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Nicholas Orr TheNicholasNick

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TheNicholasNick / Install Thor
Created November 4, 2008 23:26
My way of starting a new merb project
norr@znd03 ~ $ gem list
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
norr@znd03 ~ $ gem install thor
Successfully installed thor-0.9.8
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for thor-0.9.8...
Installing RDoc documentation for thor-0.9.8...
class Company
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id , Serial
property :sub_domain , String , :nullable => false, :length => 2..10 , :unique_index => true
property :name , String , :nullable => false, :length => 100
property :branding_code, String , :nullable => false, :length => 2..10 , :unique_index => true
property :active , Boolean , :nullable => false, :default => true
property :created_at , DateTime
property :updated_at , DateTime
merb : worker (port 4000) ~ Executed all before worker shutdown callbacks...
~ Compiling routes...
~ Activating slice 'MerbAuthSlicePassword' ...
merb : worker (port 4000) ~ Starting Mongrel at port 4000
merb : worker (port 4000) ~ Successfully bound to port 4000
merb : worker (port 4000) ~ Executed all before worker shutdown callbacks...
~ Compiling routes...
irb(main):002:0* Merb::Authentication.default_strategy_order
=> [Merb::Authentication::Strategies::Basic::Base, AuthenticateOnCompany, Merb::Authentication::Strategies::Basic::Form]
irb(main):003:0> Merb::Slices::config[:"merb-auth-slice-password"][:no_default_strategies]
=> true"Loaded DEVELOPMENT Environment...")
Merb::Config.use { |c|
c[:exception_details] = true
c[:reload_templates] = true
c[:reload_classes] = true
c[:reload_time] = 0.5
c[:ignore_tampered_cookies] = true
c[:log_auto_flush ] = true
c[:log_level] = :debug
[13:50] <botanicus> I'm trying to change Merb layout to acts like django which means there are just apps and in the apps are controllers/*.rb etc, but one site can has many apps.
[13:50] <botanicus> App for blog, for forum etc. I know we have slices, but this is so much transparent that I'd like to implement it. I'm not sure how should I do it exactly. More processes of Merb in each apps or change API to handle more many dirs where the stuff can be?
ruby-merb@localhost ~ $ cd _source/
ruby-merb@localhost ~/_source $ ls -l
total 4140
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ruby-merb ruby-merb 401 Jan 7 11:40 install_ruby
-rw-r--r-- 1 ruby-merb ruby-merb 3956902 Jan 7 11:36 ruby-1.8.6-p287.tar.bz2
-rw-r--r-- 1 ruby-merb ruby-merb 263748 Jan 7 11:37 rubygems-1.3.1.tgz
ruby-merb@localhost ~/_source $ cat install_ruby
export PATH=/home/ruby-merb/ruby/1.8.6-p287/bin:$PATH
export RUBYLIB=/home/ruby-merb/ruby/1.8.6-p287/lib
rm -Rf ~/ruby
ruby-merb@localhost ~/_source $ cd ..
ruby-merb@localhost ~ $ export PATH=/home/ruby-merb/ruby/1.8.6-p287/bin:$PATH
ruby-merb@localhost ~ $ export RUBYLIB=/home/ruby-merb/ruby/1.8.6-p287/lib
ruby-merb@localhost ~ $ gem list
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
thor (0.9.9)
ruby-merb@localhost ~ $ mkdir merb-project
ruby-merb@localhost ~ $ cd merb-project
ruby-merb@localhost ~/merb-project $ thor merb:stack:install
Writing executable wrapper /home/ruby-merb/merb-project/bin/erubis
Writing executable wrapper /home/ruby-merb/merb-project/bin/rake
Writing executable wrapper /home/ruby-merb/merb-project/bin/edit_json.rb
Writing executable wrapper /home/ruby-merb/merb-project/bin/autospec
Writing executable wrapper /home/ruby-merb/merb-project/bin/spec
Writing executable wrapper /home/ruby-merb/merb-project/bin/rackup
Writing executable wrapper /home/ruby-merb/merb-project/bin/thor
Writing executable wrapper /home/ruby-merb/merb-project/bin/rake2thor
Writing executable wrapper /home/ruby-merb/merb-project/bin/merb
ruby-merb@localhost ~/merb-project $ thor merb:gem:install merb-gen
Installing 1 gem...
This may take a while...
Installing merb-gen...
Writing executable wrapper /home/ruby-merb/merb-project/bin/ldiff
Writing executable wrapper /home/ruby-merb/merb-project/bin/htmldiff
Writing executable wrapper /home/ruby-merb/merb-project/bin/merb-gen
Successfully installed highline-1.5.0
Successfully installed diff-lcs-1.1.2
Successfully installed templater-0.5.0