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Last active July 6, 2024 12:13
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How to add new buildings to villages and other jigsaw structures
// This gist code is public domain. Take it! Steal it! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!
public ExampleMod() {
* Adds the building to the targeted pool.
* We will call this in addNewVillageBuilding method further down to add to every village.
* Note: This is an additive operation which means multiple mods can do this and they stack with each other safely.
private static void addBuildingToPool(MutableRegistry<JigsawPattern> templatePoolRegistry, ResourceLocation poolRL, String nbtPieceRL, int weight) {
// Grab the pool we want to add to
JigsawPattern pool = templatePoolRegistry.get(poolRL);
if (pool == null) return;
// Grabs the nbt piece and creates a SingleJigsawPiece of it that we can add to a structure's pool.
SingleJigsawPiece piece = SingleJigsawPiece.single(nbtPieceRL).apply(JigsawPattern.PlacementBehaviour.RIGID);
// AccessTransformer to make JigsawPattern's templates field public for us to see.
// public field_214953_e #templates
// Weight is handled by how many times the entry appears in this list.
// We do not need to worry about immutability as this field is created using Lists.newArrayList(); which makes a mutable list.
for (int i = 0; i < weight; i++) {
// AccessTransformer to make JigsawPattern's rawTemplates field public for us to see.
// field_214952_d #rawTemplates
// This list of pairs of pieces and weights is not used by vanilla by default but another mod may need it for efficiency.
// So lets add to this list for completeness. We need to make a copy of the array as it can be an immutable list.
List<Pair<JigsawPiece, Integer>> listOfPieceEntries = new ArrayList<>(pool.rawTemplates);
listOfPieceEntries.add(new Pair<>(piece, weight));
pool.rawTemplates = listOfPieceEntries;
* We use FMLServerAboutToStartEvent as the dynamic registry exists now and all JSON worldgen files were parsed.
* Mod compat is best done here.
public void addNewVillageBuilding(final FMLServerAboutToStartEvent event) {
MutableRegistry<JigsawPattern> templatePoolRegistry = event.getServer().registryAccess().registry(Registry.TEMPLATE_POOL_REGISTRY).get();
// Adds our piece to all village houses pool
// Note, the resourcelocation is getting the pool files from the data folder. Not assets folder.
addBuildingToPool(templatePoolRegistry, new ResourceLocation("minecraft:village/plains/houses"),
"modid:structure_nbt_resourcelocation", 5);
addBuildingToPool(templatePoolRegistry, new ResourceLocation("minecraft:village/snowy/houses"),
"modid:structure_nbt_resourcelocation", 5);
addBuildingToPool(templatePoolRegistry, new ResourceLocation("minecraft:village/savanna/houses"),
"modid:structure_nbt_resourcelocation", 5);
addBuildingToPool(templatePoolRegistry, new ResourceLocation("minecraft:village/taiga/houses"),
"modid:structure_nbt_resourcelocation", 5);
addBuildingToPool(templatePoolRegistry, new ResourceLocation("minecraft:village/desert/houses"),
"modid:structure_nbt_resourcelocation", 5);
// Since we only use Resourcelocations to target where to add our building pieces, there's no hard dependency with other mod's code.
// A simple check to see if the targeted mod exists is sufficient before actaully attempting to add.
if (ModList.get().isLoaded("repurposed_structures")) {
// Repurposed Structures slightly changed their village path in 1.17.0 to be "villages" instead of "village"
// So this rough check should get the right path for both 1.16 and 1.17.
String rsVillagePath = MinecraftVersion.tryDetectVersion().getName().contains("1.16.") ?
"repurposed_structures:village" : "repurposed_structures:villages";
addBuildingToPool(templatePoolRegistry, new ResourceLocation(rsVillagePath + "/badlands/houses"),
"modid:structure_nbt_resourcelocation", 5);
addBuildingToPool(templatePoolRegistry, new ResourceLocation(rsVillagePath + "/birch/houses"),
"modid:structure_nbt_resourcelocation", 5);
addBuildingToPool(templatePoolRegistry, new ResourceLocation(rsVillagePath + "/dark_forest/houses"),
"modid:structure_nbt_resourcelocation", 5);
addBuildingToPool(templatePoolRegistry, new ResourceLocation(rsVillagePath + "/giant_tree_taiga/houses"),
"modid:structure_nbt_resourcelocation", 5);
addBuildingToPool(templatePoolRegistry, new ResourceLocation(rsVillagePath + "/jungle/houses"),
"modid:structure_nbt_resourcelocation", 5);
addBuildingToPool(templatePoolRegistry, new ResourceLocation(rsVillagePath + "/mountains/houses"),
"modid:structure_nbt_resourcelocation", 5);
addBuildingToPool(templatePoolRegistry, new ResourceLocation(rsVillagePath + "/oak/houses"),
"modid:structure_nbt_resourcelocation", 5);
addBuildingToPool(templatePoolRegistry, new ResourceLocation(rsVillagePath + "/swamp/houses"),
"modid:structure_nbt_resourcelocation", 5);
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For any confused chaps like me in 1.19 having problems related to private variables:

  1. Join this discord // it's the official forge discord
  2. in bot commands type !moj varName // for example: !moj rawTemplates
  3. Copy the value that says AT: ... // like public f_210559_ # rawTemplates
  4. if the variable is final, add -f after the world public
  5. in build.gradle uncomment this line accessTransformer = file('src/main/resources/META-INF/accesstransformer.cfg')
  6. Follow that path and add and open the accesstransformer.cfg file
  7. Paste any copied values
  8. Rebuild gradle // It's the little refresh button on the right side in the gradle tab

Happy modding!

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