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Stanislas Boyet StanBoyet

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StanBoyet / generation.rb
Created February 23, 2014 11:40
Generate form, helper etc for model
require 'rubygems'
require 'active_support/core_ext'
schema ='db/schema.rb')
schema.scan(/create_table "(\w+)",.*?\n(.*?)\n end/m).each do |name, ddl|
puts "rails generate scaffold #{name.classify} " +
reject {|type,name| %w(created_at updated_at).include? name}.
map {|type,name| "#{name}:#{type}"}.join(' ')
StanBoyet / nil_view.rb
Created March 20, 2014 16:34
Deal with nil variables in view
<% if @messages.each do |message| %>
<%# code or partial to display the message %>
<% end.empty? %>
You have no messages.
<% end %>
StanBoyet /
Created May 10, 2014 13:33
Precompile assets for heroku deployment
echo 'Script start'
read -p "Precompile & Push on Test ? (y/n)?"
[ "$REPLY" == "y" ] || RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile; git add public/assets; git commit -m "vendor compiled assets"; git push heroku-test master
StanBoyet / erb2slim_convert_all_views
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
Using erb2slim for *.erb in your view folder
gem install 'html2slim'
for file in app/views/**/*.erb; do erb2slim $file ${file%erb}slim && rm $file; done
StanBoyet / user_related_policy.rb
Created September 17, 2014 14:41
User related typical policy
# iTerm2, OS X
# 1. change 'your_app_production' to your application name
# 1a. Tune the colors by your taste
# 2. put these functions to your .bashrc, .zshrc
# or anywhere where it gets loaded for your iTerm session
# 3. restart iTerm or 'source ~/.zshrc' and use these functions
set_color() {
local HEX_FG=$1
local HEX_BG=$2
# Additional translations at
confirmed: 'Votre compte a été validé.'
send_instructions: 'Vous allez recevoir les instructions nécessaires à la confirmation de votre compte dans quelques minutes.'
send_paranoid_instructions: 'Si votre e-mail existe dans notre base de données, vous allez bientôt recevoir un e-mail contenant les instructions de confirmation de votre compte.'
already_authenticated: "Vous êtes déjà connecté"
StanBoyet /
Created November 18, 2014 18:37
Sort elements with jQuery


I wanted to share a quick snippet that I worked up for a unique scenario. Occasionally you want to sort or display DOM elements in a certain order. For instance, what if you have a list of names. A feature of your site may be that you can sort the list by first name, or last name. There are a few ways you can approach this.

One approach may be using a javascript framework like Backbone or Angular, where you have a model and collection. Then simply sort the collection, magic happens, and your list is essentially regenerated.

The other could be that you’re not using a framework and not want to regenerate the entire list, but to move the nodes. It is actually rather simple. Lets say you have a list like the following:

StanBoyet / 0_reuse_code.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console
def generate_random_string(length)