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Swizec / gist:3315138
Created August 10, 2012 15:46
scary piece of python
def limits(base=None, row=None):
if base:
row = base.find('table', {'class': 'CLPTable'})\
.find('tr', {'class': 'results-row'})
regex = ur"(.+); (H[0-9]+): (C (≥|>) ([0-9,]+)%|([0-9,]+)% (≤|&lt;|<) C (≤|&lt;|<) ([0-9,]+)%)([ *]*)"
regex = ur"(.+)(): (C (≥|>) ([0-9,]+)%|([0-9,]+)% (≤|&lt;|<) C (≤|&lt;|<) ([0-9,]+)%)([ *]*)"
raw = row.find_all('td', {'rowspan': re.compile('[0-9]+')})[2]\
Couldn't match expected type `([Char], [Char])'
with actual type `[[Char]]'
Expected type: [([Char], [Char])]
Actual type: [[[Char]]]
var v;
switch ( $(this).val() ) {
case 'tru':
v = true;
case 'fls':
v = false;
case 'null':
buyer = Balanced::Account.find customer_token
if seller.customer_token.nil? || seller.customer_token =~ /cus_/
puts 'creating seller and setting token'
# this throws error
seller_account = Balanced::Marketplace.my_marketplace.create_account(:email_address =>
puts "I got this!"
seller_merchant_uri = seller_account.uri
seller.customer_token = seller_merchant_uri
puts 'seller token'
# this is the reequest body as per dashboard
"card_uri": null,
"meta": null,
"email_address": "",
"name": null
Watching Amanda Palmer's talk the other day (, reminded me I was going to personally thank everyone who's bough Why programmers work at night. But I got lazy :(
Thanks for being awesome!
And if you've read the book already, I'd love to hear what's missing.
function filter (predicate, list) {
return (a) {
return predicate(a) ? [a] : null;
}).reduce(function (prev, current) {
return current ? prev.concat(current) : prev;
}, []);
function filter2 (predicate, list) {
return list.reduce(function (prev, current) {
// Contrived example of destructuring objects where local context has different name for keys
// Think of it as "When giving a value, the context has a different name for it than when getting the value"
// LabelX becomes just X when you're a label.
// There are many reasons why this isn't (and maybe shouldn't be) possible
let makeInput = ({x, value}) => (
<DoInputStuff />
Swizec / gist:1c45d563c143c666c4a3
Created November 30, 2015 08:55
React Indie Bundle free sample
Hey,<br />
<br />
Thanks for checking out the React Indie Bundle.<br />
Here are the 4 book chapters and 42min of videos we promised:
<li><a href=";list=PLF8WgaD4xmjUfL4lo12ugd9ZIheP-sGrB&amp;index=1&amp;utm_source=drip&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_campaign=react-bundle-sample">Build Web Apps with React JS and Flux</a>&nbsp;(3 videos)</li>
<li><a href=";utm_medium=email&amp;utm_campaign=react-bundle-sample">React.js by example</a> (book chapter)</li>
<li><a href=";utm_medium=drip&amp;utm_campaign=react-bundle-sample">React+d3.js</a> (book chapter)</li>
<li><a href=";list=PLF8WgaD4xmjUfL4lo12ugd9ZIheP-sGrB&amp;index=5&amp;utm_source=email&amp;utm_medium=drip&amp;utm_campaign=react-bundle-sample">Build Apps with React Native</a> (4&nbsp;videos)</li>
<li><a href="https://dl.dropb
# You don't need tests
Unit tests are pointless. Integration tests are hard. Clicky tests are king.
You write a piece of code and you *know* it works. You just wrote it. You just ran it. You just saw it do everything you thought to try. Any unit or integration tests would have confirmed this.
Your PM gets your code and tries it out. They find a bunch of things you forgot. Bits of the spec that you missed, nuances in edge cases you didn't think of, strange things even the PM didn't think of.
The designer finds a bunch of crap that should've been obvious, but you're not a designer so you didn't think it was obvious.