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Prints also a table to the console but a bit nicer
PrintTableDepth( Table toPrint, Number depth, Number max )
toPrint: The table to be printed
depth: Amount of child-tables to open (-1 = inf, -1 <= depth)
max: Amount of elements to print per table (-1 = inf, -1 <= max)
local tcol = {
["string"] = Color(180,180,180),
["table"] = Color(160,50,50),
local restricted = {
123456789 = false,
567890123 = false,
133731337 = false,
for k,v in pairs(engine.GetAddons()) do
if restriced[v.wsid] != false then
resource.AddFile( tostring(v.wsid) )
MsgC(Color(0,255,0),"[+]",Color(120,120,120)," Added ",Color(200,200,200), v.title)