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SixQuant /
Created August 27, 2018 11:15
Tensorflow 1.8 with GPU on macOS High Sierra 10.13.6


Thursday, 26 July 2018

Tensorflow 1.8 with GPU on macOS High Sierra 10.13.6

Tensorflow团队宣布停止支持1.2以后mac版的tensorflow gpu版本。

因此没办法直接安装只能自己用源码编译了。 >

SixQuant /
Last active October 29, 2020 15:31
[Matplotlib speedup savefig]Matplotlib speedup savefig and draw text watermark to the image #Matplotlib #watermark
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
from PIL import ImageFont
SixQuant /
Created October 29, 2020 15:29
[Matplotlib plot table]plot table(auto adjust column width by text length) #Matplotlib #table
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import six
from PIL import ImageFont
from numpy.random import randn
# noinspection PyPep8Naming