blow away your changes)
I think it would make sense to export the metadata from Photoshop that makes sense without jumping through too many hoops and extend your
layout loader to support "metadata" files. Like, I'm thinking you'd have the PS-generated layout file that gets completely blown away/recreated each time
class Array; def sum; inject( nil ) { |sum,x| sum ? sum+x : x }; end; end
class Array; def mean; sum / size; end; end
class Ungoro
attr_accessor :packs, :completion
attr_accessor :nice_packs
attr_accessor :pity_timer
SimianLogic / DAMultilineLabelNode.swift
Last active February 16, 2016 18:01
a swift port of, minus the MacOS support (only needed iOS)
// DAMultilineLabelNode.swift
// Created by Will Hankinson on 9/10/15.
// Ported from
// an Obj-C version of the same thing
// Main quirk is that you must add it to the scene for it to grab the scene bounds
SimianLogic / BaseModel.cs
Last active March 20, 2018 07:15
Use Google Spreadsheets as a CMS for Your Unity Game
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
public abstract class BaseModel<T> where T : BaseModel<T>
private static bool SHOW_DEBUGGING_MESSAGES = false;
SimianLogic /
Created September 21, 2012 01:21
copy SublimeRubyMotionBuilder breakpoints to the root of a RubyMotion project and format them for RM's gdb
class RubyMotionDebug(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, options=""):
view = self.window.active_view()
if not view:
dir_name = FindRubyMotionRakefile(os.path.split(view.file_name())[0])
if dir_name: