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TechnicianLP / 0-README
Last active June 11, 2018 20:59
GraveyardKeeper Linux Installer extraction scripts
This script is used to extract the windows installer and prepare an installation-folder to be used with wine
Installer does currently not run in wine, yet the game does
1. put the script and the installer into a folder
2. run "script <path to windows installer>" from that folder
3. wait for the script to finish
4. copy the contents of the directory (maybe remove installer and script first) over into the Programm Files (x86) folder of your wine instance
5. launch GraveyardKeeper.exe with wine and enjoy the game
For best experience enable the virtual desktop and always capture mouse in fullscreen in wine
import net.minecraft.advancements.ICriterionInstance;
import net.minecraft.advancements.ICriterionTrigger;
import net.minecraft.advancements.PlayerAdvancements;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import java.util.List;
public class ScaleModel implements IBakedModel {
public List<BakedQuad> getQuads(@Nullable IBlockState state, @Nullable EnumFacing side, long rand) {
List<BakedQuad> quads = Lists.newArrayList();
if (state != null && state instanceof IExtendedBlockState) {//ask in irc if you dont know what a extendedblockstate is ...
Float f = ((IExtendedBlockState) state).getValue(YourBlock.scaleProperty); //get the value of the (IUnlisted-) Property for scale
ScaleTransformer transform = new ScaleTransformer().setScale(f); // setup the scaletransformer wit the factor
List<BakedQuad> basic = parent.getQuads(state, side, rand);
for (BakedQuad quad : basic) {
UnpackedBakedQuad.Builder builder = new UnpackedBakedQuad.Builder(DefaultVertexFormats.BLOCK);//or ITEM if its a item ...