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1. Took out the double failed test
2. will be inserting music during presentation, and explanation towards the end where I refactor the reduce enumerable.
3. fonts bigger now
4. testing naming, couldn't figure out anything better. to my "PrimeFactors returns [] for 1" makes sense independently"
5. reduce one of the test, the tests I ran are necessary in my opinion, to validate that it detects prime factors itself
(ex: 7), it detects more than 2 prime factors (ex: 8), and find different prime factors (ex: 6)
TakaGoto / gist:6613e522956feed510ab
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
running a single test file in testem
#example from root: `bin/spec_js test/something/everything/
TEST_FILE=$(echo $1 | sed -e "s/test\///g" | sed -e "s/\.coffee//g")
sed -i '' "s|\*\*\/\*|$TEST_FILE|" testem.json
sed -i '' "s|spec/$TEST_FILE|spec\/**\/*|" testem.json

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