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Allows for dynamically changing the Grasshopper document's Faint and Hidden wire display types. This will not affect wires set to Default.
Inputs: WireDisplay: Plug in a boolean value here. True = "Faint" wires, False = "Hidden" wires.
# Name component
ghenv.Component.Name = "Wire Display Changer"
ghenv.Component.NickName = 'Wire Changer'
# Import libraries and methods
Writes to a TXT or CSV file.
relative: Set to 'True' to create a new Text File using relative path. This file will live in the same directory as the Grasshopper document.
file: TXT or CSV file to write to.
lines: Text to write.
write: Set to True to write.
overwrite: Set to True to overwrite the specified file.
append: Set to True to append the specified file.