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Leo SuperLeo23

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SuperLeo23 /
Last active November 23, 2021 11:21
Calculate divisors
while True:
num = float(input("Number: "))
def is_div(number):
for i in range(1, int(num)):
result = is_div(num / i)
if result == True:
print(int(num / i))
SuperLeo23 /
Created December 8, 2021 14:30
Simple script to get your download or upload time even if it isn't provided by the application youre dowloading from
import datetime
left = input("Left (MB): ")
speed = input("Speed (MB/S): ")
result = (int(left) / int(speed))
if (result >= 3600):
result = result / 60 / 60
print(round(result, 2), " Hours Left")
elif (result >= 60):
result = result / 60
print(round(result, 2), " Minutes Left")