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Tey / Win10DetectDisplay.cpp
Created April 13, 2019 23:37
Windows 10 display detection API
// cl /EHsc Win10DetectDisplay.cpp
/* This program forces detection of added (or removed) display screens
* It does the same thing as when clicking on the "Detect" button in Windows display settings
* This can be used to create a shortcut to refresh displays list
#define UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
Tey / chat.xc
Last active October 21, 2021 11:27
[WoT] Colorize in battle chat with XVM colors
// Add the following line to @xvm.rc to register that file:
// , "chat": ${"chat.xc":"chat"}
// Color values for substitutions.
// Значения цветов для подстановок.
"def": {
// Dynamic color by various statistical parameters.
// Динамический цвет по различным статистическим показателям.
"colorRating": {
import BigWorld
from Vehicle import Vehicle
from gui.Scaleform.daapi.view.battle.classic.stats_exchange import FragsCollectableStats
from items.vehicles import getVehicleTypeCompactDescr
from Avatar import PlayerAvatar
from debug_utils import _doLog
import xfw
from xvm_main.python.stats import _stat, _Stat
import xvm_main.python.config as xvm_config
Last active October 7, 2023 04:31
HTTP proxy digest authentication for requests lib which works with HTTPS websites
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