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--[[ Opcodes
shakeCam(int shake) -- 0003
Player player = createPlayer(Model modelId, float atX, float atY, float atZ) -- 0053
Ped ped = createChar(int pedtype, Model modelId, float atX, float atY, float atZ) -- 009A
deleteChar(Ped ped) -- 009B
float positionX, float positionY, float positionZ = getCharCoordinates(Ped ped) -- 00A0
setCharCoordinates(Ped ped, float posX, float posY, float posZ) -- 00A1
bool result = isCharInArea2d(Ped ped, float cornerAX, float cornerAY, float cornerBX, float cornerBY, bool sphere) -- 00A3
bool result = isCharInArea3d(Ped ped, float cornerAX, float cornerAY, float cornerAZ, float cornerBX, float cornerBY, float cornerBZ, bool sphere) -- 00A4
Vehicle car = createCar(Model modelId, float atX, float atY, float atZ) -- 00A5
function split(str, delim, plain)
local lines, pos, plain = {}, 1, not (plain == false) --[[ delimiter is plain text by default ]]
local npos, epos = string.find(str, delim, pos, plain)
table.insert(lines, string.sub(str, pos, npos and npos - 1))
pos = epos and epos + 1
until not pos
return lines
FindModule for Plugin-SDK library (
This module respects several components: ``gta3``, ``gtavc``, and ``gtasa``.