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dan ThreeBearsDan

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ThreeBearsDan / gist:ad274feaa3a1b07ee64c1440cdcbc079
Created March 25, 2017 07:51 — forked from peter279k/gist:9d9b8aa7767b60bfa30413d1f138f36b
解決 Ubuntu "can’t set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct" 的錯誤
## 安裝語系檔
`$ sudo locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8"`
## 重新設定語系檔
`$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales`
## 設定檔
ThreeBearsDan /
Created December 21, 2017 12:47 — forked from manasthakur/
Managing plugins in Vim

Managing plugins in Vim: The basics

Let's say the plugin is at a GitHub URL First get the plugin by either cloning it (git clone or simply downloading it as a zip (from its GitHub page).

Adding a plugin in Vim is equivalent to adding the plugin's code properly into its runtimepath (includes the $HOME/.vim directory by default). For example, if the layout of a plugin foo is as follows:

ThreeBearsDan /
Created December 21, 2017 12:47 — forked from manasthakur/
Managing plugins in Vim

Managing plugins in Vim: The basics

Let's say the plugin is at a GitHub URL First get the plugin by either cloning it (git clone or simply downloading it as a zip (from its GitHub page).

Adding a plugin in Vim is equivalent to adding the plugin's code properly into its runtimepath (includes the $HOME/.vim directory by default). For example, if the layout of a plugin foo is as follows:

ThreeBearsDan /
Created January 12, 2018 03:18 — forked from frxstrem/
Establish a socket connection through an HTTP proxy in Python.
Establish a socket connection through an HTTP proxy.
Author: Fredrik Østrem <>
This code can be used, modified and distributed freely, as long as it is this note containing the original
author, the source and this license, is put along with the source code.
# API Design Guidelines
# Introduction
The PayPal platform is a collection of reusable services that encapsulate well-defined business capabilities. Developers are encouraged to access these capabilities through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that enable consistent design patterns and principles. This facilitates a great developer experience and the ability to quickly compose complex business processes by combining multiple, complementary capabilities as building blocks.
PayPal APIs follow the [RESTful][0] architectural style as much as possible. To support our objectives, we have developed a set of rules, standards, and conventions that apply to the design of RESTful APIs. These have been used to help design and maintain hundreds of APIs and have evolved over several years to meet the needs of a wide variety of use cases.
We are sharing these guidelines to help propagate good API design practices in general. We have pulled extensively from the broader community and believe that it is importan