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  • Sky Studios
View GitHub Profile
--# Main
-- 3D Snow
function setup()
parameter.boolean("camOrtho", false)
parameter.number("timeSpeed", 0, 8, 1)
--# Main
--Dungeon ver 1.06 alpha
--touch left 1/3 of screen to turn left, right 1/3 of screen to turn right
--touch top 1/3 of screen to move forward, bottom 1/3 of screen to go backwards
--double tap left or right to turn 90 degrees
--touch centre of screen to stop
--touching multiple times speeds up
SkyTheCoder / 1aTabOrder
Created February 8, 2014 00:08
Chat Room Release v0.0.34 -Chat!
Chat Room Tab Order Version: 0.0.34
This file should not be included in the Codea project.
SkyTheCoder / Main.lua
Created February 5, 2014 19:16
Battle Tactic AutoInstall
--# Main
--Battle Tactic Single Install
--Installer created by @Briarfox
--- This will pull the Battle Tactic project into Codea for you
-- Instructions:
-- * Create a new project in Codea named Battle Tactic If you chose another name please change the variable Below
--This is case sensitive
ProjectName = "Battle Tactic"
-- * Paste this into the Main (not from the raw view, as iSafari will escape special characters)
SkyTheCoder / Main.lua
Created February 5, 2014 19:14
Battle Tactic AutoInstall
--# Main
--Battle Tactic Single Install
--Installer created by @Briarfox
--- This will pull the Battle Tactic project into Codea for you
-- Instructions:
-- * Create a new project in Codea named Battle Tactic If you chose another name please change the variable Below
--This is case sensitive
ProjectName = "Battle Tactic"
-- * Paste this into the Main (not from the raw view, as iSafari will escape special characters)
SkyTheCoder / Main.lua
Created October 1, 2013 23:10
SpritePicker AutoInstall
--# Main
--SpritePicker Single Install
--Installer created by @Briarfox
--- This will pull the SpritePicker project into Codea for you
-- Instructions:
-- * Create a new project in Codea named SpritePicker If you chose another name please change the variable Below
--This is case sensitive
ProjectName = "SpritePicker"
-- * Paste this into the Main (not from the raw view, as iSafari will escape special characters)
SkyTheCoder / Main.lua
Created September 18, 2013 23:04
Fish Bowl AutoInstall
--# Main
--Fish Bowl Single Install
--Installer created by @Briarfox
--- This will pull the Fish Bowl project into Codea for you
-- Instructions:
-- * Create a new project in Codea named Fish Bowl If you chose another name please change the variable Below
--This is case sensitive
ProjectName = "Fish Bowl"
-- * Paste this into the Main (not from the raw view, as iSafari will escape special characters)
SkyTheCoder / Main.lua
Created September 18, 2013 23:04
Fish Bowl AutoInstall
--# Main
--Fish Bowl Single Install
--Installer created by @Briarfox
--- This will pull the Fish Bowl project into Codea for you
-- Instructions:
-- * Create a new project in Codea named Fish Bowl If you chose another name please change the variable Below
--This is case sensitive
ProjectName = "Fish Bowl"
-- * Paste this into the Main (not from the raw view, as iSafari will escape special characters)
SkyTheCoder / Main.lua
Created September 17, 2013 19:05
Fish Bowl AutoInstall
--# Main
--Fish Bowl Single Install
--Installer created by @Briarfox
--- This will pull the Fish Bowl project into Codea for you
-- Instructions:
-- * Create a new project in Codea named Fish Bowl If you chose another name please change the variable Below
--This is case sensitive
ProjectName = "Fish Bowl"
-- * Paste this into the Main (not from the raw view, as iSafari will escape special characters)
SkyTheCoder / Main.lua
Created September 16, 2013 21:08
10Life 2 AutoInstall
--# Main
--10Life 2 Single Install
--Installer created by @Briarfox
--- This will pull the 10Life 2 project into Codea for you
-- Instructions:
-- * Create a new project in Codea named 10Life 2 If you chose another name please change the variable Below
--This is case sensitive
ProjectName = "10Life 2"
-- * Paste this into the Main (not from the raw view, as iSafari will escape special characters)