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Thomas Wright TheTomster

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1000 Kittens
Beginning of Time
Break the Rules
Chain Reaction
Creation and Destruction
-- Collision detection function.
-- Checks if box1 and box2 overlap.
-- w and h mean width and height.
-- From the love wiki
function CheckCollision(box1x, box1y, box1w, box1h, box2x, box2y, box2w, box2h)
if box1x > box2x + box2w - 1 or -- Is box1 on the right side of box2?
box1y > box2y + box2h - 1 or -- Is box1 under box2?
box2x > box1x + box1w - 1 or -- Is box2 on the right side of box1?
box2y > box1y + box1h - 1 -- Is b2 under b1?
#include <iostream>
// This file is kind of crazy because of the names, but here goes...
// Foo is our template class. It holds a thing of type T, called the_t.
// When someone creates a new Foo, it creates a T with T::T() and saves it.
// Then, someone can call Foo.foobar and pass us an "uber" of type U.
// The uber needs to have a spork function, which accepts a T.
// the type signature looks like this:
// void U::spork(T);
(defmacro with-lines (line-sym path &rest body)
(let ((f-sym (gensym)))
`(with-open-file (,f-sym ,path)
(do ((,line-sym (read-line ,f-sym nil)
(read-line ,f-sym nil)))
((null ,line-sym))
-- Euler 14
-- Collatz #s
with ada.text_io;
use ada.text_io;
procedure e14 is
package int_io is new ada.text_io.integer_io(integer);
use int_io;
-- Euler 26
with ada.text_io;
use ada.text_io;
with ada.containers.doubly_linked_lists;
procedure e26_tasked is
package int_list is new ada.containers.doubly_linked_lists(integer);
local function tokenize(program)
program = string.gsub(program, "%-%-.-\n", "\n");
program = string.gsub(program, "(%g+);", "%1 ;");
for token in string.gmatch(program, "[a-z0-9_:;]+") do
return nil
-- Euler 14
-- Collatz #s
with ada.text_io;
use ada.text_io;
procedure e14 is
package int_io is new ada.text_io.integer_io(integer);
use int_io;
(defun generate-typecode (name arg-types return-type defn)
(push (list name (types-from-arglist arg-types) return-type)
`(let ((localtypes nil))
,(loop for (type argname) in (pairs arg-types)
collect `(push (cons ,argname ,type) localtypes))
,(loop for (fname &rest args) in defn
collect (cond
((keywordp fname) (generate-type-assertion fname args))
(t 't)))))
; Euler 1
(defun divides (x y)
(zerop (mod y x)))
(defun sum (l)
(reduce #'+ l))
(defun range (a b)
(loop for i from a to b collecting i))