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Stefan Karpinski StefanKarpinski

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@unix_only begin
const path_separator = "/"
const path_separator_regex = r"/+"
const path_absolute_regex = r"^/"
const path_parse_regex = r"^(.*?/|)([^/]+?)(\.[^\.]+|)$"
splitdrive(path::String) = ("",path)
@windows_only begin
const path_separator = "\\"
splitpath => path to array of parts
joinpath => array of parts to path
parsepath(path) => (dir,base,ext)
parsepath(path,ext) => (dir,base,ext)
parsepath(path,regex) => (dir,base,ext)
stdpath(path) => standardize path, removing extraneous dots
abspath(path) => make absolute, relative to current dir
realpath(path) => resolve all symlinks
abstract Path
@unix_only begin
const separator = "/"
const separator_regex = r"/+"
@windows_only begin
const separator = "\\"
const separator_regex = r"[/\\]"
type DataVec{T} <: AbstractDataVec{T}
# Sanity check that new data values and missingness metadata match
function DataVec(data::Vector{T}, na::BitVector)
if length(data) != length(na)
error("data and NA vectors not the same length!")
julia> quote
for i in 1:n
x[i] ~ Bernoulli(p)
p ~ Beta(alpha, beta)
alpha = 1.0
beta = 1.0
quote # line 2:
test_type sort_fn log_size size *sort \sort /sort 3sort +sort ~sort =sort !sort
[1,] Int64 "sort!" 17 131072 0.006040 0.004262 0.004221 0.004217 0.004263 0.004335 0.004316 NA
[2,] Int64 "mergesort!" 17 131072 0.013253 0.006057 0.005364 0.005582 0.005319 0.005359 0.005337 NA
[3,] Int64 "timsort!" 17 131072 0.022508 0.003652 0.000391 0.001081 0.001012 0.001006 0.000792 NA
[4,] Float64 "sort!" 17 131072 0.013119 0.004842 0.008454 0.003728 0.005308 0.006597 0.005358 NA
[5,] Float64 "mergesort!" 17 131072 0.029234 0.016607 0.008275 0.008506 0.008043 0.016176 0.007970 NA
[6,] Float64 "timsort!" 17 131072 0.031171 0.000929 0.000719 0.001449 0.001065 0.019995 0.000718 NA
[7,] "String[5]" "sort!" 17 131072 0.860883 0.965052 0.52
#load ("debug.jl")
const BALANCED = int8(0)
const LEFT = int8(1)
const RIGHT = int8(2)
abstract Avl{K, V}
type Sortmap{K, V} # <: .... ?
root :: Avl{K, V}
julia> quality(x,a::Rational) = log(den(a),1/abs(x-a))
julia> function maxquality(x,n)
Q = -Inf
for k = 1:n
a = rational(x,1/2^k)
if a == x break end
q = quality(x,a)
if isfinite(q) && Q < q
Q = q
julia> b = 1
julia> 0b
jewelry jewwlry 1.0
jewelry jewlwry 1.0
jewelry jewlwery 0.875
jewelry jewlwer 1.0
jewelry jewls 0.7142857142857143
jewelry jewlry 0.8571428571428571
jewelry jewlrey 1.0
jewelry jewllery 0.875
jewelry jewlewry 0.875
jewelry jewleryjust 0.6363636363636364