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Swelly / HTML Scaffold
Last active December 21, 2015 02:18
HTML scaffold for JS
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Title Here</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="CSS Here">
<div id = "main">
Swelly / Gemfile dev_test
Created September 26, 2013 01:26
Omniauth callback with Twitter
group :development, :test do
gem 'rspec'
gem 'factory_girl_rails'
gem 'pry-rails' # Causes rails console to open pry
gem 'pry-debugger' # Adds step, next, finish, and continue commands and breakpoints
gem 'pry-stack_explorer' # Navigate the call-stack
gem 'annotate' # Annotate all your models, tests, fixtures, and factories
# ---------------------
# Tab improvements
# ---------------------
bind 'set completion-ignore-case on'
bind 'set show-all-if-ambiguous on'
bind 'TAB: menu-complete'
# ---------------------
# History
Swelly / FlactoMac
Created April 8, 2014 21:19
Bash script to convert .flac files to .mp3
(for FILE in *.flac ; do ffmpeg -i "$FILE" -f mp3 -ab 192000 "`basename "$FILE" .flac`.mp3" || break; done)
Verifying that "" is my Blockstack ID.