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Troubleshooting Guide for Miscreated

If you are having issues with Miscreated, be sure to follow these steps. If after following these steps you continue to have difficulty, please join the #troubleshooting-help channel on the official Miscreated Discord server.

Note: It's a good idea to reboot after performing each the following steps, then try playing to see if your issue has been resolved.

Essential Steps


csprance /
Last active January 23, 2024 09:21
Instructions for setting up a Miscreated Self Hosted Server

Self Hosted Servers

During the entire beta phase of Miscreated self hosted servers are NOT officially supported and will mostly likely be changed during each update.

Due to the fact that self hosted server admins can adjust item spawns the Items tab on Amalgamated kiosks is disabled on self hosted servers - the Skins tab remains fully functional.

It's recommended server admins join our community Discord server for help: - Help requests go in the #server-admin-help channel.


NOTE: This document describes the manual steps needed for setting up a Miscreated server. It is highly suggested most users instead use Spafbi's Simplified Miscreated Server Setup script to handle setup, updating, and running of the server.

4iY / русский_траблшутинг.md
Last active March 24, 2022 06:16


Мануал по исправлению проблем с игрой Miscreated

Если у Вас проблемы с игрой Miscreated, этот гайд поможет. В случае же продолжения проблем с игрой после выполнения шагов, пожалуйста используйте канал #troubleshooting-help в официальном Дискорде Игры. Прошу заметить - писать в официальном Дискорде можно ТОЛЬКО на английском языке!

Заметка: После выполнения каждого из нижеописанных шагов стоит перезапустить ПК, затем попробовать играть и посмотреть, исправится ли проблема.

Самое Основное