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ThiporKong / tsort.scala
Last active October 5, 2020 21:35
Topological sorting: simple implementation in pure Scala
def tsort[A](edges: Traversable[(A, A)]): Iterable[A] = {
def tsort(toPreds: Map[A, Set[A]], done: Iterable[A]): Iterable[A] = {
val (noPreds, hasPreds) = toPreds.partition { _._2.isEmpty }
if (noPreds.isEmpty) {
if (hasPreds.isEmpty) done else sys.error(hasPreds.toString)
} else {
val found = { _._1 }
tsort(hasPreds.mapValues { _ -- found }, done ++ found)
trait Run[F[_]] {
def apply[I](request: F[I]): (I, Run[F])
def unit[I](i: I): F[I] // needed to be able to implement Monad[F]
def runnerMonad[F[_]](requestRunner: Run[F]) = new Monad[F] {
// keep the current state of the runner here
var runner = requestRunner
def unit[A](a: => A): F[A] = runner.unit(a)