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Jem Mawson Synesso

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new Request.JSON({url: "moves.json.jsp", onSuccess: function(movesRawHash) {
viableMoves = new Hash(movesRawHash);
viableMoves.each(function(to, from, hash) {
console.log('adding events to ' + from)
var toElements = []
to.each(function(dest, i, ary) {toElements = toElements.include($(dest))});
new Drag.Move($(piecesPerSquare.get(from)), {
droppables: toElements,
precalculate: true,
val matches = (utm.friends ::: utm.followers).map(u => NameAndScreenName(, u.screenName)).filter(_.matches(searchText.text)).sort((e1, e2) => (e1 compareTo e2) < 0).removeDuplicates
(matches.length match {
case 0 => "No matches were found"
case 1 => "Select the following item to insert a @screenname"
case _ => "Select one of these " + matches.length + " items to insert a @screenname"
}) :: matches
$ java -jar js.jar
Rhino 1.7 release 2 2009 03 22
js> load ("mootools-1.2.3-core-server.js");
js> var Cat = new Class({
> initialize: function(name){
> = name;
> }
> });
js> var kitty = new Cat("Kitty");
js> print(;
def factorise(l: Long): Map[Long, Int] = {
def innerFactorise(l: Long, primes: List[Long], factors: List[Long]): List[Long] = {
def expandPrimes: List[Long] = {
def innerExpand(candidate: Long): List[Long] = {
val maxFactor = Math.sqrt(candidate).toLong + 1l
val factors = primes.takeWhile(_ < maxFactor).dropWhile(candidate % _ != 0)
if (factors.isEmpty) primes ::: candidate :: Nil else innerExpand(candidate + 1)
innerExpand(primes.last + 1)
import java.util.regex._
import scala.xml._
def inputValue(s: String, n: String) = {
val headless = s.substring(s.indexOf("name=%s value=\"".format(n))+ 13 + n.length)
headless.substring(1, headless.indexOf("\">"))
object Finder {
def find(fileStr: String): List[File] = find(new
def find(file: File): List[File] = {
if (file.isDirectory) file.listFiles.foldLeft(Nil: List[File]) {(acc, next) => find(next) ::: acc} else List(file)
if (next.isDirectory) find(next) :: acc else next :: acc2dd
(1 until 1000).filter(i=> i%3==0 || i%5==0).reduceLeft(_+_)
def fib(all: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
val next = all.last + all.init.last
if (next > 4000000) all else fib(all ::: List(next))
Source.fromURL("").getLines.drop(3).map(_.split("\"")).map(c => (c(1).trim, c(2).substring(1, 4), c(3).trim)).filter(!_._3.equals("GICS Sector Code Not Applicable")).filter(!_._3.equals("Classification Pending")).map(t => (t._1.split(" ").map(w => if (w.equals(t._2)) w else w.toLowerCase).map(w => if (w.equals("and") || w.equals("of")) w else w.capitalize).mkString(" "), t._2, t._3)).foreach(println)
patterns: stylesheet:String_escaped:1:\\\\['"]::2:^String_double_quoted|String_single_quoted$:#006699::0:0:
patterns: stylesheet:String_single_quoted:1:':':1:^top|Braces$:#006699::1:2:
patterns: stylesheet:String_double_quoted:1:":":1:^top|Braces$:#006699::1:2:
patterns: stylesheet:Symbols:1:[\\,]::2:^top|Import|Media|Braces$:#000000::1:1:
patterns: stylesheet:Plaintext:1:[a-z]+::2:^Braces$:#000000::1:1:
patterns: stylesheet:Reference Class:1:1::3:^Reference$:#cc0000::1:2:
patterns: stylesheet:Reference:1:\\!([\\w\\-]+)::2:^Braces$:#0099cc::1:1:
patterns: stylesheet:Unit:1:1::3:Length$:#009966::2:2:
patterns: stylesheet:Length:1:\\-?[0-9.](\\%|cm|deg|em|ex|g?rad|in|k?hz|mm|ms|pc|pt|px)?(?![a-z\\-\:])::2:^Braces$:#009966::1:1:
patterns: stylesheet:Misc:1:\\b(above|absolute|always|attr|auto|avoid|(?\:base|in|over|under)line|below|bidi\\-override|blink|block|bold(?\:er)?|both|bottom|capitalize|(?\:small\\-)?caption|center|child|circle|(?\:no\\-)?(?\:open|close)\\-quote|code|collapse|compact|continuous|counter|cr