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Riasat Sheikh TheFermi0n

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TheFermi0n / thefermion-preamble.sty
Last active October 19, 2024 11:20
LaTeX preamble
%% thefermion-preamble.sty
%% Riasat Sheikh
\ProvidesPackage{thefermion-preamble}[2024/10/15 v.0.5]
% Option handling
\newif\ifnotes % Define a conditional flag
TheFermi0n / Literature Note
Last active August 26, 2024 14:48
Literature note template for Zotero Integration plugin

I would like to thank @FeralFlora for the original template. It is great in its own way and can produce a lot of output. However, I prefer a minimal approach, as there was a lot of redundant content for me. Moreover, I faced a problem with annotations not being copied when the HEX code of the color changes. Therefore, I modified the template to suit my preferences and fix the color issue by now checking the colorCategory instead of the HEX code itself (tested in Zotero 7 beta).

I hope this helps someone out there. To learn how to use it, please visit the original template gist.

The file below, named, is the template file.

PS. I would also like to share how I color-code my annotations below:

🟡 Important
🔴 Weaknesses and caveats