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Skoddiethecat / TransitionalEntropy.rb
Last active December 20, 2017 18:08
Transitional Entropy
notering = (ring :F3, :C4, :Eb4, :A4, :A3, :F3, :Eb4, :C5, :A4, :Eb5, :F4, :C4, :A3)
rhythmring = (ring 12, 11, 9, 10, 8, 5, 7, 6)
lowermultiplier = 32
stringstep = (ring 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)
sspeed = 0.15
fspeed = 0.149
use_random_seed 0
Skoddiethecat / sinebeat.c
Created April 22, 2018 23:33
SineBeats! w/modulations
This code is used to send an unsigned 8-bit char to stdout.
Once compiled, stdout can be piped to a raw file, and then
rendered into a wav using the following BASH commands.
Note: Requires sox, length can be controlled with head (8M).
gcc -o sinebeat sinebeat.c -lm
./sine | head -c 16M > sinebeat.raw
sox -r 32000 -c 1 -t u8 sinebeat.raw sinebeat.wav
Skoddiethecat / sinebeat.c
Last active April 29, 2018 07:03
Sine Wave Modulated by a Bytebeat Algorithm
This code is used to send an unsigned 8-bit char to stdout.
Once compiled, stdout can be piped to a raw file, and then
rendered into a wav using the BASH commands below.
Theoretically this can be piped direclty to /dev/dsp, but
I haven't tested it as my development system uses the
Linux subsystem sitting on top of Windows 10.
Notes: Requires sox, length can be controlled with head.
gcc -o [program_name] [program_name].c -lm
This code is used to send an unsigned 8-bit char to stdout.
Once compiled, stdout can be piped to a raw file, and then
rendered into a wav using the BASH commands below.
Theoretically this can be piped direclty to /dev/dsp, but
I haven't tested it as my development system uses the
Linux subsystem sitting on top of Windows 10.
To turn this code into an album run the following*:
Skoddiethecat / Up There, Over the Lake.rb
Created September 9, 2018 07:18
Up There, Over the Lake
rMelody = (ring :D3, :A3, :E4, :B4, :Fs5, :Cs6, :Fs5)
with_fx :gverb, mix: 0.2 do
use_synth :piano
live_loop :trees do
play rMelody.tick, pan: -0.5, amp: 0.4, hard: 0.1, stereo_width: 1
sleep 0.45
Skoddiethecat / sleepingwithfishes.rb
Created February 19, 2019 00:13
Sleeping With Fishes
arpTickRing = (ring 1,2,3,4,5)
arpTick = 0
scaleRing = (ring :ritusen, :shang, :jiao, :zhi, :gong, :yu, :neapolitan_minor, :chinese)
masterScale = :ritusen
masterRoot = :Eb3
#NOTE: This cannot be run directly within Sonic Pi!#
#Save this file and use run_file "[path]" #
elevation = [0.1758565917858, 0.17903335602451, 0.18221012026322, 0.18561379623327, 0.18901747220331, \
0.1926480599047, 0.19627864760608, 0.19990923530747, 0.20376673474019, 0.20785114590424, \
Attribute VB_Name = "Exporter"
Option Explicit
' An easy generic module to bulk export all VBA modules in a project.
' Based on Modified to make functional, then updated with registry settings and folder selection dialog.
' Requires enabling the Excel setting in Options/Trust Center/Trust Center Settings/Macro Settings/Trust access to the VBA project object model
Public Sub ExportVisualBasicCode()



w = Wavesets.from("sounds/a11wlk01.wav");//You can delete the code inside the parentheses, then drag and drop another file to replace it. Shift+return to evaluate. (Note: Wavesets only uses MONO files.)

//Some useful data:

w.numXings; // = the total number of wavesets in the file. When writing patterns for your Wavesets, make sure to never ask your synth to play a waveset index higher than (numXings)-1; otherwise much unpleasantmess may ensue.

-How to use Custom CSS for the Gamepad Viewer-
Enabling a custom CSS is as easy as adding &css=[url to css file]
to the end of the url like so:
If you're going to be using custom CSS for the gamepad viewer
to design your own skin, we're assuming you have some sort of