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Created August 5, 2022 18:08
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Installs Microsoft Managed Desktop Client Library and Microsoft Cloud Managed Desktop Extension
[switch] $DisableTranscript = $false
# Ensures that Invoke-WebRequest uses TLS 1.2
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
# Version and Location Parameters
$ClientLibraryVersion = 202206031
$CloudManagementExtensionVersion = '1.2.01996.78'
$cabDownloadUri = ''
$cabDownloadUriBackup = ''
function Set-Registry {
Modify registry String value.
Function to Modify registry String value.
-Hive 'HKLM' -Path '\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System' -Name 'CleanupProfiles' -Value 'Test' -Type 'String'
Set-Registry -Hive 'HKLM' -Path '\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System' -Name 'CleanupProfiles' -Value 'Test' -Type 'String'
param (
[parameter(mandatory)] [string] $Hive,
[parameter(mandatory)] [string] $Path,
[parameter(mandatory)] [string] $Name,
[parameter(mandatory)] [string] $Value,
[parameter(mandatory)] [string] $Type
$regPath = ('{0}:\{1}' -f $Hive, $Path)
try {
if (!(Test-Path -Path $regPath)) {
$null = New-Item -Path $regPath -Force
Write-Host "[Set-Registry] Attempting to set registry value $Name at registry path $regpath and registry data $Value"
New-ItemProperty -Path $regPath -Name $Name -Value $Value -PropertyType $Type -Force -ErrorAction Continue
catch [System.InvalidOperationException] {
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message`n
Write-Host "[Set-Registry] Unable to create registry value $Name at registry path $regPath registry data $Value"
catch {
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message`n
function Get-Registry {
Get registry value.
Function to obtain registry value.
-Hive 'HKLM' -Path '\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System' -Name 'CleanupProfiles'
Get-Registry -Hive 'HKLM' -Path '\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System' -Name 'CleanupProfiles'
param (
[parameter(mandatory)] [string] $Hive,
[parameter(mandatory)] [string] $Path,
[parameter(mandatory)] [string] $Name
$regPath = '{0}:\{1}' -f $Hive, $Path
$regValues = Get-ItemProperty -Path $regPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (!$regValues)
return $null
return $regValues.$Name
function VerifyMicrosoftFileSignature {
Verifies if a file is Microsoft Signed
Checks if a file is signed by a certificate with a microsoft subject and rooted to the microsoft root
VerifyMicrosoftFileSignature -FilePath 'C:\temp\'
param (
[parameter(mandatory)] [string] $FilePath
$signature = Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $FilePath
Write-Host 'Digital signature validity:' $signature.status
Write-Host 'Signer Certificate subject:' $signature.signerCertificate.subject
$cert = $signature.SignerCertificate
$chain = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain
$rootCertSubject = ($chain.ChainElements | Select-Object -Last 1).Certificate.Subject
Write-Host 'Root Certificate subject:' $rootCertSubject
Write-Host 'Chain Status:' ($chain.ChainStatus | Format-List)
if ($chain.ChainStatus)
foreach ($chainStatus in $chain.ChainStatus)
# We are only okay with chain statuses that are NoError(0) or NotTimeValid(1)
if (($chainStatus.Status -eq 0) -or ($chainStatus.Status -eq 1))
throw "Chain Not Trusted. Chain Status: $chainStatus.Status"
# Check that the signing cert is syntactically valid, has the Microsoft subject, is rooted to the Microsoft root cert, and has no errors in the chain
if (-not ($signature.status -eq 'valid' -and ($signature.signerCertificate.subject -eq 'CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US' -and ($rootCertSubject -eq 'CN=Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US'))))
throw "Not signed by Microsoft PRS Cert with Microsoft Root"
function InstallClientLibrary
if ($CabClientLibraryVersion -ne $CurrentClientLibraryVersion)
Write-Host "Installing Client Library Version $CabClientLibraryVersion"
Write-Host 'Creating Client Library temp directory'
$ClientLibraryTempPath = "$ExpandedCabDirectory\ClientLibrary"
New-Item -Force -ItemType directory -Path "$ExpandedCabDirectory\ClientLibrary"
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath "$ExpandedCabDirectory\" -DestinationPath $ClientLibraryTempPath
$ClientLibraryInstallScript = "$ClientLibraryTempPath\InstallMmdBroker.ps1"
& $ClientLibraryInstallScript -DisableTranscript $true
Write-Host "Exit code from installing Client Library: $LASTEXITCODE"
Write-Host 'Skipping Client Library Installation'
function InstallManagementExtension
if ($CabManagementExtensionVersion -ne $CurrentManagementExtensionVersion)
$CmdAgentLogPath = "$LogPath\AutopatchCloudManagedDesktopExtensionInstall" + $stampDate.ToFileTimeUtc() + '.log'
$ManagementExtensionMsi = "$ExpandedCabDirectory\cmdextension.msi"
Write-Host "Installing Management Extension Version $CabManagementExtensionVersion"
VerifyMicrosoftFileSignature -FilePath $ManagementExtensionMsi
Write-Host 'Management Extension MSI is not trusted. Skipping'
# Attempt to save certain values for reinstall scenarios
$IoTDeviceId = Get-Registry -Hive 'HKLM' -Path "$CmdRegistryKey\Settings" -Name 'IoTDeviceId'
$IoTHostName = Get-Registry -Hive 'HKLM' -Path "$CmdRegistryKey\Settings" -Name 'IoTHostName'
$DeviceRegistrationType = Get-Registry -Hive 'HKLM' -Path "$CmdRegistryKey\Settings" -Name 'DeviceRegistrationType'
$Partners = Get-Registry -Hive 'HKLM' -Path "$CmdRegistryKey\Settings" -Name 'Partners'
$PartnersNextSyncTime = Get-Registry -Hive 'HKLM' -Path "$CmdRegistryKey\Settings" -Name 'PartnersNextSyncTime'
$ClientAgentNames = @(
"Microsoft CMD Client Agent"
"Windows Client Agent",
"Microsoft Cloud Managed Desktop Extension"
foreach ($AgentName in $ClientAgentNames){
$agent = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_Product -Filter "Name=`'$($AgentName)`'"
if ($agent) {
$productCode = $agent.IdentifyingNumber
$currentVersion = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$productCode" -Name "DisplayVersion"
$MSIUninstallArguments = @(
Start-Process "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList $MSIUninstallArguments -Wait -NoNewWindow
Write-Host "Finished uninstall command line with param $($MSIUninstallArguments) for agent `'$($AgentName)`' with version $($currentVersion)"
# Restore Reg Values for Upgrade Scenario
if ($IoTDeviceId)
Write-Host "Rewriting IoTDeviceId: $IoTDeviceId"
Set-Registry -Hive 'HKLM' -Path "$CmdRegistryKey\Settings" -Name 'IoTDeviceId' -Value $IoTDeviceId -Type 'String'
if ($IoTHostName)
Write-Host "Rewriting IoTHostName: $IoTHostName"
Set-Registry -Hive 'HKLM' -Path "$CmdRegistryKey\Settings" -Name 'IoTHostName' -Value $IoTHostName -Type 'String'
if ($DeviceRegistrationType)
Write-Host "Rewriting DeviceRegistrationType: $DeviceRegistrationType"
Set-Registry -Hive 'HKLM' -Path "$CmdRegistryKey\Settings" -Name 'DeviceRegistrationType' -Value $DeviceRegistrationType -Type 'String'
if ($Partners)
Write-Host "Rewriting Partners: $Partners"
Set-Registry -Hive 'HKLM' -Path "$CmdRegistryKey\Settings" -Name 'Partners' -Value $Partners -Type 'String'
if ($PartnersNextSyncTime)
Write-Host "Rewriting PartnersNextSyncTime: $PartnersNextSyncTime"
Set-Registry -Hive 'HKLM' -Path "$CmdRegistryKey\Settings" -Name 'PartnersNextSyncTime' -Value $PartnersNextSyncTime -Type 'String'
$MSIInstallArguments = @(
"/l*v $CmdAgentLogPath"
Start-Process "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList $MSIInstallArguments -Wait -NoNewWindow
Write-Host 'Skipping Management Extension Installation'
function Cleanup {
Cleans up files, directories, and scheduled tasks associated with this install process except this script
Cleans up files, directories, and scheduled tasks associated with this install process except this script
Cleanup -SuccessfulRun $true
param (
[boolean] $SuccessfulRun = $false
cd $PSScriptRoot
if (Test-Path $CabDirectory)
Write-Host 'Removing Cab directory'
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $CabDirectory -Force -Recurse
if ($SuccessfulRun)
# Cleanup scheduled task if it exists
Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'Autopatch Client Setup Installer' -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (-not $DisableTranscript)
# Stop Logging
Stop-Transcript -Verbose
# If Powershell is running the 32-bit version on a 64-bit machine, we need to force powershell to run in
# 64-bit mode.
if ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 -eq "AMD64") {
if ($myInvocation.Line) {
&"$env:WINDIR\sysnative\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NonInteractive -NoProfile $myInvocation.Line
&"$env:WINDIR\sysnative\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NonInteractive -NoProfile -file "$($myInvocation.InvocationName)" $args
exit $lastexitcode
$CabDirectory = "$env:SystemDrive\ProgramData\Microsoft\AutopatchSetup"
$LogPath = "$Env:windir\ccm\logs"
$LogPrefix = "$LogPath\AutopatchClientSetupInstallTask"
$stampDate = Get-Date
# Start Logging
if (-not $DisableTranscript)
$logFile = $LogPrefix + $stampDate.ToFileTimeUtc() + '.log'
Start-Transcript -Path $logFile
# Remove Autopatch Install logs that are 7+ days old
$cutOffDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-7).ToFileTimeUtc()
foreach ($logFile in Get-ChildItem $LogPath) {
if ($logFile.Name.StartsWith($LogPrefix) -and $logFile.Extension.Equals('.log')) {
$logDateStr = $logFile.Name.Substring($LogPrefix.Length)
$logDateStr = $logDateStr.Substring(0, $logDateStr.IndexOf('.'))
$logDate = 0
if ([uint64]::TryParse($logDateStr, [ref]$logDate) -and $logDate -lt $cutOffDate) {
Remove-Item ('{0}{1}' -f $LogPath, $logFile)
Write-Host "Removed old log file $logFile"
$MmdRegistryKey = '\Software\Microsoft\MMD'
$CmdRegistryKey = 'Software\Microsoft\CloudManagementDesktop\Extension'
#Check Installed versions for Client Library and Management Extension
$CurrentClientLibraryVersion = Get-Registry -Hive 'HKLM' -Path "$MmdRegistryKey\Broker" -Name 'Version'
$CurrentManagementExtensionVersion = Get-Registry -Hive 'HKLM' -Path "$CmdRegistryKey\ProductInfo" -Name 'Version'
Write-Host "Installed Client Library Version: $CurrentClientLibraryVersion; Installed Management Extension Verison: $CurrentManagementExtensionVersion"
if (($ClientLibraryVersion -eq $CurrentClientLibraryVersion) -and ($CloudManagementExtensionVersion -eq $CurrentManagementExtensionVersion))
Write-Host 'Client Library and Management Extension are up-to-date. Exiting Installation'
Cleanup -SuccessfulRun $true
exit 0
$ExpandedCabDirectory = "$env:SystemDrive\ProgramData\Microsoft\AutopatchSetup\Files"
$CabFile = "$CabDirectory\"
if (Test-Path $CabDirectory)
Write-Host 'Removing old Cab directory'
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $CabDirectory -Force -Recurse
Write-Host 'Creating Cab directory'
New-Item -Force -ItemType directory -Path $CabDirectory
Write-Host "Downloading Cab from $cabDownloadUri"
Invoke-WebRequest -URI $cabDownloadUri -OutFile $CabFile
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message`n
Write-Host "Failed to download cab from $cabDownloadUri"
if (-not (Test-Path $CabFile -PathType Leaf))
Write-Host "Downloading Cab from $cabDownloadUriBackup"
Invoke-WebRequest -URI $cabDownloadUriBackup -OutFile $CabFile
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message`n
Write-Host "Failed to download cab from $cabDownloadUriBackup"
exit 2
#Verify microsoft signature on cab
VerifyMicrosoftFileSignature -FilePath $CabFile
Write-Host 'Cab is not trusted. Exiting'
exit 3
Write-Host 'Creating expanded Cab directory'
New-Item -Force -ItemType directory -Path $ExpandedCabDirectory
Write-Host 'Extract cab'
expand.exe $CabFile -F:* $ExpandedCabDirectory
Write-Host 'Parse config file'
$ConfigFileName = "$ExpandedCabDirectory\config.json"
$configProperties = @{}
$json = Get-Content $ConfigFileName | Out-String
(ConvertFrom-Json $json) | Foreach { $configProperties[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
$CabManagementExtensionEnvironment = $configProperties['ManagementExtensionEnvironment']
$CabClientLibraryVersion = $configProperties['ClientLibraryVersion']
$CabManagementExtensionVersion = $configProperties['ManagementExtensionVersion']
Write-Host "Cab Client Library Version: $CabClientLibraryVersion; Cab Management Extension Version: $CabManagementExtensionVersion"
# Verify Installations
$NewClientLibraryVersion = Get-Registry -Hive 'HKLM' -Path "$MmdRegistryKey\Broker" -Name 'Version'
$NewManagementExtensionVersion = Get-Registry -Hive 'HKLM' -Path "$CmdRegistryKey\ProductInfo" -Name 'Version'
if (($ClientLibraryVersion -eq $NewClientLibraryVersion) -and ($CloudManagementExtensionVersion -eq $NewManagementExtensionVersion))
Write-Host 'Client Library and Management Extension have installed successfully. Exiting Installation'
# Setting Autopatch registry value
Set-Registry -Hive 'HKLM' -Path "$MmdRegistryKey\Broker" -Name 'Autopatch' -Value '1' -Type 'Dword'
Cleanup -SuccessfulRun $true
exit 0
Write-Host 'Client Library and Management Extension have not installed successfully.'
Write-Host "Expected Client Library Version: $ClientLibraryVersion; Installed Client Library Version: $NewClientLibraryVersion."
Write-Host "Expected Management Extension Version: $CabManagementExtensionVersion; Installed Management Extension Version: $NewManagementExtensionVersion."
exit 4
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