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perpetual-hydrofoil /
Last active January 19, 2023 01:35
Twitter Unfollow Example (python)
#! /usr/bin/env python
# how to unfollow everyone who isn't following you
# By Jamieson Becker (Public Domain/no copyright, do what you will)
# Easy instructions, even if you don't know Python
# 1. Install pip (apt-get install python-pip) and then
# pip install tweepy, which is the python twitter client
liangfu /
Created May 24, 2017 04:46 — forked from protrolium/
using ffmpeg to extract audio from video files


Converting Audio into Different Formats / Sample Rates

Minimal example: transcode from MP3 to WMA:
ffmpeg -i input.mp3 output.wma

You can get the list of supported formats with:
ffmpeg -formats

Convert WAV to MP3, mix down to mono (use 1 audio channel), set bit rate to 64 kbps and sample rate to 22050 Hz:

44213 /
Created September 17, 2021 19:51 — forked from rowe-morehouse/
ffmpeg commands.
# To extract the sound from a video and save it as MP3:
ffmpeg -i <video.mp4> -vn <sound>.mp3
# To convert frames from a video or GIF into individual numbered images:
ffmpeg -i <video.mpg|video.gif> <frame_%d.png>
# To combine numbered images (frame_1.jpg, frame_2.jpg, etc) into a video or GIF:
ffmpeg -i <frame_%d.jpg> -f image2 <video.mpg|video.gif>
# To quickly extract a single frame from a video at time mm:ss and save it as a 128x128 resolution image:
[Steps to create magic-dependencies-layer]
1. Launch an EC2 with Amazon Linux 2 OS.
2. SSH into EC2 instance.
Let me share the commands I’ve used to create layer in this EC2 instance.
> cd ~
> mkdir magic
> cd magic
> mkdir lib # this directory must be called 'lib'