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#Coverage metrics supported by Squish Coco Several kinds of code coverage are possible with Squish Coco. The most common are:

##Statement Block Coverage With this metric, Squish Coco verifies that all statements are executed. For this it groups the statements of the program to blocks. Statements belong to the same block if they are always executed together. (Statement blocks roughly correspond to the “blocks” of most programming languages.) The coverage of a program is the number of executed statement blocks in it, divided by the total number of blocks. Decision (or Branch) Coverage Here Squish Coco verifies that all statements are executed and all decisions have all possible results. The coverage of a program is the number of executed statement blocks and decisions divided by the total number of statements and decisions – where each decision counts twice, once for the true case and one for the false case.

##Condition Coverage This is like decision coverage, except that the decisions are split into