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Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable setup-hook)
read-from-minibuffer("Customize variable: " nil (keymap (7 . minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (10 . minibuffer-complete-and-exit) (13 . minibuffer-complete-and-exit) keymap (7 . minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (menu-bar keymap (minibuf "Minibuf" keymap (tab menu-item "Complete" minibuffer-complete :help "Complete as far as possible") (space menu-item "Complete Word" minibuffer-complete-word :help "Complete at most one word") (63 menu-item "List Completions" minibuffer-completion-help :help "Display all possible completions") "Minibuf")) (27 keymap (118 . switch-to-completions)) (prior . switch-to-completions) (63 . minibuffer-completion-help) (32 . minibuffer-complete-word) (9 . minibuffer-complete) keymap (menu-bar keymap (minibuf "Minibuf" keymap (previous menu-item "Previous History Item" previous-history-element :help "Put previous minibuffer history element in the minibuffer") (next menu-item "Next History
#r "Microsoft.Build"
#r "Microsoft.Build.Framework"
#r "Microsoft.Build.Engine"
open System
open Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine
open Microsoft.Build.Framework
let engine = new Engine()
engine.RegisterLogger(new ConsoleLogger())
let getUser =
<@ fun userId ->
query { for u in db.User do
where (u.Id = userId)
select u } @>
let q =
query { for t in db.Topic do
for user in (%getUser) t.CreatedBy do
open IntelliFactory.WebSharper
open Microsoft.FSharp
let hasRefDef (t: System.Type) =
match t.GetMethods() |> Seq.find (fun m -> m.Name = "get_Body") with
| Quotations.DerivedPatterns.MethodWithReflectedDefinition d -> true
| _ -> false
type Foo() =
inherit Web.Control()
module XmlCE
open IntelliFactory.WebSharper
// I don't want to open IF.WS.Html here, because I'm defining my own HTML combinators
type IPagelet = IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Html.IPagelet
module E = IntelliFactory.WebSharper.Html.Events
/// The type of XML attributes.
/// I added a couple DOM events to show that we can have more
/// than just key/value attributes.