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Created December 14, 2022 18:05
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Customer Response Clustering
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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"display_name": "Python 3"
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"source": [
"# Customer Response/Feedback Analysis\n",
"- Generate Topics and Themes for customer feedback and responses (churn analysis using customer responses)\n",
"- Visualize Responses and Themes to aid business intelligence"
"metadata": {
"id": "ndGp9u3lsomH"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"## Install and import the Required Packages:\n"
"metadata": {
"id": "1sCaBY8vbru_"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"!pip install --quiet transformers umap-learn altair bertopic keybert"
"metadata": {
"id": "iZiSo6cGq-uP"
"execution_count": 1,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"import re\n",
"import sys\n",
"import time\n",
"import umap\n",
"import nltk\n",
"import warnings\n",
"import collections\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"import altair as alt\n",
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"from tqdm import tqdm\n",
"from keybert import KeyBERT\n",
"from nltk.corpus import stopwords\n",
"from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity\n",
"from sklearn.cluster import KMeans\n",
"from bertopic.vectorizers import ClassTfidfTransformer\n",
"from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer"
"metadata": {
"id": "lQZOygG-soBG"
"execution_count": 2,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"## Load the data"
"metadata": {
"id": "jygoGrNbceD4"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {
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"id": "L6ktIziQsil_",
"outputId": "8b3dd961-5509-4bd0-b809-a4c7a1bdbceb"
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"663 /content/drive/MyDrive/coded_responses.csv\n"
"source": [
"Check the size the size of the dataset as that determines the methods\n",
"that will be adopted in this analysis.\n",
"For large datasets, streaming methods can be adopted for processing such as pyspark etc..\n",
"file_path = \"/content/drive/MyDrive/coded_responses.csv\"\n",
"!wc -l $file_path"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"response_df = pd.read_csv(file_path, sep=\",\")\n",
"print(f\"The dataframe contains {len(response_df)} rows\")\n",
"metadata": {
"colab": {
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"height": 380
"id": "jhh63xRiAXmB",
"outputId": "f81c42b8-d3f2-4cae-a979-6bd45793fe9a"
"execution_count": 4,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"The dataframe contains 663 rows\n"
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
"text/plain": [
" question respondent_id \\\n",
"0 Why are you cancelling? 1779533 \n",
"1 Why are you cancelling? 1779397 \n",
"2 Why are you cancelling? 1779811 \n",
"3 Why are you cancelling? 1779968 \n",
"4 Why are you cancelling? 1779967 \n",
"5 Why are you cancelling? 1779966 \n",
"6 Why are you cancelling? 1779965 \n",
"7 Why are you cancelling? 1779964 \n",
"8 Why are you cancelling? 1779963 \n",
"9 Why are you cancelling? 1779962 \n",
" response \\\n",
"0 seen what I like already \n",
"1 You keep canceling really good, popular series! \n",
"2 Getting through cell provider \n",
"3 Budget cuts \n",
"4 Cannot have multiple users \n",
"5 cost has risen too much too quickly \n",
"6 disappointed with the sub subscription news \n",
"7 Don't want it for now anymore \n",
"8 Don�t need it \n",
"9 duplicate subscriptions \n",
" theme \n",
"0 NaN \n",
"1 NaN \n",
"2 NaN \n",
"3 Reducing expenses / financial constraints \n",
"4 Object to sharing restrictions \n",
"5 Constant price rise / increase \n",
"6 New policy generally \n",
"7 Don't use it enough / anymore \n",
"8 Don't use it enough / anymore \n",
"9 Consolidating / shifting accounts "
"text/html": [
" <div id=\"df-a7a3b183-3fb3-4f82-b6c6-9c63865a550e\">\n",
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" <div>\n",
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" vertical-align: middle;\n",
" }\n",
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" vertical-align: top;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe thead th {\n",
" text-align: right;\n",
" }\n",
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
" <thead>\n",
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th>question</th>\n",
" <th>respondent_id</th>\n",
" <th>response</th>\n",
" <th>theme</th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </thead>\n",
" <tbody>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>0</th>\n",
" <td>Why are you cancelling?</td>\n",
" <td>1779533</td>\n",
" <td>seen what I like already</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1</th>\n",
" <td>Why are you cancelling?</td>\n",
" <td>1779397</td>\n",
" <td>You keep canceling really good, popular series!</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>2</th>\n",
" <td>Why are you cancelling?</td>\n",
" <td>1779811</td>\n",
" <td>Getting through cell provider</td>\n",
" <td>NaN</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>3</th>\n",
" <td>Why are you cancelling?</td>\n",
" <td>1779968</td>\n",
" <td>Budget cuts</td>\n",
" <td>Reducing expenses / financial constraints</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>4</th>\n",
" <td>Why are you cancelling?</td>\n",
" <td>1779967</td>\n",
" <td>Cannot have multiple users</td>\n",
" <td>Object to sharing restrictions</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>5</th>\n",
" <td>Why are you cancelling?</td>\n",
" <td>1779966</td>\n",
" <td>cost has risen too much too quickly</td>\n",
" <td>Constant price rise / increase</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>6</th>\n",
" <td>Why are you cancelling?</td>\n",
" <td>1779965</td>\n",
" <td>disappointed with the sub subscription news</td>\n",
" <td>New policy generally</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>7</th>\n",
" <td>Why are you cancelling?</td>\n",
" <td>1779964</td>\n",
" <td>Don't want it for now anymore</td>\n",
" <td>Don't use it enough / anymore</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>8</th>\n",
" <td>Why are you cancelling?</td>\n",
" <td>1779963</td>\n",
" <td>Don�t need it</td>\n",
" <td>Don't use it enough / anymore</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>9</th>\n",
" <td>Why are you cancelling?</td>\n",
" <td>1779962</td>\n",
" <td>duplicate subscriptions</td>\n",
" <td>Consolidating / shifting accounts</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </tbody>\n",
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" '<a target=\"_blank\" href=>data table notebook</a>'\n",
" + ' to learn more about interactive tables.';\n",
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" "
"metadata": {},
"execution_count": 4
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"## Exploratory Data Analysis\n",
"metadata": {
"id": "fEUMjJ1xd9WG"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"Check the Average length of the responses from the customers.\n",
"The average length of the responses provided affects the quality of the themes/topics generated because longer responses provide more context and compared to shorter 2 word/1 word responses e.g 'moving'"
"metadata": {
"id": "pA5Wygy1_Bk_"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"list_responses = [resp.split() for resp in response_df['response'].tolist()]\n",
"avg_len = sum(map(len, list_responses))/float(len(list_responses))\n",
" \n",
"print(\"The Average length of Responses : \" + str(round(avg_len)))"
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"id": "S9n98_vp_BFu",
"outputId": "b90d584f-31d4-4823-e185-5cfb654c6a56"
"execution_count": 5,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"The Average length of Responses : 8\n"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"A quick exploration of the provided dataset. Since the provided dataset is made up of collected customer feedback, we first explore the common bigrams, trigrams, quadrams. This gives us a sense of some of the common phrases in the dataset"
"metadata": {
"id": "ddsfkkNnel7I"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"def tokenize(string: str) -> list:\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Convert string to lowercase and split into words (ignoring\n",
" punctuation), returning list of words.\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" return string.split()\n",
"def count_ngrams(lines: list, min_length: int=2, max_length: int=4) -> dict:\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Iterate through given lines iterator (file object or list of\n",
" lines) and return n-gram frequencies. The return value is a dict\n",
" mapping the length of the n-gram to a collections.Counter\n",
" object of n-gram tuple and number of times that n-gram occurred.\n",
" Returned dict includes n-grams of length min_length to max_length.\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" lengths = range(min_length, max_length + 1)\n",
" ngrams = {length: collections.Counter() for length in lengths}\n",
" queue = collections.deque(maxlen=max_length)\n",
" # Helper function to add n-grams at start of current queue to dict\n",
" def add_queue():\n",
" current = tuple(queue)\n",
" for length in lengths:\n",
" if len(current) >= length:\n",
" ngrams[length][current[:length]] += 1\n",
" # Loop through all lines and words and add n-grams to dict\n",
" for line in lines:\n",
" for word in tokenize(line):\n",
" queue.append(word)\n",
" if len(queue) >= max_length:\n",
" add_queue()\n",
" # Make sure we get the n-grams at the tail end of the queue\n",
" while len(queue) > min_length:\n",
" queue.popleft()\n",
" add_queue()\n",
" return ngrams\n",
"def print_most_frequent(ngrams: dict, num: int=10):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Print num most common n-grams of each length in n-grams dict.\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" for n in sorted(ngrams):\n",
" print('----- {} most common {}-grams -----'.format(num, n))\n",
" for gram, count in ngrams[n].most_common(num):\n",
" print('{0}: {1}'.format(' '.join(gram), count))\n",
" print('')"
"metadata": {
"id": "e4k97d7-MXKZ"
"execution_count": 6,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"corpus_list = response_df['response'].tolist()\n",
"ngram = count_ngrams(corpus_list)"
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"id": "hxcbQuCyThvZ",
"outputId": "881e08fc-8ecc-4bf2-9fd9-4b2f8ecf2f4a"
"execution_count": 7,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"CPU times: user 27.2 ms, sys: 1.88 ms, total: 29 ms\n",
"Wall time: 31.5 ms\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"Generate a list of common n_grams in the corpus without removing stopwords\n",
"ngrams_list = []\n",
"for i in [2, 3, 4]:\n",
" grams_dict={}\n",
" for gram, count in ngram[i].most_common(15):\n",
" grams_dict[\" \".join(gram)] = count\n",
" ngrams_list.append(grams_dict)\n",
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"id": "c8QvDQhQZk8-",
"outputId": "2c696d1f-082f-4db6-b8ca-4a30a074a670"
"execution_count": 8,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"{'the price': 24, 'price increases': 22, 'my subscription': 19, 'will be': 17, 'many price': 17, 'You keep': 15, 'need to': 15, 'and I': 14, 'with my': 13, 'be back': 13, 'too many': 13, 'The price': 12, 'price increase': 12, 'I will': 12, 'and the': 12}\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"Plot the common n-grams\n",
"%matplotlib inline\n",
"%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg' # 'svg', 'retina'\n",
"color=['salmon', 'lime', 'violet']\n",
"fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(13,3))\n",
"for i, ax in enumerate(axs.flatten()):\n",
" ax.barh(list(ngrams_list[i].keys())[::-1], list(ngrams_list[i].values())[::-1], align='center', color=color[i], edgecolor='black')\n",
" ax.title.set_text(f\"{i+2}-grams\")\n",
"plt.suptitle('Most Common N-grams',y=1.08)\n",
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
"height": 336
"id": "m4EwewNeX47B",
"outputId": "359e39f4-abd7-4fc3-e542-957c057d10c5"
"execution_count": 9,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "display_data",
"data": {
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"<Figure size 936x216 with 3 Axes>"
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2.640625 37.0625 0.828125 \nQ 32.671875 -0.984375 27.6875 -0.984375 \nQ 22.65625 -0.984375 18.3125 0.828125 \nQ 13.96875 2.640625 10.765625 6.78125 \nQ 7.5625 10.9375 5.734375 17.703125 \nQ 3.90625 24.46875 3.90625 34.421875 \nQ 3.90625 44.828125 5.734375 51.640625 \nQ 7.5625 58.453125 10.78125 62.5 \nQ 14.015625 66.546875 18.40625 68.1875 \nQ 22.796875 69.828125 27.984375 69.828125 \nQ 32.90625 69.828125 37.21875 68.1875 \nQ 41.546875 66.546875 44.765625 62.5 \nQ 48 58.453125 49.84375 51.640625 \nQ 51.703125 44.828125 51.703125 34.421875 \nz\nM 42.78125 34.421875 \nQ 42.78125 42.625 41.796875 48.0625 \nQ 40.828125 53.515625 38.921875 56.765625 \nQ 37.015625 60.015625 34.25 61.359375 \nQ 31.5 62.703125 27.984375 62.703125 \nQ 24.265625 62.703125 21.4375 61.328125 \nQ 18.609375 59.96875 16.671875 56.71875 \nQ 14.75 53.46875 13.765625 48.015625 \nQ 12.796875 42.578125 12.796875 34.421875 \nQ 12.796875 26.515625 13.796875 21.09375 \nQ 14.796875 15.671875 16.71875 12.375 \nQ 18.65625 9.078125 21.4375 7.640625 \nQ 24.21875 6.203125 27.78125 6.203125 \nQ 31.25 6.203125 34.03125 7.640625 \nQ 36.8125 9.078125 38.734375 12.375 \nQ 40.671875 15.671875 41.71875 21.09375 \nQ 42.78125 26.515625 42.78125 34.421875 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-48\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(77.383594 226.926875)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-48\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"xtick_2\">\n <g id=\"line2d_2\"/>\n <g id=\"text_2\">\n <!-- 5 -->\n <defs>\n <path d=\"M 51.421875 22.40625 \nQ 51.421875 17.234375 49.859375 12.9375 \nQ 48.296875 8.640625 45.21875 5.53125 \nQ 42.140625 2.4375 37.578125 0.71875 \nQ 33.015625 -0.984375 27 -0.984375 \nQ 21.578125 -0.984375 17.546875 0.28125 \nQ 13.53125 1.5625 10.734375 3.78125 \nQ 7.953125 6 6.3125 8.984375 \nQ 4.6875 11.96875 4 15.375 \nL 12.890625 16.40625 \nQ 13.421875 14.453125 14.390625 12.625 \nQ 15.375 10.796875 17.0625 9.34375 \nQ 18.75 7.90625 21.21875 7.046875 \nQ 23.6875 6.203125 27.203125 6.203125 \nQ 30.609375 6.203125 33.390625 7.25 \nQ 36.1875 8.296875 38.15625 10.34375 \nQ 40.140625 12.40625 41.203125 15.375 \nQ 42.28125 18.359375 42.28125 22.21875 \nQ 42.28125 25.390625 41.25 28.046875 \nQ 40.234375 30.71875 38.328125 32.640625 \nQ 36.421875 34.578125 33.65625 35.640625 \nQ 30.90625 36.71875 27.390625 36.71875 \nQ 25.203125 36.71875 23.34375 36.328125 \nQ 21.484375 35.9375 19.890625 35.25 \nQ 18.3125 34.578125 17.015625 33.671875 \nQ 15.71875 32.765625 14.59375 31.78125 \nL 6 31.78125 \nL 8.296875 68.796875 \nL 47.40625 68.796875 \nL 47.40625 61.328125 \nL 16.3125 61.328125 \nL 14.984375 39.5 \nQ 17.328125 41.3125 20.84375 42.59375 \nQ 24.359375 43.890625 29.203125 43.890625 \nQ 34.328125 43.890625 38.421875 42.328125 \nQ 42.53125 40.765625 45.40625 37.90625 \nQ 48.296875 35.0625 49.859375 31.109375 \nQ 51.421875 27.15625 51.421875 22.40625 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-53\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(115.606147 226.926875)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-53\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"xtick_3\">\n <g id=\"line2d_3\"/>\n <g id=\"text_3\">\n <!-- 10 -->\n <defs>\n <path d=\"M 7.625 0 \nL 7.625 7.46875 \nL 25.140625 7.46875 \nL 25.140625 60.40625 \nL 9.625 49.3125 \nL 9.625 57.625 \nL 25.875 68.796875 \nL 33.984375 68.796875 \nL 33.984375 7.46875 \nL 50.734375 7.46875 \nL 50.734375 0 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-49\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(151.048231 226.926875)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-49\"/>\n <use x=\"55.615234\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-48\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"xtick_4\">\n <g id=\"line2d_4\"/>\n <g id=\"text_4\">\n <!-- 15 -->\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(189.270784 226.926875)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-49\"/>\n <use x=\"55.615234\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-53\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"xtick_5\">\n <g id=\"line2d_5\"/>\n <g id=\"text_5\">\n <!-- 20 -->\n <defs>\n <path d=\"M 5.03125 0 \nL 5.03125 6.203125 \nQ 7.515625 11.921875 11.109375 16.28125 \nQ 14.703125 20.65625 18.65625 24.1875 \nQ 22.609375 27.734375 26.484375 30.765625 \nQ 30.375 33.796875 33.5 36.8125 \nQ 36.625 39.84375 38.546875 43.15625 \nQ 40.484375 46.484375 40.484375 50.6875 \nQ 40.484375 53.609375 39.59375 55.828125 \nQ 38.71875 58.0625 37.0625 59.5625 \nQ 35.40625 61.078125 33.078125 61.828125 \nQ 30.765625 62.59375 27.9375 62.59375 \nQ 25.296875 62.59375 22.96875 61.859375 \nQ 20.65625 61.140625 18.84375 59.671875 \nQ 17.046875 58.203125 15.890625 56.03125 \nQ 14.75 53.859375 14.40625 50.984375 \nL 5.421875 51.8125 \nQ 5.859375 55.515625 7.46875 58.78125 \nQ 9.078125 62.0625 11.90625 64.53125 \nQ 14.75 67 18.71875 68.40625 \nQ 22.703125 69.828125 27.9375 69.828125 \nQ 33.0625 69.828125 37.0625 68.609375 \nQ 41.0625 67.390625 43.8125 64.984375 \nQ 46.578125 62.59375 48.046875 59.078125 \nQ 49.515625 55.5625 49.515625 50.984375 \nQ 49.515625 47.515625 48.265625 44.390625 \nQ 47.015625 41.265625 44.9375 38.421875 \nQ 42.875 35.59375 40.140625 32.953125 \nQ 37.40625 30.328125 34.421875 27.8125 \nQ 31.453125 25.296875 28.421875 22.828125 \nQ 25.390625 20.359375 22.71875 17.859375 \nQ 20.0625 15.375 17.96875 12.8125 \nQ 15.875 10.25 14.703125 7.46875 \nL 50.59375 7.46875 \nL 50.59375 0 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-50\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(227.493337 226.926875)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-50\"/>\n <use x=\"55.615234\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-48\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"xtick_6\">\n <g id=\"line2d_6\"/>\n <g id=\"text_6\">\n <!-- 25 -->\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(265.71589 226.926875)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-50\"/>\n <use x=\"55.615234\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-53\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"matplotlib.axis_2\">\n <g id=\"ytick_1\">\n <g id=\"line2d_7\"/>\n <g id=\"text_7\">\n <!-- and the -->\n <defs>\n <path d=\"M 20.21875 -0.984375 \nQ 12.25 -0.984375 8.25 3.21875 \nQ 4.25 7.421875 4.25 14.75 \nQ 4.25 19.96875 6.21875 23.3125 \nQ 8.203125 26.65625 11.390625 28.5625 \nQ 14.59375 30.46875 18.6875 31.203125 \nQ 22.796875 31.9375 27.046875 32.03125 \nL 38.921875 32.234375 \nL 38.921875 35.109375 \nQ 38.921875 38.375 38.234375 40.671875 \nQ 37.546875 42.96875 36.125 44.375 \nQ 34.71875 45.796875 32.59375 46.453125 \nQ 30.46875 47.125 27.59375 47.125 \nQ 25.046875 47.125 23 46.75 \nQ 20.953125 46.390625 19.4375 45.4375 \nQ 17.921875 44.484375 16.984375 42.84375 \nQ 16.0625 41.21875 15.765625 38.71875 \nL 6.59375 39.546875 \nQ 7.078125 42.671875 8.4375 45.28125 \nQ 9.8125 47.90625 12.328125 49.796875 \nQ 14.84375 51.703125 18.625 52.75 \nQ 22.40625 53.8125 27.78125 53.8125 \nQ 37.75 53.8125 42.765625 49.234375 \nQ 47.796875 44.671875 47.796875 36.03125 \nL 47.796875 13.28125 \nQ 47.796875 9.375 48.828125 7.390625 \nQ 49.859375 5.421875 52.734375 5.421875 \nQ 53.46875 5.421875 54.203125 5.515625 \nQ 54.9375 5.609375 55.609375 5.765625 \nL 55.609375 0.296875 \nQ 53.953125 -0.09375 52.3125 -0.28125 \nQ 50.6875 -0.484375 48.828125 -0.484375 \nQ 46.34375 -0.484375 44.5625 0.171875 \nQ 42.78125 0.828125 41.65625 2.171875 \nQ 40.53125 3.515625 39.9375 5.484375 \nQ 39.359375 7.46875 39.203125 10.109375 \nL 38.921875 10.109375 \nQ 37.5 7.5625 35.8125 5.515625 \nQ 34.125 3.46875 31.875 2.03125 \nQ 29.640625 0.59375 26.78125 -0.1875 \nQ 23.921875 -0.984375 20.21875 -0.984375 \nz\nM 22.21875 5.609375 \nQ 26.421875 5.609375 29.5625 7.140625 \nQ 32.71875 8.6875 34.78125 11.078125 \nQ 36.859375 13.484375 37.890625 16.3125 \nQ 38.921875 19.140625 38.921875 21.734375 \nL 38.921875 26.078125 \nL 29.296875 25.875 \nQ 26.078125 25.828125 23.171875 25.40625 \nQ 20.265625 25 18.0625 23.78125 \nQ 15.875 22.5625 14.578125 20.359375 \nQ 13.28125 18.171875 13.28125 14.59375 \nQ 13.28125 10.296875 15.59375 7.953125 \nQ 17.921875 5.609375 22.21875 5.609375 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-97\"/>\n <path d=\"M 40.28125 0 \nL 40.28125 33.5 \nQ 40.28125 37.359375 39.71875 39.9375 \nQ 39.15625 42.53125 37.890625 44.109375 \nQ 36.625 45.703125 34.546875 46.359375 \nQ 32.46875 47.015625 29.390625 47.015625 \nQ 26.265625 47.015625 23.75 45.921875 \nQ 21.234375 44.828125 19.453125 42.75 \nQ 17.671875 40.671875 16.6875 37.625 \nQ 15.71875 34.578125 15.71875 30.609375 \nL 15.71875 0 \nL 6.9375 0 \nL 6.9375 41.546875 \nQ 6.9375 43.21875 6.90625 45.046875 \nQ 6.890625 46.875 6.828125 48.5 \nQ 6.78125 50.140625 6.734375 51.3125 \nQ 6.6875 52.484375 6.640625 52.828125 \nL 14.9375 52.828125 \nQ 14.984375 52.59375 15.03125 51.515625 \nQ 15.09375 50.4375 15.15625 49.046875 \nQ 15.234375 47.65625 15.28125 46.21875 \nQ 15.328125 44.78125 15.328125 43.796875 \nL 15.484375 43.796875 \nQ 16.75 46.09375 18.265625 47.953125 \nQ 19.78125 49.8125 21.78125 51.09375 \nQ 23.78125 52.390625 26.359375 53.09375 \nQ 28.953125 53.8125 32.375 53.8125 \nQ 36.765625 53.8125 39.9375 52.734375 \nQ 43.109375 51.65625 45.15625 49.40625 \nQ 47.21875 47.171875 48.171875 43.625 \nQ 49.125 40.09375 49.125 35.203125 \nL 49.125 0 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-110\"/>\n <path d=\"M 40.09375 8.5 \nQ 37.640625 3.421875 33.609375 1.21875 \nQ 29.59375 -0.984375 23.640625 -0.984375 \nQ 13.625 -0.984375 8.90625 5.75 \nQ 4.203125 12.5 4.203125 26.171875 \nQ 4.203125 53.8125 23.640625 53.8125 \nQ 29.640625 53.8125 33.640625 51.609375 \nQ 37.640625 49.421875 40.09375 44.625 \nL 40.1875 44.625 \nQ 40.1875 45.125 40.15625 46.171875 \nQ 40.140625 47.21875 40.109375 48.359375 \nQ 40.09375 49.515625 40.09375 50.53125 \nQ 40.09375 51.5625 40.09375 52 \nL 40.09375 72.46875 \nL 48.875 72.46875 \nL 48.875 10.890625 \nQ 48.875 8.984375 48.890625 7.21875 \nQ 48.921875 5.46875 48.96875 4 \nQ 49.03125 2.546875 49.078125 1.484375 \nQ 49.125 0.4375 49.171875 0 \nL 40.765625 0 \nQ 40.671875 0.484375 40.59375 1.390625 \nQ 40.53125 2.296875 40.453125 3.46875 \nQ 40.375 4.640625 40.328125 5.9375 \nQ 40.28125 7.234375 40.28125 8.5 \nz\nM 13.421875 26.46875 \nQ 13.421875 21 14.109375 17.09375 \nQ 14.796875 13.1875 16.3125 10.671875 \nQ 17.828125 8.15625 20.171875 6.984375 \nQ 22.515625 5.8125 25.875 5.8125 \nQ 29.34375 5.8125 32 6.9375 \nQ 34.671875 8.0625 36.453125 10.578125 \nQ 38.234375 13.09375 39.15625 17.140625 \nQ 40.09375 21.1875 40.09375 27.046875 \nQ 40.09375 32.671875 39.15625 36.546875 \nQ 38.234375 40.4375 36.421875 42.828125 \nQ 34.625 45.21875 32 46.265625 \nQ 29.390625 47.3125 25.984375 47.3125 \nQ 22.75 47.3125 20.40625 46.1875 \nQ 18.0625 45.0625 16.5 42.578125 \nQ 14.9375 40.09375 14.171875 36.109375 \nQ 13.421875 32.125 13.421875 26.46875 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-100\"/>\n <path id=\"LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <path d=\"M 27.046875 0.390625 \nQ 25.046875 -0.140625 22.96875 -0.453125 \nQ 20.90625 -0.78125 18.171875 -0.78125 \nQ 7.625 -0.78125 7.625 11.1875 \nL 7.625 46.4375 \nL 1.515625 46.4375 \nL 1.515625 52.828125 \nL 7.953125 52.828125 \nL 10.546875 64.65625 \nL 16.40625 64.65625 \nL 16.40625 52.828125 \nL 26.171875 52.828125 \nL 26.171875 46.4375 \nL 16.40625 46.4375 \nL 16.40625 13.09375 \nQ 16.40625 9.28125 17.640625 7.734375 \nQ 18.890625 6.203125 21.96875 6.203125 \nQ 23.25 6.203125 24.4375 6.390625 \nQ 25.640625 6.59375 27.046875 6.890625 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-116\"/>\n <path d=\"M 15.484375 43.796875 \nQ 16.9375 46.484375 18.640625 48.359375 \nQ 20.359375 50.25 22.40625 51.46875 \nQ 24.46875 52.6875 26.90625 53.25 \nQ 29.34375 53.8125 32.375 53.8125 \nQ 37.453125 53.8125 40.703125 52.4375 \nQ 43.953125 51.078125 45.828125 48.609375 \nQ 47.703125 46.140625 48.40625 42.71875 \nQ 49.125 39.3125 49.125 35.203125 \nL 49.125 0 \nL 40.28125 0 \nL 40.28125 33.5 \nQ 40.28125 36.859375 39.859375 39.390625 \nQ 39.453125 41.9375 38.28125 43.625 \nQ 37.109375 45.3125 34.953125 46.15625 \nQ 32.8125 47.015625 29.390625 47.015625 \nQ 26.265625 47.015625 23.75 45.890625 \nQ 21.234375 44.78125 19.453125 42.71875 \nQ 17.671875 40.671875 16.6875 37.734375 \nQ 15.71875 34.8125 15.71875 31.15625 \nL 15.71875 0 \nL 6.9375 0 \nL 6.9375 72.46875 \nL 15.71875 72.46875 \nL 15.71875 53.609375 \nQ 15.71875 52 15.671875 50.390625 \nQ 15.625 48.78125 15.546875 47.40625 \nQ 15.484375 46.046875 15.421875 45.09375 \nQ 15.375 44.140625 15.328125 43.796875 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-104\"/>\n <path d=\"M 13.484375 24.5625 \nQ 13.484375 20.40625 14.328125 16.90625 \nQ 15.1875 13.421875 16.96875 10.90625 \nQ 18.75 8.40625 21.53125 7 \nQ 24.3125 5.609375 28.21875 5.609375 \nQ 33.9375 5.609375 37.375 7.90625 \nQ 40.828125 10.203125 42.046875 13.71875 \nL 49.75 11.53125 \nQ 48.921875 9.328125 47.4375 7.109375 \nQ 45.953125 4.890625 43.453125 3.09375 \nQ 40.96875 1.3125 37.234375 0.15625 \nQ 33.5 -0.984375 28.21875 -0.984375 \nQ 16.5 -0.984375 10.375 6 \nQ 4.25 12.984375 4.25 26.765625 \nQ 4.25 34.1875 6.09375 39.328125 \nQ 7.953125 44.484375 11.171875 47.703125 \nQ 14.40625 50.921875 18.703125 52.359375 \nQ 23 53.8125 27.875 53.8125 \nQ 34.515625 53.8125 38.984375 51.65625 \nQ 43.453125 49.515625 46.15625 45.71875 \nQ 48.875 41.9375 50.015625 36.8125 \nQ 51.171875 31.6875 51.171875 25.734375 \nL 51.171875 24.5625 \nz\nM 42.09375 31.296875 \nQ 41.359375 39.65625 37.84375 43.484375 \nQ 34.328125 47.3125 27.734375 47.3125 \nQ 25.53125 47.3125 23.109375 46.609375 \nQ 20.703125 45.90625 18.65625 44.09375 \nQ 16.609375 42.28125 15.1875 39.171875 \nQ 13.765625 36.078125 13.578125 31.296875 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-101\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(43.303125 208.186361)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-97\"/>\n <use x=\"55.615234\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-110\"/>\n <use x=\"111.230469\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-100\"/>\n <use x=\"166.845703\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"194.628906\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-116\"/>\n <use x=\"222.412109\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-104\"/>\n <use x=\"278.027344\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"ytick_2\">\n <g id=\"line2d_8\"/>\n <g id=\"text_8\">\n <!-- I will -->\n <defs>\n <path d=\"M 9.234375 0 \nL 9.234375 68.796875 \nL 18.5625 68.796875 \nL 18.5625 0 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-73\"/>\n <path d=\"M 57.328125 0 \nL 47.125 0 \nL 38.671875 34.078125 \nQ 38.28125 35.40625 37.859375 37.359375 \nQ 37.453125 39.3125 37.0625 41.15625 \nQ 36.578125 43.3125 36.140625 45.609375 \nQ 35.6875 43.40625 35.203125 41.265625 \nQ 34.8125 39.40625 34.34375 37.40625 \nQ 33.890625 35.40625 33.5 33.890625 \nL 24.8125 0 \nL 14.65625 0 \nL -0.140625 52.828125 \nL 8.546875 52.828125 \nL 17.484375 16.9375 \nQ 17.828125 15.828125 18.15625 14.1875 \nQ 18.5 12.546875 18.84375 10.984375 \nQ 19.1875 9.1875 19.578125 7.28125 \nQ 19.96875 9.125 20.40625 10.890625 \nQ 20.796875 12.40625 21.1875 13.96875 \nQ 21.578125 15.53125 21.875 16.546875 \nL 31.453125 52.828125 \nL 40.875 52.828125 \nL 50.09375 16.546875 \nQ 50.4375 15.28125 50.828125 13.671875 \nQ 51.21875 12.0625 51.5625 10.640625 \nQ 51.953125 8.984375 52.34375 7.28125 \nQ 52.734375 9.125 53.125 10.890625 \nQ 53.46875 12.40625 53.828125 14.03125 \nQ 54.203125 15.671875 54.546875 16.9375 \nL 63.875 52.828125 \nL 72.46875 52.828125 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-119\"/>\n <path d=\"M 6.6875 64.0625 \nL 6.6875 72.46875 \nL 15.484375 72.46875 \nL 15.484375 64.0625 \nz\nM 6.6875 0 \nL 6.6875 52.828125 \nL 15.484375 52.828125 \nL 15.484375 0 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-105\"/>\n <path d=\"M 6.734375 0 \nL 6.734375 72.46875 \nL 15.53125 72.46875 \nL 15.53125 0 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-108\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(57.220312 197.995944)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-73\"/>\n <use x=\"27.783203\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"55.566406\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-119\"/>\n <use x=\"127.783203\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-105\"/>\n <use x=\"150\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-108\"/>\n <use x=\"172.216797\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-108\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"ytick_3\">\n <g id=\"line2d_9\"/>\n <g id=\"text_9\">\n <!-- price increase -->\n <defs>\n <path d=\"M 51.421875 26.65625 \nQ 51.421875 20.65625 50.4375 15.578125 \nQ 49.46875 10.5 47.1875 6.828125 \nQ 44.921875 3.171875 41.1875 1.09375 \nQ 37.453125 -0.984375 31.984375 -0.984375 \nQ 26.3125 -0.984375 22.0625 1.171875 \nQ 17.828125 3.328125 15.578125 8.203125 \nL 15.328125 8.203125 \nQ 15.375 8.109375 15.40625 7.328125 \nQ 15.4375 6.546875 15.453125 5.375 \nQ 15.484375 4.203125 15.5 2.75 \nQ 15.53125 1.3125 15.53125 -0.09375 \nL 15.53125 -20.75 \nL 6.734375 -20.75 \nL 6.734375 42.046875 \nQ 6.734375 43.953125 6.703125 45.703125 \nQ 6.6875 47.46875 6.640625 48.90625 \nQ 6.59375 50.34375 6.546875 51.359375 \nQ 6.5 52.390625 6.453125 52.828125 \nL 14.9375 52.828125 \nQ 14.984375 52.6875 15.0625 51.796875 \nQ 15.140625 50.921875 15.203125 49.671875 \nQ 15.28125 48.4375 15.359375 47.015625 \nQ 15.4375 45.609375 15.4375 44.34375 \nL 15.625 44.34375 \nQ 16.84375 46.875 18.40625 48.65625 \nQ 19.96875 50.4375 21.96875 51.578125 \nQ 23.96875 52.734375 26.4375 53.25 \nQ 28.90625 53.765625 31.984375 53.765625 \nQ 37.453125 53.765625 41.1875 51.8125 \nQ 44.921875 49.859375 47.1875 46.3125 \nQ 49.46875 42.78125 50.4375 37.765625 \nQ 51.421875 32.765625 51.421875 26.65625 \nz\nM 42.1875 26.46875 \nQ 42.1875 31.34375 41.59375 35.15625 \nQ 41.015625 38.96875 39.578125 41.59375 \nQ 38.140625 44.234375 35.734375 45.59375 \nQ 33.34375 46.96875 29.734375 46.96875 \nQ 26.8125 46.96875 24.21875 46.140625 \nQ 21.625 45.3125 19.703125 42.96875 \nQ 17.78125 40.625 16.65625 36.5 \nQ 15.53125 32.375 15.53125 25.78125 \nQ 15.53125 20.171875 16.453125 16.28125 \nQ 17.390625 12.40625 19.171875 10.015625 \nQ 20.953125 7.625 23.578125 6.5625 \nQ 26.21875 5.515625 29.640625 5.515625 \nQ 33.296875 5.515625 35.71875 6.921875 \nQ 38.140625 8.34375 39.578125 11.03125 \nQ 41.015625 13.71875 41.59375 17.59375 \nQ 42.1875 21.484375 42.1875 26.46875 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-112\"/>\n <path d=\"M 6.9375 0 \nL 6.9375 40.53125 \nQ 6.9375 42.1875 6.90625 43.921875 \nQ 6.890625 45.65625 6.828125 47.265625 \nQ 6.78125 48.875 6.734375 50.28125 \nQ 6.6875 51.703125 6.640625 52.828125 \nL 14.9375 52.828125 \nQ 14.984375 51.703125 15.0625 50.265625 \nQ 15.140625 48.828125 15.203125 47.3125 \nQ 15.28125 45.796875 15.296875 44.40625 \nQ 15.328125 43.015625 15.328125 42.046875 \nL 15.53125 42.046875 \nQ 16.453125 45.0625 17.5 47.28125 \nQ 18.5625 49.515625 19.96875 50.953125 \nQ 21.390625 52.390625 23.34375 53.09375 \nQ 25.296875 53.8125 28.078125 53.8125 \nQ 29.15625 53.8125 30.125 53.640625 \nQ 31.109375 53.46875 31.640625 53.328125 \nL 31.640625 45.265625 \nQ 30.765625 45.515625 29.59375 45.625 \nQ 28.421875 45.75 26.953125 45.75 \nQ 23.921875 45.75 21.796875 44.375 \nQ 19.671875 43.015625 18.328125 40.59375 \nQ 17 38.1875 16.359375 34.84375 \nQ 15.71875 31.5 15.71875 27.546875 \nL 15.71875 0 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-114\"/>\n <path d=\"M 13.421875 26.65625 \nQ 13.421875 22.125 14.078125 18.3125 \nQ 14.75 14.5 16.3125 11.734375 \nQ 17.875 8.984375 20.4375 7.46875 \nQ 23 5.953125 26.765625 5.953125 \nQ 31.453125 5.953125 34.59375 8.484375 \nQ 37.75 11.03125 38.484375 16.3125 \nL 47.359375 15.71875 \nQ 46.921875 12.453125 45.453125 9.421875 \nQ 44 6.390625 41.484375 4.09375 \nQ 38.96875 1.8125 35.34375 0.40625 \nQ 31.734375 -0.984375 27 -0.984375 \nQ 20.796875 -0.984375 16.453125 1.109375 \nQ 12.109375 3.21875 9.390625 6.90625 \nQ 6.6875 10.59375 5.46875 15.59375 \nQ 4.25 20.609375 4.25 26.46875 \nQ 4.25 31.78125 5.125 35.859375 \nQ 6 39.9375 7.59375 42.984375 \nQ 9.1875 46.046875 11.328125 48.125 \nQ 13.484375 50.203125 15.984375 51.4375 \nQ 18.5 52.6875 21.28125 53.25 \nQ 24.078125 53.8125 26.90625 53.8125 \nQ 31.34375 53.8125 34.8125 52.59375 \nQ 38.28125 51.375 40.796875 49.25 \nQ 43.3125 47.125 44.875 44.234375 \nQ 46.4375 41.359375 47.078125 38.03125 \nL 38.03125 37.359375 \nQ 37.359375 41.75 34.5625 44.328125 \nQ 31.78125 46.921875 26.65625 46.921875 \nQ 22.90625 46.921875 20.390625 45.671875 \nQ 17.875 44.4375 16.3125 41.921875 \nQ 14.75 39.40625 14.078125 35.59375 \nQ 13.421875 31.78125 13.421875 26.65625 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-99\"/>\n <path d=\"M 46.390625 14.59375 \nQ 46.390625 10.890625 44.9375 7.984375 \nQ 43.5 5.078125 40.765625 3.09375 \nQ 38.03125 1.125 34.046875 0.0625 \nQ 30.078125 -0.984375 24.953125 -0.984375 \nQ 20.359375 -0.984375 16.671875 -0.265625 \nQ 12.984375 0.4375 10.203125 2 \nQ 7.421875 3.5625 5.53125 6.125 \nQ 3.65625 8.6875 2.78125 12.40625 \nL 10.546875 13.921875 \nQ 11.671875 9.671875 15.1875 7.6875 \nQ 18.703125 5.71875 24.953125 5.71875 \nQ 27.78125 5.71875 30.140625 6.109375 \nQ 32.515625 6.5 34.21875 7.453125 \nQ 35.9375 8.40625 36.890625 9.984375 \nQ 37.84375 11.578125 37.84375 13.921875 \nQ 37.84375 16.3125 36.71875 17.84375 \nQ 35.59375 19.390625 33.59375 20.40625 \nQ 31.59375 21.4375 28.734375 22.1875 \nQ 25.875 22.953125 22.46875 23.875 \nQ 19.28125 24.703125 16.15625 25.734375 \nQ 13.03125 26.765625 10.515625 28.4375 \nQ 8.015625 30.125 6.453125 32.609375 \nQ 4.890625 35.109375 4.890625 38.875 \nQ 4.890625 46.09375 10.03125 49.875 \nQ 15.1875 53.65625 25.046875 53.65625 \nQ 33.796875 53.65625 38.9375 50.578125 \nQ 44.09375 47.515625 45.453125 40.71875 \nL 37.546875 39.75 \nQ 37.109375 41.796875 35.9375 43.1875 \nQ 34.765625 44.578125 33.109375 45.4375 \nQ 31.453125 46.296875 29.375 46.65625 \nQ 27.296875 47.015625 25.046875 47.015625 \nQ 19.09375 47.015625 16.25 45.203125 \nQ 13.421875 43.40625 13.421875 39.75 \nQ 13.421875 37.59375 14.46875 36.203125 \nQ 15.53125 34.8125 17.40625 33.859375 \nQ 19.28125 32.90625 21.921875 32.203125 \nQ 24.5625 31.5 27.734375 30.71875 \nQ 29.828125 30.171875 32.03125 29.5625 \nQ 34.234375 28.953125 36.296875 28.09375 \nQ 38.375 27.25 40.203125 26.09375 \nQ 42.046875 24.953125 43.40625 23.34375 \nQ 44.78125 21.734375 45.578125 19.578125 \nQ 46.390625 17.4375 46.390625 14.59375 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-115\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(14.417187 187.805526)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-112\"/>\n <use x=\"55.615234\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-114\"/>\n <use x=\"88.916016\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-105\"/>\n <use x=\"111.132812\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-99\"/>\n <use x=\"161.132812\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n <use x=\"216.748047\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"244.53125\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-105\"/>\n <use x=\"266.748047\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-110\"/>\n <use x=\"322.363281\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-99\"/>\n <use x=\"372.363281\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-114\"/>\n <use x=\"405.664062\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n <use x=\"461.279297\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-97\"/>\n <use x=\"516.894531\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-115\"/>\n <use x=\"566.894531\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"ytick_4\">\n <g id=\"line2d_10\"/>\n <g id=\"text_10\">\n <!-- The price -->\n <defs>\n <path d=\"M 35.15625 61.1875 \nL 35.15625 0 \nL 25.875 0 \nL 25.875 61.1875 \nL 2.25 61.1875 \nL 2.25 68.796875 \nL 58.796875 68.796875 \nL 58.796875 61.1875 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-84\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(34.982812 177.615108)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-84\"/>\n <use x=\"61.083984\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-104\"/>\n <use x=\"116.699219\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n <use x=\"172.314453\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"200.097656\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-112\"/>\n <use x=\"255.712891\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-114\"/>\n <use x=\"289.013672\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-105\"/>\n <use x=\"311.230469\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-99\"/>\n <use x=\"361.230469\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"ytick_5\">\n <g id=\"line2d_11\"/>\n <g id=\"text_11\">\n <!-- too many -->\n <defs>\n <path d=\"M 51.421875 26.46875 \nQ 51.421875 12.59375 45.3125 5.796875 \nQ 39.203125 -0.984375 27.59375 -0.984375 \nQ 22.078125 -0.984375 17.71875 0.671875 \nQ 13.375 2.34375 10.375 5.765625 \nQ 7.375 9.1875 5.78125 14.328125 \nQ 4.203125 19.484375 4.203125 26.46875 \nQ 4.203125 53.8125 27.875 53.8125 \nQ 34.03125 53.8125 38.5 52.09375 \nQ 42.96875 50.390625 45.828125 46.96875 \nQ 48.6875 43.5625 50.046875 38.421875 \nQ 51.421875 33.296875 51.421875 26.46875 \nz\nM 42.1875 26.46875 \nQ 42.1875 32.625 41.234375 36.625 \nQ 40.28125 40.625 38.453125 43.015625 \nQ 36.625 45.40625 33.984375 46.359375 \nQ 31.34375 47.3125 28.03125 47.3125 \nQ 24.65625 47.3125 21.9375 46.3125 \nQ 19.234375 45.3125 17.328125 42.890625 \nQ 15.4375 40.484375 14.421875 36.46875 \nQ 13.421875 32.46875 13.421875 26.46875 \nQ 13.421875 20.3125 14.5 16.28125 \nQ 15.578125 12.25 17.453125 9.859375 \nQ 19.34375 7.46875 21.90625 6.484375 \nQ 24.46875 5.515625 27.484375 5.515625 \nQ 30.859375 5.515625 33.59375 6.46875 \nQ 36.328125 7.421875 38.234375 9.8125 \nQ 40.140625 12.203125 41.15625 16.25 \nQ 42.1875 20.3125 42.1875 26.46875 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-111\"/>\n <path d=\"M 37.5 0 \nL 37.5 33.5 \nQ 37.5 37.359375 37.015625 39.9375 \nQ 36.53125 42.53125 35.375 44.109375 \nQ 34.234375 45.703125 32.375 46.359375 \nQ 30.515625 47.015625 27.828125 47.015625 \nQ 25.046875 47.015625 22.796875 45.921875 \nQ 20.5625 44.828125 18.96875 42.75 \nQ 17.390625 40.671875 16.53125 37.625 \nQ 15.671875 34.578125 15.671875 30.609375 \nL 15.671875 0 \nL 6.9375 0 \nL 6.9375 41.546875 \nQ 6.9375 43.21875 6.90625 45.046875 \nQ 6.890625 46.875 6.828125 48.5 \nQ 6.78125 50.140625 6.734375 51.3125 \nQ 6.6875 52.484375 6.640625 52.828125 \nL 14.9375 52.828125 \nQ 14.984375 52.59375 15.03125 51.515625 \nQ 15.09375 50.4375 15.15625 49.046875 \nQ 15.234375 47.65625 15.28125 46.21875 \nQ 15.328125 44.78125 15.328125 43.796875 \nL 15.484375 43.796875 \nQ 16.65625 46.09375 18.015625 47.953125 \nQ 19.390625 49.8125 21.21875 51.09375 \nQ 23.046875 52.390625 25.40625 53.09375 \nQ 27.78125 53.8125 30.90625 53.8125 \nQ 36.921875 53.8125 40.40625 51.421875 \nQ 43.890625 49.03125 45.265625 43.796875 \nL 45.40625 43.796875 \nQ 46.578125 46.09375 48.046875 47.953125 \nQ 49.515625 49.8125 51.46875 51.09375 \nQ 53.421875 52.390625 55.859375 53.09375 \nQ 58.296875 53.8125 61.421875 53.8125 \nQ 65.4375 53.8125 68.328125 52.734375 \nQ 71.234375 51.65625 73.09375 49.40625 \nQ 74.953125 47.171875 75.828125 43.625 \nQ 76.703125 40.09375 76.703125 35.203125 \nL 76.703125 0 \nL 68.015625 0 \nL 68.015625 33.5 \nQ 68.015625 37.359375 67.53125 39.9375 \nQ 67.046875 42.53125 65.890625 44.109375 \nQ 64.75 45.703125 62.890625 46.359375 \nQ 61.03125 47.015625 58.34375 47.015625 \nQ 55.5625 47.015625 53.3125 45.96875 \nQ 51.078125 44.921875 49.484375 42.875 \nQ 47.90625 40.828125 47.046875 37.75 \nQ 46.1875 34.671875 46.1875 30.609375 \nL 46.1875 0 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-109\"/>\n <path d=\"M 29.5 0 \nQ 27.640625 -4.78125 25.703125 -8.609375 \nQ 23.78125 -12.453125 21.390625 -15.15625 \nQ 19 -17.875 16.0625 -19.3125 \nQ 13.140625 -20.75 9.328125 -20.75 \nQ 7.671875 -20.75 6.25 -20.65625 \nQ 4.828125 -20.5625 3.265625 -20.21875 \nL 3.265625 -13.625 \nQ 4.203125 -13.765625 5.375 -13.84375 \nQ 6.546875 -13.921875 7.375 -13.921875 \nQ 11.234375 -13.921875 14.546875 -11.03125 \nQ 17.875 -8.15625 20.359375 -1.859375 \nL 21.1875 0.25 \nL 0.25 52.828125 \nL 9.625 52.828125 \nL 20.75 23.640625 \nQ 21.234375 22.3125 21.984375 20.109375 \nQ 22.75 17.921875 23.5 15.71875 \nQ 24.265625 13.53125 24.84375 11.765625 \nQ 25.4375 10.015625 25.53125 9.578125 \nQ 25.6875 10.109375 26.25 11.6875 \nQ 26.8125 13.28125 27.515625 15.234375 \nQ 28.21875 17.1875 28.953125 19.1875 \nQ 29.6875 21.1875 30.171875 22.65625 \nL 40.53125 52.828125 \nL 49.8125 52.828125 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-121\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(35.534375 167.424691)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-116\"/>\n <use x=\"27.783203\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-111\"/>\n <use x=\"83.398438\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-111\"/>\n <use x=\"139.013672\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"166.796875\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-109\"/>\n <use x=\"250.097656\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-97\"/>\n <use x=\"305.712891\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-110\"/>\n <use x=\"361.328125\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-121\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"ytick_6\">\n <g id=\"line2d_12\"/>\n <g id=\"text_12\">\n <!-- be back -->\n <defs>\n <path d=\"M 51.421875 26.65625 \nQ 51.421875 -0.984375 31.984375 -0.984375 \nQ 25.984375 -0.984375 22 1.1875 \nQ 18.015625 3.375 15.53125 8.203125 \nL 15.4375 8.203125 \nQ 15.4375 6.9375 15.359375 5.5625 \nQ 15.28125 4.203125 15.203125 3.03125 \nQ 15.140625 1.859375 15.0625 1.03125 \nQ 14.984375 0.203125 14.9375 0 \nL 6.453125 0 \nQ 6.5 0.4375 6.546875 1.484375 \nQ 6.59375 2.546875 6.640625 4 \nQ 6.6875 5.46875 6.703125 7.21875 \nQ 6.734375 8.984375 6.734375 10.890625 \nL 6.734375 72.46875 \nL 15.53125 72.46875 \nL 15.53125 51.8125 \nQ 15.53125 50.34375 15.5 49 \nQ 15.484375 47.65625 15.4375 46.625 \nQ 15.375 45.40625 15.328125 44.34375 \nL 15.53125 44.34375 \nQ 17.96875 49.421875 22 51.609375 \nQ 26.03125 53.8125 31.984375 53.8125 \nQ 42 53.8125 46.703125 47.0625 \nQ 51.421875 40.328125 51.421875 26.65625 \nz\nM 42.1875 26.375 \nQ 42.1875 31.84375 41.5 35.75 \nQ 40.828125 39.65625 39.3125 42.15625 \nQ 37.796875 44.671875 35.453125 45.84375 \nQ 33.109375 47.015625 29.734375 47.015625 \nQ 26.265625 47.015625 23.609375 45.890625 \nQ 20.953125 44.78125 19.171875 42.28125 \nQ 17.390625 39.796875 16.453125 35.734375 \nQ 15.53125 31.6875 15.53125 25.828125 \nQ 15.53125 20.171875 16.453125 16.3125 \nQ 17.390625 12.453125 19.171875 10.03125 \nQ 20.953125 7.625 23.578125 6.5625 \nQ 26.21875 5.515625 29.640625 5.515625 \nQ 32.859375 5.515625 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15.328125 52.828125 \nL 15.328125 19.34375 \nQ 15.328125 15.484375 15.890625 12.890625 \nQ 16.453125 10.296875 17.71875 8.703125 \nQ 19 7.125 21.0625 6.46875 \nQ 23.140625 5.8125 26.21875 5.8125 \nQ 29.34375 5.8125 31.859375 6.90625 \nQ 34.375 8.015625 36.15625 10.078125 \nQ 37.9375 12.15625 38.90625 15.203125 \nQ 39.890625 18.265625 39.890625 22.21875 \nL 39.890625 52.828125 \nL 48.6875 52.828125 \nL 48.6875 11.28125 \nQ 48.6875 9.625 48.703125 7.78125 \nQ 48.734375 5.953125 48.78125 4.3125 \nQ 48.828125 2.6875 48.875 1.515625 \nQ 48.921875 0.34375 48.96875 0 \nL 40.671875 0 \nQ 40.625 0.25 40.578125 1.3125 \nQ 40.53125 2.390625 40.453125 3.78125 \nQ 40.375 5.171875 40.328125 6.609375 \nQ 40.28125 8.0625 40.28125 9.03125 \nL 40.140625 9.03125 \nQ 38.875 6.734375 37.359375 4.875 \nQ 35.84375 3.03125 33.84375 1.734375 \nQ 31.84375 0.4375 29.25 -0.265625 \nQ 26.65625 -0.984375 23.25 -0.984375 \nQ 18.84375 -0.984375 15.671875 0.09375 \nQ 12.5 1.171875 10.453125 3.421875 \nQ 8.40625 5.671875 7.453125 9.1875 \nQ 6.5 12.703125 6.5 17.625 \nL 6.5 52.828125 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-117\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(35.323437 116.472602)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-89\"/>\n <use x=\"57.574219\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-111\"/>\n <use x=\"113.189453\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-117\"/>\n <use x=\"168.804688\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"196.587891\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-107\"/>\n <use x=\"246.587891\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n <use x=\"302.203125\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n <use x=\"357.818359\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-112\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"ytick_11\">\n <g id=\"line2d_17\"/>\n <g id=\"text_17\">\n <!-- many price -->\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(27.760937 106.282184)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-109\"/>\n <use x=\"83.300781\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-97\"/>\n <use 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27 -14.0625 \nQ 29.984375 -14.0625 32.421875 -13.234375 \nQ 34.859375 -12.40625 36.5625 -10.5625 \nQ 38.28125 -8.734375 39.203125 -5.796875 \nQ 40.140625 -2.875 40.140625 1.3125 \nL 40.140625 9.8125 \nL 40.046875 9.8125 \nQ 39.0625 7.8125 37.625 5.984375 \nQ 36.1875 4.15625 34.109375 2.734375 \nQ 32.03125 1.3125 29.296875 0.453125 \nQ 26.5625 -0.390625 23.046875 -0.390625 \nQ 18.015625 -0.390625 14.421875 1.296875 \nQ 10.84375 2.984375 8.5625 6.34375 \nQ 6.296875 9.71875 5.25 14.71875 \nQ 4.203125 19.734375 4.203125 26.3125 \nQ 4.203125 32.671875 5.25 37.75 \nQ 6.296875 42.828125 8.65625 46.359375 \nQ 11.03125 49.90625 14.8125 51.78125 \nQ 18.609375 53.65625 24.03125 53.65625 \nQ 29.640625 53.65625 33.765625 51.09375 \nQ 37.890625 48.53125 40.140625 43.796875 \nL 40.234375 43.796875 \nQ 40.234375 45.015625 40.296875 46.53125 \nQ 40.375 48.046875 40.453125 49.390625 \nQ 40.53125 50.734375 40.625 51.703125 \nQ 40.71875 52.6875 40.828125 52.828125 \nL 49.171875 52.828125 \nQ 49.125 52.390625 49.078125 51.34375 \nQ 49.03125 50.296875 48.96875 48.828125 \nQ 48.921875 47.359375 48.890625 45.578125 \nQ 48.875 43.796875 48.875 41.890625 \nL 48.875 1.515625 \nQ 48.875 -9.578125 43.421875 -15.15625 \nQ 37.984375 -20.75 26.765625 -20.75 \nz\nM 40.140625 26.421875 \nQ 40.140625 31.9375 38.9375 35.859375 \nQ 37.75 39.796875 35.796875 42.28125 \nQ 33.84375 44.78125 31.328125 45.953125 \nQ 28.8125 47.125 26.171875 47.125 \nQ 22.796875 47.125 20.375 45.953125 \nQ 17.96875 44.78125 16.375 42.265625 \nQ 14.796875 39.75 14.03125 35.8125 \nQ 13.28125 31.890625 13.28125 26.421875 \nQ 13.28125 20.703125 14.03125 16.8125 \nQ 14.796875 12.9375 16.359375 10.546875 \nQ 17.921875 8.15625 20.3125 7.125 \nQ 22.703125 6.109375 26.03125 6.109375 \nQ 28.65625 6.109375 31.171875 7.21875 \nQ 33.6875 8.34375 35.6875 10.78125 \nQ 37.703125 13.234375 38.921875 17.09375 \nQ 40.140625 20.953125 40.140625 26.421875 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-103\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(154.481771 44.28)scale(0.12 -0.12)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-50\"/>\n <use x=\"55.615234\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-45\"/>\n <use x=\"88.916016\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-103\"/>\n <use x=\"144.53125\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-114\"/>\n <use x=\"177.832031\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-97\"/>\n <use x=\"233.447266\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-109\"/>\n <use x=\"316.748047\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-115\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"axes_2\">\n <g id=\"patch_22\">\n <path d=\"M 404.730729 216.18 \nL 597.372396 216.18 \nL 597.372396 50.28 \nL 404.730729 50.28 \nz\n\" style=\"fill:#ffffff;\"/>\n </g>\n <g id=\"matplotlib.axis_3\">\n <g id=\"xtick_7\">\n <g id=\"line2d_22\"/>\n <g id=\"text_23\">\n <!-- 0 -->\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(401.95026 226.926875)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-48\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"xtick_8\">\n <g id=\"line2d_23\"/>\n <g id=\"text_24\">\n <!-- 2 -->\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(447.817324 226.926875)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-50\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"xtick_9\">\n <g id=\"line2d_24\"/>\n <g id=\"text_25\">\n <!-- 4 -->\n <defs>\n <path d=\"M 43.015625 15.578125 \nL 43.015625 0 \nL 34.71875 0 \nL 34.71875 15.578125 \nL 2.296875 15.578125 \nL 2.296875 22.40625 \nL 33.796875 68.796875 \nL 43.015625 68.796875 \nL 43.015625 22.515625 \nL 52.6875 22.515625 \nL 52.6875 15.578125 \nz\nM 34.71875 58.890625 \nQ 34.625 58.640625 34.234375 57.9375 \nQ 33.84375 57.234375 33.34375 56.34375 \nQ 32.859375 55.46875 32.34375 54.5625 \nQ 31.84375 53.65625 31.453125 53.078125 \nL 13.8125 27.09375 \nQ 13.578125 26.703125 13.109375 26.0625 \nQ 12.640625 25.4375 12.15625 24.78125 \nQ 11.671875 24.125 11.171875 23.484375 \nQ 10.6875 22.859375 10.40625 22.515625 \nL 34.71875 22.515625 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-52\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(493.684387 226.926875)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-52\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"xtick_10\">\n <g id=\"line2d_25\"/>\n <g id=\"text_26\">\n <!-- 6 -->\n <defs>\n <path d=\"M 51.21875 22.515625 \nQ 51.21875 17.328125 49.78125 13 \nQ 48.34375 8.6875 45.53125 5.578125 \nQ 42.71875 2.484375 38.5625 0.75 \nQ 34.421875 -0.984375 29 -0.984375 \nQ 23 -0.984375 18.5 1.3125 \nQ 14.015625 3.609375 11.03125 7.921875 \nQ 8.0625 12.25 6.5625 18.53125 \nQ 5.078125 24.8125 5.078125 32.8125 \nQ 5.078125 42 6.765625 48.921875 \nQ 8.453125 55.859375 11.625 60.5 \nQ 14.796875 65.140625 19.359375 67.484375 \nQ 23.921875 69.828125 29.6875 69.828125 \nQ 33.203125 69.828125 36.28125 69.09375 \nQ 39.359375 68.359375 41.875 66.71875 \nQ 44.390625 65.09375 46.28125 62.40625 \nQ 48.1875 59.71875 49.3125 55.8125 \nL 40.921875 54.296875 \nQ 39.546875 58.734375 36.546875 60.71875 \nQ 33.546875 62.703125 29.59375 62.703125 \nQ 25.984375 62.703125 23.046875 60.984375 \nQ 20.125 59.28125 18.0625 55.875 \nQ 16.015625 52.484375 14.90625 47.359375 \nQ 13.8125 42.234375 13.8125 35.40625 \nQ 16.21875 39.84375 20.5625 42.15625 \nQ 24.90625 44.484375 30.515625 44.484375 \nQ 35.203125 44.484375 39.015625 42.96875 \nQ 42.828125 41.453125 45.53125 38.59375 \nQ 48.25 35.75 49.734375 31.671875 \nQ 51.21875 27.59375 51.21875 22.515625 \nz\nM 42.28125 22.125 \nQ 42.28125 25.6875 41.40625 28.5625 \nQ 40.53125 31.453125 38.765625 33.46875 \nQ 37.015625 35.5 34.421875 36.59375 \nQ 31.84375 37.703125 28.421875 37.703125 \nQ 26.03125 37.703125 23.578125 36.984375 \nQ 21.140625 36.28125 19.15625 34.6875 \nQ 17.1875 33.109375 15.9375 30.515625 \nQ 14.703125 27.9375 14.703125 24.21875 \nQ 14.703125 20.40625 15.671875 17.109375 \nQ 16.65625 13.8125 18.484375 11.375 \nQ 20.3125 8.9375 22.890625 7.515625 \nQ 25.484375 6.109375 28.71875 6.109375 \nQ 31.890625 6.109375 34.40625 7.203125 \nQ 36.921875 8.296875 38.671875 10.375 \nQ 40.4375 12.453125 41.359375 15.421875 \nQ 42.28125 18.40625 42.28125 22.125 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-54\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(539.551451 226.926875)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-54\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"xtick_11\">\n <g id=\"line2d_26\"/>\n <g id=\"text_27\">\n <!-- 8 -->\n <defs>\n <path d=\"M 51.265625 19.1875 \nQ 51.265625 14.796875 49.875 11.109375 \nQ 48.484375 7.421875 45.625 4.734375 \nQ 42.78125 2.046875 38.328125 0.53125 \nQ 33.890625 -0.984375 27.828125 -0.984375 \nQ 21.78125 -0.984375 17.359375 0.53125 \nQ 12.9375 2.046875 10.03125 4.703125 \nQ 7.125 7.375 5.734375 11.0625 \nQ 4.34375 14.75 4.34375 19.09375 \nQ 4.34375 22.859375 5.484375 25.78125 \nQ 6.640625 28.71875 8.5625 30.828125 \nQ 10.5 32.953125 12.96875 34.25 \nQ 15.4375 35.546875 18.0625 35.984375 \nL 18.0625 36.1875 \nQ 15.1875 36.859375 12.90625 38.375 \nQ 10.640625 39.890625 9.09375 42.015625 \nQ 7.5625 44.140625 6.75 46.71875 \nQ 5.953125 49.3125 5.953125 52.203125 \nQ 5.953125 55.8125 7.34375 59 \nQ 8.734375 62.203125 11.46875 64.625 \nQ 14.203125 67.046875 18.25 68.4375 \nQ 22.3125 69.828125 27.640625 69.828125 \nQ 33.25 69.828125 37.375 68.40625 \nQ 41.5 67 44.203125 64.578125 \nQ 46.921875 62.15625 48.234375 58.9375 \nQ 49.5625 55.71875 49.5625 52.09375 \nQ 49.5625 49.265625 48.75 46.671875 \nQ 47.953125 44.09375 46.40625 41.96875 \nQ 44.875 39.84375 42.59375 38.34375 \nQ 40.328125 36.859375 37.359375 36.28125 \nL 37.359375 36.078125 \nQ 40.328125 35.59375 42.859375 34.296875 \nQ 45.40625 33.015625 47.265625 30.890625 \nQ 49.125 28.765625 50.1875 25.828125 \nQ 51.265625 22.90625 51.265625 19.1875 \nz\nM 40.4375 51.609375 \nQ 40.4375 54.203125 39.765625 56.34375 \nQ 39.109375 58.5 37.59375 60.03125 \nQ 36.078125 61.578125 33.640625 62.421875 \nQ 31.203125 63.28125 27.640625 63.28125 \nQ 24.171875 63.28125 21.78125 62.421875 \nQ 19.390625 61.578125 17.84375 60.03125 \nQ 16.3125 58.5 15.625 56.34375 \nQ 14.9375 54.203125 14.9375 51.609375 \nQ 14.9375 49.5625 15.46875 47.40625 \nQ 16.015625 45.265625 17.421875 43.5 \nQ 18.84375 41.75 21.328125 40.625 \nQ 23.828125 39.5 27.734375 39.5 \nQ 31.890625 39.5 34.40625 40.625 \nQ 36.921875 41.75 38.25 43.5 \nQ 39.59375 45.265625 40.015625 47.40625 \nQ 40.4375 49.5625 40.4375 51.609375 \nz\nM 42.140625 20.015625 \nQ 42.140625 22.515625 41.453125 24.828125 \nQ 40.765625 27.15625 39.109375 28.9375 \nQ 37.453125 30.71875 34.640625 31.8125 \nQ 31.84375 32.90625 27.640625 32.90625 \nQ 23.78125 32.90625 21.0625 31.8125 \nQ 18.359375 30.71875 16.671875 28.90625 \nQ 14.984375 27.09375 14.203125 24.71875 \nQ 13.421875 22.359375 13.421875 19.828125 \nQ 13.421875 16.65625 14.203125 14.03125 \nQ 14.984375 11.421875 16.6875 9.546875 \nQ 18.40625 7.671875 21.1875 6.640625 \nQ 23.96875 5.609375 27.9375 5.609375 \nQ 31.9375 5.609375 34.671875 6.640625 \nQ 37.40625 7.671875 39.0625 9.546875 \nQ 40.71875 11.421875 41.421875 14.078125 \nQ 42.140625 16.75 42.140625 20.015625 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-56\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(585.418514 226.926875)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-56\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"matplotlib.axis_4\">\n <g id=\"ytick_16\">\n <g id=\"line2d_27\"/>\n <g id=\"text_28\">\n <!-- subscription with my -->\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(311.205729 208.186361)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-115\"/>\n <use x=\"50\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-117\"/>\n <use x=\"105.615234\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-98\"/>\n <use x=\"161.230469\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-115\"/>\n <use x=\"211.230469\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-99\"/>\n <use x=\"261.230469\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-114\"/>\n <use x=\"294.53125\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-105\"/>\n <use x=\"316.748047\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-112\"/>\n <use x=\"372.363281\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-116\"/>\n <use x=\"400.146484\" 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id=\"line2d_29\"/>\n <g id=\"text_30\">\n <!-- to charge for -->\n <defs>\n <path d=\"M 17.625 46.4375 \nL 17.625 0 \nL 8.84375 0 \nL 8.84375 46.4375 \nL 1.421875 46.4375 \nL 1.421875 52.828125 \nL 8.84375 52.828125 \nL 8.84375 58.796875 \nQ 8.84375 61.671875 9.375 64.140625 \nQ 9.90625 66.609375 11.34375 68.4375 \nQ 12.796875 70.265625 15.28125 71.3125 \nQ 17.78125 72.359375 21.734375 72.359375 \nQ 23.296875 72.359375 24.96875 72.21875 \nQ 26.65625 72.078125 27.9375 71.78125 \nL 27.9375 65.09375 \nQ 27.09375 65.234375 26 65.359375 \nQ 24.90625 65.484375 24.03125 65.484375 \nQ 22.078125 65.484375 20.828125 64.9375 \nQ 19.578125 64.40625 18.875 63.40625 \nQ 18.171875 62.40625 17.890625 60.9375 \nQ 17.625 59.46875 17.625 57.5625 \nL 17.625 52.828125 \nL 27.9375 52.828125 \nL 27.9375 46.4375 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-102\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(345.093229 187.805526)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-116\"/>\n <use x=\"27.783203\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-111\"/>\n <use x=\"83.398438\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"111.181641\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-99\"/>\n <use x=\"161.181641\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-104\"/>\n <use x=\"216.796875\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-97\"/>\n <use x=\"272.412109\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-114\"/>\n <use x=\"305.712891\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-103\"/>\n <use x=\"361.328125\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n <use x=\"416.943359\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"444.726562\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-102\"/>\n <use x=\"472.509766\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-111\"/>\n <use x=\"528.125\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-114\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"ytick_19\">\n <g id=\"line2d_30\"/>\n <g id=\"text_31\">\n <!-- Price increase and -->\n <defs>\n <path d=\"M 61.421875 48.09375 \nQ 61.421875 43.609375 59.9375 39.71875 \nQ 58.453125 35.84375 55.5 32.984375 \nQ 52.546875 30.125 48.09375 28.46875 \nQ 43.65625 26.8125 37.75 26.8125 \nL 17.53125 26.8125 \nL 17.53125 0 \nL 8.203125 0 \nL 8.203125 68.796875 \nL 37.15625 68.796875 \nQ 43.265625 68.796875 47.796875 67.3125 \nQ 52.34375 65.828125 55.375 63.109375 \nQ 58.40625 60.40625 59.90625 56.5625 \nQ 61.421875 52.734375 61.421875 48.09375 \nz\nM 52.046875 48 \nQ 52.046875 54.546875 48.046875 57.9375 \nQ 44.046875 61.328125 36.03125 61.328125 \nL 17.53125 61.328125 \nL 17.53125 34.1875 \nL 36.421875 34.1875 \nQ 44.484375 34.1875 48.265625 37.75 \nQ 52.046875 41.3125 52.046875 48 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-80\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(318.413542 177.615108)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-80\"/>\n <use x=\"66.699219\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-114\"/>\n <use x=\"100\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-105\"/>\n <use x=\"122.216797\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-99\"/>\n <use x=\"172.216797\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n <use x=\"227.832031\" 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xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-49\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"xtick_14\">\n <g id=\"line2d_44\"/>\n <g id=\"text_46\">\n <!-- 2 -->\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(818.251054 226.926875)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-50\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"xtick_15\">\n <g id=\"line2d_45\"/>\n <g id=\"text_47\">\n <!-- 3 -->\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(864.118118 226.926875)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-51\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"xtick_16\">\n <g id=\"line2d_46\"/>\n <g id=\"text_48\">\n <!-- 4 -->\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(909.985181 226.926875)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-52\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"matplotlib.axis_6\">\n <g id=\"ytick_31\">\n <g id=\"line2d_47\"/>\n <g id=\"text_49\">\n <!-- not a fan of -->\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(675.763021 208.186361)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use 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36.71875 52.046875 36 54.046875 \nQ 35.296875 56.0625 34.765625 57.6875 \nQ 34.234375 59.328125 33.859375 60.421875 \nQ 33.5 61.53125 33.453125 61.765625 \nQ 33.34375 61.53125 33 60.40625 \nQ 32.671875 59.28125 32.109375 57.609375 \nQ 31.546875 55.953125 30.828125 53.953125 \nQ 30.125 51.953125 29.390625 50 \nL 20.609375 27.390625 \nL 46.34375 27.390625 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-65\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(664.648958 197.995944)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-65\"/>\n <use x=\"66.699219\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-108\"/>\n <use x=\"88.916016\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-115\"/>\n <use x=\"138.916016\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-111\"/>\n <use x=\"194.53125\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"222.314453\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-110\"/>\n <use x=\"277.929688\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-111\"/>\n <use x=\"333.544922\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-116\"/>\n <use x=\"361.328125\" 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Also not a -->\n <defs>\n <path d=\"M 9.125 0 \nL 9.125 10.6875 \nL 18.65625 10.6875 \nL 18.65625 0 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-46\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(651.869271 187.805526)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-121\"/>\n <use x=\"50\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n <use x=\"105.615234\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-97\"/>\n <use x=\"161.230469\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-114\"/>\n <use x=\"194.53125\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-115\"/>\n <use x=\"244.53125\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-46\"/>\n <use x=\"272.314453\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"294.597656\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-65\"/>\n <use x=\"361.296875\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-108\"/>\n <use x=\"383.513672\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-115\"/>\n <use x=\"433.513672\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-111\"/>\n <use x=\"489.128906\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"516.912109\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-110\"/>\n <use x=\"572.527344\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-111\"/>\n <use x=\"628.142578\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-116\"/>\n <use x=\"655.925781\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"683.708984\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-97\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"ytick_34\">\n <g id=\"line2d_50\"/>\n <g id=\"text_52\">\n <!-- few years. Also not -->\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(641.869271 177.615108)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-102\"/>\n <use x=\"27.783203\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n <use x=\"83.398438\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-119\"/>\n <use x=\"155.615234\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"183.398438\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-121\"/>\n <use x=\"233.398438\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n <use x=\"289.013672\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-97\"/>\n <use x=\"344.628906\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-114\"/>\n <use x=\"377.929688\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-115\"/>\n <use x=\"427.929688\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-46\"/>\n <use x=\"455.712891\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"477.996094\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-65\"/>\n <use x=\"544.695312\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-108\"/>\n <use x=\"566.912109\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-115\"/>\n <use x=\"616.912109\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-111\"/>\n <use x=\"672.527344\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"700.310547\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-110\"/>\n <use x=\"755.925781\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-111\"/>\n <use x=\"811.541016\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-116\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"ytick_35\">\n <g id=\"line2d_51\"/>\n <g id=\"text_53\">\n <!-- past few years. Also -->\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(636.869271 167.424691)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-112\"/>\n <use x=\"55.615234\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-97\"/>\n <use x=\"111.230469\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-115\"/>\n <use x=\"161.230469\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-116\"/>\n <use x=\"189.013672\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"216.796875\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-102\"/>\n <use x=\"244.580078\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n <use x=\"300.195312\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-119\"/>\n <use x=\"372.412109\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"400.195312\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-121\"/>\n <use x=\"450.195312\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n <use x=\"505.810547\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-97\"/>\n <use x=\"561.425781\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-114\"/>\n <use x=\"594.726562\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-115\"/>\n <use x=\"644.726562\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-46\"/>\n <use 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xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n <use x=\"489.0625\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"516.845703\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-104\"/>\n <use x=\"572.460938\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-105\"/>\n <use x=\"594.677734\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-107\"/>\n <use x=\"644.677734\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n <use x=\"700.292969\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-115\"/>\n <use x=\"750.292969\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"778.076172\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-111\"/>\n <use x=\"833.691406\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-118\"/>\n <use x=\"883.691406\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n <use x=\"939.306641\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-114\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"ytick_41\">\n <g id=\"line2d_57\"/>\n <g id=\"text_59\">\n <!-- to many price hikes -->\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(639.655208 106.282184)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-116\"/>\n <use x=\"27.783203\" 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68.796875 \nL 63.71875 25.984375 \nQ 64.015625 24.859375 64.375 23.515625 \nQ 64.75 22.171875 65.109375 20.71875 \nQ 65.484375 19.28125 65.8125 17.765625 \nQ 66.15625 16.265625 66.5 14.890625 \nQ 67.28125 11.625 68.015625 8.203125 \nQ 68.0625 8.203125 68.453125 9.890625 \nQ 68.84375 11.578125 69.421875 14.109375 \nQ 70.015625 16.65625 70.71875 19.609375 \nQ 71.4375 22.5625 72.171875 25.09375 \nL 84.328125 68.796875 \nL 94.046875 68.796875 \nz\n\" id=\"LiberationSans-87\"/>\n </defs>\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(643.373958 96.091767)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-87\"/>\n <use x=\"90.634766\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-97\"/>\n <use x=\"146.25\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-121\"/>\n <use x=\"196.25\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"224.033203\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-116\"/>\n <use x=\"251.816406\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-111\"/>\n <use x=\"307.431641\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"335.214844\" 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xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-97\"/>\n <use x=\"333.544922\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-105\"/>\n <use x=\"355.761719\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-115\"/>\n <use x=\"405.761719\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-105\"/>\n <use x=\"427.978516\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-110\"/>\n <use x=\"483.59375\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-103\"/>\n <use x=\"539.208984\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"566.992188\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-116\"/>\n <use x=\"594.775391\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-104\"/>\n <use x=\"650.390625\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n <use x=\"706.005859\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"733.789062\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-112\"/>\n <use x=\"789.404297\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-114\"/>\n <use x=\"822.705078\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-105\"/>\n <use x=\"844.921875\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-99\"/>\n <use x=\"894.921875\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n <g id=\"ytick_45\">\n <g id=\"line2d_61\"/>\n <g id=\"text_63\">\n <!-- I will be back -->\n <g style=\"fill:#262626;\" transform=\"translate(668.553646 65.520514)scale(0.1 -0.1)\">\n <use xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-73\"/>\n <use x=\"27.783203\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"55.566406\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-119\"/>\n <use x=\"127.783203\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-105\"/>\n <use x=\"150\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-108\"/>\n <use x=\"172.216797\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-108\"/>\n <use x=\"194.433594\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"222.216797\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-98\"/>\n <use x=\"277.832031\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-101\"/>\n <use x=\"333.447266\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-32\"/>\n <use x=\"361.230469\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-98\"/>\n <use x=\"416.845703\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-97\"/>\n <use x=\"472.460938\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-99\"/>\n <use x=\"522.460938\" xlink:href=\"#LiberationSans-107\"/>\n </g>\n </g>\n </g>\n 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id=\"patch_47\">\n <path clip-path=\"url(#p24e5a29eb0)\" d=\"M 729.297396 167.87742 \nL 912.76565 167.87742 \nL 912.76565 159.725086 \nL 729.297396 159.725086 \nz\n\" style=\"fill:#ee82ee;stroke:#000000;stroke-linejoin:miter;\"/>\n </g>\n <g id=\"patch_48\">\n <path clip-path=\"url(#p24e5a29eb0)\" d=\"M 729.297396 157.687002 \nL 912.76565 157.687002 \nL 912.76565 149.534668 \nL 729.297396 149.534668 \nz\n\" style=\"fill:#ee82ee;stroke:#000000;stroke-linejoin:miter;\"/>\n </g>\n <g id=\"patch_49\">\n <path clip-path=\"url(#p24e5a29eb0)\" d=\"M 729.297396 147.496585 \nL 912.76565 147.496585 \nL 912.76565 139.344251 \nL 729.297396 139.344251 \nz\n\" style=\"fill:#ee82ee;stroke:#000000;stroke-linejoin:miter;\"/>\n </g>\n <g id=\"patch_50\">\n <path clip-path=\"url(#p24e5a29eb0)\" d=\"M 729.297396 137.306167 \nL 912.76565 137.306167 \nL 912.76565 129.153833 \nL 729.297396 129.153833 \nz\n\" style=\"fill:#ee82ee;stroke:#000000;stroke-linejoin:miter;\"/>\n </g>\n <g id=\"patch_51\">\n <path clip-path=\"url(#p24e5a29eb0)\" d=\"M 729.297396 127.115749 \nL 912.76565 127.115749 \nL 912.76565 118.963415 \nL 729.297396 118.963415 \nz\n\" style=\"fill:#ee82ee;stroke:#000000;stroke-linejoin:miter;\"/>\n </g>\n <g id=\"patch_52\">\n <path clip-path=\"url(#p24e5a29eb0)\" d=\"M 729.297396 116.925332 \nL 912.76565 116.925332 \nL 912.76565 108.772998 \nL 729.297396 108.772998 \nz\n\" style=\"fill:#ee82ee;stroke:#000000;stroke-linejoin:miter;\"/>\n </g>\n <g id=\"patch_53\">\n <path clip-path=\"url(#p24e5a29eb0)\" d=\"M 729.297396 106.734914 \nL 912.76565 106.734914 \nL 912.76565 98.58258 \nL 729.297396 98.58258 \nz\n\" style=\"fill:#ee82ee;stroke:#000000;stroke-linejoin:miter;\"/>\n </g>\n <g id=\"patch_54\">\n <path clip-path=\"url(#p24e5a29eb0)\" d=\"M 729.297396 96.544496 \nL 912.76565 96.544496 \nL 912.76565 88.392162 \nL 729.297396 88.392162 \nz\n\" style=\"fill:#ee82ee;stroke:#000000;stroke-linejoin:miter;\"/>\n </g>\n <g id=\"patch_55\">\n <path clip-path=\"url(#p24e5a29eb0)\" d=\"M 729.297396 86.354079 \nL 912.76565 86.354079 \nL 912.76565 78.201744 \nL 729.297396 78.201744 \nz\n\" style=\"fill:#ee82ee;stroke:#000000;stroke-linejoin:miter;\"/>\n </g>\n <g id=\"patch_56\">\n <path clip-path=\"url(#p24e5a29eb0)\" d=\"M 729.297396 76.163661 \nL 912.76565 76.163661 \nL 912.76565 68.011327 \nL 729.297396 68.011327 \nz\n\" style=\"fill:#ee82ee;stroke:#000000;stroke-linejoin:miter;\"/>\n </g>\n <g id=\"patch_57\">\n <path clip-path=\"url(#p24e5a29eb0)\" d=\"M 729.297396 65.973243 \nL 912.76565 65.973243 \nL 912.76565 57.820909 \nL 729.297396 57.820909 \nz\n\" style=\"fill:#ee82ee;stroke:#000000;stroke-linejoin:miter;\"/>\n </g>\n <g id=\"patch_58\">\n <path d=\"M 729.297396 216.18 \nL 729.297396 50.28 \n\" style=\"fill:none;stroke:#262626;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-width:1.25;\"/>\n </g>\n <g id=\"patch_59\">\n <path d=\"M 921.939063 216.18 \nL 921.939063 50.28 \n\" 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"source": [
"## Clustering Analysis\n",
"To gain additional insights into how the responses are distributed, the first thing is to visualize the data to see if there are clusters in the responses. The idea is that similar responses should exist in the same vector space. To do this, first we need to encode the responses using a transformer model"
"metadata": {
"id": "YIoR0urF5ofH"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"### Encoding\n",
"Here I generate 384-length embeddings using a transformer-based model trained on sentence similarity tasks such as Natural Language Inference/ Semantic search. These kinds of models generate rich embeddings compared to pretrained language models. \n",
" - For improvement, this model can finetuned on data collected in house to improve the quality of the embeddings.\n",
" I defined an Encoder model based to generate embeddings for a batch of text or single text input"
"metadata": {
"id": "l4xiCnY_6RHR"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"import torch\n",
"import torch.nn.functional as F\n",
"from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel\n",
"class Encoder:\n",
" def __init__(self, model_name: str):\n",
" self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)\n",
" self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_name)\n",
" def encode(self, text:str, max_length: int):\n",
" inputs = self.tokenizer(text, return_tensors=\"pt\", padding=True, truncation=True, max_length=max_length)\n",
" with torch.no_grad():\n",
" model_output = self.model(**inputs, return_dict=True)\n",
" \n",
" # Perform pooling\n",
" embeddings = self.mean_pooling(model_output, inputs['attention_mask'])\n",
" # Normalize embeddings\n",
" embeddings = F.normalize(embeddings, p=2, dim=1)\n",
" return embeddings.detach().cpu().numpy().tolist()\n",
" def mean_pooling(self, model_output, attention_mask):\n",
" token_embeddings = model_output[0] #First element of model_output contains all token embeddings\n",
" input_mask_expanded = attention_mask.unsqueeze(-1).expand(token_embeddings.size()).float()\n",
" return torch.sum(token_embeddings * input_mask_expanded, 1) / torch.clamp(input_mask_expanded.sum(1), min=1e-9)\n",
"encoder = Encoder(\"sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2\")"
"metadata": {
"id": "S5DsZSorZcvt"
"execution_count": 10,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"emb = encoder.encode([\"You keep canceling really good, popular series!\", \"You keep canceling really good\"], max_length=64)"
"metadata": {
"id": "TVBg8B1pq78C"
"execution_count": 11,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"Use the Encoder defined above to generate embeddings, these embeddings are stored in a list due to the miniature size of the dataset for this project. For larger datasets we can store the embeddings in a feature store, a dense index (e.g. Faiss, Annoy) or store in batched json files in a cloud bucket"
"metadata": {
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"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"Batch and Encode the Responses\n",
"embeddings= []\n",
"batch_size = 64 \n",
"for i in range(0, len(corpus_list), batch_size):\n",
" batch_embeddings = encoder.encode(corpus_list[i:i+batch_size], max_length=64)\n",
" embeddings.extend(batch_embeddings)"
"metadata": {
"id": "2VMuGJdCrV0c",
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"outputId": "2180814d-cc1d-4001-f5d0-7027c296398e"
"execution_count": 12,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"CPU times: user 14 s, sys: 313 ms, total: 14.3 s\n",
"Wall time: 18.2 s\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"assert len(embeddings) == len(response_df), \"Not all the documents have been mapped\"\n",
"print(f\"The length of the embedding list is. {len(embeddings)}\")"
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"id": "k2tI8a4b1ERb",
"outputId": "900e2552-b34a-4da4-df3c-8ce97055faa9"
"execution_count": 13,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": [
"The length of the embedding list is. 663\n"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"### Visualize the Embeddings"
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"id": "bNw6iOhv9kVw"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"To visualize the embeddings, we need to reduce the dimension of the vector from a 384-long vector to 2 dimensions that can be represented in a 2-D vector space. There are several algorithms to do this such as PCA (principal component analysis), UMAP, T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) etc"
"metadata": {
"id": "gxCamlkR9-_m"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"Reduce the dimensions of the generated embeddings and visualize\n",
"reducer = umap.UMAP(n_neighbors=200) \n",
"umap_embeds = reducer.fit_transform(embeddings)\n",
"response_df['x'] = umap_embeds[:,0]\n",
"response_df['y'] = umap_embeds[:,1]\n",
"chart = alt.Chart(response_df).mark_circle(size=60).encode(\n",
" x=#'x',\n",
" alt.X('x',\n",
" scale=alt.Scale(zero=False),\n",
" axis=alt.Axis(labels=False, ticks=False, domain=False)\n",
" ),\n",
" y=\n",
" alt.Y('y',\n",
" scale=alt.Scale(zero=False),\n",
" axis=alt.Axis(labels=False, ticks=False, domain=False)\n",
" ),\n",
" tooltip=['response']\n",
" width=700,\n",
" height=400,\n",
" title='Clustering Customer Responses for Churn Analysis'\n",
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
"height": 463
"id": "nd28Mn8u2SUk",
"outputId": "6b144c63-9750-4bc1-e7d1-91b72c82812e"
"execution_count": 14,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
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" })({\"config\": {\"view\": {\"continuousWidth\": 400, \"continuousHeight\": 300}, \"background\": \"#e1f5fc\"}, \"data\": {\"name\": \"data-3f402c6a9ecfb3d961fb663ffa786a2f\"}, \"mark\": {\"type\": \"circle\", \"size\": 60}, \"encoding\": {\"tooltip\": [{\"field\": \"response\", \"type\": \"nominal\"}], \"x\": {\"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"labels\": false, \"ticks\": false}, \"field\": \"x\", \"scale\": {\"zero\": false}, \"type\": \"quantitative\"}, \"y\": {\"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"labels\": false, \"ticks\": false}, \"field\": \"y\", \"scale\": {\"zero\": false}, \"type\": \"quantitative\"}}, \"height\": 400, \"selection\": {\"selector001\": {\"type\": \"interval\", \"bind\": \"scales\", \"encodings\": [\"x\", \"y\"]}}, \"title\": \"Clustering Customer Responses for Churn Analysis\", \"width\": 700, \"$schema\": \"\", \"datasets\": {\"data-3f402c6a9ecfb3d961fb663ffa786a2f\": [{\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779533, \"response\": \"seen what 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\"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779949, \"response\": \"Moved to UK\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.32528305053711, \"y\": 16.460710525512695}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779948, \"response\": \"moving in with my bf. He has an subscription already.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.040706634521484, \"y\": 18.614742279052734}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779948, \"response\": \"moving in with my bf. He has an subscription already.\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.11902618408203, \"y\": 18.812273025512695}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779947, \"response\": \"Moving to new location in Ontario\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.151329040527344, \"y\": 16.314428329467773}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779946, \"response\": \"my fiance is moving in and we are consolidating subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.027973175048828, \"y\": 18.71746253967285}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779945, \"response\": \"Not using it anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.621381759643555, \"y\": 17.523958206176758}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779944, \"response\": \"Personal issues with subscription between users\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 26.459253311157227, \"y\": 19.57782745361328}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779943, \"response\": \"Price gouging\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 31.04475212097168, \"y\": 17.699365615844727}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779942, \"response\": \"Prices keep going upward it is now too much expensive for me unfortunately.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 31.1226749420166, \"y\": 17.607797622680664}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779942, \"response\": \"Prices keep going upward it is now too much expensive for me unfortunately.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.143648147583008, \"y\": 17.60208511352539}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779941, \"response\": \"sick of being ripped off LOL\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.273393630981445, \"y\": 17.088455200195312}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779940, \"response\": \"Started Charging Taxes\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 28.997726440429688, \"y\": 17.963653564453125}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779939, \"response\": \"Summer activities = better health\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.5435848236084, \"y\": 15.249807357788086}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779938, \"response\": \"taking a break will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.023714065551758, \"y\": 15.720640182495117}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779937, \"response\": \"The price hikes are getting out of hand for the lack of selection\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.236310958862305, \"y\": 17.088977813720703}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779936, \"response\": \"This is temporary\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.41529083251953, \"y\": 16.879087448120117}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779935, \"response\": \"To expensive compared to others so switching\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.0654354095459, \"y\": 16.725629806518555}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779935, \"response\": \"To expensive compared to others so switching\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.032182693481445, \"y\": 16.669326782226562}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779934, \"response\": \"Trying to cut back\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.066024780273438, \"y\": 15.184929847717285}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779933, \"response\": \"user passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.586767196655273, \"y\": 17.418703079223633}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779932, \"response\": \"Will return\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.125431060791016, \"y\": 16.473953247070312}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779931, \"response\": \"With frequent price increases, no longer a good value\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.08525085449219, \"y\": 16.979915618896484}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779930, \"response\": \"You keep upping prices by huge amounts\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.680782318115234, \"y\": 17.656723022460938}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779929, \"response\": \"2 price increases in 4 months has pushed me over the edge\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.922300338745117, \"y\": 17.250890731811523}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779928, \"response\": \"3 months out of town\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.901281356811523, \"y\": 16.18910789489746}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779927, \"response\": \"3rd price increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.84917640686035, \"y\": 16.902381896972656}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779926, \"response\": \"A 20% increase is something I'm not willing to support. Options are not great for the price.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.08875274658203, \"y\": 16.851816177368164}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779925, \"response\": \"subscription compromised\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 26.970067977905273, \"y\": 19.902067184448242}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779924, \"response\": \"subscription hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 26.987510681152344, \"y\": 19.88074493408203}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779923, \"response\": \"subscription hacked too hard to fix\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.125755310058594, \"y\": 19.876514434814453}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779922, \"response\": \"subscription owner passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.543577194213867, \"y\": 17.967159271240234}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779921, \"response\": \"subscription sharing crackdown\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.076873779296875, \"y\": 19.443971633911133}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779920, \"response\": \"Added charges and fees\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 29.130443572998047, \"y\": 18.312992095947266}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779919, \"response\": \"Others offer better services for lesser prices\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.245737075805664, \"y\": 18.060808181762695}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779918, \"response\": \"back to piracy with these prices.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.3837833404541, \"y\": 17.53602409362793}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779917, \"response\": \"Bad economy\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.781770706176758, \"y\": 15.606472969055176}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779916, \"response\": \"Be back on payday\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.618013381958008, \"y\": 16.471494674682617}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779915, \"response\": \"Because I can\\ufffdt share with my grandkids out of stay without you charging me extra.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.772947311401367, \"y\": 18.76885986328125}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779915, \"response\": \"Because I can\\ufffdt share with my grandkids out of stay without you charging me extra.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.815690994262695, \"y\": 18.850643157958984}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779914, \"response\": \"Because I was not allowed to pay my bill after my credit card was compromised. I wanted to have my bill charged to my bank subscription automatically but that is not an option I was told. So, I\\ufffdll just do without it.\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.75321388244629, \"y\": 19.217327117919922}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779913, \"response\": \"Because prices are raising without any differences or improvements\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.858476638793945, \"y\": 17.085800170898438}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779912, \"response\": \"Because y\\ufffdall keep stealing money from me and I haven\\ufffdt been on in years\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 28.16065788269043, \"y\": 19.045547485351562}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779911, \"response\": \"Because you guys want to stop people from sharing something that they pay for. Just stop.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 28.568119049072266, \"y\": 19.314435958862305}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779910, \"response\": \"Behind on finances\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.54949188232422, \"y\": 15.3506498336792}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779909, \"response\": \"Billing\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.598134994506836, \"y\": 17.87234878540039}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779908, \"response\": \"Billing trouble\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.5476016998291, \"y\": 17.98168182373047}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779907, \"response\": \"Bills\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.923547744750977, \"y\": 15.436640739440918}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779906, \"response\": \"Boyfriend has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.592235565185547, \"y\": 18.64130401611328}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779905, \"response\": \"Boyfriends subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.719911575317383, \"y\": 18.80306625366211}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779904, \"response\": \"Budget\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.57785987854004, \"y\": 15.691018104553223}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779903, \"response\": \"Budget :(\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.51384162902832, \"y\": 15.936114311218262}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779902, \"response\": \"budget cutbacks\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.33251190185547, \"y\": 15.155874252319336}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779901, \"response\": \"budget cuts\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.28165626525879, \"y\": 15.142152786254883}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779900, \"response\": \"Budget issues\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.41358184814453, \"y\": 15.239913940429688}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779899, \"response\": \"Budget Tightening, Will Return AgainLater\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 29.284759521484375, \"y\": 15.410642623901367}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779899, \"response\": \"Budget Tightening, Will Return AgainLater\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.35228729248047, \"y\": 15.356217384338379}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779898, \"response\": \"Budgeting\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.249387741088867, \"y\": 15.385656356811523}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779897, \"response\": \"Budgeting\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.205121994018555, \"y\": 15.41912841796875}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779896, \"response\": \"Business subscription is taking over\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.224634170532227, \"y\": 19.33734893798828}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779895, \"response\": \"Can't afford it at this time.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.51661491394043, \"y\": 16.2445068359375}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779894, \"response\": \"Can't afford it right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.56778335571289, \"y\": 16.151935577392578}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779893, \"response\": \"Can't afford right now.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.798503875732422, \"y\": 16.282922744750977}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779892, \"response\": \"can't justify the charge increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.83291244506836, \"y\": 17.57135009765625}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779891, \"response\": \"can\\ufffdt afford\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.48984718322754, \"y\": 16.159448623657227}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779890, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt afford it\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.65479278564453, \"y\": 16.381656646728516}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779889, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt afford it anymore thanks to inflation caused by president Biden\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.196279525756836, \"y\": 16.254823684692383}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779888, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt afford right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.538917541503906, \"y\": 16.189624786376953}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779887, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt pay this month\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.97246742248535, \"y\": 16.674623489379883}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779886, \"response\": \"Cannot afford\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.603445053100586, \"y\": 16.042980194091797}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779885, \"response\": \"Cannot afford it any longer\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.599971771240234, \"y\": 16.409666061401367}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779884, \"response\": \"Cannot get multiple billings stopped\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.17207908630371, \"y\": 18.837331771850586}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779883, \"response\": \"cannot pay\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.177885055541992, \"y\": 16.496755599975586}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779882, \"response\": \"Cant charge that for what you got\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.181705474853516, \"y\": 17.789642333984375}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779881, \"response\": \"Change of price\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.720958709716797, \"y\": 17.386905670166016}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779880, \"response\": \"Change payment date.\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.68407440185547, \"y\": 17.394906997680664}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779879, \"response\": \"Change to new country\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.36838150024414, \"y\": 16.518545150756836}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779878, \"response\": \"Changing subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.743986129760742, \"y\": 19.314876556396484}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779877, \"response\": \"changing bank will resume when thats done\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.450668334960938, \"y\": 16.861982345581055}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779876, \"response\": \"changing billing date\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.57544708251953, \"y\": 17.66378402709961}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779875, \"response\": \"charging for sharing subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.605562210083008, \"y\": 19.212678909301758}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779874, \"response\": \"Charging me for sharing subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.565757751464844, \"y\": 19.20484733581543}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779873, \"response\": \"combine households. Only need one subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.119779586791992, \"y\": 19.078706741333008}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779872, \"response\": \"combined with fiance\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.065052032470703, \"y\": 17.955366134643555}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779871, \"response\": \"consolidating subscriptions after getting got married\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.10102081298828, \"y\": 18.55422592163086}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779870, \"response\": \"Constant price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.119537353515625, \"y\": 16.771757125854492}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779869, \"response\": \"constant price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.114166259765625, \"y\": 16.731245040893555}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779868, \"response\": \"Constant price increases.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.907928466796875, \"y\": 16.660415649414062}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779867, \"response\": \"constantly raising monthly fees\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.94982147216797, \"y\": 18.53478240966797}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779866, \"response\": \"Continously raising of prices and restriction on services\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.91144371032715, \"y\": 18.307937622070312}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779865, \"response\": \"Continual Price Increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.09584045410156, \"y\": 16.89698600769043}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779864, \"response\": \"Continual price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.20009994506836, \"y\": 16.960227966308594}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779863, \"response\": \"Continually increasing Price point while delivering little new value.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.05311584472656, \"y\": 17.12318229675293}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779862, \"response\": \"Continuing price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.00265121459961, \"y\": 16.914291381835938}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779861, \"response\": \"Continuous price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.04331588745117, \"y\": 16.789350509643555}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779860, \"response\": \"cost keeps going up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.427852630615234, \"y\": 17.40135383605957}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779859, \"response\": \"Cost way tooo much\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.004863739013672, \"y\": 16.91429901123047}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779858, \"response\": \"Cost went up and quality went down.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.819978713989258, \"y\": 17.46828842163086}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779857, \"response\": \"Costs\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.86881446838379, \"y\": 16.34946060180664}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779856, \"response\": \"Costs keep rising\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.384822845458984, \"y\": 16.939884185791016}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779855, \"response\": \"Covid has me broke\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.86586570739746, \"y\": 15.70332145690918}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779854, \"response\": \"Currently reside with family\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.06410026550293, \"y\": 16.92236328125}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779853, \"response\": \"Cutting costs\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.52854347229004, \"y\": 15.097941398620605}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779852, \"response\": \"Cutting out unnecessary expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.10038948059082, \"y\": 14.852702140808105}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779851, \"response\": \"Cutting spending\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.322723388671875, \"y\": 15.248969078063965}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779850, \"response\": \"Death of account holder\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.555456161499023, \"y\": 17.529651641845703}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779849, \"response\": \"Death in Family.\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.56793975830078, \"y\": 17.115795135498047}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779848, \"response\": \"DEATH OF SPOUSE\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.342086791992188, \"y\": 17.409503936767578}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779847, \"response\": \"Divorce\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.238882064819336, \"y\": 17.793930053710938}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779846, \"response\": \"divorce - I will be back on my own subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.26346778869629, \"y\": 18.342239379882812}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779772, \"response\": \"I got married and my husband and I don't need two memberships\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.702983856201172, \"y\": 18.410564422607422}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779771, \"response\": \"I had 2 subscriptions set up.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.599529266357422, \"y\": 19.054201126098633}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779770, \"response\": \"I have amercian subscription but live in Poland\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.67245864868164, \"y\": 19.058584213256836}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779769, \"response\": \"I have another subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.72475242614746, \"y\": 18.980270385742188}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779768, \"response\": \"I have high medical bills.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.712949752807617, \"y\": 15.084542274475098}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779767, \"response\": \"I have to cut back due to high gas prices\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.469661712646484, \"y\": 15.18556022644043}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779766, \"response\": \"I have too many options now.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.567461013793945, \"y\": 16.675830841064453}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779765, \"response\": \"I have two subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.54398536682129, \"y\": 19.121843338012695}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779764, \"response\": \"I left the subscription on as a courtesy for my wife. Going through divorce now.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.19258689880371, \"y\": 18.44905662536621}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779763, \"response\": \"I live in two different addresses and I won't be able to use my subscription on both\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 26.601823806762695, \"y\": 19.29266357421875}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779762, \"response\": \"i might be back. taking a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.971900939941406, \"y\": 16.070791244506836}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779761, \"response\": \"I moved in with my son who is a subscriber\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.06644630432129, \"y\": 18.556312561035156}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779760, \"response\": \"I moved to a different country and want to be changed the currency of my current location\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 27.582778930664062, \"y\": 17.36561393737793}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779759, \"response\": \"I need to save money and don\\ufffdt use it as much as other services\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.108051300048828, \"y\": 16.156734466552734}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779758, \"response\": \"I never use it\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.808103561401367, \"y\": 17.511627197265625}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779757, \"response\": \"I prefer other platforms\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 28.126815795898438, \"y\": 17.612445831298828}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779756, \"response\": \"I will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.113075256347656, \"y\": 16.45049285888672}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779755, \"response\": \"I will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.064044952392578, \"y\": 16.45270538330078}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779754, \"response\": \"I will be back, need to move payment to end of month\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.485647201538086, \"y\": 16.788599014282227}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779754, \"response\": \"I will be back, need to move payment to end of month\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.482986450195312, \"y\": 16.675251007080078}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779753, \"response\": \"I will be back.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.00798988342285, \"y\": 16.3952693939209}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779752, \"response\": \"I will cancel each year for 2 months to offset your rate increasses\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.23611068725586, \"y\": 18.04450798034668}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779751, \"response\": \"I won't pay extra for sharing my subscription with MY FAMILY\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.41797637939453, \"y\": 18.936397552490234}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779751, \"response\": \"I won't pay extra for sharing my subscription with MY FAMILY\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 27.413358688354492, \"y\": 18.958681106567383}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779750, \"response\": \"I'd prefer to pay yearly.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 28.906301498413086, \"y\": 16.81844711303711}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779749, \"response\": \"I'm broke! :)\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.65770721435547, \"y\": 15.634303092956543}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779748, \"response\": \"I'm broke. I'll be back when I can be\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.49762725830078, \"y\": 15.817216873168945}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779747, \"response\": \"I'm having some financial issues.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.542390823364258, \"y\": 15.612829208374023}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779746, \"response\": \"I'm just trying to save some money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.010478973388672, \"y\": 15.98425006866455}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779745, \"response\": \"I'm not paying a higher price.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.95718002319336, \"y\": 16.621557235717773}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779744, \"response\": \"i'm tired of the price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.36204719543457, \"y\": 16.975238800048828}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779743, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdll be back on my next payday\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.496801376342773, \"y\": 16.41141700744629}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779742, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdll be back soon\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.147438049316406, \"y\": 16.468929290771484}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779741, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdll wait for few months to return\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.229446411132812, \"y\": 16.49148178100586}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779740, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdm BROKEEEE\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.770002365112305, \"y\": 15.640888214111328}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779739, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdm cutting back on spending\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.94879722595215, \"y\": 15.456292152404785}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779738, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdm done\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.44584083557129, \"y\": 16.662965774536133}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779737, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdm sharing an subscription with my parents and will no longer support you if you charge extra.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.70332145690918, \"y\": 18.950761795043945}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779736, \"response\": \"ill be back, rotating to something else,\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.12760353088379, \"y\": 16.381189346313477}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779735, \"response\": \"Im using another subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.933074951171875, \"y\": 19.11484146118164}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779734, \"response\": \"Income change\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.568941116333008, \"y\": 15.134279251098633}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779733, \"response\": \"Increase cost of living\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.20027732849121, \"y\": 16.324764251708984}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779732, \"response\": \"Increase from original price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.754093170166016, \"y\": 16.929994583129883}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779731, \"response\": \"Increase in price.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.182146072387695, \"y\": 16.957672119140625}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779730, \"response\": \"Increase price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.537052154541016, \"y\": 16.891080856323242}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779729, \"response\": \"Increase was too much, should be half what is charged\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.624547958374023, \"y\": 17.484535217285156}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779728, \"response\": \"Increasing price, not worth it\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.93336296081543, \"y\": 16.641632080078125}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779727, \"response\": \"inflation\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 31.28812599182129, \"y\": 16.111616134643555}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779726, \"response\": \"Inflation\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.233488082885742, \"y\": 16.072372436523438}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779725, \"response\": \"inflation food and gas\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.362913131713867, \"y\": 16.124099731445312}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779724, \"response\": \"Inflation reduces priority\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.207178115844727, \"y\": 16.209138870239258}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779723, \"response\": \"Inflation/ Recession/ rising costs\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.345455169677734, \"y\": 16.23842430114746}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779722, \"response\": \"it didnt let me cancel the first month\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.875246047973633, \"y\": 18.265111923217773}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779721, \"response\": \"it just keeps going up and I am on fixed income\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.413984298706055, \"y\": 15.84256649017334}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779720, \"response\": \"It's boring\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.088890075683594, \"y\": 16.83245849609375}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779719, \"response\": \"It's cheaper to pay in euro currency.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 30.1391544342041, \"y\": 17.672574996948242}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779718, \"response\": \"It\\ufffds not too expensive for me, it\\ufffds too expensive for itself\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.48233413696289, \"y\": 16.921659469604492}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779717, \"response\": \"Job loss\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.73297882080078, \"y\": 16.128604888916016}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779716, \"response\": \"Just can't afford it right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.867395401000977, \"y\": 16.45619010925293}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779715, \"response\": \"Just don't want to spend the money on another subscription\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.20375633239746, \"y\": 18.999845504760742}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779714, \"response\": \"Just eliminating monthly bills\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.92319107055664, \"y\": 15.296222686767578}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779713, \"response\": \"Just looking to cut costs.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.6727237701416, \"y\": 15.51053237915039}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779712, \"response\": \"Just need money back\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.14814567565918, \"y\": 16.1766414642334}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779468, \"response\": \"Too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.709733963012695, \"y\": 16.8380126953125}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779711, \"response\": \"Just need to take care of other things first before a start paying for this again\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 28.57034683227539, \"y\": 16.032657623291016}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779710, \"response\": \"Just reducing un-needed expenses \", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.08720588684082, \"y\": 14.891554832458496}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779709, \"response\": \"just taking a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.90743637084961, \"y\": 15.755900382995605}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779708, \"response\": \"Just taking a break and saving a bit of money. We'll be back.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.447219848632812, \"y\": 15.680036544799805}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779707, \"response\": \"Keep getting subscription hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.046947479248047, \"y\": 19.80600929260254}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779706, \"response\": \"Keep raising price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.969497680664062, \"y\": 17.859878540039062}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779705, \"response\": \"Keep raising prices\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.14332580566406, \"y\": 17.638025283813477}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779704, \"response\": \"Keep raising prices, not worth it\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.062400817871094, \"y\": 17.840063095092773}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779703, \"response\": \"Keep raising subscription price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.642303466796875, \"y\": 18.671463012695312}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779702, \"response\": \"keep raising the price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.793947219848633, \"y\": 17.89291000366211}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779701, \"response\": \"Keeps going up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.570236206054688, \"y\": 17.528100967407227}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779700, \"response\": \"laid off, reducing expenses\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.693742752075195, \"y\": 14.959328651428223}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779700, \"response\": \"laid off, reducing expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.33428955078125, \"y\": 14.961152076721191}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779699, \"response\": \"Limited users\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.449810028076172, \"y\": 18.419572830200195}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779698, \"response\": \"Limiting access with high price\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.74982261657715, \"y\": 18.473180770874023}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779697, \"response\": \"Limiting household spending\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.342748641967773, \"y\": 15.543649673461914}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779696, \"response\": \"Limiting to single household use.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 29.240116119384766, \"y\": 15.848084449768066}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779695, \"response\": \"Limiting to the household only.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 29.255176544189453, \"y\": 15.873856544494629}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779694, \"response\": \"living with daughter, not really using\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 26.560531616210938, \"y\": 18.007978439331055}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779693, \"response\": \"Loss of job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.618749618530273, \"y\": 15.956964492797852}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779692, \"response\": \"Lost job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.673660278320312, \"y\": 16.027088165283203}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779691, \"response\": \"Lost Job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.67662811279297, \"y\": 15.987093925476074}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779690, \"response\": \"Lost job can't afford now\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.063140869140625, \"y\": 15.94207763671875}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779689, \"response\": \"lost job due to vaccine\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.659116744995117, \"y\": 16.02650260925293}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779688, \"response\": \"Lost my job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.68168830871582, \"y\": 16.13412094116211}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779687, \"response\": \"lost my job can't afford it\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.2363338470459, \"y\": 15.878772735595703}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779686, \"response\": \"Lost y\\ufffdall damn mind with these prices\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.62972640991211, \"y\": 17.55416488647461}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779685, \"response\": \"lower bills\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.05103874206543, \"y\": 15.225327491760254}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779684, \"response\": \"lower your price pls __\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 31.280649185180664, \"y\": 18.101009368896484}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779683, \"response\": \"Lowering expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.32469940185547, \"y\": 14.950799942016602}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779682, \"response\": \"Making budget cut\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.283443450927734, \"y\": 15.179620742797852}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779681, \"response\": \"Married. Combining households\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.051673889160156, \"y\": 17.91811752319336}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779680, \"response\": \"Married. Using spouses subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.320581436157227, \"y\": 18.39482879638672}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779679, \"response\": \"Me and my mom live in two different places, since you want to restrict that I will cancel my membership.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.3306941986084, \"y\": 18.75448989868164}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779678, \"response\": \"Member passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.58655548095703, \"y\": 17.38983726501465}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779677, \"response\": \"membership fee going up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.16718292236328, \"y\": 18.595579147338867}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779676, \"response\": \"Merge households two subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.164594650268555, \"y\": 19.062772750854492}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779675, \"response\": \"merging households\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.030975341796875, \"y\": 17.94724464416504}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779674, \"response\": \"Monetary break. Will come back.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 28.008623123168945, \"y\": 15.563300132751465}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779673, \"response\": \"Money is tight, ill try and come back in a few months once I have the budget for this\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.023574829101562, \"y\": 15.837634086608887}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779672, \"response\": \"Money is a problem, I need to be saving more and can't deal with continuous price increases\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 30.291879653930664, \"y\": 15.753495216369629}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779672, \"response\": \"Money is a problem, I need to be saving more and can't deal with continuous price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.374696731567383, \"y\": 15.814840316772461}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779671, \"response\": \"money I don't have\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.728498458862305, \"y\": 16.15053939819336}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779670, \"response\": \"Money is tight right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.803794860839844, \"y\": 15.725641250610352}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779669, \"response\": \"Moved\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.230318069458008, \"y\": 16.138517379760742}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779668, \"response\": \"Moved in with family\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.147275924682617, \"y\": 16.744524002075195}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779667, \"response\": \"Moved in with my boyfriend so we only need one\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 25.865461349487305, \"y\": 18.47145652770996}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779666, \"response\": \"Moved in with significant other don\\ufffdt need two subscriptions in one house\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.186704635620117, \"y\": 18.93891143798828}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779665, \"response\": \"Moved in with someone\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.257122039794922, \"y\": 16.664899826049805}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779664, \"response\": \"Moved in with someone who has it already\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.091053009033203, \"y\": 16.804563522338867}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779663, \"response\": \"moving\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.240619659423828, \"y\": 16.104583740234375}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779662, \"response\": \"Moving\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.22461700439453, \"y\": 16.04926109313965}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779661, \"response\": \"Moving\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.202701568603516, \"y\": 16.062482833862305}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779660, \"response\": \"moving\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.248199462890625, \"y\": 16.035736083984375}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779659, \"response\": \"Moving away\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.399551391601562, \"y\": 16.087848663330078}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779658, \"response\": \"Moving country\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.243797302246094, \"y\": 16.341129302978516}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779657, \"response\": \"Moving on for now. Thank you.\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.618473052978516, \"y\": 16.68810272216797}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779656, \"response\": \"Moving out of the country\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.244142532348633, \"y\": 16.266023635864258}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779655, \"response\": \"Moving to another country.\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.33064842224121, \"y\": 16.383161544799805}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779654, \"response\": \"multiple subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.321189880371094, \"y\": 19.345443725585938}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779653, \"response\": \"Multiple subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.38763427734375, \"y\": 19.306808471679688}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779652, \"response\": \"Multiple subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.275522232055664, \"y\": 19.266925811767578}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779651, \"response\": \"Multiple subscriptions in our house\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.296016693115234, \"y\": 19.31539535522461}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779650, \"response\": \"Multiple subscriptions. Unneeded.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.406980514526367, \"y\": 19.32262420654297}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779649, \"response\": \"my subscription was being used by a stranger\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.099550247192383, \"y\": 19.8248291015625}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779648, \"response\": \"My subscription was hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.12822723388672, \"y\": 19.88959503173828}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779647, \"response\": \"my subscription was hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.14834976196289, \"y\": 19.829275131225586}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779646, \"response\": \"My Aunt passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.507539749145508, \"y\": 17.28968048095703}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779645, \"response\": \"My boyfriend wants me to cancel\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.885250091552734, \"y\": 18.06348419189453}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779644, \"response\": \"My daughter has a subscription at the same residence\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.266990661621094, \"y\": 18.864734649658203}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779643, \"response\": \"my husband already has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.42258644104004, \"y\": 18.605131149291992}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779642, \"response\": \"My husband has a subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.38941764831543, \"y\": 18.6834774017334}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779641, \"response\": \"My husband has an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.382888793945312, \"y\": 18.640634536743164}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779467, \"response\": \"Too expensive and too many new added charges\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 29.672359466552734, \"y\": 17.764724731445312}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779467, \"response\": \"Too expensive and too many new added charges\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.63160514831543, \"y\": 17.79404067993164}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779640, \"response\": \"My kids live in another city and you're going to charge more for that. Unfair and intolerable.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 28.98716163635254, \"y\": 18.42436408996582}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779639, \"response\": \"My spouse has an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.32170295715332, \"y\": 18.600765228271484}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779638, \"response\": \"My stepdad has an subscription so don\\ufffdt need one anymore\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.494510650634766, \"y\": 18.633323669433594}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779637, \"response\": \"Need to change due date\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.62554931640625, \"y\": 17.504444122314453}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779636, \"response\": \"Need to cut expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.044118881225586, \"y\": 14.9562406539917}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779635, \"response\": \"need to cut expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.058555603027344, \"y\": 14.927960395812988}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779634, \"response\": \"Need to cut just increased almost $40 per month\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.171756744384766, \"y\": 15.03941535949707}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779633, \"response\": \"need to discontinue for several weeks\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.581459045410156, \"y\": 17.071577072143555}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779632, \"response\": \"need to redo membership\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.814559936523438, \"y\": 18.682003021240234}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779631, \"response\": \"Need to save some money.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.064224243164062, \"y\": 15.895330429077148}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779630, \"response\": \"need to save the money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.88224983215332, \"y\": 15.997117042541504}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779629, \"response\": \"Need to simplify\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.072662353515625, \"y\": 16.323362350463867}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779628, \"response\": \"Never use it & too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.008098602294922, \"y\": 17.414140701293945}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779628, \"response\": \"Never use it & too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.187286376953125, \"y\": 17.317771911621094}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779627, \"response\": \"No longer enough value to justify the cost.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.043365478515625, \"y\": 17.05849266052246}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779626, \"response\": \"No longer good value for the money\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.6320858001709, \"y\": 16.35478973388672}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779625, \"response\": \"no longer worth it\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 28.80179786682129, \"y\": 16.600711822509766}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779624, \"response\": \"No more family sharing =[\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 26.954442977905273, \"y\": 18.24540901184082}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779623, \"response\": \"No need for it\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.458616256713867, \"y\": 17.21023941040039}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779622, \"response\": \"No respect for legacy members. It\\ufffds been a good run.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 26.882343292236328, \"y\": 17.417522430419922}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779621, \"response\": \"No sharing subscriptions to expensive\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.636247634887695, \"y\": 19.273239135742188}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779620, \"response\": \"no way of paying for it anymore\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.758697509765625, \"y\": 16.713228225708008}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779619, \"response\": \"not happy with price increase, this is now out of my spending and budget\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.806175231933594, \"y\": 16.98563003540039}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779618, \"response\": \"not in my budget anymore\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.456628799438477, \"y\": 16.65825653076172}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779617, \"response\": \"Not interested at this time\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.476070404052734, \"y\": 16.742958068847656}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779616, \"response\": \"Not letting us share anymore and u keep raising the price\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.356149673461914, \"y\": 19.37079620361328}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779616, \"response\": \"Not letting us share anymore and u keep raising the price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.45747184753418, \"y\": 19.376815795898438}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779615, \"response\": \"NOT NEEDED, you guys don\\ufffdt want to put forth good services so why do I need you\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.174476623535156, \"y\": 17.390300750732422}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779614, \"response\": \"Not needed\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.342044830322266, \"y\": 17.15886116027832}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779613, \"response\": \"Not paying for extra subscriptions.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 27.4903564453125, \"y\": 19.1555233001709}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779612, \"response\": \"not paying more money\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.435712814331055, \"y\": 16.268327713012695}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779611, \"response\": \"Not pleased with new policies\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 29.83101463317871, \"y\": 17.140140533447266}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779610, \"response\": \"Not used enough currently to be worth the price increase for me\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.664148330688477, \"y\": 17.47324562072754}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779610, \"response\": \"Not used enough currently to be worth the price increase for me\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.554811477661133, \"y\": 17.523805618286133}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779609, \"response\": \"Not using\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.6674747467041, \"y\": 17.52984046936035}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779608, \"response\": \"Not using it at this time.\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.71550178527832, \"y\": 17.4951114654541}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779607, \"response\": \"Not using now\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.653989791870117, \"y\": 17.431915283203125}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779606, \"response\": \"Not worth the price increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.8346004486084, \"y\": 16.62957191467285}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779605, \"response\": \"Not worth the price increase.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.722412109375, \"y\": 16.876564025878906}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779604, \"response\": \"Notified today that my subscription was hacked.\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.158218383789062, \"y\": 19.873823165893555}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779603, \"response\": \"obscene pricing!\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.554853439331055, \"y\": 17.275354385375977}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779602, \"response\": \"Offered with my phone subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.281147003173828, \"y\": 18.7629451751709}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779601, \"response\": \"Opened a new subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.828977584838867, \"y\": 19.407020568847656}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779600, \"response\": \"Opened this as a duplicate subscription by mistake\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.7174072265625, \"y\": 19.485593795776367}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779599, \"response\": \"Opening a different subscription\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.69371223449707, \"y\": 19.524168014526367}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779598, \"response\": \"Opening different subscriptions\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.52965545654297, \"y\": 19.42732048034668}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779597, \"response\": \"Other bills\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.032604217529297, \"y\": 15.593561172485352}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779596, \"response\": \"out of town for 4 months\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.82565689086914, \"y\": 16.18302345275879}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779595, \"response\": \"Out of work at the moment\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.168689727783203, \"y\": 15.798199653625488}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779594, \"response\": \"Owner of this subscription has passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.571557998657227, \"y\": 17.978078842163086}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779593, \"response\": \"Pagos adicional por el servicio\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 28.604373931884766, \"y\": 15.400924682617188}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779592, \"response\": \"My mom passed away and she had the account\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.61859703063965, \"y\": 17.711936950683594}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779591, \"response\": \"Parent owning account passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.565757751464844, \"y\": 17.721664428710938}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779590, \"response\": \"Pending extra charges\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 28.97783660888672, \"y\": 18.282039642333984}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779589, \"response\": \"Person passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.565858840942383, \"y\": 17.33754539489746}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779588, \"response\": \"Person paying passed away.\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.593570709228516, \"y\": 17.37430191040039}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779587, \"response\": \"personal income problems\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.226638793945312, \"y\": 15.162223815917969}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779586, \"response\": \"Please stop raising prices every year!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.06099319458008, \"y\": 17.763736724853516}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779585, \"response\": \"policy changes\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 30.252107620239258, \"y\": 16.76821517944336}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779584, \"response\": \"preemptively canceling before the next rate hike\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.47952651977539, \"y\": 18.061494827270508}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779583, \"response\": \"Prescription fees too high\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.944543838500977, \"y\": 17.684179306030273}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779582, \"response\": \"price change and don't use anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 31.0816593170166, \"y\": 17.995807647705078}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779582, \"response\": \"price change and don't use anymore\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.274391174316406, \"y\": 17.989145278930664}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779543, \"response\": \"Recent price increase and talk of limited subscription sharing, bye bye\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.08608627319336, \"y\": 19.365070343017578}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779543, \"response\": \"Recent price increase and talk of limited subscription sharing, bye bye\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.104219436645508, \"y\": 19.429094314575195}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779542, \"response\": \"recently married and don't need two memberships\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.582386016845703, \"y\": 18.320676803588867}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779541, \"response\": \"Remarried only need one subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.271692276000977, \"y\": 18.721616744995117}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779540, \"response\": \"Repurposing my time. I will be back!\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.027956008911133, \"y\": 16.309032440185547}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779539, \"response\": \"Restarting again soon\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.122882843017578, \"y\": 16.8391170501709}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779538, \"response\": \"Retiring and must cut expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.82505226135254, \"y\": 14.945634841918945}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779537, \"response\": \"Ridiculous price raises throughout history\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.554676055908203, \"y\": 16.870006561279297}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779536, \"response\": \"Roommate has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.379878997802734, \"y\": 18.849361419677734}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779535, \"response\": \"Save Money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.85471534729004, \"y\": 15.884793281555176}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779534, \"response\": \"saving $ and sharing with dad\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.0947265625, \"y\": 18.125240325927734}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779534, \"response\": \"saving $ and sharing with dad\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.048294067382812, \"y\": 18.120325088500977}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779532, \"response\": \"Selection continually goes in one direction, price goes in the other. The scales finally tipped.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 31.783203125, \"y\": 17.277389526367188}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779531, \"response\": \"Service is now overpriced.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.19495391845703, \"y\": 18.024843215942383}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779530, \"response\": \"Sharing with Spouse\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.59807777404785, \"y\": 18.24137306213379}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779529, \"response\": \"Sharon Passed Away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.54121208190918, \"y\": 17.257177352905273}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779528, \"response\": \"Sick of price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.2608699798584, \"y\": 16.691587448120117}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779527, \"response\": \"Someone hacked my subscription\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.140581130981445, \"y\": 19.92204475402832}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779526, \"response\": \"someone hacked my acct\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.295249938964844, \"y\": 19.78710174560547}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779525, \"response\": \"Someone keeps hacking my subscription\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.273839950561523, \"y\": 19.867652893066406}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779524, \"response\": \"Stop raising prices & put some money into customer success\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.11069107055664, \"y\": 17.736204147338867}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779523, \"response\": \"Stop raising the prices. Twice in 6 months is ridiculous.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.17726516723633, \"y\": 17.389907836914062}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779522, \"response\": \"Stop raising these damn prices!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.988025665283203, \"y\": 17.76862335205078}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779521, \"response\": \"STOP RAISING YOUR PRICES\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.224693298339844, \"y\": 17.87425994873047}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779520, \"response\": \"Stop raising your prices!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.803165435791016, \"y\": 17.893505096435547}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779519, \"response\": \"subscriber passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.49254035949707, \"y\": 17.651317596435547}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779518, \"response\": \"summer break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.285057067871094, \"y\": 15.326555252075195}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779517, \"response\": \"Summer coming\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.314870834350586, \"y\": 15.40517807006836}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779516, \"response\": \"Summer is coming. Time to play outside\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.314544677734375, \"y\": 15.388209342956543}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779515, \"response\": \"Switching my payment date\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.619647979736328, \"y\": 17.258525848388672}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779514, \"response\": \"Taking a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.942964553833008, \"y\": 15.53022575378418}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779513, \"response\": \"taking a break for summer\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.193256378173828, \"y\": 15.478975296020508}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779512, \"response\": \"taking a break layoff\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.083620071411133, \"y\": 15.623913764953613}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779511, \"response\": \"taking a break, will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.09500503540039, \"y\": 15.950726509094238}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779510, \"response\": \"Taking a break.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.900833129882812, \"y\": 15.690337181091309}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779509, \"response\": \"Taking a break.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.959632873535156, \"y\": 15.66061782836914}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779508, \"response\": \"Temp money issues\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 29.462627410888672, \"y\": 15.802327156066895}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779508, \"response\": \"Temp money issues\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.2901668548584, \"y\": 15.74056625366211}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779507, \"response\": \"Temporarily cancelling; will rejoin later!\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.27895736694336, \"y\": 17.13897132873535}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779506, \"response\": \"Temporarily scaling down services\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 30.12993812561035, \"y\": 18.12969398498535}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779505, \"response\": \"Temporary break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.97521209716797, \"y\": 15.596038818359375}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779504, \"response\": \"Temporary disconnection\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.333660125732422, \"y\": 16.912267684936523}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779503, \"response\": \"Temporary out of work\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.352581024169922, \"y\": 16.062135696411133}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779502, \"response\": \"terrible customer service\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.778419494628906, \"y\": 18.32155418395996}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779501, \"response\": \"The constant price increases are ridiculous and greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.88433074951172, \"y\": 16.48541831970215}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779501, \"response\": \"The constant price increases are ridiculous and greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.79365348815918, \"y\": 16.562965393066406}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779500, \"response\": \"The cost is going up much\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.855682373046875, \"y\": 17.291011810302734}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779499, \"response\": \"The cost is the biggest deal\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.1660099029541, \"y\": 16.82083511352539}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779498, \"response\": \"The fact you only give 10 months to reactivate makes me never want to come back again. I will consider it if you email me that you are rectifying this issue. If not, good bye forever.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.15361976623535, \"y\": 17.15046501159668}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779497, \"response\": \"The greed of the company disgusts me.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.210609436035156, \"y\": 16.287628173828125}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779496, \"response\": \"The increase of the bill and the news about paying extra money when i share my subscription with my family outside the states and I don't like the idea that you want limit my power of using my subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 28.315982818603516, \"y\": 19.317148208618164}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779496, \"response\": \"The increase of the bill and the news about paying extra money when i share my subscription with my family outside the states and I don't like the idea that you want limit my power of using my subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 28.23919105529785, \"y\": 19.288888931274414}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779496, \"response\": \"The increase of the bill and the news about paying extra money when i share my subscription with my family outside the states and I don't like the idea that you want limit my power of using my subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.324243545532227, \"y\": 19.30196189880371}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779495, \"response\": \"The last price increase was I am willing pay.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.45708656311035, \"y\": 16.644771575927734}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779494, \"response\": \"The new sharing fee. You will loose more from greed\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.269718170166016, \"y\": 19.267732620239258}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779494, \"response\": \"The new sharing fee. You will loose more from greed\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 29.140644073486328, \"y\": 19.13566017150879}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779493, \"response\": \"The new upcoming addtional price increases stop this and youll have me back as a customer.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.54093360900879, \"y\": 17.97886848449707}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779492, \"response\": \"The price continues to rise with no end in sight.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.76373291015625, \"y\": 17.435420989990234}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779491, \"response\": \"The price has gone up annually.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.139041900634766, \"y\": 17.402193069458008}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779490, \"response\": \"The price has increased so much. Can\\ufffdt keep with it.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.18211555480957, \"y\": 17.484434127807617}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779489, \"response\": \"The price has raised way to high! I will not be renewing for a long while!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.449337005615234, \"y\": 17.94935417175293}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779488, \"response\": \"the price hike and stopping sharing\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.40272331237793, \"y\": 19.31476402282715}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779488, \"response\": \"the price hike and stopping sharing\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.392745971679688, \"y\": 19.290287017822266}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779487, \"response\": \"The price hike was 43% in the span of 5 months and your selection has drastically deteriorated. Member since 09 gone just like that!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.149438858032227, \"y\": 17.854999542236328}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779486, \"response\": \"The price increase every year seems ok but when nothing really good is added, it is not ok.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.683778762817383, \"y\": 16.697439193725586}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779485, \"response\": \"The price increase since I became a member is ridiculous\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.344593048095703, \"y\": 17.418359756469727}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779484, \"response\": \"The price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.5904483795166, \"y\": 16.992557525634766}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779483, \"response\": \"The price increases + the upcoming change where we will have to pay a fee to use my subscription in different locations is ridiculous and anti-consumer.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 28.658912658691406, \"y\": 19.190683364868164}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779483, \"response\": \"The price increases + the upcoming change where we will have to pay a fee to use my subscription in different locations is ridiculous and anti-consumer.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.596792221069336, \"y\": 19.185317993164062}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779482, \"response\": \"The price just got to far out of hand\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.703670501708984, \"y\": 17.185012817382812}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779481, \"response\": \"THE PRICE KEEPS INCREASING\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.661258697509766, \"y\": 17.356584548950195}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779480, \"response\": \"The service vs price is no longer worth it. Too expensive now\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.275100708007812, \"y\": 17.932891845703125}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779479, \"response\": \"The service isn\\ufffdt worth the cost.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.71210289001465, \"y\": 17.967079162597656}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779478, \"response\": \"Think my subscription is compromised\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.010587692260742, \"y\": 19.898578643798828}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779477, \"response\": \"This is going to be about 4 times the amount it was when I started.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.786413192749023, \"y\": 17.445114135742188}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779476, \"response\": \"This is ridiculous! Price gouging!\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.898818969726562, \"y\": 17.39606285095215}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779475, \"response\": \"Time for a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.07996940612793, \"y\": 15.640122413635254}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779474, \"response\": \"Tired of the pay increases every year\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.459373474121094, \"y\": 16.429485321044922}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779473, \"response\": \"Tired of your company playing games with subscribers\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 27.39299774169922, \"y\": 19.382658004760742}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779472, \"response\": \"To busy\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 27.029434204101562, \"y\": 15.632171630859375}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779471, \"response\": \"To expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.798049926757812, \"y\": 16.49427032470703}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779470, \"response\": \"too easily hacked-not secure\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.362205505371094, \"y\": 19.662630081176758}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779469, \"response\": \"Too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.753028869628906, \"y\": 16.806489944458008}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779466, \"response\": \"Too expensive for me right now, maybe later\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.521472930908203, \"y\": 16.73785972595215}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779465, \"response\": \"Too expensive for what\\ufffds offered\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.64491844177246, \"y\": 16.769548416137695}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779464, \"response\": \"Too expensive, stupid new rule\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 30.041122436523438, \"y\": 17.254886627197266}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779464, \"response\": \"Too expensive, stupid new rule\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.090591430664062, \"y\": 17.235843658447266}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779463, \"response\": \"Too EXPENSIVE!\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.8269100189209, \"y\": 16.955604553222656}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779462, \"response\": \"Too greedy\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.583282470703125, \"y\": 16.28218650817871}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779461, \"response\": \"Too many charges added on.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 29.52649688720703, \"y\": 17.839452743530273}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779460, \"response\": \"Too many new rules and fees and raised prices. Just not worth the money anymore.\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 30.180376052856445, \"y\": 17.37089729309082}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779460, \"response\": \"Too many new rules and fees and raised prices. Just not worth the money anymore.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.233774185180664, \"y\": 17.28645896911621}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779459, \"response\": \"Too many on my subscription\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.94362449645996, \"y\": 19.118152618408203}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779458, \"response\": \"too many people using my subscription\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.110660552978516, \"y\": 19.431737899780273}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779457, \"response\": \"Too many price hikes and the newest hike for charging extra to share an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 28.92521858215332, \"y\": 19.15797233581543}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779457, \"response\": \"Too many price hikes and the newest hike for charging extra to share an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 28.897380828857422, \"y\": 19.239540100097656}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779457, \"response\": \"Too many price hikes and the newest hike for charging extra to share an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.78036117553711, \"y\": 19.256977081298828}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779456, \"response\": \"too many price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.271821975708008, \"y\": 17.12030792236328}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779455, \"response\": \"Too many price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.28717041015625, \"y\": 16.761219024658203}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779454, \"response\": \"Too many price increases.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.7802791595459, \"y\": 17.09581184387207}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779453, \"response\": \"Too many price increases. Going with a different service.\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.452659606933594, \"y\": 17.961917877197266}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779453, \"response\": \"Too many price increases. Going with a different service.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.48444938659668, \"y\": 18.062496185302734}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779452, \"response\": \"too many price increments and now you will be checking where we access the subscription. Your greed is why I am canceling. Good Luck!\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 28.118703842163086, \"y\": 18.611032485961914}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779452, \"response\": \"too many price increments and now you will be checking where we access the subscription. Your greed is why I am canceling. Good Luck!\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 28.17962646484375, \"y\": 18.636676788330078}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779452, \"response\": \"too many price increments and now you will be checking where we access the subscription. Your greed is why I am canceling. Good Luck!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.19293785095215, \"y\": 18.680133819580078}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779451, \"response\": \"Too many subscriptions, I'll be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.016653060913086, \"y\": 18.99199676513672}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779450, \"response\": \"Trying to reduce bills as much as possible for 6 months\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.081472396850586, \"y\": 15.401500701904297}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779449, \"response\": \"trying to save money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.02892303466797, \"y\": 15.788902282714844}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779448, \"response\": \"Trying to save money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.907184600830078, \"y\": 15.811335563659668}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779447, \"response\": \"Trying to save money right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.85784149169922, \"y\": 15.911247253417969}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779446, \"response\": \"Two price increases in 6 months\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.94568634033203, \"y\": 17.04026222229004}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779445, \"response\": \"Two price increases in short amount of time\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.06003189086914, \"y\": 16.80457305908203}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779444, \"response\": \"Unable to change my billing date. Customer service no help at all.\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.585264205932617, \"y\": 17.705825805664062}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779443, \"response\": \"unable to share subscription with family\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 26.88324546813965, \"y\": 18.7943115234375}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779442, \"response\": \"Unemployed and financial issues\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.176849365234375, \"y\": 15.136326789855957}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779442, \"response\": \"Unemployed and financial issues\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.149206161499023, \"y\": 15.20991325378418}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779441, \"response\": \"User passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.5253849029541, \"y\": 17.3878231048584}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779440, \"response\": \"using a different membership\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 26.77246856689453, \"y\": 19.0081787109375}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779439, \"response\": \"using another platform for awhile - I will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.072031021118164, \"y\": 16.678855895996094}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779438, \"response\": \"using other subscription\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 26.74311065673828, \"y\": 19.217975616455078}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779437, \"response\": \"using other apps at this time\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 28.093732833862305, \"y\": 18.060283660888672}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779436, \"response\": \"Waiting until pay day\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.798805236816406, \"y\": 16.839750289916992}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779435, \"response\": \"Waste of money and you raising the cost\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.244300842285156, \"y\": 16.624055862426758}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779434, \"response\": \"Waste of time and money. Would rather spend time learning.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.090272903442383, \"y\": 17.139602661132812}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779433, \"response\": \"Way to many price hikes over the past few years. Also not a fan of you charging extra money to share subscriptions because your greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 29.036287307739258, \"y\": 19.169172286987305}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779433, \"response\": \"Way to many price hikes over the past few years. Also not a fan of you charging extra money to share subscriptions because your greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.00946044921875, \"y\": 19.25645637512207}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779433, \"response\": \"Way to many price hikes over the past few years. Also not a fan of you charging extra money to share subscriptions because your greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 28.99976348876953, \"y\": 19.188457489013672}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779433, \"response\": \"Way to many price hikes over the past few years. Also not a fan of you charging extra money to share subscriptions because your greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.9656925201416, \"y\": 19.23125457763672}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779432, \"response\": \"way too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.774324417114258, \"y\": 16.81065559387207}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779431, \"response\": \"way too expensive for the service given, not worth the amount.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.92156410217285, \"y\": 17.744504928588867}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779430, \"response\": \"We feel like there is no customer loyalty for a long time subscriber. Prices keep increasing at alarming rates and we only feel like it will keep going.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 29.736082077026367, \"y\": 18.69902229309082}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779430, \"response\": \"We feel like there is no customer loyalty for a long time subscriber. Prices keep increasing at alarming rates and we only feel like it will keep going.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.719396591186523, \"y\": 18.727399826049805}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779429, \"response\": \"We have 2 subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.49859046936035, \"y\": 19.0715274810791}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779428, \"response\": \"We have 3 subscriptions in 1 household. Only needed 1\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.188941955566406, \"y\": 19.00935935974121}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779427, \"response\": \"We have not been using it as much as we'd like to\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.76634979248047, \"y\": 17.569564819335938}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779426, \"response\": \"We have too many subscriptions lol\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.83322525024414, \"y\": 19.138946533203125}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779425, \"response\": \"When I can pay for it I will. You keep charging my card and it declined.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.086191177368164, \"y\": 18.69124984741211}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779424, \"response\": \"Why the price increase? __\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.401351928710938, \"y\": 16.804576873779297}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779423, \"response\": \"Wife has an subscription and don\\ufffdt need 2 subscriptions.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.43531608581543, \"y\": 18.73716926574707}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779422, \"response\": \"Wife has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.363998413085938, \"y\": 18.511470794677734}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779421, \"response\": \"Wife passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.449060440063477, \"y\": 17.318296432495117}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779420, \"response\": \"Will be back in a week\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.091157913208008, \"y\": 16.41908836364746}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779419, \"response\": \"will be getting the service through my phone provider\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.778785705566406, \"y\": 18.41468048095703}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779418, \"response\": \"will come back in may\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.075103759765625, \"y\": 16.418241500854492}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779417, \"response\": \"Will come in future\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.040019989013672, \"y\": 16.638437271118164}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779416, \"response\": \"Will join back later\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.177459716796875, \"y\": 16.586811065673828}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779415, \"response\": \"Will not pay price increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.493432998657227, \"y\": 16.951520919799805}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779414, \"response\": \"will replace with a cheaper service\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.112958908081055, \"y\": 18.090147018432617}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779413, \"response\": \"will restart under new email\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.092140197753906, \"y\": 17.160554885864258}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779412, \"response\": \"Will resume later in the year.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.27178382873535, \"y\": 16.667421340942383}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779411, \"response\": \"With the rise in fuel and other costs, I'm having to cut back on entertainment.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.922119140625, \"y\": 15.629517555236816}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779845, \"response\": \"Do not use often\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.838716506958008, \"y\": 17.50495719909668}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779844, \"response\": \"do not want anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.353050231933594, \"y\": 17.024206161499023}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779843, \"response\": \"Do you use enough to warrant cost\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.469512939453125, \"y\": 17.57369613647461}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779842, \"response\": \"Don't agree with price increase.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.129859924316406, \"y\": 16.896350860595703}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779841, \"response\": \"Don't have enough money to get it anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.593128204345703, \"y\": 16.504680633544922}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779840, \"response\": \"don't need it currently\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.455045700073242, \"y\": 17.03203773498535}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779839, \"response\": \"Don't need right now\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.23912239074707, \"y\": 16.986167907714844}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779838, \"response\": \"Don't use enough anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.998889923095703, \"y\": 17.354890823364258}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779837, \"response\": \"Don't use.\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.798080444335938, \"y\": 17.49152946472168}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779836, \"response\": \"Don't want it anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.40019416809082, \"y\": 16.93021583557129}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779835, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt agree with price increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.170297622680664, \"y\": 17.020856857299805}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779834, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt have the money\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 28.747140884399414, \"y\": 16.318588256835938}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779833, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt like political virtue signaling.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.23000144958496, \"y\": 17.047271728515625}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779832, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt need two subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.445131301879883, \"y\": 19.019487380981445}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779831, \"response\": \"Double subscriptions with same payment different emails\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.272411346435547, \"y\": 19.440526962280273}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779830, \"response\": \"Downsizing\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.44230842590332, \"y\": 15.04881477355957}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779829, \"response\": \"Economy hardship\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.277812957763672, \"y\": 15.115649223327637}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779828, \"response\": \"Extra charge for sign in. My daughter is in college!!!! And your going to charge me when she uses ut. No thank you. You're not worth it anyways. Good bye\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.914600372314453, \"y\": 18.704355239868164}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779828, \"response\": \"Extra charge for sign in. My daughter is in college!!!! And your going to charge me when she uses ut. No thank you. You're not worth it anyways. Good bye\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 27.888795852661133, \"y\": 18.725828170776367}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779828, \"response\": \"Extra charge for sign in. My daughter is in college!!!! And your going to charge me when she uses ut. No thank you. You're not worth it anyways. Good bye\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 27.89777374267578, \"y\": 18.766502380371094}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779827, \"response\": \"Fianc\\ufffde has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.306434631347656, \"y\": 18.583189010620117}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779826, \"response\": \"Finance decision\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.543903350830078, \"y\": 15.34498119354248}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779825, \"response\": \"Finances\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.505117416381836, \"y\": 15.345632553100586}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779824, \"response\": \"Finances\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.601247787475586, \"y\": 15.27301025390625}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779823, \"response\": \"Financial\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.593673706054688, \"y\": 15.350844383239746}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779822, \"response\": \"Financial Cut Backs\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.817995071411133, \"y\": 15.25339412689209}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779821, \"response\": \"Financial Hardship\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.228071212768555, \"y\": 15.152151107788086}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779820, \"response\": \"Financial hardship\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.27715492248535, \"y\": 15.213407516479492}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779819, \"response\": \"Financial hardship\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.184106826782227, \"y\": 15.15761947631836}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779818, \"response\": \"Financial reasons\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.568164825439453, \"y\": 15.323726654052734}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779817, \"response\": \"Financial situation changed.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.38484001159668, \"y\": 15.522284507751465}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779816, \"response\": \"financial situation has changed\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.605426788330078, \"y\": 15.624582290649414}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779815, \"response\": \"For the time being\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.154035568237305, \"y\": 15.915140151977539}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779814, \"response\": \"future issues expected with sharing profiles, price hikes\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.337543487548828, \"y\": 19.435998916625977}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779814, \"response\": \"future issues expected with sharing profiles, price hikes\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.26539421081543, \"y\": 19.392946243286133}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779813, \"response\": \"getting another platform instead\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 28.16029930114746, \"y\": 17.678606033325195}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779812, \"response\": \"Getting married and will be combining accounts\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.08159637451172, \"y\": 18.23835563659668}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779810, \"response\": \"Getting too expensive and not worth the money Thanks but no thanks\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.600849151611328, \"y\": 16.828737258911133}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779809, \"response\": \"Getting too Greedy for ya Girl!\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.547012329101562, \"y\": 16.280935287475586}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779808, \"response\": \"go to live with gf\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.28267478942871, \"y\": 16.81378936767578}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779807, \"response\": \"Going to not be using it for a few months\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 28.534997940063477, \"y\": 17.574243545532227}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779806, \"response\": \"got laid off, will be back when i can.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.442779541015625, \"y\": 15.917014122009277}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779806, \"response\": \"got laid off, will be back when i can.\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.383392333984375, \"y\": 15.97713565826416}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779805, \"response\": \"got married and my wife has her own subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.25359535217285, \"y\": 18.465850830078125}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779804, \"response\": \"Got married my husband and I now share subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.319965362548828, \"y\": 18.51034164428711}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779803, \"response\": \"Got to get back on my feet\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 26.98320960998535, \"y\": 15.918347358703613}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779802, \"response\": \"GREED\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.352628707885742, \"y\": 16.187360763549805}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779801, \"response\": \"greedy company\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.229267120361328, \"y\": 16.027341842651367}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779800, \"response\": \"Greedy company\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.312265396118164, \"y\": 16.11479949951172}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779799, \"response\": \"Greedy Corporation\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.335840225219727, \"y\": 16.155315399169922}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779798, \"response\": \"Hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.26307487487793, \"y\": 19.689579010009766}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779797, \"response\": \"hard time financially need to cancel some subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.606678009033203, \"y\": 18.75563621520996}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779796, \"response\": \"hardly use it but price keeps increasing.\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.73740005493164, \"y\": 17.66920280456543}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779796, \"response\": \"hardly use it but price keeps increasing.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.638683319091797, \"y\": 17.522069931030273}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779795, \"response\": \"Have 2 subscriptions and only need 1\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.59271812438965, \"y\": 19.12358283996582}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779794, \"response\": \"Have a different subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.61713409423828, \"y\": 19.34038543701172}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779793, \"response\": \"have more than one subscription aparently\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.527359008789062, \"y\": 19.332799911499023}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779792, \"response\": \"having $ issues.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.38496208190918, \"y\": 15.692039489746094}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779791, \"response\": \"competitor is better\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.246328353881836, \"y\": 16.394933700561523}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779790, \"response\": \"Health Issues\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.842721939086914, \"y\": 15.334066390991211}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779789, \"response\": \"Health issues\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.82925033569336, \"y\": 15.36709976196289}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779788, \"response\": \"Horrible business decisions.\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 29.698272705078125, \"y\": 16.1710147857666}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779787, \"response\": \"Others are cheaper\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.274023056030273, \"y\": 17.030038833618164}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779786, \"response\": \"I am flat broke\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.888322830200195, \"y\": 15.610038757324219}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779785, \"response\": \"I am retired and non a fixed income.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.43252944946289, \"y\": 15.322420120239258}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779784, \"response\": \"I am trying to cut my spending as much as possible for now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.194753646850586, \"y\": 15.36198616027832}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779783, \"response\": \"I can afford this but I think the price is way too high and am not willing to pay it\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.556392669677734, \"y\": 16.85964012145996}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779782, \"response\": \"I can't afford it at this time but will start again.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 28.517988204956055, \"y\": 16.215425491333008}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779781, \"response\": \"I cant share my subscription with family outside my hosehold\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.018592834472656, \"y\": 18.799745559692383}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779780, \"response\": \"I do not agree with the price increases and policy changes\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.222694396972656, \"y\": 16.909029006958008}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779779, \"response\": \"I do not like\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.331459045410156, \"y\": 17.079200744628906}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779778, \"response\": \"I do not use enough as the price continues to go up\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.605552673339844, \"y\": 17.489408493041992}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779778, \"response\": \"I do not use enough as the price continues to go up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.52169418334961, \"y\": 17.44568634033203}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779777, \"response\": \"I don't have the money this month due to losing my job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.128883361816406, \"y\": 15.985081672668457}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779777, \"response\": \"I don't have the money this month due to losing my job\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.153657913208008, \"y\": 15.949043273925781}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779776, \"response\": \"I don\\ufffdt use it enough\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.835243225097656, \"y\": 17.513263702392578}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779775, \"response\": \"I get it free with my phone service\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.69156265258789, \"y\": 18.555625915527344}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779774, \"response\": \"I get more on another service for less.\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 29.888044357299805, \"y\": 18.241313934326172}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779773, \"response\": \"i got hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.262908935546875, \"y\": 19.701982498168945}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779581, \"response\": \"Price change. Lack of acceptance of the reality that is subscription sharing.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 28.944942474365234, \"y\": 19.21546745300293}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779581, \"response\": \"Price change. Lack of acceptance of the reality that is subscription sharing.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.97644805908203, \"y\": 19.270965576171875}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779580, \"response\": \"Price continues to climb with no added benefit and other services have more and better prices.\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.827917098999023, \"y\": 17.881145477294922}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779580, \"response\": \"Price continues to climb with no added benefit and other services have more and better prices.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.873998641967773, \"y\": 17.854896545410156}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779579, \"response\": \"Price hike was too much.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.83902359008789, \"y\": 16.795970916748047}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779578, \"response\": \"Price hikes are getting to be too much, everything else in my life is already expensive\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.068397521972656, \"y\": 16.978818893432617}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779577, \"response\": \"Price Increase and garbage quality, why should I keep paying blindly \", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.962438583374023, \"y\": 17.822751998901367}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779576, \"response\": \"price increase and horrible customer service, what am I paying for??\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.619014739990234, \"y\": 18.01487922668457}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779575, \"response\": \"Price increase and I have to choose between this and putting my kids into activities that are already expensive. YOU made me have to choose one or the other\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.0468692779541, \"y\": 16.70348358154297}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779574, \"response\": \"Price increase and I cant afford you anymore\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 30.776540756225586, \"y\": 16.782569885253906}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779574, \"response\": \"Price increase and I cant afford you anymore\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.858808517456055, \"y\": 16.826919555664062}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779573, \"response\": \"Price increase after being a loyal customer since 2010\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.811851501464844, \"y\": 18.07002830505371}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779572, \"response\": \"Price increase and to manservices to pick from. Shouldn't a competitive market drive price down...\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.733882904052734, \"y\": 17.465059280395508}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779571, \"response\": \"Price increase and your tracking people and how they access their subscription.\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 28.780780792236328, \"y\": 19.016437530517578}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779571, \"response\": \"Price increase and your tracking people and how they access their subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.786405563354492, \"y\": 19.066749572753906}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779570, \"response\": \"Price Increase caused me to cancel\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.3327579498291, \"y\": 18.195899963378906}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779569, \"response\": \"Price increase is absurd\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.325395584106445, \"y\": 16.89089584350586}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779568, \"response\": \"PRICE INCREASE IS TOO MUCH!!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.04446029663086, \"y\": 17.091812133789062}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779567, \"response\": \"Price increase isn't worth it\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.08074188232422, \"y\": 16.761545181274414}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779566, \"response\": \"Price increase isnt worth what is offered\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.29414939880371, \"y\": 17.139446258544922}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779565, \"response\": \"Price increases and terrible customer service\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.501829147338867, \"y\": 18.198806762695312}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779564, \"response\": \"Price increases and charges for people using my subscription\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 28.638118743896484, \"y\": 18.925891876220703}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779564, \"response\": \"Price increases and charges for people using my subscription\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.640071868896484, \"y\": 18.889875411987305}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779563, \"response\": \"Price increases are too often.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.535768508911133, \"y\": 17.039592742919922}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779562, \"response\": \"price increases don't reflect quality of service\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.68120574951172, \"y\": 17.86324691772461}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779561, \"response\": \"Price is becoming too high for the quality\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.72076988220215, \"y\": 17.180574417114258}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779560, \"response\": \"Price is increasing\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.73255729675293, \"y\": 16.985679626464844}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779559, \"response\": \"Price is whack.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.732006072998047, \"y\": 17.240480422973633}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779558, \"response\": \"Price just keeps climbing\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.55402183532715, \"y\": 17.33845329284668}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779557, \"response\": \"Price keeps changing. Benefits don't. Been with you too long for this nonsense.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.183208465576172, \"y\": 17.753780364990234}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779557, \"response\": \"Price keeps changing. Benefits don't. Been with you too long for this nonsense.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.27463722229004, \"y\": 17.718311309814453}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779556, \"response\": \"Price keeps increasing\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.745256423950195, \"y\": 17.259632110595703}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779555, \"response\": \"Price keeps rising and service is not as good as it was before.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.560209274291992, \"y\": 18.050777435302734}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779554, \"response\": \"Price raises\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.873083114624023, \"y\": 17.016754150390625}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779553, \"response\": \"price too high\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.53608512878418, \"y\": 17.074312210083008}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779552, \"response\": \"Price went up and I have has since 2010 or Earlier sorry oneday\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.11434555053711, \"y\": 17.616527557373047}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779551, \"response\": \"Prices are going up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.52889633178711, \"y\": 17.394166946411133}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779550, \"response\": \"Prices are rising to much. This is the second time.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.65215492248535, \"y\": 17.203275680541992}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779549, \"response\": \"Prices are up in everything\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.477516174316406, \"y\": 17.329601287841797}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779548, \"response\": \"Prices continue to go up, and yet you continue to try to squeeze even more money out of people\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.6924991607666, \"y\": 17.523019790649414}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779547, \"response\": \"Raising prices after a 40% profit increase last year and starting to charge for additional profiles is just greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 31.725257873535156, \"y\": 16.498693466186523}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779547, \"response\": \"Raising prices after a 40% profit increase last year and starting to charge for additional profiles is just greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.84247589111328, \"y\": 16.497467041015625}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779547, \"response\": \"Raising prices after a 40% profit increase last year and starting to charge for additional profiles is just greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.704233169555664, \"y\": 16.472761154174805}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779546, \"response\": \"Barely use the service, money down the drain\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.816938400268555, \"y\": 18.029296875}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779545, \"response\": \"Rarely used\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.962167739868164, \"y\": 17.529499053955078}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779544, \"response\": \"Rate increase and garbage customer service, do you even care about your customers?\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.129051208496094, \"y\": 18.55642318725586}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779544, \"response\": \"Rate increase and garbage customer service, do you even care about your customers?\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.182771682739258, \"y\": 18.44005584716797}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779410, \"response\": \"You are about to charge for have extra subscriptions. Me and my family have different taste but I pay my bill, it\\ufffds extortion and you\\ufffdre a disgusting and greedy company.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.98121452331543, \"y\": 19.034204483032227}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779410, \"response\": \"You are about to charge for have extra subscriptions. Me and my family have different taste but I pay my bill, it\\ufffds extortion and you\\ufffdre a disgusting and greedy company.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 27.960159301757812, \"y\": 19.051008224487305}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779410, \"response\": \"You are about to charge for have extra subscriptions. Me and my family have different taste but I pay my bill, it\\ufffds extortion and you\\ufffdre a disgusting and greedy company.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 27.869749069213867, \"y\": 19.119518280029297}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779409, \"response\": \"you are constantly raising prices. i will take my business elsewhere\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 32.028385162353516, \"y\": 17.995939254760742}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779409, \"response\": \"you are constantly raising prices. i will take my business elsewhere\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.929262161254883, \"y\": 18.072969436645508}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779408, \"response\": \"You are going up on prices\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.220705032348633, \"y\": 17.53374481201172}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779407, \"response\": \"You are money hungry\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 28.72043228149414, \"y\": 15.86383056640625}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779406, \"response\": \"You are politically biased.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.399629592895508, \"y\": 17.1103572845459}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779405, \"response\": \"you aren't focused on customers anymore\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.11305809020996, \"y\": 18.511402130126953}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779404, \"response\": \"You charge too much\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.662141799926758, \"y\": 17.563278198242188}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779403, \"response\": \"You continue to raise your prices\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.92435073852539, \"y\": 17.951576232910156}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779402, \"response\": \"You guys are making business decisions that don\\ufffdt make sense at a time when it doesn\\ufffdt make sense. Make sense, and we\\ufffdll resubscribe.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.215856552124023, \"y\": 18.803272247314453}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779401, \"response\": \"You guys keep raising the prices\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.866987228393555, \"y\": 17.734180450439453}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779400, \"response\": \"You have gotten too greedy and raised the price too many times\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.103225708007812, \"y\": 17.36628532409668}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779400, \"response\": \"You have gotten too greedy and raised the price too many times\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.170278549194336, \"y\": 17.178686141967773}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779399, \"response\": \"you just keep raising the price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.827760696411133, \"y\": 17.95078468322754}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779398, \"response\": \"You keep adding fees and new prices, I don\\ufffdt really want it no more\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.94732666015625, \"y\": 18.206218719482422}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779396, \"response\": \"You keep increasing prices.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.59269905090332, \"y\": 17.670795440673828}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779395, \"response\": \"You keep jacking the price up every 12 days.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.634918212890625, \"y\": 17.644264221191406}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779394, \"response\": \"You keep raising prices and are now charging extra for other people using your subscription, other services are better and cheaper and the only reason I kept it was for the other people using it so if you\\ufffdre gonna charge for that I\\ufffdm out\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 28.41676139831543, \"y\": 18.899091720581055}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779394, \"response\": \"You keep raising prices and are now charging extra for other people using your subscription, other services are better and cheaper and the only reason I kept it was for the other people using it so if you\\ufffdre gonna charge for that I\\ufffdm out\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 28.375812530517578, \"y\": 18.95866584777832}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779394, \"response\": \"You keep raising prices and are now charging extra for other people using your subscription, other services are better and cheaper and the only reason I kept it was for the other people using it so if you\\ufffdre gonna charge for that I\\ufffdm out\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.459630966186523, \"y\": 18.94078826904297}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779393, \"response\": \"You keep raising prices. it's not my fault that you don't have enough customers and I have to pay the price. It's just not worth it to keep you.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.7081298828125, \"y\": 18.183441162109375}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779392, \"response\": \"You keep raising the damn price. I'm not made of money.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.881376266479492, \"y\": 18.004003524780273}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779391, \"response\": \"You keep upping the price and now i cant pay\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.35258674621582, \"y\": 17.75520896911621}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779390, \"response\": \"You need to stop increasing the price on long time users.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.270111083984375, \"y\": 17.62799072265625}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779389, \"response\": \"You raise prices and nothing is new. Nothing new.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.84027671813965, \"y\": 17.49686622619629}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779388, \"response\": \"You raised the price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.45448875427246, \"y\": 17.847875595092773}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779387, \"response\": \"You raised your price almost 50%. I also don\\ufffdt like the fact that you offer the price I used to pay once I tried to cancel. Shady!\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.46337890625, \"y\": 18.267780303955078}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779387, \"response\": \"You raised your price almost 50%. I also don\\ufffdt like the fact that you offer the price I used to pay once I tried to cancel. Shady!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.39761734008789, \"y\": 18.283674240112305}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779386, \"response\": \"You raised your prices again\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.47442626953125, \"y\": 17.98372459411621}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779385, \"response\": \"You want to charge me for my kids using MY subscription, how is that even fair?\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.95064926147461, \"y\": 19.101652145385742}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779384, \"response\": \"You're being greedy at every opportunity and I won't support it\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.572608947753906, \"y\": 16.362197875976562}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779383, \"response\": \"You're being greedy. If you cared about us, you wouldn't keep hiking up prices that were high to begin with. You'll only understand what this means when enough of us leave. \", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.99278450012207, \"y\": 17.65575408935547}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779382, \"response\": \"You're not going to allow family sharing\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.02819061279297, \"y\": 18.3253116607666}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779381, \"response\": \"You\\ufffdre just greedy\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.54021644592285, \"y\": 16.359567642211914}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779380, \"response\": \"Your charging for sharing. \\\"SHARING IS CARING!!\\\"\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.566804885864258, \"y\": 18.87531852722168}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779379, \"response\": \"Your company has far too many price increases. It seems like year after year or bi-annually you are increasing prices. Too much. I\\ufffdll consider other entertaining options.\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 31.40212059020996, \"y\": 16.780460357666016}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779379, \"response\": \"Your company has far too many price increases. It seems like year after year or bi-annually you are increasing prices. Too much. I\\ufffdll consider other entertaining options.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.531414031982422, \"y\": 16.965845108032227}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779378, \"response\": \"Your constant price creep is why. I keep paying more for less. I'm done.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.6988525390625, \"y\": 17.83050537109375}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779377, \"response\": \"your corporate greed\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.340574264526367, \"y\": 16.314014434814453}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779376, \"response\": \"Your new price system and raised rates are not workable for me\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.909366607666016, \"y\": 18.02134132385254}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779375, \"response\": \"Your price change buggin\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.22465705871582, \"y\": 17.671743392944336}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779374, \"response\": \"your price hikes are absurd\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.343608856201172, \"y\": 17.371440887451172}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779373, \"response\": \"Your price is just not worth keeping anymore especially with the pop up currently shoves iny face forcing me to make a choice for the more expensive subscription. So you lost a subscriber have a nice life\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 28.339561462402344, \"y\": 18.80447006225586}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779372, \"response\": \"Your pricing is terrible. You keep increasing prices and the addition of sharing charges is greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.481948852539062, \"y\": 19.041603088378906}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779372, \"response\": \"Your pricing is terrible. You keep increasing prices and the addition of sharing charges is greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 29.47457504272461, \"y\": 19.090787887573242}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779372, \"response\": \"Your pricing is terrible. You keep increasing prices and the addition of sharing charges is greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.458873748779297, \"y\": 19.089725494384766}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779371, \"response\": \"Your profits are up and you're *raising* my price? Are you kidding me?\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.05545425415039, \"y\": 17.98197364807129}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779370, \"response\": \"Your rates are higher than others who do the same thing\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.52712059020996, \"y\": 18.199207305908203}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779370, \"response\": \"Your rates are higher than others who do the same thing\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.52328109741211, \"y\": 18.119211196899414}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779369, \"response\": \"Your stupid price hike again\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.12220573425293, \"y\": 17.49244499206543}]}}, {\"mode\": \"vega-lite\"});\n",
"text/plain": [
"metadata": {},
"execution_count": 14
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"## Visualizing Individual Clusters\n",
"Here we visualize the individual clusters by experimenting with different cluster sizes"
"metadata": {
"id": "1rVXKq3fHEGK"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"Function to cluster each datapoint\n",
"def generate_clusters(n_clusters: int) -> np.array:\n",
" # Cluster the embeddings\n",
" kmeans_model = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=0)\n",
" classes = kmeans_model.fit_predict(embeddings)\n",
" return classes\n",
"def generate_cluster_plot(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, legend_fields: list, tooltip_fields: list, color_field: str, title: str, background: str=\"#FDF7F0\" ):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Function to generate a cluster plot for the responses depending on the number of clusters\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" selection = alt.selection_multi(fields=legend_fields, bind='legend')\n",
" chart = alt.Chart(dataframe).mark_circle(size=60, stroke='#666', strokeWidth=1, opacity=0.3).encode(\n",
" x=\n",
" alt.X('x',\n",
" scale=alt.Scale(zero=False),\n",
" axis=alt.Axis(labels=False, ticks=False, domain=False)\n",
" ),\n",
" y=\n",
" alt.Y('y',\n",
" scale=alt.Scale(zero=False),\n",
" axis=alt.Axis(labels=False, ticks=False, domain=False)\n",
" ),\n",
" color=alt.Color(f'{color_field}:N', \n",
" legend=alt.Legend(columns=1, symbolLimit=0, labelFontSize=14)\n",
" ),\n",
" opacity=alt.condition(selection, alt.value(1), alt.value(0.2)),\n",
" tooltip=tooltip_fields\n",
" ).properties(\n",
" width=1000,\n",
" height=500\n",
" ).add_selection(\n",
" selection\n",
" ).configure_legend(labelLimit= 0).configure_view(\n",
" strokeWidth=0\n",
" ).configure(background=background).properties(\n",
" title=title\n",
" )\n",
" \n",
" return chart.interactive()"
"metadata": {
"id": "zjSFGk3o6wBs"
"execution_count": 15,
"outputs": []
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"#### 3 Clusters\n",
"This plot shows the customer responses being broken down into 3 clusters"
"metadata": {
"id": "OcwHqCGSF2cQ"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"response_df['cluster'] = generate_clusters(n_clusters=3)\n",
"generate_cluster_plot(dataframe = response_df,\n",
" legend_fields = ['cluster'],\n",
" tooltip_fields = ['response', 'cluster'],\n",
" color_field= 'cluster',\n",
" title = 'Clustering Customer Responses for Churn Analysis - 3 Clusters')"
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
"height": 563
"id": "ajUs09ONc6m1",
"outputId": "e2eb2fae-4b56-46cc-d15a-17f0f65968da"
"execution_count": 16,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
"text/html": [
"<div id=\"altair-viz-2a5f4efdf1864454894b0521bcfba75b\"></div>\n",
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" }\n",
" function displayChart(vegaEmbed) {\n",
" vegaEmbed(outputDiv, spec, embedOpt)\n",
" .catch(err => showError(`Javascript Error: ${err.message}<br>This usually means there's a typo in your chart specification. See the javascript console for the full traceback.`));\n",
" }\n",
" if(typeof define === \"function\" && define.amd) {\n",
" requirejs.config({paths});\n",
" require([\"vega-embed\"], displayChart, err => showError(`Error loading script: ${err.message}`));\n",
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" .catch(showError)\n",
" .then(() => displayChart(vegaEmbed));\n",
" }\n",
" })({\"config\": {\"view\": {\"continuousWidth\": 400, \"continuousHeight\": 300}, \"background\": \"#FDF7F0\"}, \"data\": {\"name\": \"data-924d21116170244b3139376857d1c75c\"}, \"mark\": {\"type\": \"circle\", \"opacity\": 0.3, \"size\": 60, \"stroke\": \"#666\", \"strokeWidth\": 1}, \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"field\": \"cluster\", \"legend\": {\"columns\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 14, \"symbolLimit\": 0}, \"type\": \"nominal\"}, \"opacity\": {\"condition\": {\"value\": 1, \"selection\": \"selector002\"}, \"value\": 0.2}, \"tooltip\": [{\"field\": \"response\", \"type\": \"nominal\"}, {\"field\": \"cluster\", \"type\": \"quantitative\"}], \"x\": {\"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"labels\": false, \"ticks\": false}, \"field\": \"x\", \"scale\": {\"zero\": false}, \"type\": \"quantitative\"}, \"y\": {\"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"labels\": false, \"ticks\": false}, \"field\": \"y\", \"scale\": {\"zero\": false}, \"type\": \"quantitative\"}}, \"height\": 500, \"selection\": {\"selector002\": {\"type\": \"multi\", \"fields\": [\"cluster\"], \"bind\": \"legend\"}, \"selector003\": {\"type\": \"interval\", \"bind\": \"scales\", \"encodings\": [\"x\", \"y\"]}}, \"title\": \"Clustering Customer Responses for Churn Analysis - 3 Clusters\", \"width\": 1000, \"$schema\": \"\", \"datasets\": {\"data-924d21116170244b3139376857d1c75c\": [{\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779533, \"response\": \"seen what I like already\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.903261184692383, \"y\": 16.883073806762695, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779397, \"response\": \"You keep canceling really good, popular series!\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 28.12310028076172, \"y\": 18.06869125366211, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779811, \"response\": \"Getting through cell provider\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.394304275512695, \"y\": 18.49049186706543, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779968, \"response\": \"Budget cuts\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.403881072998047, \"y\": 15.182365417480469, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779967, \"response\": \"Cannot have multiple users\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.190444946289062, \"y\": 18.296457290649414, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779966, \"response\": \"cost has risen too much too quickly\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.800010681152344, \"y\": 16.7558536529541, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779965, \"response\": \"disappointed with the sub subscription news\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 27.018205642700195, \"y\": 19.558141708374023, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779964, \"response\": \"Don't want it for now anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.507781982421875, \"y\": 16.942096710205078, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779963, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt need it\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.212806701660156, \"y\": 17.099021911621094, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779962, \"response\": \"duplicate subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.376066207885742, \"y\": 19.423219680786133, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779961, \"response\": \"Financial Difficulty\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.377357482910156, \"y\": 15.255457878112793, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779960, \"response\": \"Getting old\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.435773849487305, \"y\": 15.894251823425293, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779959, \"response\": \"I am connected through my service provider\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.498085021972656, \"y\": 18.560022354125977, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779958, \"response\": \"I just moved use it, as you can see by my time in the last many months\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.1607723236084, \"y\": 16.431442260742188, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779957, \"response\": \"I need to change country of billing\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.43511199951172, \"y\": 17.619462966918945, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779957, \"response\": \"I need to change country of billing\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 27.435821533203125, \"y\": 17.65107536315918, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779956, \"response\": \"I need to cut expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.965469360351562, \"y\": 14.951766014099121, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779955, \"response\": \"I wont support your nonesence.\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 29.10320281982422, \"y\": 17.029220581054688, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779954, \"response\": \"I'm moving but will rejoin once I get settled.\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.14884376525879, \"y\": 16.29201889038086, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779953, \"response\": \"Joint subscription with my husband\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.359052658081055, \"y\": 18.4921932220459, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779952, \"response\": \"Just take a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.017993927001953, \"y\": 15.464431762695312, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779951, \"response\": \"Keep raising your price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.01383972167969, \"y\": 18.094675064086914, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779950, \"response\": \"moved to the US - will start again there\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.38747787475586, \"y\": 16.392642974853516, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779949, \"response\": \"Moved to UK\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.32528305053711, \"y\": 16.460710525512695, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779948, \"response\": \"moving in with my bf. He has an subscription already.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.040706634521484, \"y\": 18.614742279052734, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779948, \"response\": \"moving in with my bf. He has an subscription already.\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.11902618408203, \"y\": 18.812273025512695, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779947, \"response\": \"Moving to new location in Ontario\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.151329040527344, \"y\": 16.314428329467773, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779946, \"response\": \"my fiance is moving in and we are consolidating subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.027973175048828, \"y\": 18.71746253967285, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779945, \"response\": \"Not using it anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.621381759643555, \"y\": 17.523958206176758, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779944, \"response\": \"Personal issues with subscription between users\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 26.459253311157227, \"y\": 19.57782745361328, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779943, \"response\": \"Price gouging\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 31.04475212097168, \"y\": 17.699365615844727, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779942, \"response\": \"Prices keep going upward it is now too much expensive for me unfortunately.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 31.1226749420166, \"y\": 17.607797622680664, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779942, \"response\": \"Prices keep going upward it is now too much expensive for me unfortunately.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.143648147583008, \"y\": 17.60208511352539, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779941, \"response\": \"sick of being ripped off LOL\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.273393630981445, \"y\": 17.088455200195312, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779940, \"response\": \"Started Charging Taxes\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 28.997726440429688, \"y\": 17.963653564453125, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779939, \"response\": \"Summer activities = better health\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.5435848236084, \"y\": 15.249807357788086, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779938, \"response\": \"taking a break will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.023714065551758, \"y\": 15.720640182495117, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779937, \"response\": \"The price hikes are getting out of hand for the lack of selection\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.236310958862305, \"y\": 17.088977813720703, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779936, \"response\": \"This is temporary\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.41529083251953, \"y\": 16.879087448120117, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779935, \"response\": \"To expensive compared to others so switching\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.0654354095459, \"y\": 16.725629806518555, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779935, \"response\": \"To expensive compared to others so switching\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.032182693481445, \"y\": 16.669326782226562, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779934, \"response\": \"Trying to cut back\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.066024780273438, \"y\": 15.184929847717285, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779933, \"response\": \"user passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.586767196655273, \"y\": 17.418703079223633, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779932, \"response\": \"Will return\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.125431060791016, \"y\": 16.473953247070312, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779931, \"response\": \"With frequent price increases, no longer a good value\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.08525085449219, \"y\": 16.979915618896484, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779930, \"response\": \"You keep upping prices by huge amounts\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.680782318115234, \"y\": 17.656723022460938, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779929, \"response\": \"2 price increases in 4 months has pushed me over the edge\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.922300338745117, \"y\": 17.250890731811523, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779928, \"response\": \"3 months out of town\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.901281356811523, \"y\": 16.18910789489746, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779927, \"response\": \"3rd price increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.84917640686035, \"y\": 16.902381896972656, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779926, \"response\": \"A 20% increase is something I'm not willing to support. Options are not great for the price.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.08875274658203, \"y\": 16.851816177368164, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779925, \"response\": \"subscription compromised\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 26.970067977905273, \"y\": 19.902067184448242, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779924, \"response\": \"subscription hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 26.987510681152344, \"y\": 19.88074493408203, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779923, \"response\": \"subscription hacked too hard to fix\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.125755310058594, \"y\": 19.876514434814453, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779922, \"response\": \"subscription owner passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.543577194213867, \"y\": 17.967159271240234, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779921, \"response\": \"subscription sharing crackdown\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.076873779296875, \"y\": 19.443971633911133, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779920, \"response\": \"Added charges and fees\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 29.130443572998047, \"y\": 18.312992095947266, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779919, \"response\": \"Others offer better services for lesser prices\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.245737075805664, \"y\": 18.060808181762695, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779918, \"response\": \"back to piracy with these prices.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.3837833404541, \"y\": 17.53602409362793, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779917, \"response\": \"Bad economy\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.781770706176758, \"y\": 15.606472969055176, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779916, \"response\": \"Be back on payday\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.618013381958008, \"y\": 16.471494674682617, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779915, \"response\": \"Because I can\\ufffdt share with my grandkids out of stay without you charging me extra.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.772947311401367, \"y\": 18.76885986328125, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779915, \"response\": \"Because I can\\ufffdt share with my grandkids out of stay without you charging me extra.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.815690994262695, \"y\": 18.850643157958984, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779914, \"response\": \"Because I was not allowed to pay my bill after my credit card was compromised. I wanted to have my bill charged to my bank subscription automatically but that is not an option I was told. So, I\\ufffdll just do without it.\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.75321388244629, \"y\": 19.217327117919922, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779913, \"response\": \"Because prices are raising without any differences or improvements\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.858476638793945, \"y\": 17.085800170898438, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779912, \"response\": \"Because y\\ufffdall keep stealing money from me and I haven\\ufffdt been on in years\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 28.16065788269043, \"y\": 19.045547485351562, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779911, \"response\": \"Because you guys want to stop people from sharing something that they pay for. Just stop.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 28.568119049072266, \"y\": 19.314435958862305, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779910, \"response\": \"Behind on finances\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.54949188232422, \"y\": 15.3506498336792, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779909, \"response\": \"Billing\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.598134994506836, \"y\": 17.87234878540039, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779908, \"response\": \"Billing trouble\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.5476016998291, \"y\": 17.98168182373047, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779907, \"response\": \"Bills\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.923547744750977, \"y\": 15.436640739440918, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779906, \"response\": \"Boyfriend has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.592235565185547, \"y\": 18.64130401611328, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779905, \"response\": \"Boyfriends subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.719911575317383, \"y\": 18.80306625366211, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779904, \"response\": \"Budget\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.57785987854004, \"y\": 15.691018104553223, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779903, \"response\": \"Budget :(\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.51384162902832, \"y\": 15.936114311218262, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779902, \"response\": \"budget cutbacks\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.33251190185547, \"y\": 15.155874252319336, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779901, \"response\": \"budget cuts\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.28165626525879, \"y\": 15.142152786254883, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779900, \"response\": \"Budget issues\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.41358184814453, \"y\": 15.239913940429688, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779899, \"response\": \"Budget Tightening, Will Return AgainLater\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 29.284759521484375, \"y\": 15.410642623901367, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779899, \"response\": \"Budget Tightening, Will Return AgainLater\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.35228729248047, \"y\": 15.356217384338379, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779898, \"response\": \"Budgeting\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.249387741088867, \"y\": 15.385656356811523, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779897, \"response\": \"Budgeting\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.205121994018555, \"y\": 15.41912841796875, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779896, \"response\": \"Business subscription is taking over\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.224634170532227, \"y\": 19.33734893798828, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779895, \"response\": \"Can't afford it at this time.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.51661491394043, \"y\": 16.2445068359375, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779894, \"response\": \"Can't afford it right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.56778335571289, \"y\": 16.151935577392578, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779893, \"response\": \"Can't afford right now.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.798503875732422, \"y\": 16.282922744750977, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779892, \"response\": \"can't justify the charge increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.83291244506836, \"y\": 17.57135009765625, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779891, \"response\": \"can\\ufffdt afford\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.48984718322754, \"y\": 16.159448623657227, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779890, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt afford it\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.65479278564453, \"y\": 16.381656646728516, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779889, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt afford it anymore thanks to inflation caused by president Biden\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.196279525756836, \"y\": 16.254823684692383, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779888, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt afford right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.538917541503906, \"y\": 16.189624786376953, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779887, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt pay this month\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.97246742248535, \"y\": 16.674623489379883, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779886, \"response\": \"Cannot afford\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.603445053100586, \"y\": 16.042980194091797, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779885, \"response\": \"Cannot afford it any longer\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.599971771240234, \"y\": 16.409666061401367, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779884, \"response\": \"Cannot get multiple billings stopped\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.17207908630371, \"y\": 18.837331771850586, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779883, \"response\": \"cannot pay\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.177885055541992, \"y\": 16.496755599975586, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779882, \"response\": \"Cant charge that for what you got\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.181705474853516, \"y\": 17.789642333984375, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779881, \"response\": \"Change of price\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.720958709716797, \"y\": 17.386905670166016, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779880, \"response\": \"Change payment date.\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.68407440185547, \"y\": 17.394906997680664, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779879, \"response\": \"Change to new country\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.36838150024414, \"y\": 16.518545150756836, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779878, \"response\": \"Changing subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.743986129760742, \"y\": 19.314876556396484, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779877, \"response\": \"changing bank will resume when thats done\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.450668334960938, \"y\": 16.861982345581055, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779876, \"response\": \"changing billing date\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.57544708251953, \"y\": 17.66378402709961, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779875, \"response\": \"charging for sharing subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.605562210083008, \"y\": 19.212678909301758, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779874, \"response\": \"Charging me for sharing subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.565757751464844, \"y\": 19.20484733581543, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779873, \"response\": \"combine households. Only need one subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.119779586791992, \"y\": 19.078706741333008, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779872, \"response\": \"combined with fiance\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.065052032470703, \"y\": 17.955366134643555, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779871, \"response\": \"consolidating subscriptions after getting got married\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.10102081298828, \"y\": 18.55422592163086, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779870, \"response\": \"Constant price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.119537353515625, \"y\": 16.771757125854492, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779869, \"response\": \"constant price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.114166259765625, \"y\": 16.731245040893555, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779868, \"response\": \"Constant price increases.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.907928466796875, \"y\": 16.660415649414062, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779867, \"response\": \"constantly raising monthly fees\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.94982147216797, \"y\": 18.53478240966797, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779866, \"response\": \"Continously raising of prices and restriction on services\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.91144371032715, \"y\": 18.307937622070312, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779865, \"response\": \"Continual Price Increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.09584045410156, \"y\": 16.89698600769043, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779864, \"response\": \"Continual price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.20009994506836, \"y\": 16.960227966308594, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779863, \"response\": \"Continually increasing Price point while delivering little new value.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.05311584472656, \"y\": 17.12318229675293, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779862, \"response\": \"Continuing price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.00265121459961, \"y\": 16.914291381835938, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779861, \"response\": \"Continuous price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.04331588745117, \"y\": 16.789350509643555, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779860, \"response\": \"cost keeps going up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.427852630615234, \"y\": 17.40135383605957, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779859, \"response\": \"Cost way tooo much\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.004863739013672, \"y\": 16.91429901123047, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779858, \"response\": \"Cost went up and quality went down.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.819978713989258, \"y\": 17.46828842163086, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779857, \"response\": \"Costs\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.86881446838379, \"y\": 16.34946060180664, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779856, \"response\": \"Costs keep rising\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.384822845458984, \"y\": 16.939884185791016, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779855, \"response\": \"Covid has me broke\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.86586570739746, \"y\": 15.70332145690918, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779854, \"response\": \"Currently reside with family\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.06410026550293, \"y\": 16.92236328125, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779853, \"response\": \"Cutting costs\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.52854347229004, \"y\": 15.097941398620605, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779852, \"response\": \"Cutting out unnecessary expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.10038948059082, \"y\": 14.852702140808105, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779851, \"response\": \"Cutting spending\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.322723388671875, \"y\": 15.248969078063965, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779850, \"response\": \"Death of account holder\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.555456161499023, \"y\": 17.529651641845703, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779849, \"response\": \"Death in Family.\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.56793975830078, \"y\": 17.115795135498047, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779848, \"response\": \"DEATH OF SPOUSE\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.342086791992188, \"y\": 17.409503936767578, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779847, \"response\": \"Divorce\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.238882064819336, \"y\": 17.793930053710938, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779846, \"response\": \"divorce - I will be back on my own subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.26346778869629, \"y\": 18.342239379882812, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779772, \"response\": \"I got married and my husband and I don't need two memberships\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.702983856201172, \"y\": 18.410564422607422, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779771, \"response\": \"I had 2 subscriptions set up.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.599529266357422, \"y\": 19.054201126098633, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779770, \"response\": \"I have amercian subscription but live in Poland\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.67245864868164, \"y\": 19.058584213256836, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779769, \"response\": \"I have another subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.72475242614746, \"y\": 18.980270385742188, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779768, \"response\": \"I have high medical bills.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.712949752807617, \"y\": 15.084542274475098, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779767, \"response\": \"I have to cut back due to high gas prices\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.469661712646484, \"y\": 15.18556022644043, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779766, \"response\": \"I have too many options now.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.567461013793945, \"y\": 16.675830841064453, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779765, \"response\": \"I have two subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.54398536682129, \"y\": 19.121843338012695, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779764, \"response\": \"I left the subscription on as a courtesy for my wife. Going through divorce now.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.19258689880371, \"y\": 18.44905662536621, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779763, \"response\": \"I live in two different addresses and I won't be able to use my subscription on both\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 26.601823806762695, \"y\": 19.29266357421875, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779762, \"response\": \"i might be back. taking a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.971900939941406, \"y\": 16.070791244506836, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779761, \"response\": \"I moved in with my son who is a subscriber\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.06644630432129, \"y\": 18.556312561035156, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779760, \"response\": \"I moved to a different country and want to be changed the currency of my current location\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 27.582778930664062, \"y\": 17.36561393737793, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779759, \"response\": \"I need to save money and don\\ufffdt use it as much as other services\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.108051300048828, \"y\": 16.156734466552734, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779758, \"response\": \"I never use it\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.808103561401367, \"y\": 17.511627197265625, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779757, \"response\": \"I prefer other platforms\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 28.126815795898438, \"y\": 17.612445831298828, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779756, \"response\": \"I will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.113075256347656, \"y\": 16.45049285888672, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779755, \"response\": \"I will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.064044952392578, \"y\": 16.45270538330078, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779754, \"response\": \"I will be back, need to move payment to end of month\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.485647201538086, \"y\": 16.788599014282227, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779754, \"response\": \"I will be back, need to move payment to end of month\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.482986450195312, \"y\": 16.675251007080078, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779753, \"response\": \"I will be back.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.00798988342285, \"y\": 16.3952693939209, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779752, \"response\": \"I will cancel each year for 2 months to offset your rate increasses\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.23611068725586, \"y\": 18.04450798034668, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779751, \"response\": \"I won't pay extra for sharing my subscription with MY FAMILY\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.41797637939453, \"y\": 18.936397552490234, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779751, \"response\": \"I won't pay extra for sharing my subscription with MY FAMILY\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 27.413358688354492, \"y\": 18.958681106567383, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779750, \"response\": \"I'd prefer to pay yearly.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 28.906301498413086, \"y\": 16.81844711303711, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779749, \"response\": \"I'm broke! :)\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.65770721435547, \"y\": 15.634303092956543, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779748, \"response\": \"I'm broke. I'll be back when I can be\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.49762725830078, \"y\": 15.817216873168945, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779747, \"response\": \"I'm having some financial issues.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.542390823364258, \"y\": 15.612829208374023, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779746, \"response\": \"I'm just trying to save some money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.010478973388672, \"y\": 15.98425006866455, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779745, \"response\": \"I'm not paying a higher price.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.95718002319336, \"y\": 16.621557235717773, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779744, \"response\": \"i'm tired of the price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.36204719543457, \"y\": 16.975238800048828, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779743, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdll be back on my next payday\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.496801376342773, \"y\": 16.41141700744629, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779742, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdll be back soon\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.147438049316406, \"y\": 16.468929290771484, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779741, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdll wait for few months to return\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.229446411132812, \"y\": 16.49148178100586, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779740, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdm BROKEEEE\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.770002365112305, \"y\": 15.640888214111328, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779739, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdm cutting back on spending\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.94879722595215, \"y\": 15.456292152404785, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779738, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdm done\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.44584083557129, \"y\": 16.662965774536133, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779737, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdm sharing an subscription with my parents and will no longer support you if you charge extra.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.70332145690918, \"y\": 18.950761795043945, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779736, \"response\": \"ill be back, rotating to something else,\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.12760353088379, \"y\": 16.381189346313477, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779735, \"response\": \"Im using another subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.933074951171875, \"y\": 19.11484146118164, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779734, \"response\": \"Income change\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.568941116333008, \"y\": 15.134279251098633, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779733, \"response\": \"Increase cost of living\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.20027732849121, \"y\": 16.324764251708984, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779732, \"response\": \"Increase from original price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.754093170166016, \"y\": 16.929994583129883, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779731, \"response\": \"Increase in price.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.182146072387695, \"y\": 16.957672119140625, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779730, \"response\": \"Increase price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.537052154541016, \"y\": 16.891080856323242, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779729, \"response\": \"Increase was too much, should be half what is charged\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.624547958374023, \"y\": 17.484535217285156, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779728, \"response\": \"Increasing price, not worth it\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.93336296081543, \"y\": 16.641632080078125, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779727, \"response\": \"inflation\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 31.28812599182129, \"y\": 16.111616134643555, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779726, \"response\": \"Inflation\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.233488082885742, \"y\": 16.072372436523438, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779725, \"response\": \"inflation food and gas\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.362913131713867, \"y\": 16.124099731445312, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779724, \"response\": \"Inflation reduces priority\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.207178115844727, \"y\": 16.209138870239258, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779723, \"response\": \"Inflation/ Recession/ rising costs\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.345455169677734, \"y\": 16.23842430114746, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779722, \"response\": \"it didnt let me cancel the first month\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.875246047973633, \"y\": 18.265111923217773, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779721, \"response\": \"it just keeps going up and I am on fixed income\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.413984298706055, \"y\": 15.84256649017334, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779720, \"response\": \"It's boring\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.088890075683594, \"y\": 16.83245849609375, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779719, \"response\": \"It's cheaper to pay in euro currency.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 30.1391544342041, \"y\": 17.672574996948242, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779718, \"response\": \"It\\ufffds not too expensive for me, it\\ufffds too expensive for itself\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.48233413696289, \"y\": 16.921659469604492, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779717, \"response\": \"Job loss\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.73297882080078, \"y\": 16.128604888916016, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779716, \"response\": \"Just can't afford it right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.867395401000977, \"y\": 16.45619010925293, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779715, \"response\": \"Just don't want to spend the money on another subscription\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.20375633239746, \"y\": 18.999845504760742, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779714, \"response\": \"Just eliminating monthly bills\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.92319107055664, \"y\": 15.296222686767578, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779713, \"response\": \"Just looking to cut costs.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.6727237701416, \"y\": 15.51053237915039, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779712, \"response\": \"Just need money back\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.14814567565918, \"y\": 16.1766414642334, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779468, \"response\": \"Too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.709733963012695, \"y\": 16.8380126953125, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779711, \"response\": \"Just need to take care of other things first before a start paying for this again\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 28.57034683227539, \"y\": 16.032657623291016, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779710, \"response\": \"Just reducing un-needed expenses \", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.08720588684082, \"y\": 14.891554832458496, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779709, \"response\": \"just taking a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.90743637084961, \"y\": 15.755900382995605, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779708, \"response\": \"Just taking a break and saving a bit of money. We'll be back.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.447219848632812, \"y\": 15.680036544799805, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779707, \"response\": \"Keep getting subscription hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.046947479248047, \"y\": 19.80600929260254, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779706, \"response\": \"Keep raising price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.969497680664062, \"y\": 17.859878540039062, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779705, \"response\": \"Keep raising prices\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.14332580566406, \"y\": 17.638025283813477, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779704, \"response\": \"Keep raising prices, not worth it\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.062400817871094, \"y\": 17.840063095092773, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779703, \"response\": \"Keep raising subscription price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.642303466796875, \"y\": 18.671463012695312, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779702, \"response\": \"keep raising the price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.793947219848633, \"y\": 17.89291000366211, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779701, \"response\": \"Keeps going up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.570236206054688, \"y\": 17.528100967407227, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779700, \"response\": \"laid off, reducing expenses\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.693742752075195, \"y\": 14.959328651428223, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779700, \"response\": \"laid off, reducing expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.33428955078125, \"y\": 14.961152076721191, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779699, \"response\": \"Limited users\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.449810028076172, \"y\": 18.419572830200195, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779698, \"response\": \"Limiting access with high price\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.74982261657715, \"y\": 18.473180770874023, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779697, \"response\": \"Limiting household spending\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.342748641967773, \"y\": 15.543649673461914, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779696, \"response\": \"Limiting to single household use.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 29.240116119384766, \"y\": 15.848084449768066, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779695, \"response\": \"Limiting to the household only.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 29.255176544189453, \"y\": 15.873856544494629, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779694, \"response\": \"living with daughter, not really using\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 26.560531616210938, \"y\": 18.007978439331055, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779693, \"response\": \"Loss of job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.618749618530273, \"y\": 15.956964492797852, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779692, \"response\": \"Lost job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.673660278320312, \"y\": 16.027088165283203, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779691, \"response\": \"Lost Job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.67662811279297, \"y\": 15.987093925476074, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779690, \"response\": \"Lost job can't afford now\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.063140869140625, \"y\": 15.94207763671875, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779689, \"response\": \"lost job due to vaccine\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.659116744995117, \"y\": 16.02650260925293, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779688, \"response\": \"Lost my job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.68168830871582, \"y\": 16.13412094116211, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779687, \"response\": \"lost my job can't afford it\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.2363338470459, \"y\": 15.878772735595703, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779686, \"response\": \"Lost y\\ufffdall damn mind with these prices\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.62972640991211, \"y\": 17.55416488647461, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779685, \"response\": \"lower bills\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.05103874206543, \"y\": 15.225327491760254, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779684, \"response\": \"lower your price pls __\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 31.280649185180664, \"y\": 18.101009368896484, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779683, \"response\": \"Lowering expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.32469940185547, \"y\": 14.950799942016602, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779682, \"response\": \"Making budget cut\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.283443450927734, \"y\": 15.179620742797852, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779681, \"response\": \"Married. Combining households\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.051673889160156, \"y\": 17.91811752319336, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779680, \"response\": \"Married. Using spouses subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.320581436157227, \"y\": 18.39482879638672, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779679, \"response\": \"Me and my mom live in two different places, since you want to restrict that I will cancel my membership.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.3306941986084, \"y\": 18.75448989868164, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779678, \"response\": \"Member passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.58655548095703, \"y\": 17.38983726501465, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779677, \"response\": \"membership fee going up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.16718292236328, \"y\": 18.595579147338867, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779676, \"response\": \"Merge households two subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.164594650268555, \"y\": 19.062772750854492, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779675, \"response\": \"merging households\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.030975341796875, \"y\": 17.94724464416504, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779674, \"response\": \"Monetary break. Will come back.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 28.008623123168945, \"y\": 15.563300132751465, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779673, \"response\": \"Money is tight, ill try and come back in a few months once I have the budget for this\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.023574829101562, \"y\": 15.837634086608887, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779672, \"response\": \"Money is a problem, I need to be saving more and can't deal with continuous price increases\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 30.291879653930664, \"y\": 15.753495216369629, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779672, \"response\": \"Money is a problem, I need to be saving more and can't deal with continuous price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.374696731567383, \"y\": 15.814840316772461, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779671, \"response\": \"money I don't have\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.728498458862305, \"y\": 16.15053939819336, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779670, \"response\": \"Money is tight right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.803794860839844, \"y\": 15.725641250610352, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779669, \"response\": \"Moved\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.230318069458008, \"y\": 16.138517379760742, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779668, \"response\": \"Moved in with family\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.147275924682617, \"y\": 16.744524002075195, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779667, \"response\": \"Moved in with my boyfriend so we only need one\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 25.865461349487305, \"y\": 18.47145652770996, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779666, \"response\": \"Moved in with significant other don\\ufffdt need two subscriptions in one house\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.186704635620117, \"y\": 18.93891143798828, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779665, \"response\": \"Moved in with someone\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.257122039794922, \"y\": 16.664899826049805, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779664, \"response\": \"Moved in with someone who has it already\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.091053009033203, \"y\": 16.804563522338867, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779663, \"response\": \"moving\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.240619659423828, \"y\": 16.104583740234375, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779662, \"response\": \"Moving\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.22461700439453, \"y\": 16.04926109313965, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779661, \"response\": \"Moving\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.202701568603516, \"y\": 16.062482833862305, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779660, \"response\": \"moving\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.248199462890625, \"y\": 16.035736083984375, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779659, \"response\": \"Moving away\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.399551391601562, \"y\": 16.087848663330078, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779658, \"response\": \"Moving country\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.243797302246094, \"y\": 16.341129302978516, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779657, \"response\": \"Moving on for now. Thank you.\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.618473052978516, \"y\": 16.68810272216797, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779656, \"response\": \"Moving out of the country\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.244142532348633, \"y\": 16.266023635864258, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779655, \"response\": \"Moving to another country.\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.33064842224121, \"y\": 16.383161544799805, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779654, \"response\": \"multiple subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.321189880371094, \"y\": 19.345443725585938, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779653, \"response\": \"Multiple subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.38763427734375, \"y\": 19.306808471679688, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779652, \"response\": \"Multiple subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.275522232055664, \"y\": 19.266925811767578, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779651, \"response\": \"Multiple subscriptions in our house\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.296016693115234, \"y\": 19.31539535522461, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779650, \"response\": \"Multiple subscriptions. Unneeded.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.406980514526367, \"y\": 19.32262420654297, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779649, \"response\": \"my subscription was being used by a stranger\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.099550247192383, \"y\": 19.8248291015625, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779648, \"response\": \"My subscription was hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.12822723388672, \"y\": 19.88959503173828, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779647, \"response\": \"my subscription was hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.14834976196289, \"y\": 19.829275131225586, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779646, \"response\": \"My Aunt passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.507539749145508, \"y\": 17.28968048095703, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779645, \"response\": \"My boyfriend wants me to cancel\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.885250091552734, \"y\": 18.06348419189453, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779644, \"response\": \"My daughter has a subscription at the same residence\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.266990661621094, \"y\": 18.864734649658203, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779643, \"response\": \"my husband already has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.42258644104004, \"y\": 18.605131149291992, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779642, \"response\": \"My husband has a subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.38941764831543, \"y\": 18.6834774017334, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779641, \"response\": \"My husband has an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.382888793945312, \"y\": 18.640634536743164, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779467, \"response\": \"Too expensive and too many new added charges\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 29.672359466552734, \"y\": 17.764724731445312, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779467, \"response\": \"Too expensive and too many new added charges\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.63160514831543, \"y\": 17.79404067993164, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779640, \"response\": \"My kids live in another city and you're going to charge more for that. Unfair and intolerable.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 28.98716163635254, \"y\": 18.42436408996582, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779639, \"response\": \"My spouse has an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.32170295715332, \"y\": 18.600765228271484, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779638, \"response\": \"My stepdad has an subscription so don\\ufffdt need one anymore\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.494510650634766, \"y\": 18.633323669433594, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779637, \"response\": \"Need to change due date\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.62554931640625, \"y\": 17.504444122314453, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779636, \"response\": \"Need to cut expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.044118881225586, \"y\": 14.9562406539917, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779635, \"response\": \"need to cut expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.058555603027344, \"y\": 14.927960395812988, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779634, \"response\": \"Need to cut just increased almost $40 per month\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.171756744384766, \"y\": 15.03941535949707, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779633, \"response\": \"need to discontinue for several weeks\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.581459045410156, \"y\": 17.071577072143555, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779632, \"response\": \"need to redo membership\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.814559936523438, \"y\": 18.682003021240234, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779631, \"response\": \"Need to save some money.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.064224243164062, \"y\": 15.895330429077148, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779630, \"response\": \"need to save the money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.88224983215332, \"y\": 15.997117042541504, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779629, \"response\": \"Need to simplify\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.072662353515625, \"y\": 16.323362350463867, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779628, \"response\": \"Never use it & too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.008098602294922, \"y\": 17.414140701293945, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779628, \"response\": \"Never use it & too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.187286376953125, \"y\": 17.317771911621094, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779627, \"response\": \"No longer enough value to justify the cost.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.043365478515625, \"y\": 17.05849266052246, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779626, \"response\": \"No longer good value for the money\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.6320858001709, \"y\": 16.35478973388672, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779625, \"response\": \"no longer worth it\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 28.80179786682129, \"y\": 16.600711822509766, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779624, \"response\": \"No more family sharing =[\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 26.954442977905273, \"y\": 18.24540901184082, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779623, \"response\": \"No need for it\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.458616256713867, \"y\": 17.21023941040039, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779622, \"response\": \"No respect for legacy members. It\\ufffds been a good run.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 26.882343292236328, \"y\": 17.417522430419922, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779621, \"response\": \"No sharing subscriptions to expensive\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.636247634887695, \"y\": 19.273239135742188, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779620, \"response\": \"no way of paying for it anymore\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.758697509765625, \"y\": 16.713228225708008, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779619, \"response\": \"not happy with price increase, this is now out of my spending and budget\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.806175231933594, \"y\": 16.98563003540039, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779618, \"response\": \"not in my budget anymore\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.456628799438477, \"y\": 16.65825653076172, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779617, \"response\": \"Not interested at this time\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.476070404052734, \"y\": 16.742958068847656, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779616, \"response\": \"Not letting us share anymore and u keep raising the price\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.356149673461914, \"y\": 19.37079620361328, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779616, \"response\": \"Not letting us share anymore and u keep raising the price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.45747184753418, \"y\": 19.376815795898438, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779615, \"response\": \"NOT NEEDED, you guys don\\ufffdt want to put forth good services so why do I need you\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.174476623535156, \"y\": 17.390300750732422, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779614, \"response\": \"Not needed\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.342044830322266, \"y\": 17.15886116027832, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779613, \"response\": \"Not paying for extra subscriptions.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 27.4903564453125, \"y\": 19.1555233001709, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779612, \"response\": \"not paying more money\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.435712814331055, \"y\": 16.268327713012695, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779611, \"response\": \"Not pleased with new policies\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 29.83101463317871, \"y\": 17.140140533447266, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779610, \"response\": \"Not used enough currently to be worth the price increase for me\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.664148330688477, \"y\": 17.47324562072754, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779610, \"response\": \"Not used enough currently to be worth the price increase for me\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.554811477661133, \"y\": 17.523805618286133, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779609, \"response\": \"Not using\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.6674747467041, \"y\": 17.52984046936035, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779608, \"response\": \"Not using it at this time.\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.71550178527832, \"y\": 17.4951114654541, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779607, \"response\": \"Not using now\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.653989791870117, \"y\": 17.431915283203125, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779606, \"response\": \"Not worth the price increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.8346004486084, \"y\": 16.62957191467285, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779605, \"response\": \"Not worth the price increase.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.722412109375, \"y\": 16.876564025878906, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779604, \"response\": \"Notified today that my subscription was hacked.\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.158218383789062, \"y\": 19.873823165893555, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779603, \"response\": \"obscene pricing!\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.554853439331055, \"y\": 17.275354385375977, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779602, \"response\": \"Offered with my phone subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.281147003173828, \"y\": 18.7629451751709, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779601, \"response\": \"Opened a new subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.828977584838867, \"y\": 19.407020568847656, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779600, \"response\": \"Opened this as a duplicate subscription by mistake\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.7174072265625, \"y\": 19.485593795776367, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779599, \"response\": \"Opening a different subscription\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.69371223449707, \"y\": 19.524168014526367, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779598, \"response\": \"Opening different subscriptions\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.52965545654297, \"y\": 19.42732048034668, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779597, \"response\": \"Other bills\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.032604217529297, \"y\": 15.593561172485352, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779596, \"response\": \"out of town for 4 months\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.82565689086914, \"y\": 16.18302345275879, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779595, \"response\": \"Out of work at the moment\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.168689727783203, \"y\": 15.798199653625488, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779594, \"response\": \"Owner of this subscription has passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.571557998657227, \"y\": 17.978078842163086, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779593, \"response\": \"Pagos adicional por el servicio\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 28.604373931884766, \"y\": 15.400924682617188, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779592, \"response\": \"My mom passed away and she had the account\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.61859703063965, \"y\": 17.711936950683594, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779591, \"response\": \"Parent owning account passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.565757751464844, \"y\": 17.721664428710938, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779590, \"response\": \"Pending extra charges\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 28.97783660888672, \"y\": 18.282039642333984, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779589, \"response\": \"Person passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.565858840942383, \"y\": 17.33754539489746, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779588, \"response\": \"Person paying passed away.\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.593570709228516, \"y\": 17.37430191040039, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779587, \"response\": \"personal income problems\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.226638793945312, \"y\": 15.162223815917969, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779586, \"response\": \"Please stop raising prices every year!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.06099319458008, \"y\": 17.763736724853516, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779585, \"response\": \"policy changes\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 30.252107620239258, \"y\": 16.76821517944336, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779584, \"response\": \"preemptively canceling before the next rate hike\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.47952651977539, \"y\": 18.061494827270508, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779583, \"response\": \"Prescription fees too high\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.944543838500977, \"y\": 17.684179306030273, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779582, \"response\": \"price change and don't use anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 31.0816593170166, \"y\": 17.995807647705078, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779582, \"response\": \"price change and don't use anymore\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.274391174316406, \"y\": 17.989145278930664, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779543, \"response\": \"Recent price increase and talk of limited subscription sharing, bye bye\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.08608627319336, \"y\": 19.365070343017578, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779543, \"response\": \"Recent price increase and talk of limited subscription sharing, bye bye\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.104219436645508, \"y\": 19.429094314575195, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779542, \"response\": \"recently married and don't need two memberships\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.582386016845703, \"y\": 18.320676803588867, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779541, \"response\": \"Remarried only need one subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.271692276000977, \"y\": 18.721616744995117, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779540, \"response\": \"Repurposing my time. I will be back!\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.027956008911133, \"y\": 16.309032440185547, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779539, \"response\": \"Restarting again soon\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.122882843017578, \"y\": 16.8391170501709, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779538, \"response\": \"Retiring and must cut expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.82505226135254, \"y\": 14.945634841918945, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779537, \"response\": \"Ridiculous price raises throughout history\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.554676055908203, \"y\": 16.870006561279297, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779536, \"response\": \"Roommate has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.379878997802734, \"y\": 18.849361419677734, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779535, \"response\": \"Save Money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.85471534729004, \"y\": 15.884793281555176, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779534, \"response\": \"saving $ and sharing with dad\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.0947265625, \"y\": 18.125240325927734, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779534, \"response\": \"saving $ and sharing with dad\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.048294067382812, \"y\": 18.120325088500977, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779532, \"response\": \"Selection continually goes in one direction, price goes in the other. The scales finally tipped.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 31.783203125, \"y\": 17.277389526367188, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779531, \"response\": \"Service is now overpriced.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.19495391845703, \"y\": 18.024843215942383, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779530, \"response\": \"Sharing with Spouse\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.59807777404785, \"y\": 18.24137306213379, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779529, \"response\": \"Sharon Passed Away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.54121208190918, \"y\": 17.257177352905273, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779528, \"response\": \"Sick of price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.2608699798584, \"y\": 16.691587448120117, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779527, \"response\": \"Someone hacked my subscription\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.140581130981445, \"y\": 19.92204475402832, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779526, \"response\": \"someone hacked my acct\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.295249938964844, \"y\": 19.78710174560547, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779525, \"response\": \"Someone keeps hacking my subscription\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.273839950561523, \"y\": 19.867652893066406, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779524, \"response\": \"Stop raising prices & put some money into customer success\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.11069107055664, \"y\": 17.736204147338867, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779523, \"response\": \"Stop raising the prices. Twice in 6 months is ridiculous.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.17726516723633, \"y\": 17.389907836914062, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779522, \"response\": \"Stop raising these damn prices!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.988025665283203, \"y\": 17.76862335205078, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779521, \"response\": \"STOP RAISING YOUR PRICES\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.224693298339844, \"y\": 17.87425994873047, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779520, \"response\": \"Stop raising your prices!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.803165435791016, \"y\": 17.893505096435547, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779519, \"response\": \"subscriber passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.49254035949707, \"y\": 17.651317596435547, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779518, \"response\": \"summer break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.285057067871094, \"y\": 15.326555252075195, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779517, \"response\": \"Summer coming\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.314870834350586, \"y\": 15.40517807006836, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779516, \"response\": \"Summer is coming. Time to play outside\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.314544677734375, \"y\": 15.388209342956543, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779515, \"response\": \"Switching my payment date\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.619647979736328, \"y\": 17.258525848388672, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779514, \"response\": \"Taking a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.942964553833008, \"y\": 15.53022575378418, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779513, \"response\": \"taking a break for summer\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.193256378173828, \"y\": 15.478975296020508, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779512, \"response\": \"taking a break layoff\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.083620071411133, \"y\": 15.623913764953613, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779511, \"response\": \"taking a break, will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.09500503540039, \"y\": 15.950726509094238, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779510, \"response\": \"Taking a break.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.900833129882812, \"y\": 15.690337181091309, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779509, \"response\": \"Taking a break.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.959632873535156, \"y\": 15.66061782836914, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779508, \"response\": \"Temp money issues\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 29.462627410888672, \"y\": 15.802327156066895, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779508, \"response\": \"Temp money issues\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.2901668548584, \"y\": 15.74056625366211, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779507, \"response\": \"Temporarily cancelling; will rejoin later!\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.27895736694336, \"y\": 17.13897132873535, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779506, \"response\": \"Temporarily scaling down services\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 30.12993812561035, \"y\": 18.12969398498535, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779505, \"response\": \"Temporary break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.97521209716797, \"y\": 15.596038818359375, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779504, \"response\": \"Temporary disconnection\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.333660125732422, \"y\": 16.912267684936523, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779503, \"response\": \"Temporary out of work\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.352581024169922, \"y\": 16.062135696411133, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779502, \"response\": \"terrible customer service\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.778419494628906, \"y\": 18.32155418395996, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779501, \"response\": \"The constant price increases are ridiculous and greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.88433074951172, \"y\": 16.48541831970215, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779501, \"response\": \"The constant price increases are ridiculous and greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.79365348815918, \"y\": 16.562965393066406, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779500, \"response\": \"The cost is going up much\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.855682373046875, \"y\": 17.291011810302734, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779499, \"response\": \"The cost is the biggest deal\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.1660099029541, \"y\": 16.82083511352539, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779498, \"response\": \"The fact you only give 10 months to reactivate makes me never want to come back again. I will consider it if you email me that you are rectifying this issue. If not, good bye forever.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.15361976623535, \"y\": 17.15046501159668, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779497, \"response\": \"The greed of the company disgusts me.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.210609436035156, \"y\": 16.287628173828125, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779496, \"response\": \"The increase of the bill and the news about paying extra money when i share my subscription with my family outside the states and I don't like the idea that you want limit my power of using my subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 28.315982818603516, \"y\": 19.317148208618164, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779496, \"response\": \"The increase of the bill and the news about paying extra money when i share my subscription with my family outside the states and I don't like the idea that you want limit my power of using my subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 28.23919105529785, \"y\": 19.288888931274414, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779496, \"response\": \"The increase of the bill and the news about paying extra money when i share my subscription with my family outside the states and I don't like the idea that you want limit my power of using my subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.324243545532227, \"y\": 19.30196189880371, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779495, \"response\": \"The last price increase was I am willing pay.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.45708656311035, \"y\": 16.644771575927734, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779494, \"response\": \"The new sharing fee. You will loose more from greed\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.269718170166016, \"y\": 19.267732620239258, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779494, \"response\": \"The new sharing fee. You will loose more from greed\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 29.140644073486328, \"y\": 19.13566017150879, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779493, \"response\": \"The new upcoming addtional price increases stop this and youll have me back as a customer.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.54093360900879, \"y\": 17.97886848449707, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779492, \"response\": \"The price continues to rise with no end in sight.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.76373291015625, \"y\": 17.435420989990234, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779491, \"response\": \"The price has gone up annually.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.139041900634766, \"y\": 17.402193069458008, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779490, \"response\": \"The price has increased so much. Can\\ufffdt keep with it.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.18211555480957, \"y\": 17.484434127807617, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779489, \"response\": \"The price has raised way to high! I will not be renewing for a long while!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.449337005615234, \"y\": 17.94935417175293, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779488, \"response\": \"the price hike and stopping sharing\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.40272331237793, \"y\": 19.31476402282715, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779488, \"response\": \"the price hike and stopping sharing\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.392745971679688, \"y\": 19.290287017822266, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779487, \"response\": \"The price hike was 43% in the span of 5 months and your selection has drastically deteriorated. Member since 09 gone just like that!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.149438858032227, \"y\": 17.854999542236328, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779486, \"response\": \"The price increase every year seems ok but when nothing really good is added, it is not ok.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.683778762817383, \"y\": 16.697439193725586, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779485, \"response\": \"The price increase since I became a member is ridiculous\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.344593048095703, \"y\": 17.418359756469727, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779484, \"response\": \"The price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.5904483795166, \"y\": 16.992557525634766, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779483, \"response\": \"The price increases + the upcoming change where we will have to pay a fee to use my subscription in different locations is ridiculous and anti-consumer.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 28.658912658691406, \"y\": 19.190683364868164, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779483, \"response\": \"The price increases + the upcoming change where we will have to pay a fee to use my subscription in different locations is ridiculous and anti-consumer.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.596792221069336, \"y\": 19.185317993164062, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779482, \"response\": \"The price just got to far out of hand\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.703670501708984, \"y\": 17.185012817382812, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779481, \"response\": \"THE PRICE KEEPS INCREASING\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.661258697509766, \"y\": 17.356584548950195, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779480, \"response\": \"The service vs price is no longer worth it. Too expensive now\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.275100708007812, \"y\": 17.932891845703125, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779479, \"response\": \"The service isn\\ufffdt worth the cost.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.71210289001465, \"y\": 17.967079162597656, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779478, \"response\": \"Think my subscription is compromised\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.010587692260742, \"y\": 19.898578643798828, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779477, \"response\": \"This is going to be about 4 times the amount it was when I started.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.786413192749023, \"y\": 17.445114135742188, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779476, \"response\": \"This is ridiculous! Price gouging!\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.898818969726562, \"y\": 17.39606285095215, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779475, \"response\": \"Time for a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.07996940612793, \"y\": 15.640122413635254, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779474, \"response\": \"Tired of the pay increases every year\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.459373474121094, \"y\": 16.429485321044922, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779473, \"response\": \"Tired of your company playing games with subscribers\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 27.39299774169922, \"y\": 19.382658004760742, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779472, \"response\": \"To busy\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 27.029434204101562, \"y\": 15.632171630859375, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779471, \"response\": \"To expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.798049926757812, \"y\": 16.49427032470703, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779470, \"response\": \"too easily hacked-not secure\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.362205505371094, \"y\": 19.662630081176758, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779469, \"response\": \"Too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.753028869628906, \"y\": 16.806489944458008, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779466, \"response\": \"Too expensive for me right now, maybe later\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.521472930908203, \"y\": 16.73785972595215, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779465, \"response\": \"Too expensive for what\\ufffds offered\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.64491844177246, \"y\": 16.769548416137695, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779464, \"response\": \"Too expensive, stupid new rule\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 30.041122436523438, \"y\": 17.254886627197266, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779464, \"response\": \"Too expensive, stupid new rule\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.090591430664062, \"y\": 17.235843658447266, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779463, \"response\": \"Too EXPENSIVE!\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.8269100189209, \"y\": 16.955604553222656, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779462, \"response\": \"Too greedy\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.583282470703125, \"y\": 16.28218650817871, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779461, \"response\": \"Too many charges added on.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 29.52649688720703, \"y\": 17.839452743530273, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779460, \"response\": \"Too many new rules and fees and raised prices. Just not worth the money anymore.\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 30.180376052856445, \"y\": 17.37089729309082, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779460, \"response\": \"Too many new rules and fees and raised prices. Just not worth the money anymore.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.233774185180664, \"y\": 17.28645896911621, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779459, \"response\": \"Too many on my subscription\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.94362449645996, \"y\": 19.118152618408203, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779458, \"response\": \"too many people using my subscription\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.110660552978516, \"y\": 19.431737899780273, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779457, \"response\": \"Too many price hikes and the newest hike for charging extra to share an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 28.92521858215332, \"y\": 19.15797233581543, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779457, \"response\": \"Too many price hikes and the newest hike for charging extra to share an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 28.897380828857422, \"y\": 19.239540100097656, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779457, \"response\": \"Too many price hikes and the newest hike for charging extra to share an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.78036117553711, \"y\": 19.256977081298828, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779456, \"response\": \"too many price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.271821975708008, \"y\": 17.12030792236328, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779455, \"response\": \"Too many price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.28717041015625, \"y\": 16.761219024658203, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779454, \"response\": \"Too many price increases.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.7802791595459, \"y\": 17.09581184387207, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779453, \"response\": \"Too many price increases. Going with a different service.\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.452659606933594, \"y\": 17.961917877197266, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779453, \"response\": \"Too many price increases. Going with a different service.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.48444938659668, \"y\": 18.062496185302734, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779452, \"response\": \"too many price increments and now you will be checking where we access the subscription. Your greed is why I am canceling. Good Luck!\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 28.118703842163086, \"y\": 18.611032485961914, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779452, \"response\": \"too many price increments and now you will be checking where we access the subscription. Your greed is why I am canceling. Good Luck!\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 28.17962646484375, \"y\": 18.636676788330078, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779452, \"response\": \"too many price increments and now you will be checking where we access the subscription. Your greed is why I am canceling. Good Luck!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.19293785095215, \"y\": 18.680133819580078, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779451, \"response\": \"Too many subscriptions, I'll be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.016653060913086, \"y\": 18.99199676513672, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779450, \"response\": \"Trying to reduce bills as much as possible for 6 months\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.081472396850586, \"y\": 15.401500701904297, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779449, \"response\": \"trying to save money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.02892303466797, \"y\": 15.788902282714844, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779448, \"response\": \"Trying to save money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.907184600830078, \"y\": 15.811335563659668, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779447, \"response\": \"Trying to save money right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.85784149169922, \"y\": 15.911247253417969, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779446, \"response\": \"Two price increases in 6 months\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.94568634033203, \"y\": 17.04026222229004, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779445, \"response\": \"Two price increases in short amount of time\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.06003189086914, \"y\": 16.80457305908203, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779444, \"response\": \"Unable to change my billing date. Customer service no help at all.\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.585264205932617, \"y\": 17.705825805664062, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779443, \"response\": \"unable to share subscription with family\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 26.88324546813965, \"y\": 18.7943115234375, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779442, \"response\": \"Unemployed and financial issues\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.176849365234375, \"y\": 15.136326789855957, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779442, \"response\": \"Unemployed and financial issues\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.149206161499023, \"y\": 15.20991325378418, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779441, \"response\": \"User passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.5253849029541, \"y\": 17.3878231048584, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779440, \"response\": \"using a different membership\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 26.77246856689453, \"y\": 19.0081787109375, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779439, \"response\": \"using another platform for awhile - I will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.072031021118164, \"y\": 16.678855895996094, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779438, \"response\": \"using other subscription\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 26.74311065673828, \"y\": 19.217975616455078, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779437, \"response\": \"using other apps at this time\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 28.093732833862305, \"y\": 18.060283660888672, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779436, \"response\": \"Waiting until pay day\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.798805236816406, \"y\": 16.839750289916992, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779435, \"response\": \"Waste of money and you raising the cost\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.244300842285156, \"y\": 16.624055862426758, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779434, \"response\": \"Waste of time and money. Would rather spend time learning.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.090272903442383, \"y\": 17.139602661132812, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779433, \"response\": \"Way to many price hikes over the past few years. Also not a fan of you charging extra money to share subscriptions because your greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 29.036287307739258, \"y\": 19.169172286987305, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779433, \"response\": \"Way to many price hikes over the past few years. Also not a fan of you charging extra money to share subscriptions because your greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.00946044921875, \"y\": 19.25645637512207, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779433, \"response\": \"Way to many price hikes over the past few years. Also not a fan of you charging extra money to share subscriptions because your greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 28.99976348876953, \"y\": 19.188457489013672, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779433, \"response\": \"Way to many price hikes over the past few years. Also not a fan of you charging extra money to share subscriptions because your greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.9656925201416, \"y\": 19.23125457763672, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779432, \"response\": \"way too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.774324417114258, \"y\": 16.81065559387207, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779431, \"response\": \"way too expensive for the service given, not worth the amount.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.92156410217285, \"y\": 17.744504928588867, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779430, \"response\": \"We feel like there is no customer loyalty for a long time subscriber. Prices keep increasing at alarming rates and we only feel like it will keep going.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 29.736082077026367, \"y\": 18.69902229309082, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779430, \"response\": \"We feel like there is no customer loyalty for a long time subscriber. Prices keep increasing at alarming rates and we only feel like it will keep going.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.719396591186523, \"y\": 18.727399826049805, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779429, \"response\": \"We have 2 subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.49859046936035, \"y\": 19.0715274810791, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779428, \"response\": \"We have 3 subscriptions in 1 household. Only needed 1\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.188941955566406, \"y\": 19.00935935974121, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779427, \"response\": \"We have not been using it as much as we'd like to\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.76634979248047, \"y\": 17.569564819335938, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779426, \"response\": \"We have too many subscriptions lol\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.83322525024414, \"y\": 19.138946533203125, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779425, \"response\": \"When I can pay for it I will. You keep charging my card and it declined.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.086191177368164, \"y\": 18.69124984741211, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779424, \"response\": \"Why the price increase? __\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.401351928710938, \"y\": 16.804576873779297, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779423, \"response\": \"Wife has an subscription and don\\ufffdt need 2 subscriptions.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.43531608581543, \"y\": 18.73716926574707, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779422, \"response\": \"Wife has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.363998413085938, \"y\": 18.511470794677734, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779421, \"response\": \"Wife passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.449060440063477, \"y\": 17.318296432495117, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779420, \"response\": \"Will be back in a week\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.091157913208008, \"y\": 16.41908836364746, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779419, \"response\": \"will be getting the service through my phone provider\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.778785705566406, \"y\": 18.41468048095703, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779418, \"response\": \"will come back in may\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.075103759765625, \"y\": 16.418241500854492, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779417, \"response\": \"Will come in future\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.040019989013672, \"y\": 16.638437271118164, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779416, \"response\": \"Will join back later\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.177459716796875, \"y\": 16.586811065673828, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779415, \"response\": \"Will not pay price increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.493432998657227, \"y\": 16.951520919799805, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779414, \"response\": \"will replace with a cheaper service\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.112958908081055, \"y\": 18.090147018432617, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779413, \"response\": \"will restart under new email\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.092140197753906, \"y\": 17.160554885864258, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779412, \"response\": \"Will resume later in the year.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.27178382873535, \"y\": 16.667421340942383, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779411, \"response\": \"With the rise in fuel and other costs, I'm having to cut back on entertainment.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.922119140625, \"y\": 15.629517555236816, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779845, \"response\": \"Do not use often\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.838716506958008, \"y\": 17.50495719909668, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779844, \"response\": \"do not want anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.353050231933594, \"y\": 17.024206161499023, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779843, \"response\": \"Do you use enough to warrant cost\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.469512939453125, \"y\": 17.57369613647461, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779842, \"response\": \"Don't agree with price increase.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.129859924316406, \"y\": 16.896350860595703, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779841, \"response\": \"Don't have enough money to get it anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.593128204345703, \"y\": 16.504680633544922, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779840, \"response\": \"don't need it currently\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.455045700073242, \"y\": 17.03203773498535, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779839, \"response\": \"Don't need right now\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.23912239074707, \"y\": 16.986167907714844, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779838, \"response\": \"Don't use enough anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.998889923095703, \"y\": 17.354890823364258, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779837, \"response\": \"Don't use.\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.798080444335938, \"y\": 17.49152946472168, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779836, \"response\": \"Don't want it anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.40019416809082, \"y\": 16.93021583557129, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779835, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt agree with price increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.170297622680664, \"y\": 17.020856857299805, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779834, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt have the money\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 28.747140884399414, \"y\": 16.318588256835938, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779833, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt like political virtue signaling.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.23000144958496, \"y\": 17.047271728515625, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779832, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt need two subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.445131301879883, \"y\": 19.019487380981445, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779831, \"response\": \"Double subscriptions with same payment different emails\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.272411346435547, \"y\": 19.440526962280273, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779830, \"response\": \"Downsizing\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.44230842590332, \"y\": 15.04881477355957, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779829, \"response\": \"Economy hardship\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.277812957763672, \"y\": 15.115649223327637, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779828, \"response\": \"Extra charge for sign in. My daughter is in college!!!! And your going to charge me when she uses ut. No thank you. You're not worth it anyways. Good bye\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.914600372314453, \"y\": 18.704355239868164, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779828, \"response\": \"Extra charge for sign in. My daughter is in college!!!! And your going to charge me when she uses ut. No thank you. You're not worth it anyways. Good bye\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 27.888795852661133, \"y\": 18.725828170776367, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779828, \"response\": \"Extra charge for sign in. My daughter is in college!!!! And your going to charge me when she uses ut. No thank you. You're not worth it anyways. Good bye\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 27.89777374267578, \"y\": 18.766502380371094, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779827, \"response\": \"Fianc\\ufffde has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.306434631347656, \"y\": 18.583189010620117, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779826, \"response\": \"Finance decision\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.543903350830078, \"y\": 15.34498119354248, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779825, \"response\": \"Finances\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.505117416381836, \"y\": 15.345632553100586, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779824, \"response\": \"Finances\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.601247787475586, \"y\": 15.27301025390625, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779823, \"response\": \"Financial\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.593673706054688, \"y\": 15.350844383239746, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779822, \"response\": \"Financial Cut Backs\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.817995071411133, \"y\": 15.25339412689209, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779821, \"response\": \"Financial Hardship\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.228071212768555, \"y\": 15.152151107788086, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779820, \"response\": \"Financial hardship\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.27715492248535, \"y\": 15.213407516479492, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779819, \"response\": \"Financial hardship\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.184106826782227, \"y\": 15.15761947631836, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779818, \"response\": \"Financial reasons\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.568164825439453, \"y\": 15.323726654052734, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779817, \"response\": \"Financial situation changed.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.38484001159668, \"y\": 15.522284507751465, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779816, \"response\": \"financial situation has changed\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.605426788330078, \"y\": 15.624582290649414, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779815, \"response\": \"For the time being\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.154035568237305, \"y\": 15.915140151977539, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779814, \"response\": \"future issues expected with sharing profiles, price hikes\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.337543487548828, \"y\": 19.435998916625977, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779814, \"response\": \"future issues expected with sharing profiles, price hikes\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.26539421081543, \"y\": 19.392946243286133, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779813, \"response\": \"getting another platform instead\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 28.16029930114746, \"y\": 17.678606033325195, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779812, \"response\": \"Getting married and will be combining accounts\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.08159637451172, \"y\": 18.23835563659668, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779810, \"response\": \"Getting too expensive and not worth the money Thanks but no thanks\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.600849151611328, \"y\": 16.828737258911133, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779809, \"response\": \"Getting too Greedy for ya Girl!\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.547012329101562, \"y\": 16.280935287475586, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779808, \"response\": \"go to live with gf\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.28267478942871, \"y\": 16.81378936767578, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779807, \"response\": \"Going to not be using it for a few months\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 28.534997940063477, \"y\": 17.574243545532227, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779806, \"response\": \"got laid off, will be back when i can.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.442779541015625, \"y\": 15.917014122009277, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779806, \"response\": \"got laid off, will be back when i can.\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.383392333984375, \"y\": 15.97713565826416, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779805, \"response\": \"got married and my wife has her own subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.25359535217285, \"y\": 18.465850830078125, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779804, \"response\": \"Got married my husband and I now share subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.319965362548828, \"y\": 18.51034164428711, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779803, \"response\": \"Got to get back on my feet\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 26.98320960998535, \"y\": 15.918347358703613, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779802, \"response\": \"GREED\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.352628707885742, \"y\": 16.187360763549805, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779801, \"response\": \"greedy company\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.229267120361328, \"y\": 16.027341842651367, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779800, \"response\": \"Greedy company\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.312265396118164, \"y\": 16.11479949951172, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779799, \"response\": \"Greedy Corporation\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.335840225219727, \"y\": 16.155315399169922, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779798, \"response\": \"Hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.26307487487793, \"y\": 19.689579010009766, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779797, \"response\": \"hard time financially need to cancel some subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.606678009033203, \"y\": 18.75563621520996, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779796, \"response\": \"hardly use it but price keeps increasing.\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.73740005493164, \"y\": 17.66920280456543, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779796, \"response\": \"hardly use it but price keeps increasing.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.638683319091797, \"y\": 17.522069931030273, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779795, \"response\": \"Have 2 subscriptions and only need 1\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.59271812438965, \"y\": 19.12358283996582, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779794, \"response\": \"Have a different subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.61713409423828, \"y\": 19.34038543701172, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779793, \"response\": \"have more than one subscription aparently\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.527359008789062, \"y\": 19.332799911499023, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779792, \"response\": \"having $ issues.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.38496208190918, \"y\": 15.692039489746094, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779791, \"response\": \"competitor is better\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.246328353881836, \"y\": 16.394933700561523, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779790, \"response\": \"Health Issues\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.842721939086914, \"y\": 15.334066390991211, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779789, \"response\": \"Health issues\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.82925033569336, \"y\": 15.36709976196289, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779788, \"response\": \"Horrible business decisions.\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 29.698272705078125, \"y\": 16.1710147857666, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779787, \"response\": \"Others are cheaper\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.274023056030273, \"y\": 17.030038833618164, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779786, \"response\": \"I am flat broke\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.888322830200195, \"y\": 15.610038757324219, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779785, \"response\": \"I am retired and non a fixed income.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.43252944946289, \"y\": 15.322420120239258, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779784, \"response\": \"I am trying to cut my spending as much as possible for now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.194753646850586, \"y\": 15.36198616027832, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779783, \"response\": \"I can afford this but I think the price is way too high and am not willing to pay it\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.556392669677734, \"y\": 16.85964012145996, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779782, \"response\": \"I can't afford it at this time but will start again.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 28.517988204956055, \"y\": 16.215425491333008, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779781, \"response\": \"I cant share my subscription with family outside my hosehold\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.018592834472656, \"y\": 18.799745559692383, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779780, \"response\": \"I do not agree with the price increases and policy changes\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.222694396972656, \"y\": 16.909029006958008, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779779, \"response\": \"I do not like\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.331459045410156, \"y\": 17.079200744628906, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779778, \"response\": \"I do not use enough as the price continues to go up\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.605552673339844, \"y\": 17.489408493041992, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779778, \"response\": \"I do not use enough as the price continues to go up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.52169418334961, \"y\": 17.44568634033203, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779777, \"response\": \"I don't have the money this month due to losing my job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.128883361816406, \"y\": 15.985081672668457, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779777, \"response\": \"I don't have the money this month due to losing my job\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.153657913208008, \"y\": 15.949043273925781, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779776, \"response\": \"I don\\ufffdt use it enough\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.835243225097656, \"y\": 17.513263702392578, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779775, \"response\": \"I get it free with my phone service\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.69156265258789, \"y\": 18.555625915527344, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779774, \"response\": \"I get more on another service for less.\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 29.888044357299805, \"y\": 18.241313934326172, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779773, \"response\": \"i got hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.262908935546875, \"y\": 19.701982498168945, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779581, \"response\": \"Price change. Lack of acceptance of the reality that is subscription sharing.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 28.944942474365234, \"y\": 19.21546745300293, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779581, \"response\": \"Price change. Lack of acceptance of the reality that is subscription sharing.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.97644805908203, \"y\": 19.270965576171875, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779580, \"response\": \"Price continues to climb with no added benefit and other services have more and better prices.\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.827917098999023, \"y\": 17.881145477294922, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779580, \"response\": \"Price continues to climb with no added benefit and other services have more and better prices.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.873998641967773, \"y\": 17.854896545410156, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779579, \"response\": \"Price hike was too much.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.83902359008789, \"y\": 16.795970916748047, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779578, \"response\": \"Price hikes are getting to be too much, everything else in my life is already expensive\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.068397521972656, \"y\": 16.978818893432617, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779577, \"response\": \"Price Increase and garbage quality, why should I keep paying blindly \", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.962438583374023, \"y\": 17.822751998901367, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779576, \"response\": \"price increase and horrible customer service, what am I paying for??\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.619014739990234, \"y\": 18.01487922668457, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779575, \"response\": \"Price increase and I have to choose between this and putting my kids into activities that are already expensive. YOU made me have to choose one or the other\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.0468692779541, \"y\": 16.70348358154297, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779574, \"response\": \"Price increase and I cant afford you anymore\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 30.776540756225586, \"y\": 16.782569885253906, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779574, \"response\": \"Price increase and I cant afford you anymore\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.858808517456055, \"y\": 16.826919555664062, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779573, \"response\": \"Price increase after being a loyal customer since 2010\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.811851501464844, \"y\": 18.07002830505371, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779572, \"response\": \"Price increase and to manservices to pick from. Shouldn't a competitive market drive price down...\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.733882904052734, \"y\": 17.465059280395508, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779571, \"response\": \"Price increase and your tracking people and how they access their subscription.\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 28.780780792236328, \"y\": 19.016437530517578, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779571, \"response\": \"Price increase and your tracking people and how they access their subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.786405563354492, \"y\": 19.066749572753906, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779570, \"response\": \"Price Increase caused me to cancel\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.3327579498291, \"y\": 18.195899963378906, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779569, \"response\": \"Price increase is absurd\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.325395584106445, \"y\": 16.89089584350586, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779568, \"response\": \"PRICE INCREASE IS TOO MUCH!!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.04446029663086, \"y\": 17.091812133789062, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779567, \"response\": \"Price increase isn't worth it\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.08074188232422, \"y\": 16.761545181274414, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779566, \"response\": \"Price increase isnt worth what is offered\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.29414939880371, \"y\": 17.139446258544922, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779565, \"response\": \"Price increases and terrible customer service\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.501829147338867, \"y\": 18.198806762695312, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779564, \"response\": \"Price increases and charges for people using my subscription\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 28.638118743896484, \"y\": 18.925891876220703, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779564, \"response\": \"Price increases and charges for people using my subscription\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.640071868896484, \"y\": 18.889875411987305, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779563, \"response\": \"Price increases are too often.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.535768508911133, \"y\": 17.039592742919922, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779562, \"response\": \"price increases don't reflect quality of service\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.68120574951172, \"y\": 17.86324691772461, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779561, \"response\": \"Price is becoming too high for the quality\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.72076988220215, \"y\": 17.180574417114258, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779560, \"response\": \"Price is increasing\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.73255729675293, \"y\": 16.985679626464844, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779559, \"response\": \"Price is whack.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.732006072998047, \"y\": 17.240480422973633, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779558, \"response\": \"Price just keeps climbing\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.55402183532715, \"y\": 17.33845329284668, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779557, \"response\": \"Price keeps changing. Benefits don't. Been with you too long for this nonsense.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.183208465576172, \"y\": 17.753780364990234, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779557, \"response\": \"Price keeps changing. Benefits don't. Been with you too long for this nonsense.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.27463722229004, \"y\": 17.718311309814453, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779556, \"response\": \"Price keeps increasing\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.745256423950195, \"y\": 17.259632110595703, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779555, \"response\": \"Price keeps rising and service is not as good as it was before.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.560209274291992, \"y\": 18.050777435302734, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779554, \"response\": \"Price raises\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.873083114624023, \"y\": 17.016754150390625, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779553, \"response\": \"price too high\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.53608512878418, \"y\": 17.074312210083008, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779552, \"response\": \"Price went up and I have has since 2010 or Earlier sorry oneday\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.11434555053711, \"y\": 17.616527557373047, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779551, \"response\": \"Prices are going up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.52889633178711, \"y\": 17.394166946411133, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779550, \"response\": \"Prices are rising to much. This is the second time.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.65215492248535, \"y\": 17.203275680541992, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779549, \"response\": \"Prices are up in everything\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.477516174316406, \"y\": 17.329601287841797, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779548, \"response\": \"Prices continue to go up, and yet you continue to try to squeeze even more money out of people\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.6924991607666, \"y\": 17.523019790649414, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779547, \"response\": \"Raising prices after a 40% profit increase last year and starting to charge for additional profiles is just greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 31.725257873535156, \"y\": 16.498693466186523, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779547, \"response\": \"Raising prices after a 40% profit increase last year and starting to charge for additional profiles is just greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.84247589111328, \"y\": 16.497467041015625, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779547, \"response\": \"Raising prices after a 40% profit increase last year and starting to charge for additional profiles is just greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.704233169555664, \"y\": 16.472761154174805, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779546, \"response\": \"Barely use the service, money down the drain\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.816938400268555, \"y\": 18.029296875, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779545, \"response\": \"Rarely used\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.962167739868164, \"y\": 17.529499053955078, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779544, \"response\": \"Rate increase and garbage customer service, do you even care about your customers?\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.129051208496094, \"y\": 18.55642318725586, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779544, \"response\": \"Rate increase and garbage customer service, do you even care about your customers?\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.182771682739258, \"y\": 18.44005584716797, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779410, \"response\": \"You are about to charge for have extra subscriptions. Me and my family have different taste but I pay my bill, it\\ufffds extortion and you\\ufffdre a disgusting and greedy company.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.98121452331543, \"y\": 19.034204483032227, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779410, \"response\": \"You are about to charge for have extra subscriptions. Me and my family have different taste but I pay my bill, it\\ufffds extortion and you\\ufffdre a disgusting and greedy company.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 27.960159301757812, \"y\": 19.051008224487305, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779410, \"response\": \"You are about to charge for have extra subscriptions. Me and my family have different taste but I pay my bill, it\\ufffds extortion and you\\ufffdre a disgusting and greedy company.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 27.869749069213867, \"y\": 19.119518280029297, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779409, \"response\": \"you are constantly raising prices. i will take my business elsewhere\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 32.028385162353516, \"y\": 17.995939254760742, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779409, \"response\": \"you are constantly raising prices. i will take my business elsewhere\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.929262161254883, \"y\": 18.072969436645508, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779408, \"response\": \"You are going up on prices\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.220705032348633, \"y\": 17.53374481201172, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779407, \"response\": \"You are money hungry\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 28.72043228149414, \"y\": 15.86383056640625, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779406, \"response\": \"You are politically biased.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.399629592895508, \"y\": 17.1103572845459, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779405, \"response\": \"you aren't focused on customers anymore\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.11305809020996, \"y\": 18.511402130126953, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779404, \"response\": \"You charge too much\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.662141799926758, \"y\": 17.563278198242188, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779403, \"response\": \"You continue to raise your prices\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.92435073852539, \"y\": 17.951576232910156, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779402, \"response\": \"You guys are making business decisions that don\\ufffdt make sense at a time when it doesn\\ufffdt make sense. Make sense, and we\\ufffdll resubscribe.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.215856552124023, \"y\": 18.803272247314453, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779401, \"response\": \"You guys keep raising the prices\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.866987228393555, \"y\": 17.734180450439453, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779400, \"response\": \"You have gotten too greedy and raised the price too many times\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.103225708007812, \"y\": 17.36628532409668, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779400, \"response\": \"You have gotten too greedy and raised the price too many times\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.170278549194336, \"y\": 17.178686141967773, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779399, \"response\": \"you just keep raising the price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.827760696411133, \"y\": 17.95078468322754, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779398, \"response\": \"You keep adding fees and new prices, I don\\ufffdt really want it no more\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.94732666015625, \"y\": 18.206218719482422, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779396, \"response\": \"You keep increasing prices.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.59269905090332, \"y\": 17.670795440673828, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779395, \"response\": \"You keep jacking the price up every 12 days.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.634918212890625, \"y\": 17.644264221191406, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779394, \"response\": \"You keep raising prices and are now charging extra for other people using your subscription, other services are better and cheaper and the only reason I kept it was for the other people using it so if you\\ufffdre gonna charge for that I\\ufffdm out\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 28.41676139831543, \"y\": 18.899091720581055, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779394, \"response\": \"You keep raising prices and are now charging extra for other people using your subscription, other services are better and cheaper and the only reason I kept it was for the other people using it so if you\\ufffdre gonna charge for that I\\ufffdm out\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 28.375812530517578, \"y\": 18.95866584777832, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779394, \"response\": \"You keep raising prices and are now charging extra for other people using your subscription, other services are better and cheaper and the only reason I kept it was for the other people using it so if you\\ufffdre gonna charge for that I\\ufffdm out\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.459630966186523, \"y\": 18.94078826904297, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779393, \"response\": \"You keep raising prices. it's not my fault that you don't have enough customers and I have to pay the price. It's just not worth it to keep you.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.7081298828125, \"y\": 18.183441162109375, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779392, \"response\": \"You keep raising the damn price. I'm not made of money.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.881376266479492, \"y\": 18.004003524780273, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779391, \"response\": \"You keep upping the price and now i cant pay\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.35258674621582, \"y\": 17.75520896911621, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779390, \"response\": \"You need to stop increasing the price on long time users.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.270111083984375, \"y\": 17.62799072265625, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779389, \"response\": \"You raise prices and nothing is new. Nothing new.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.84027671813965, \"y\": 17.49686622619629, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779388, \"response\": \"You raised the price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.45448875427246, \"y\": 17.847875595092773, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779387, \"response\": \"You raised your price almost 50%. I also don\\ufffdt like the fact that you offer the price I used to pay once I tried to cancel. Shady!\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.46337890625, \"y\": 18.267780303955078, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779387, \"response\": \"You raised your price almost 50%. I also don\\ufffdt like the fact that you offer the price I used to pay once I tried to cancel. Shady!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.39761734008789, \"y\": 18.283674240112305, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779386, \"response\": \"You raised your prices again\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.47442626953125, \"y\": 17.98372459411621, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779385, \"response\": \"You want to charge me for my kids using MY subscription, how is that even fair?\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.95064926147461, \"y\": 19.101652145385742, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779384, \"response\": \"You're being greedy at every opportunity and I won't support it\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.572608947753906, \"y\": 16.362197875976562, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779383, \"response\": \"You're being greedy. If you cared about us, you wouldn't keep hiking up prices that were high to begin with. You'll only understand what this means when enough of us leave. \", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.99278450012207, \"y\": 17.65575408935547, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779382, \"response\": \"You're not going to allow family sharing\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.02819061279297, \"y\": 18.3253116607666, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779381, \"response\": \"You\\ufffdre just greedy\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.54021644592285, \"y\": 16.359567642211914, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779380, \"response\": \"Your charging for sharing. \\\"SHARING IS CARING!!\\\"\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.566804885864258, \"y\": 18.87531852722168, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779379, \"response\": \"Your company has far too many price increases. It seems like year after year or bi-annually you are increasing prices. Too much. I\\ufffdll consider other entertaining options.\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 31.40212059020996, \"y\": 16.780460357666016, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779379, \"response\": \"Your company has far too many price increases. It seems like year after year or bi-annually you are increasing prices. Too much. I\\ufffdll consider other entertaining options.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.531414031982422, \"y\": 16.965845108032227, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779378, \"response\": \"Your constant price creep is why. I keep paying more for less. I'm done.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.6988525390625, \"y\": 17.83050537109375, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779377, \"response\": \"your corporate greed\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.340574264526367, \"y\": 16.314014434814453, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779376, \"response\": \"Your new price system and raised rates are not workable for me\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.909366607666016, \"y\": 18.02134132385254, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779375, \"response\": \"Your price change buggin\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.22465705871582, \"y\": 17.671743392944336, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779374, \"response\": \"your price hikes are absurd\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.343608856201172, \"y\": 17.371440887451172, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779373, \"response\": \"Your price is just not worth keeping anymore especially with the pop up currently shoves iny face forcing me to make a choice for the more expensive subscription. So you lost a subscriber have a nice life\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 28.339561462402344, \"y\": 18.80447006225586, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779372, \"response\": \"Your pricing is terrible. You keep increasing prices and the addition of sharing charges is greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.481948852539062, \"y\": 19.041603088378906, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779372, \"response\": \"Your pricing is terrible. You keep increasing prices and the addition of sharing charges is greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 29.47457504272461, \"y\": 19.090787887573242, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779372, \"response\": \"Your pricing is terrible. You keep increasing prices and the addition of sharing charges is greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.458873748779297, \"y\": 19.089725494384766, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779371, \"response\": \"Your profits are up and you're *raising* my price? Are you kidding me?\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.05545425415039, \"y\": 17.98197364807129, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779370, \"response\": \"Your rates are higher than others who do the same thing\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.52712059020996, \"y\": 18.199207305908203, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779370, \"response\": \"Your rates are higher than others who do the same thing\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.52328109741211, \"y\": 18.119211196899414, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779369, \"response\": \"Your stupid price hike again\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.12220573425293, \"y\": 17.49244499206543, \"cluster\": 0}]}}, {\"mode\": \"vega-lite\"});\n",
"text/plain": [
"metadata": {},
"execution_count": 16
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"### 4 Clusters\n",
"This plot shows the customer responses being broken down into 4 clusters"
"metadata": {
"id": "fm305vGbGER-"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"response_df['cluster'] = generate_clusters(n_clusters=4)\n",
"generate_cluster_plot(dataframe = response_df,\n",
" legend_fields = ['cluster'],\n",
" tooltip_fields = ['response', 'cluster'],\n",
" color_field= 'cluster',\n",
" title = 'Clustering Customer Responses for Churn Analysis - 4 Clusters')"
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
"height": 563
"id": "2MvU2NIWGGQZ",
"outputId": "5f73db1b-50bf-4895-ae3c-6b72793d776f"
"execution_count": 17,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
"text/html": [
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" })({\"config\": {\"view\": {\"continuousWidth\": 400, \"continuousHeight\": 300}, \"background\": \"#FDF7F0\"}, \"data\": {\"name\": \"data-6247c41623f4086cb12e2eeefa71e707\"}, \"mark\": {\"type\": \"circle\", \"opacity\": 0.3, \"size\": 60, \"stroke\": \"#666\", \"strokeWidth\": 1}, \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"field\": \"cluster\", \"legend\": {\"columns\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 14, \"symbolLimit\": 0}, \"type\": \"nominal\"}, \"opacity\": {\"condition\": {\"value\": 1, \"selection\": \"selector004\"}, \"value\": 0.2}, \"tooltip\": [{\"field\": \"response\", \"type\": \"nominal\"}, {\"field\": \"cluster\", \"type\": \"quantitative\"}], \"x\": {\"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"labels\": false, \"ticks\": false}, \"field\": \"x\", \"scale\": {\"zero\": false}, \"type\": \"quantitative\"}, \"y\": {\"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"labels\": false, \"ticks\": false}, \"field\": \"y\", \"scale\": {\"zero\": false}, \"type\": \"quantitative\"}}, \"height\": 500, \"selection\": 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{\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779968, \"response\": \"Budget cuts\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.403881072998047, \"y\": 15.182365417480469, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779967, \"response\": \"Cannot have multiple users\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.190444946289062, \"y\": 18.296457290649414, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779966, \"response\": \"cost has risen too much too quickly\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.800010681152344, \"y\": 16.7558536529541, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779965, \"response\": \"disappointed with the sub subscription news\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 27.018205642700195, \"y\": 19.558141708374023, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779964, \"response\": \"Don't want it for now anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.507781982421875, \"y\": 16.942096710205078, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779963, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt need it\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.212806701660156, \"y\": 17.099021911621094, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779962, \"response\": \"duplicate subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.376066207885742, \"y\": 19.423219680786133, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779961, \"response\": \"Financial Difficulty\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.377357482910156, \"y\": 15.255457878112793, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779960, \"response\": \"Getting old\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.435773849487305, \"y\": 15.894251823425293, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779959, \"response\": \"I am connected through my service provider\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.498085021972656, \"y\": 18.560022354125977, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779958, \"response\": \"I just moved use it, as you can see by my time in the last many months\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.1607723236084, \"y\": 16.431442260742188, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779957, \"response\": \"I need to change country of billing\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.43511199951172, \"y\": 17.619462966918945, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779957, \"response\": \"I need to change country of billing\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 27.435821533203125, \"y\": 17.65107536315918, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779956, \"response\": \"I need to cut expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.965469360351562, \"y\": 14.951766014099121, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779955, \"response\": \"I wont support your nonesence.\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 29.10320281982422, \"y\": 17.029220581054688, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779954, \"response\": \"I'm moving but will rejoin once I get settled.\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.14884376525879, \"y\": 16.29201889038086, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779953, \"response\": \"Joint subscription with my husband\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.359052658081055, \"y\": 18.4921932220459, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779952, \"response\": \"Just take a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.017993927001953, \"y\": 15.464431762695312, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779951, \"response\": \"Keep raising your price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.01383972167969, \"y\": 18.094675064086914, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779950, \"response\": \"moved to the US - will start again there\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.38747787475586, \"y\": 16.392642974853516, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779949, \"response\": \"Moved to UK\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.32528305053711, \"y\": 16.460710525512695, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779948, \"response\": \"moving in with my bf. He has an subscription already.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.040706634521484, \"y\": 18.614742279052734, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779948, \"response\": \"moving in with my bf. He has an subscription already.\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.11902618408203, \"y\": 18.812273025512695, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779947, \"response\": \"Moving to new location in Ontario\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.151329040527344, \"y\": 16.314428329467773, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779946, \"response\": \"my fiance is moving in and we are consolidating subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.027973175048828, \"y\": 18.71746253967285, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779945, \"response\": \"Not using it anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.621381759643555, \"y\": 17.523958206176758, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779944, \"response\": \"Personal issues with subscription between users\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 26.459253311157227, \"y\": 19.57782745361328, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779943, \"response\": \"Price gouging\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 31.04475212097168, \"y\": 17.699365615844727, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779942, \"response\": \"Prices keep going upward it is now too much expensive for me unfortunately.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 31.1226749420166, \"y\": 17.607797622680664, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779942, \"response\": \"Prices keep going upward it is now too much expensive for me unfortunately.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.143648147583008, \"y\": 17.60208511352539, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779941, \"response\": \"sick of being ripped off LOL\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.273393630981445, \"y\": 17.088455200195312, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779940, \"response\": \"Started Charging Taxes\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 28.997726440429688, \"y\": 17.963653564453125, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779939, \"response\": \"Summer activities = better health\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.5435848236084, \"y\": 15.249807357788086, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779938, \"response\": \"taking a break will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.023714065551758, \"y\": 15.720640182495117, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779937, \"response\": \"The price hikes are getting out of hand for the lack of selection\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.236310958862305, \"y\": 17.088977813720703, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779936, \"response\": \"This is temporary\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.41529083251953, \"y\": 16.879087448120117, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779935, \"response\": \"To expensive compared to others so switching\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.0654354095459, \"y\": 16.725629806518555, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779935, \"response\": \"To expensive compared to others so switching\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.032182693481445, \"y\": 16.669326782226562, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779934, \"response\": \"Trying to cut back\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.066024780273438, \"y\": 15.184929847717285, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779933, \"response\": \"user passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.586767196655273, \"y\": 17.418703079223633, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779932, \"response\": \"Will return\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.125431060791016, \"y\": 16.473953247070312, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779931, \"response\": \"With frequent price increases, no longer a good value\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.08525085449219, \"y\": 16.979915618896484, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779930, \"response\": \"You keep upping prices by huge amounts\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.680782318115234, \"y\": 17.656723022460938, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779929, \"response\": \"2 price increases in 4 months has pushed me over the edge\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.922300338745117, \"y\": 17.250890731811523, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779928, \"response\": \"3 months out of town\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.901281356811523, \"y\": 16.18910789489746, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779927, \"response\": \"3rd price increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.84917640686035, \"y\": 16.902381896972656, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779926, \"response\": \"A 20% increase is something I'm not willing to support. Options are not great for the price.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.08875274658203, \"y\": 16.851816177368164, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779925, \"response\": \"subscription compromised\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 26.970067977905273, \"y\": 19.902067184448242, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779924, \"response\": \"subscription hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 26.987510681152344, \"y\": 19.88074493408203, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779923, \"response\": \"subscription hacked too hard to fix\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.125755310058594, \"y\": 19.876514434814453, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779922, \"response\": \"subscription owner passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.543577194213867, \"y\": 17.967159271240234, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779921, \"response\": \"subscription sharing crackdown\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.076873779296875, \"y\": 19.443971633911133, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779920, \"response\": \"Added charges and fees\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 29.130443572998047, \"y\": 18.312992095947266, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779919, \"response\": \"Others offer better services for lesser prices\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.245737075805664, \"y\": 18.060808181762695, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779918, \"response\": \"back to piracy with these prices.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.3837833404541, \"y\": 17.53602409362793, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779917, \"response\": \"Bad economy\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.781770706176758, \"y\": 15.606472969055176, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779916, \"response\": \"Be back on payday\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.618013381958008, \"y\": 16.471494674682617, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779915, \"response\": \"Because I can\\ufffdt share with my grandkids out of stay without you charging me extra.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.772947311401367, \"y\": 18.76885986328125, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779915, \"response\": \"Because I can\\ufffdt share with my grandkids out of stay without you charging me extra.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.815690994262695, \"y\": 18.850643157958984, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779914, \"response\": \"Because I was not allowed to pay my bill after my credit card was compromised. I wanted to have my bill charged to my bank subscription automatically but that is not an option I was told. So, I\\ufffdll just do without it.\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.75321388244629, \"y\": 19.217327117919922, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779913, \"response\": \"Because prices are raising without any differences or improvements\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.858476638793945, \"y\": 17.085800170898438, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779912, \"response\": \"Because y\\ufffdall keep stealing money from me and I haven\\ufffdt been on in years\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 28.16065788269043, \"y\": 19.045547485351562, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779911, \"response\": \"Because you guys want to stop people from sharing something that they pay for. Just stop.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 28.568119049072266, \"y\": 19.314435958862305, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779910, \"response\": \"Behind on finances\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.54949188232422, \"y\": 15.3506498336792, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779909, \"response\": \"Billing\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.598134994506836, \"y\": 17.87234878540039, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779908, \"response\": \"Billing trouble\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.5476016998291, \"y\": 17.98168182373047, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779907, \"response\": \"Bills\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.923547744750977, \"y\": 15.436640739440918, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779906, \"response\": \"Boyfriend has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.592235565185547, \"y\": 18.64130401611328, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779905, \"response\": \"Boyfriends subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.719911575317383, \"y\": 18.80306625366211, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779904, \"response\": \"Budget\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.57785987854004, \"y\": 15.691018104553223, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779903, \"response\": \"Budget :(\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.51384162902832, \"y\": 15.936114311218262, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779902, \"response\": \"budget cutbacks\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.33251190185547, \"y\": 15.155874252319336, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779901, \"response\": \"budget cuts\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.28165626525879, \"y\": 15.142152786254883, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779900, \"response\": \"Budget issues\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.41358184814453, \"y\": 15.239913940429688, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779899, \"response\": \"Budget Tightening, Will Return AgainLater\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 29.284759521484375, \"y\": 15.410642623901367, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779899, \"response\": \"Budget Tightening, Will Return AgainLater\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.35228729248047, \"y\": 15.356217384338379, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779898, \"response\": \"Budgeting\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.249387741088867, \"y\": 15.385656356811523, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779897, \"response\": \"Budgeting\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.205121994018555, \"y\": 15.41912841796875, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779896, \"response\": \"Business subscription is taking over\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.224634170532227, \"y\": 19.33734893798828, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779895, \"response\": \"Can't afford it at this time.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.51661491394043, \"y\": 16.2445068359375, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779894, \"response\": \"Can't afford it right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.56778335571289, \"y\": 16.151935577392578, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779893, \"response\": \"Can't afford right now.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.798503875732422, \"y\": 16.282922744750977, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779892, \"response\": \"can't justify the charge increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.83291244506836, \"y\": 17.57135009765625, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779891, \"response\": \"can\\ufffdt afford\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.48984718322754, \"y\": 16.159448623657227, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779890, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt afford it\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.65479278564453, \"y\": 16.381656646728516, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779889, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt afford it anymore thanks to inflation caused by president Biden\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.196279525756836, \"y\": 16.254823684692383, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779888, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt afford right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.538917541503906, \"y\": 16.189624786376953, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779887, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt pay this month\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.97246742248535, \"y\": 16.674623489379883, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779886, \"response\": \"Cannot afford\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.603445053100586, \"y\": 16.042980194091797, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779885, \"response\": \"Cannot afford it any longer\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.599971771240234, \"y\": 16.409666061401367, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779884, \"response\": \"Cannot get multiple billings stopped\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.17207908630371, \"y\": 18.837331771850586, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779883, \"response\": \"cannot pay\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.177885055541992, \"y\": 16.496755599975586, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779882, \"response\": \"Cant charge that for what you got\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.181705474853516, \"y\": 17.789642333984375, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779881, \"response\": \"Change of price\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.720958709716797, \"y\": 17.386905670166016, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779880, \"response\": \"Change payment date.\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.68407440185547, \"y\": 17.394906997680664, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779879, \"response\": \"Change to new country\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.36838150024414, \"y\": 16.518545150756836, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779878, \"response\": \"Changing subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.743986129760742, \"y\": 19.314876556396484, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779877, \"response\": \"changing bank will resume when thats done\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.450668334960938, \"y\": 16.861982345581055, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779876, \"response\": \"changing billing date\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.57544708251953, \"y\": 17.66378402709961, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779875, \"response\": \"charging for sharing subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.605562210083008, \"y\": 19.212678909301758, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779874, \"response\": \"Charging me for sharing subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.565757751464844, \"y\": 19.20484733581543, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779873, \"response\": \"combine households. Only need one subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.119779586791992, \"y\": 19.078706741333008, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779872, \"response\": \"combined with fiance\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.065052032470703, \"y\": 17.955366134643555, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779871, \"response\": \"consolidating subscriptions after getting got married\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.10102081298828, \"y\": 18.55422592163086, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779870, \"response\": \"Constant price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.119537353515625, \"y\": 16.771757125854492, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779869, \"response\": \"constant price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.114166259765625, \"y\": 16.731245040893555, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779868, \"response\": \"Constant price increases.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.907928466796875, \"y\": 16.660415649414062, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779867, \"response\": \"constantly raising monthly fees\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.94982147216797, \"y\": 18.53478240966797, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779866, \"response\": \"Continously raising of prices and restriction on services\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.91144371032715, \"y\": 18.307937622070312, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779865, \"response\": \"Continual Price Increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.09584045410156, \"y\": 16.89698600769043, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779864, \"response\": \"Continual price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.20009994506836, \"y\": 16.960227966308594, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779863, \"response\": \"Continually increasing Price point while delivering little new value.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.05311584472656, \"y\": 17.12318229675293, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779862, \"response\": \"Continuing price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.00265121459961, \"y\": 16.914291381835938, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779861, \"response\": \"Continuous price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.04331588745117, \"y\": 16.789350509643555, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779860, \"response\": \"cost keeps going up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.427852630615234, \"y\": 17.40135383605957, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779859, \"response\": \"Cost way tooo much\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.004863739013672, \"y\": 16.91429901123047, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779858, \"response\": \"Cost went up and quality went down.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.819978713989258, \"y\": 17.46828842163086, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779857, \"response\": \"Costs\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.86881446838379, \"y\": 16.34946060180664, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779856, \"response\": \"Costs keep rising\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.384822845458984, \"y\": 16.939884185791016, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779855, \"response\": \"Covid has me broke\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.86586570739746, \"y\": 15.70332145690918, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779854, \"response\": \"Currently reside with family\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.06410026550293, \"y\": 16.92236328125, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779853, \"response\": \"Cutting costs\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.52854347229004, \"y\": 15.097941398620605, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779852, \"response\": \"Cutting out unnecessary expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.10038948059082, \"y\": 14.852702140808105, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779851, \"response\": \"Cutting spending\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.322723388671875, \"y\": 15.248969078063965, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779850, \"response\": \"Death of account holder\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.555456161499023, \"y\": 17.529651641845703, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779849, \"response\": \"Death in Family.\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.56793975830078, \"y\": 17.115795135498047, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779848, \"response\": \"DEATH OF SPOUSE\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.342086791992188, \"y\": 17.409503936767578, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779847, \"response\": \"Divorce\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.238882064819336, \"y\": 17.793930053710938, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779846, \"response\": \"divorce - I will be back on my own subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.26346778869629, \"y\": 18.342239379882812, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779772, \"response\": \"I got married and my husband and I don't need two memberships\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.702983856201172, \"y\": 18.410564422607422, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779771, \"response\": \"I had 2 subscriptions set up.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.599529266357422, \"y\": 19.054201126098633, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779770, \"response\": \"I have amercian subscription but live in Poland\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.67245864868164, \"y\": 19.058584213256836, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779769, \"response\": \"I have another subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.72475242614746, \"y\": 18.980270385742188, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779768, \"response\": \"I have high medical bills.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.712949752807617, \"y\": 15.084542274475098, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779767, \"response\": \"I have to cut back due to high gas prices\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.469661712646484, \"y\": 15.18556022644043, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779766, \"response\": \"I have too many options now.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.567461013793945, \"y\": 16.675830841064453, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779765, \"response\": \"I have two subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.54398536682129, \"y\": 19.121843338012695, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779764, \"response\": \"I left the subscription on as a courtesy for my wife. Going through divorce now.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.19258689880371, \"y\": 18.44905662536621, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779763, \"response\": \"I live in two different addresses and I won't be able to use my subscription on both\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 26.601823806762695, \"y\": 19.29266357421875, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779762, \"response\": \"i might be back. taking a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.971900939941406, \"y\": 16.070791244506836, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779761, \"response\": \"I moved in with my son who is a subscriber\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.06644630432129, \"y\": 18.556312561035156, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779760, \"response\": \"I moved to a different country and want to be changed the currency of my current location\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 27.582778930664062, \"y\": 17.36561393737793, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779759, \"response\": \"I need to save money and don\\ufffdt use it as much as other services\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.108051300048828, \"y\": 16.156734466552734, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779758, \"response\": \"I never use it\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.808103561401367, \"y\": 17.511627197265625, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779757, \"response\": \"I prefer other platforms\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 28.126815795898438, \"y\": 17.612445831298828, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779756, \"response\": \"I will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.113075256347656, \"y\": 16.45049285888672, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779755, \"response\": \"I will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.064044952392578, \"y\": 16.45270538330078, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779754, \"response\": \"I will be back, need to move payment to end of month\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.485647201538086, \"y\": 16.788599014282227, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779754, \"response\": \"I will be back, need to move payment to end of month\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.482986450195312, \"y\": 16.675251007080078, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779753, \"response\": \"I will be back.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.00798988342285, \"y\": 16.3952693939209, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779752, \"response\": \"I will cancel each year for 2 months to offset your rate increasses\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.23611068725586, \"y\": 18.04450798034668, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779751, \"response\": \"I won't pay extra for sharing my subscription with MY FAMILY\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.41797637939453, \"y\": 18.936397552490234, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779751, \"response\": \"I won't pay extra for sharing my subscription with MY FAMILY\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 27.413358688354492, \"y\": 18.958681106567383, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779750, \"response\": \"I'd prefer to pay yearly.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 28.906301498413086, \"y\": 16.81844711303711, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779749, \"response\": \"I'm broke! :)\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.65770721435547, \"y\": 15.634303092956543, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779748, \"response\": \"I'm broke. I'll be back when I can be\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.49762725830078, \"y\": 15.817216873168945, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779747, \"response\": \"I'm having some financial issues.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.542390823364258, \"y\": 15.612829208374023, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779746, \"response\": \"I'm just trying to save some money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.010478973388672, \"y\": 15.98425006866455, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779745, \"response\": \"I'm not paying a higher price.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.95718002319336, \"y\": 16.621557235717773, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779744, \"response\": \"i'm tired of the price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.36204719543457, \"y\": 16.975238800048828, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779743, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdll be back on my next payday\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.496801376342773, \"y\": 16.41141700744629, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779742, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdll be back soon\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.147438049316406, \"y\": 16.468929290771484, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779741, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdll wait for few months to return\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.229446411132812, \"y\": 16.49148178100586, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779740, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdm BROKEEEE\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.770002365112305, \"y\": 15.640888214111328, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779739, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdm cutting back on spending\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.94879722595215, \"y\": 15.456292152404785, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779738, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdm done\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.44584083557129, \"y\": 16.662965774536133, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779737, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdm sharing an subscription with my parents and will no longer support you if you charge extra.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.70332145690918, \"y\": 18.950761795043945, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779736, \"response\": \"ill be back, rotating to something else,\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.12760353088379, \"y\": 16.381189346313477, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779735, \"response\": \"Im using another subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.933074951171875, \"y\": 19.11484146118164, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779734, \"response\": \"Income change\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.568941116333008, \"y\": 15.134279251098633, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779733, \"response\": \"Increase cost of living\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.20027732849121, \"y\": 16.324764251708984, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779732, \"response\": \"Increase from original price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.754093170166016, \"y\": 16.929994583129883, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779731, \"response\": \"Increase in price.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.182146072387695, \"y\": 16.957672119140625, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779730, \"response\": \"Increase price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.537052154541016, \"y\": 16.891080856323242, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779729, \"response\": \"Increase was too much, should be half what is charged\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.624547958374023, \"y\": 17.484535217285156, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779728, \"response\": \"Increasing price, not worth it\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.93336296081543, \"y\": 16.641632080078125, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779727, \"response\": \"inflation\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 31.28812599182129, \"y\": 16.111616134643555, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779726, \"response\": \"Inflation\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.233488082885742, \"y\": 16.072372436523438, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779725, \"response\": \"inflation food and gas\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.362913131713867, \"y\": 16.124099731445312, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779724, \"response\": \"Inflation reduces priority\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.207178115844727, \"y\": 16.209138870239258, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779723, \"response\": \"Inflation/ Recession/ rising costs\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.345455169677734, \"y\": 16.23842430114746, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779722, \"response\": \"it didnt let me cancel the first month\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.875246047973633, \"y\": 18.265111923217773, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779721, \"response\": \"it just keeps going up and I am on fixed income\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.413984298706055, \"y\": 15.84256649017334, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779720, \"response\": \"It's boring\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.088890075683594, \"y\": 16.83245849609375, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779719, \"response\": \"It's cheaper to pay in euro currency.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 30.1391544342041, \"y\": 17.672574996948242, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779718, \"response\": \"It\\ufffds not too expensive for me, it\\ufffds too expensive for itself\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.48233413696289, \"y\": 16.921659469604492, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779717, \"response\": \"Job loss\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.73297882080078, \"y\": 16.128604888916016, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779716, \"response\": \"Just can't afford it right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.867395401000977, \"y\": 16.45619010925293, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779715, \"response\": \"Just don't want to spend the money on another subscription\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.20375633239746, \"y\": 18.999845504760742, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779714, \"response\": \"Just eliminating monthly bills\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.92319107055664, \"y\": 15.296222686767578, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779713, \"response\": \"Just looking to cut costs.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.6727237701416, \"y\": 15.51053237915039, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779712, \"response\": \"Just need money back\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.14814567565918, \"y\": 16.1766414642334, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779468, \"response\": \"Too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.709733963012695, \"y\": 16.8380126953125, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779711, \"response\": \"Just need to take care of other things first before a start paying for this again\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 28.57034683227539, \"y\": 16.032657623291016, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779710, \"response\": \"Just reducing un-needed expenses \", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.08720588684082, \"y\": 14.891554832458496, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779709, \"response\": \"just taking a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.90743637084961, \"y\": 15.755900382995605, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779708, \"response\": \"Just taking a break and saving a bit of money. We'll be back.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.447219848632812, \"y\": 15.680036544799805, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779707, \"response\": \"Keep getting subscription hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.046947479248047, \"y\": 19.80600929260254, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779706, \"response\": \"Keep raising price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.969497680664062, \"y\": 17.859878540039062, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779705, \"response\": \"Keep raising prices\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.14332580566406, \"y\": 17.638025283813477, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779704, \"response\": \"Keep raising prices, not worth it\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.062400817871094, \"y\": 17.840063095092773, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779703, \"response\": \"Keep raising subscription price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.642303466796875, \"y\": 18.671463012695312, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779702, \"response\": \"keep raising the price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.793947219848633, \"y\": 17.89291000366211, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779701, \"response\": \"Keeps going up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.570236206054688, \"y\": 17.528100967407227, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779700, \"response\": \"laid off, reducing expenses\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.693742752075195, \"y\": 14.959328651428223, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779700, \"response\": \"laid off, reducing expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.33428955078125, \"y\": 14.961152076721191, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779699, \"response\": \"Limited users\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.449810028076172, \"y\": 18.419572830200195, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779698, \"response\": \"Limiting access with high price\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.74982261657715, \"y\": 18.473180770874023, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779697, \"response\": \"Limiting household spending\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.342748641967773, \"y\": 15.543649673461914, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779696, \"response\": \"Limiting to single household use.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 29.240116119384766, \"y\": 15.848084449768066, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779695, \"response\": \"Limiting to the household only.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 29.255176544189453, \"y\": 15.873856544494629, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779694, \"response\": \"living with daughter, not really using\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 26.560531616210938, \"y\": 18.007978439331055, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779693, \"response\": \"Loss of job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.618749618530273, \"y\": 15.956964492797852, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779692, \"response\": \"Lost job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.673660278320312, \"y\": 16.027088165283203, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779691, \"response\": \"Lost Job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.67662811279297, \"y\": 15.987093925476074, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779690, \"response\": \"Lost job can't afford now\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.063140869140625, \"y\": 15.94207763671875, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779689, \"response\": \"lost job due to vaccine\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.659116744995117, \"y\": 16.02650260925293, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779688, \"response\": \"Lost my job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.68168830871582, \"y\": 16.13412094116211, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779687, \"response\": \"lost my job can't afford it\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.2363338470459, \"y\": 15.878772735595703, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779686, \"response\": \"Lost y\\ufffdall damn mind with these prices\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.62972640991211, \"y\": 17.55416488647461, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779685, \"response\": \"lower bills\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.05103874206543, \"y\": 15.225327491760254, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779684, \"response\": \"lower your price pls __\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 31.280649185180664, \"y\": 18.101009368896484, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779683, \"response\": \"Lowering expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.32469940185547, \"y\": 14.950799942016602, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779682, \"response\": \"Making budget cut\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.283443450927734, \"y\": 15.179620742797852, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779681, \"response\": \"Married. Combining households\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.051673889160156, \"y\": 17.91811752319336, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779680, \"response\": \"Married. Using spouses subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.320581436157227, \"y\": 18.39482879638672, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779679, \"response\": \"Me and my mom live in two different places, since you want to restrict that I will cancel my membership.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.3306941986084, \"y\": 18.75448989868164, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779678, \"response\": \"Member passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.58655548095703, \"y\": 17.38983726501465, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779677, \"response\": \"membership fee going up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.16718292236328, \"y\": 18.595579147338867, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779676, \"response\": \"Merge households two subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.164594650268555, \"y\": 19.062772750854492, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779675, \"response\": \"merging households\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.030975341796875, \"y\": 17.94724464416504, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779674, \"response\": \"Monetary break. Will come back.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 28.008623123168945, \"y\": 15.563300132751465, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779673, \"response\": \"Money is tight, ill try and come back in a few months once I have the budget for this\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.023574829101562, \"y\": 15.837634086608887, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779672, \"response\": \"Money is a problem, I need to be saving more and can't deal with continuous price increases\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 30.291879653930664, \"y\": 15.753495216369629, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779672, \"response\": \"Money is a problem, I need to be saving more and can't deal with continuous price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.374696731567383, \"y\": 15.814840316772461, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779671, \"response\": \"money I don't have\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.728498458862305, \"y\": 16.15053939819336, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779670, \"response\": \"Money is tight right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.803794860839844, \"y\": 15.725641250610352, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779669, \"response\": \"Moved\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.230318069458008, \"y\": 16.138517379760742, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779668, \"response\": \"Moved in with family\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.147275924682617, \"y\": 16.744524002075195, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779667, \"response\": \"Moved in with my boyfriend so we only need one\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 25.865461349487305, \"y\": 18.47145652770996, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779666, \"response\": \"Moved in with significant other don\\ufffdt need two subscriptions in one house\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.186704635620117, \"y\": 18.93891143798828, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779665, \"response\": \"Moved in with someone\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.257122039794922, \"y\": 16.664899826049805, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779664, \"response\": \"Moved in with someone who has it already\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.091053009033203, \"y\": 16.804563522338867, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779663, \"response\": \"moving\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.240619659423828, \"y\": 16.104583740234375, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779662, \"response\": \"Moving\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.22461700439453, \"y\": 16.04926109313965, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779661, \"response\": \"Moving\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.202701568603516, \"y\": 16.062482833862305, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779660, \"response\": \"moving\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.248199462890625, \"y\": 16.035736083984375, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779659, \"response\": \"Moving away\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.399551391601562, \"y\": 16.087848663330078, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779658, \"response\": \"Moving country\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.243797302246094, \"y\": 16.341129302978516, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779657, \"response\": \"Moving on for now. Thank you.\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.618473052978516, \"y\": 16.68810272216797, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779656, \"response\": \"Moving out of the country\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.244142532348633, \"y\": 16.266023635864258, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779655, \"response\": \"Moving to another country.\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.33064842224121, \"y\": 16.383161544799805, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779654, \"response\": \"multiple subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.321189880371094, \"y\": 19.345443725585938, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779653, \"response\": \"Multiple subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.38763427734375, \"y\": 19.306808471679688, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779652, \"response\": \"Multiple subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.275522232055664, \"y\": 19.266925811767578, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779651, \"response\": \"Multiple subscriptions in our house\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.296016693115234, \"y\": 19.31539535522461, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779650, \"response\": \"Multiple subscriptions. Unneeded.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.406980514526367, \"y\": 19.32262420654297, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779649, \"response\": \"my subscription was being used by a stranger\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.099550247192383, \"y\": 19.8248291015625, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779648, \"response\": \"My subscription was hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.12822723388672, \"y\": 19.88959503173828, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779647, \"response\": \"my subscription was hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.14834976196289, \"y\": 19.829275131225586, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779646, \"response\": \"My Aunt passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.507539749145508, \"y\": 17.28968048095703, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779645, \"response\": \"My boyfriend wants me to cancel\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.885250091552734, \"y\": 18.06348419189453, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779644, \"response\": \"My daughter has a subscription at the same residence\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.266990661621094, \"y\": 18.864734649658203, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779643, \"response\": \"my husband already has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.42258644104004, \"y\": 18.605131149291992, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779642, \"response\": \"My husband has a subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.38941764831543, \"y\": 18.6834774017334, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779641, \"response\": \"My husband has an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.382888793945312, \"y\": 18.640634536743164, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779467, \"response\": \"Too expensive and too many new added charges\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 29.672359466552734, \"y\": 17.764724731445312, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779467, \"response\": \"Too expensive and too many new added charges\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.63160514831543, \"y\": 17.79404067993164, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779640, \"response\": \"My kids live in another city and you're going to charge more for that. Unfair and intolerable.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 28.98716163635254, \"y\": 18.42436408996582, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779639, \"response\": \"My spouse has an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.32170295715332, \"y\": 18.600765228271484, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779638, \"response\": \"My stepdad has an subscription so don\\ufffdt need one anymore\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.494510650634766, \"y\": 18.633323669433594, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779637, \"response\": \"Need to change due date\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.62554931640625, \"y\": 17.504444122314453, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779636, \"response\": \"Need to cut expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.044118881225586, \"y\": 14.9562406539917, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779635, \"response\": \"need to cut expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.058555603027344, \"y\": 14.927960395812988, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779634, \"response\": \"Need to cut just increased almost $40 per month\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.171756744384766, \"y\": 15.03941535949707, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779633, \"response\": \"need to discontinue for several weeks\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.581459045410156, \"y\": 17.071577072143555, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779632, \"response\": \"need to redo membership\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.814559936523438, \"y\": 18.682003021240234, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779631, \"response\": \"Need to save some money.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.064224243164062, \"y\": 15.895330429077148, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779630, \"response\": \"need to save the money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.88224983215332, \"y\": 15.997117042541504, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779629, \"response\": \"Need to simplify\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.072662353515625, \"y\": 16.323362350463867, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779628, \"response\": \"Never use it & too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.008098602294922, \"y\": 17.414140701293945, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779628, \"response\": \"Never use it & too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.187286376953125, \"y\": 17.317771911621094, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779627, \"response\": \"No longer enough value to justify the cost.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.043365478515625, \"y\": 17.05849266052246, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779626, \"response\": \"No longer good value for the money\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.6320858001709, \"y\": 16.35478973388672, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779625, \"response\": \"no longer worth it\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 28.80179786682129, \"y\": 16.600711822509766, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779624, \"response\": \"No more family sharing =[\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 26.954442977905273, \"y\": 18.24540901184082, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779623, \"response\": \"No need for it\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.458616256713867, \"y\": 17.21023941040039, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779622, \"response\": \"No respect for legacy members. It\\ufffds been a good run.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 26.882343292236328, \"y\": 17.417522430419922, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779621, \"response\": \"No sharing subscriptions to expensive\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.636247634887695, \"y\": 19.273239135742188, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779620, \"response\": \"no way of paying for it anymore\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.758697509765625, \"y\": 16.713228225708008, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779619, \"response\": \"not happy with price increase, this is now out of my spending and budget\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.806175231933594, \"y\": 16.98563003540039, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779618, \"response\": \"not in my budget anymore\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.456628799438477, \"y\": 16.65825653076172, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779617, \"response\": \"Not interested at this time\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.476070404052734, \"y\": 16.742958068847656, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779616, \"response\": \"Not letting us share anymore and u keep raising the price\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.356149673461914, \"y\": 19.37079620361328, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779616, \"response\": \"Not letting us share anymore and u keep raising the price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.45747184753418, \"y\": 19.376815795898438, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779615, \"response\": \"NOT NEEDED, you guys don\\ufffdt want to put forth good services so why do I need you\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.174476623535156, \"y\": 17.390300750732422, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779614, \"response\": \"Not needed\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.342044830322266, \"y\": 17.15886116027832, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779613, \"response\": \"Not paying for extra subscriptions.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 27.4903564453125, \"y\": 19.1555233001709, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779612, \"response\": \"not paying more money\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.435712814331055, \"y\": 16.268327713012695, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779611, \"response\": \"Not pleased with new policies\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 29.83101463317871, \"y\": 17.140140533447266, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779610, \"response\": \"Not used enough currently to be worth the price increase for me\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.664148330688477, \"y\": 17.47324562072754, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779610, \"response\": \"Not used enough currently to be worth the price increase for me\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.554811477661133, \"y\": 17.523805618286133, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779609, \"response\": \"Not using\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.6674747467041, \"y\": 17.52984046936035, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779608, \"response\": \"Not using it at this time.\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.71550178527832, \"y\": 17.4951114654541, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779607, \"response\": \"Not using now\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.653989791870117, \"y\": 17.431915283203125, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779606, \"response\": \"Not worth the price increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.8346004486084, \"y\": 16.62957191467285, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779605, \"response\": \"Not worth the price increase.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.722412109375, \"y\": 16.876564025878906, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779604, \"response\": \"Notified today that my subscription was hacked.\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.158218383789062, \"y\": 19.873823165893555, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779603, \"response\": \"obscene pricing!\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.554853439331055, \"y\": 17.275354385375977, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779602, \"response\": \"Offered with my phone subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.281147003173828, \"y\": 18.7629451751709, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779601, \"response\": \"Opened a new subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.828977584838867, \"y\": 19.407020568847656, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779600, \"response\": \"Opened this as a duplicate subscription by mistake\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.7174072265625, \"y\": 19.485593795776367, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779599, \"response\": \"Opening a different subscription\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.69371223449707, \"y\": 19.524168014526367, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779598, \"response\": \"Opening different subscriptions\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.52965545654297, \"y\": 19.42732048034668, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779597, \"response\": \"Other bills\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.032604217529297, \"y\": 15.593561172485352, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779596, \"response\": \"out of town for 4 months\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.82565689086914, \"y\": 16.18302345275879, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779595, \"response\": \"Out of work at the moment\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.168689727783203, \"y\": 15.798199653625488, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779594, \"response\": \"Owner of this subscription has passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.571557998657227, \"y\": 17.978078842163086, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779593, \"response\": \"Pagos adicional por el servicio\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 28.604373931884766, \"y\": 15.400924682617188, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779592, \"response\": \"My mom passed away and she had the account\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.61859703063965, \"y\": 17.711936950683594, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779591, \"response\": \"Parent owning account passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.565757751464844, \"y\": 17.721664428710938, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779590, \"response\": \"Pending extra charges\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 28.97783660888672, \"y\": 18.282039642333984, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779589, \"response\": \"Person passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.565858840942383, \"y\": 17.33754539489746, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779588, \"response\": \"Person paying passed away.\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.593570709228516, \"y\": 17.37430191040039, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779587, \"response\": \"personal income problems\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.226638793945312, \"y\": 15.162223815917969, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779586, \"response\": \"Please stop raising prices every year!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.06099319458008, \"y\": 17.763736724853516, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779585, \"response\": \"policy changes\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 30.252107620239258, \"y\": 16.76821517944336, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779584, \"response\": \"preemptively canceling before the next rate hike\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.47952651977539, \"y\": 18.061494827270508, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779583, \"response\": \"Prescription fees too high\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.944543838500977, \"y\": 17.684179306030273, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779582, \"response\": \"price change and don't use anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 31.0816593170166, \"y\": 17.995807647705078, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779582, \"response\": \"price change and don't use anymore\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.274391174316406, \"y\": 17.989145278930664, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779543, \"response\": \"Recent price increase and talk of limited subscription sharing, bye bye\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.08608627319336, \"y\": 19.365070343017578, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779543, \"response\": \"Recent price increase and talk of limited subscription sharing, bye bye\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.104219436645508, \"y\": 19.429094314575195, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779542, \"response\": \"recently married and don't need two memberships\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.582386016845703, \"y\": 18.320676803588867, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779541, \"response\": \"Remarried only need one subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.271692276000977, \"y\": 18.721616744995117, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779540, \"response\": \"Repurposing my time. I will be back!\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.027956008911133, \"y\": 16.309032440185547, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779539, \"response\": \"Restarting again soon\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.122882843017578, \"y\": 16.8391170501709, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779538, \"response\": \"Retiring and must cut expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.82505226135254, \"y\": 14.945634841918945, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779537, \"response\": \"Ridiculous price raises throughout history\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.554676055908203, \"y\": 16.870006561279297, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779536, \"response\": \"Roommate has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.379878997802734, \"y\": 18.849361419677734, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779535, \"response\": \"Save Money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.85471534729004, \"y\": 15.884793281555176, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779534, \"response\": \"saving $ and sharing with dad\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.0947265625, \"y\": 18.125240325927734, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779534, \"response\": \"saving $ and sharing with dad\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.048294067382812, \"y\": 18.120325088500977, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779532, \"response\": \"Selection continually goes in one direction, price goes in the other. The scales finally tipped.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 31.783203125, \"y\": 17.277389526367188, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779531, \"response\": \"Service is now overpriced.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.19495391845703, \"y\": 18.024843215942383, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779530, \"response\": \"Sharing with Spouse\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.59807777404785, \"y\": 18.24137306213379, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779529, \"response\": \"Sharon Passed Away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.54121208190918, \"y\": 17.257177352905273, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779528, \"response\": \"Sick of price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.2608699798584, \"y\": 16.691587448120117, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779527, \"response\": \"Someone hacked my subscription\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.140581130981445, \"y\": 19.92204475402832, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779526, \"response\": \"someone hacked my acct\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.295249938964844, \"y\": 19.78710174560547, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779525, \"response\": \"Someone keeps hacking my subscription\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.273839950561523, \"y\": 19.867652893066406, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779524, \"response\": \"Stop raising prices & put some money into customer success\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.11069107055664, \"y\": 17.736204147338867, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779523, \"response\": \"Stop raising the prices. Twice in 6 months is ridiculous.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.17726516723633, \"y\": 17.389907836914062, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779522, \"response\": \"Stop raising these damn prices!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.988025665283203, \"y\": 17.76862335205078, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779521, \"response\": \"STOP RAISING YOUR PRICES\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.224693298339844, \"y\": 17.87425994873047, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779520, \"response\": \"Stop raising your prices!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.803165435791016, \"y\": 17.893505096435547, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779519, \"response\": \"subscriber passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.49254035949707, \"y\": 17.651317596435547, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779518, \"response\": \"summer break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.285057067871094, \"y\": 15.326555252075195, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779517, \"response\": \"Summer coming\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.314870834350586, \"y\": 15.40517807006836, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779516, \"response\": \"Summer is coming. Time to play outside\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.314544677734375, \"y\": 15.388209342956543, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779515, \"response\": \"Switching my payment date\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.619647979736328, \"y\": 17.258525848388672, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779514, \"response\": \"Taking a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.942964553833008, \"y\": 15.53022575378418, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779513, \"response\": \"taking a break for summer\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.193256378173828, \"y\": 15.478975296020508, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779512, \"response\": \"taking a break layoff\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.083620071411133, \"y\": 15.623913764953613, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779511, \"response\": \"taking a break, will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.09500503540039, \"y\": 15.950726509094238, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779510, \"response\": \"Taking a break.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.900833129882812, \"y\": 15.690337181091309, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779509, \"response\": \"Taking a break.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.959632873535156, \"y\": 15.66061782836914, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779508, \"response\": \"Temp money issues\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 29.462627410888672, \"y\": 15.802327156066895, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779508, \"response\": \"Temp money issues\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.2901668548584, \"y\": 15.74056625366211, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779507, \"response\": \"Temporarily cancelling; will rejoin later!\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.27895736694336, \"y\": 17.13897132873535, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779506, \"response\": \"Temporarily scaling down services\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 30.12993812561035, \"y\": 18.12969398498535, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779505, \"response\": \"Temporary break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.97521209716797, \"y\": 15.596038818359375, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779504, \"response\": \"Temporary disconnection\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.333660125732422, \"y\": 16.912267684936523, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779503, \"response\": \"Temporary out of work\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.352581024169922, \"y\": 16.062135696411133, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779502, \"response\": \"terrible customer service\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.778419494628906, \"y\": 18.32155418395996, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779501, \"response\": \"The constant price increases are ridiculous and greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.88433074951172, \"y\": 16.48541831970215, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779501, \"response\": \"The constant price increases are ridiculous and greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.79365348815918, \"y\": 16.562965393066406, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779500, \"response\": \"The cost is going up much\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.855682373046875, \"y\": 17.291011810302734, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779499, \"response\": \"The cost is the biggest deal\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.1660099029541, \"y\": 16.82083511352539, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779498, \"response\": \"The fact you only give 10 months to reactivate makes me never want to come back again. I will consider it if you email me that you are rectifying this issue. If not, good bye forever.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.15361976623535, \"y\": 17.15046501159668, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779497, \"response\": \"The greed of the company disgusts me.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.210609436035156, \"y\": 16.287628173828125, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779496, \"response\": \"The increase of the bill and the news about paying extra money when i share my subscription with my family outside the states and I don't like the idea that you want limit my power of using my subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 28.315982818603516, \"y\": 19.317148208618164, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779496, \"response\": \"The increase of the bill and the news about paying extra money when i share my subscription with my family outside the states and I don't like the idea that you want limit my power of using my subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 28.23919105529785, \"y\": 19.288888931274414, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779496, \"response\": \"The increase of the bill and the news about paying extra money when i share my subscription with my family outside the states and I don't like the idea that you want limit my power of using my subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.324243545532227, \"y\": 19.30196189880371, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779495, \"response\": \"The last price increase was I am willing pay.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.45708656311035, \"y\": 16.644771575927734, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779494, \"response\": \"The new sharing fee. You will loose more from greed\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.269718170166016, \"y\": 19.267732620239258, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779494, \"response\": \"The new sharing fee. You will loose more from greed\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 29.140644073486328, \"y\": 19.13566017150879, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779493, \"response\": \"The new upcoming addtional price increases stop this and youll have me back as a customer.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.54093360900879, \"y\": 17.97886848449707, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779492, \"response\": \"The price continues to rise with no end in sight.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.76373291015625, \"y\": 17.435420989990234, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779491, \"response\": \"The price has gone up annually.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.139041900634766, \"y\": 17.402193069458008, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779490, \"response\": \"The price has increased so much. Can\\ufffdt keep with it.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.18211555480957, \"y\": 17.484434127807617, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779489, \"response\": \"The price has raised way to high! I will not be renewing for a long while!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.449337005615234, \"y\": 17.94935417175293, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779488, \"response\": \"the price hike and stopping sharing\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.40272331237793, \"y\": 19.31476402282715, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779488, \"response\": \"the price hike and stopping sharing\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.392745971679688, \"y\": 19.290287017822266, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779487, \"response\": \"The price hike was 43% in the span of 5 months and your selection has drastically deteriorated. Member since 09 gone just like that!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.149438858032227, \"y\": 17.854999542236328, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779486, \"response\": \"The price increase every year seems ok but when nothing really good is added, it is not ok.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.683778762817383, \"y\": 16.697439193725586, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779485, \"response\": \"The price increase since I became a member is ridiculous\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.344593048095703, \"y\": 17.418359756469727, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779484, \"response\": \"The price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.5904483795166, \"y\": 16.992557525634766, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779483, \"response\": \"The price increases + the upcoming change where we will have to pay a fee to use my subscription in different locations is ridiculous and anti-consumer.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 28.658912658691406, \"y\": 19.190683364868164, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779483, \"response\": \"The price increases + the upcoming change where we will have to pay a fee to use my subscription in different locations is ridiculous and anti-consumer.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.596792221069336, \"y\": 19.185317993164062, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779482, \"response\": \"The price just got to far out of hand\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.703670501708984, \"y\": 17.185012817382812, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779481, \"response\": \"THE PRICE KEEPS INCREASING\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.661258697509766, \"y\": 17.356584548950195, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779480, \"response\": \"The service vs price is no longer worth it. Too expensive now\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.275100708007812, \"y\": 17.932891845703125, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779479, \"response\": \"The service isn\\ufffdt worth the cost.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.71210289001465, \"y\": 17.967079162597656, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779478, \"response\": \"Think my subscription is compromised\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.010587692260742, \"y\": 19.898578643798828, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779477, \"response\": \"This is going to be about 4 times the amount it was when I started.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.786413192749023, \"y\": 17.445114135742188, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779476, \"response\": \"This is ridiculous! Price gouging!\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.898818969726562, \"y\": 17.39606285095215, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779475, \"response\": \"Time for a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.07996940612793, \"y\": 15.640122413635254, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779474, \"response\": \"Tired of the pay increases every year\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.459373474121094, \"y\": 16.429485321044922, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779473, \"response\": \"Tired of your company playing games with subscribers\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 27.39299774169922, \"y\": 19.382658004760742, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779472, \"response\": \"To busy\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 27.029434204101562, \"y\": 15.632171630859375, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779471, \"response\": \"To expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.798049926757812, \"y\": 16.49427032470703, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779470, \"response\": \"too easily hacked-not secure\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.362205505371094, \"y\": 19.662630081176758, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779469, \"response\": \"Too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.753028869628906, \"y\": 16.806489944458008, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779466, \"response\": \"Too expensive for me right now, maybe later\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.521472930908203, \"y\": 16.73785972595215, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779465, \"response\": \"Too expensive for what\\ufffds offered\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.64491844177246, \"y\": 16.769548416137695, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779464, \"response\": \"Too expensive, stupid new rule\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 30.041122436523438, \"y\": 17.254886627197266, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779464, \"response\": \"Too expensive, stupid new rule\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.090591430664062, \"y\": 17.235843658447266, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779463, \"response\": \"Too EXPENSIVE!\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.8269100189209, \"y\": 16.955604553222656, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779462, \"response\": \"Too greedy\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.583282470703125, \"y\": 16.28218650817871, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779461, \"response\": \"Too many charges added on.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 29.52649688720703, \"y\": 17.839452743530273, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779460, \"response\": \"Too many new rules and fees and raised prices. Just not worth the money anymore.\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 30.180376052856445, \"y\": 17.37089729309082, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779460, \"response\": \"Too many new rules and fees and raised prices. Just not worth the money anymore.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.233774185180664, \"y\": 17.28645896911621, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779459, \"response\": \"Too many on my subscription\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.94362449645996, \"y\": 19.118152618408203, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779458, \"response\": \"too many people using my subscription\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.110660552978516, \"y\": 19.431737899780273, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779457, \"response\": \"Too many price hikes and the newest hike for charging extra to share an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 28.92521858215332, \"y\": 19.15797233581543, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779457, \"response\": \"Too many price hikes and the newest hike for charging extra to share an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 28.897380828857422, \"y\": 19.239540100097656, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779457, \"response\": \"Too many price hikes and the newest hike for charging extra to share an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.78036117553711, \"y\": 19.256977081298828, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779456, \"response\": \"too many price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.271821975708008, \"y\": 17.12030792236328, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779455, \"response\": \"Too many price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.28717041015625, \"y\": 16.761219024658203, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779454, \"response\": \"Too many price increases.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.7802791595459, \"y\": 17.09581184387207, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779453, \"response\": \"Too many price increases. Going with a different service.\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.452659606933594, \"y\": 17.961917877197266, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779453, \"response\": \"Too many price increases. Going with a different service.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.48444938659668, \"y\": 18.062496185302734, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779452, \"response\": \"too many price increments and now you will be checking where we access the subscription. Your greed is why I am canceling. Good Luck!\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 28.118703842163086, \"y\": 18.611032485961914, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779452, \"response\": \"too many price increments and now you will be checking where we access the subscription. Your greed is why I am canceling. Good Luck!\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 28.17962646484375, \"y\": 18.636676788330078, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779452, \"response\": \"too many price increments and now you will be checking where we access the subscription. Your greed is why I am canceling. Good Luck!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.19293785095215, \"y\": 18.680133819580078, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779451, \"response\": \"Too many subscriptions, I'll be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.016653060913086, \"y\": 18.99199676513672, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779450, \"response\": \"Trying to reduce bills as much as possible for 6 months\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.081472396850586, \"y\": 15.401500701904297, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779449, \"response\": \"trying to save money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.02892303466797, \"y\": 15.788902282714844, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779448, \"response\": \"Trying to save money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.907184600830078, \"y\": 15.811335563659668, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779447, \"response\": \"Trying to save money right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.85784149169922, \"y\": 15.911247253417969, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779446, \"response\": \"Two price increases in 6 months\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.94568634033203, \"y\": 17.04026222229004, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779445, \"response\": \"Two price increases in short amount of time\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.06003189086914, \"y\": 16.80457305908203, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779444, \"response\": \"Unable to change my billing date. Customer service no help at all.\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.585264205932617, \"y\": 17.705825805664062, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779443, \"response\": \"unable to share subscription with family\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 26.88324546813965, \"y\": 18.7943115234375, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779442, \"response\": \"Unemployed and financial issues\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.176849365234375, \"y\": 15.136326789855957, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779442, \"response\": \"Unemployed and financial issues\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.149206161499023, \"y\": 15.20991325378418, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779441, \"response\": \"User passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.5253849029541, \"y\": 17.3878231048584, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779440, \"response\": \"using a different membership\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 26.77246856689453, \"y\": 19.0081787109375, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779439, \"response\": \"using another platform for awhile - I will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.072031021118164, \"y\": 16.678855895996094, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779438, \"response\": \"using other subscription\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 26.74311065673828, \"y\": 19.217975616455078, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779437, \"response\": \"using other apps at this time\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 28.093732833862305, \"y\": 18.060283660888672, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779436, \"response\": \"Waiting until pay day\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.798805236816406, \"y\": 16.839750289916992, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779435, \"response\": \"Waste of money and you raising the cost\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.244300842285156, \"y\": 16.624055862426758, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779434, \"response\": \"Waste of time and money. Would rather spend time learning.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.090272903442383, \"y\": 17.139602661132812, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779433, \"response\": \"Way to many price hikes over the past few years. Also not a fan of you charging extra money to share subscriptions because your greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 29.036287307739258, \"y\": 19.169172286987305, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779433, \"response\": \"Way to many price hikes over the past few years. Also not a fan of you charging extra money to share subscriptions because your greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.00946044921875, \"y\": 19.25645637512207, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779433, \"response\": \"Way to many price hikes over the past few years. Also not a fan of you charging extra money to share subscriptions because your greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 28.99976348876953, \"y\": 19.188457489013672, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779433, \"response\": \"Way to many price hikes over the past few years. Also not a fan of you charging extra money to share subscriptions because your greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.9656925201416, \"y\": 19.23125457763672, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779432, \"response\": \"way too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.774324417114258, \"y\": 16.81065559387207, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779431, \"response\": \"way too expensive for the service given, not worth the amount.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.92156410217285, \"y\": 17.744504928588867, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779430, \"response\": \"We feel like there is no customer loyalty for a long time subscriber. Prices keep increasing at alarming rates and we only feel like it will keep going.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 29.736082077026367, \"y\": 18.69902229309082, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779430, \"response\": \"We feel like there is no customer loyalty for a long time subscriber. Prices keep increasing at alarming rates and we only feel like it will keep going.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.719396591186523, \"y\": 18.727399826049805, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779429, \"response\": \"We have 2 subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.49859046936035, \"y\": 19.0715274810791, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779428, \"response\": \"We have 3 subscriptions in 1 household. Only needed 1\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.188941955566406, \"y\": 19.00935935974121, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779427, \"response\": \"We have not been using it as much as we'd like to\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.76634979248047, \"y\": 17.569564819335938, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779426, \"response\": \"We have too many subscriptions lol\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.83322525024414, \"y\": 19.138946533203125, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779425, \"response\": \"When I can pay for it I will. You keep charging my card and it declined.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.086191177368164, \"y\": 18.69124984741211, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779424, \"response\": \"Why the price increase? __\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.401351928710938, \"y\": 16.804576873779297, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779423, \"response\": \"Wife has an subscription and don\\ufffdt need 2 subscriptions.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.43531608581543, \"y\": 18.73716926574707, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779422, \"response\": \"Wife has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.363998413085938, \"y\": 18.511470794677734, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779421, \"response\": \"Wife passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.449060440063477, \"y\": 17.318296432495117, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779420, \"response\": \"Will be back in a week\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.091157913208008, \"y\": 16.41908836364746, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779419, \"response\": \"will be getting the service through my phone provider\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.778785705566406, \"y\": 18.41468048095703, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779418, \"response\": \"will come back in may\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.075103759765625, \"y\": 16.418241500854492, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779417, \"response\": \"Will come in future\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.040019989013672, \"y\": 16.638437271118164, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779416, \"response\": \"Will join back later\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.177459716796875, \"y\": 16.586811065673828, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779415, \"response\": \"Will not pay price increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.493432998657227, \"y\": 16.951520919799805, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779414, \"response\": \"will replace with a cheaper service\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.112958908081055, \"y\": 18.090147018432617, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779413, \"response\": \"will restart under new email\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.092140197753906, \"y\": 17.160554885864258, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779412, \"response\": \"Will resume later in the year.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.27178382873535, \"y\": 16.667421340942383, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779411, \"response\": \"With the rise in fuel and other costs, I'm having to cut back on entertainment.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.922119140625, \"y\": 15.629517555236816, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779845, \"response\": \"Do not use often\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.838716506958008, \"y\": 17.50495719909668, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779844, \"response\": \"do not want anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.353050231933594, \"y\": 17.024206161499023, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779843, \"response\": \"Do you use enough to warrant cost\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.469512939453125, \"y\": 17.57369613647461, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779842, \"response\": \"Don't agree with price increase.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.129859924316406, \"y\": 16.896350860595703, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779841, \"response\": \"Don't have enough money to get it anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.593128204345703, \"y\": 16.504680633544922, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779840, \"response\": \"don't need it currently\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.455045700073242, \"y\": 17.03203773498535, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779839, \"response\": \"Don't need right now\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.23912239074707, \"y\": 16.986167907714844, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779838, \"response\": \"Don't use enough anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.998889923095703, \"y\": 17.354890823364258, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779837, \"response\": \"Don't use.\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.798080444335938, \"y\": 17.49152946472168, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779836, \"response\": \"Don't want it anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.40019416809082, \"y\": 16.93021583557129, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779835, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt agree with price increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.170297622680664, \"y\": 17.020856857299805, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779834, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt have the money\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 28.747140884399414, \"y\": 16.318588256835938, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779833, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt like political virtue signaling.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.23000144958496, \"y\": 17.047271728515625, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779832, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt need two subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.445131301879883, \"y\": 19.019487380981445, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779831, \"response\": \"Double subscriptions with same payment different emails\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.272411346435547, \"y\": 19.440526962280273, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779830, \"response\": \"Downsizing\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.44230842590332, \"y\": 15.04881477355957, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779829, \"response\": \"Economy hardship\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.277812957763672, \"y\": 15.115649223327637, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779828, \"response\": \"Extra charge for sign in. My daughter is in college!!!! And your going to charge me when she uses ut. No thank you. You're not worth it anyways. Good bye\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.914600372314453, \"y\": 18.704355239868164, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779828, \"response\": \"Extra charge for sign in. My daughter is in college!!!! And your going to charge me when she uses ut. No thank you. You're not worth it anyways. Good bye\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 27.888795852661133, \"y\": 18.725828170776367, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779828, \"response\": \"Extra charge for sign in. My daughter is in college!!!! And your going to charge me when she uses ut. No thank you. You're not worth it anyways. Good bye\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 27.89777374267578, \"y\": 18.766502380371094, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779827, \"response\": \"Fianc\\ufffde has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.306434631347656, \"y\": 18.583189010620117, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779826, \"response\": \"Finance decision\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.543903350830078, \"y\": 15.34498119354248, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779825, \"response\": \"Finances\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.505117416381836, \"y\": 15.345632553100586, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779824, \"response\": \"Finances\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.601247787475586, \"y\": 15.27301025390625, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779823, \"response\": \"Financial\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.593673706054688, \"y\": 15.350844383239746, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779822, \"response\": \"Financial Cut Backs\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.817995071411133, \"y\": 15.25339412689209, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779821, \"response\": \"Financial Hardship\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.228071212768555, \"y\": 15.152151107788086, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779820, \"response\": \"Financial hardship\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.27715492248535, \"y\": 15.213407516479492, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779819, \"response\": \"Financial hardship\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.184106826782227, \"y\": 15.15761947631836, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779818, \"response\": \"Financial reasons\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.568164825439453, \"y\": 15.323726654052734, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779817, \"response\": \"Financial situation changed.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.38484001159668, \"y\": 15.522284507751465, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779816, \"response\": \"financial situation has changed\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.605426788330078, \"y\": 15.624582290649414, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779815, \"response\": \"For the time being\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.154035568237305, \"y\": 15.915140151977539, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779814, \"response\": \"future issues expected with sharing profiles, price hikes\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.337543487548828, \"y\": 19.435998916625977, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779814, \"response\": \"future issues expected with sharing profiles, price hikes\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.26539421081543, \"y\": 19.392946243286133, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779813, \"response\": \"getting another platform instead\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 28.16029930114746, \"y\": 17.678606033325195, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779812, \"response\": \"Getting married and will be combining accounts\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.08159637451172, \"y\": 18.23835563659668, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779810, \"response\": \"Getting too expensive and not worth the money Thanks but no thanks\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.600849151611328, \"y\": 16.828737258911133, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779809, \"response\": \"Getting too Greedy for ya Girl!\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.547012329101562, \"y\": 16.280935287475586, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779808, \"response\": \"go to live with gf\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.28267478942871, \"y\": 16.81378936767578, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779807, \"response\": \"Going to not be using it for a few months\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 28.534997940063477, \"y\": 17.574243545532227, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779806, \"response\": \"got laid off, will be back when i can.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.442779541015625, \"y\": 15.917014122009277, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779806, \"response\": \"got laid off, will be back when i can.\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.383392333984375, \"y\": 15.97713565826416, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779805, \"response\": \"got married and my wife has her own subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.25359535217285, \"y\": 18.465850830078125, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779804, \"response\": \"Got married my husband and I now share subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.319965362548828, \"y\": 18.51034164428711, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779803, \"response\": \"Got to get back on my feet\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 26.98320960998535, \"y\": 15.918347358703613, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779802, \"response\": \"GREED\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.352628707885742, \"y\": 16.187360763549805, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779801, \"response\": \"greedy company\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.229267120361328, \"y\": 16.027341842651367, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779800, \"response\": \"Greedy company\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.312265396118164, \"y\": 16.11479949951172, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779799, \"response\": \"Greedy Corporation\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.335840225219727, \"y\": 16.155315399169922, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779798, \"response\": \"Hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.26307487487793, \"y\": 19.689579010009766, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779797, \"response\": \"hard time financially need to cancel some subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.606678009033203, \"y\": 18.75563621520996, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779796, \"response\": \"hardly use it but price keeps increasing.\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.73740005493164, \"y\": 17.66920280456543, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779796, \"response\": \"hardly use it but price keeps increasing.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.638683319091797, \"y\": 17.522069931030273, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779795, \"response\": \"Have 2 subscriptions and only need 1\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.59271812438965, \"y\": 19.12358283996582, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779794, \"response\": \"Have a different subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.61713409423828, \"y\": 19.34038543701172, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779793, \"response\": \"have more than one subscription aparently\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.527359008789062, \"y\": 19.332799911499023, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779792, \"response\": \"having $ issues.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.38496208190918, \"y\": 15.692039489746094, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779791, \"response\": \"competitor is better\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.246328353881836, \"y\": 16.394933700561523, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779790, \"response\": \"Health Issues\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.842721939086914, \"y\": 15.334066390991211, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779789, \"response\": \"Health issues\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.82925033569336, \"y\": 15.36709976196289, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779788, \"response\": \"Horrible business decisions.\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 29.698272705078125, \"y\": 16.1710147857666, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779787, \"response\": \"Others are cheaper\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.274023056030273, \"y\": 17.030038833618164, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779786, \"response\": \"I am flat broke\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.888322830200195, \"y\": 15.610038757324219, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779785, \"response\": \"I am retired and non a fixed income.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.43252944946289, \"y\": 15.322420120239258, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779784, \"response\": \"I am trying to cut my spending as much as possible for now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.194753646850586, \"y\": 15.36198616027832, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779783, \"response\": \"I can afford this but I think the price is way too high and am not willing to pay it\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.556392669677734, \"y\": 16.85964012145996, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779782, \"response\": \"I can't afford it at this time but will start again.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 28.517988204956055, \"y\": 16.215425491333008, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779781, \"response\": \"I cant share my subscription with family outside my hosehold\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.018592834472656, \"y\": 18.799745559692383, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779780, \"response\": \"I do not agree with the price increases and policy changes\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.222694396972656, \"y\": 16.909029006958008, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779779, \"response\": \"I do not like\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.331459045410156, \"y\": 17.079200744628906, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779778, \"response\": \"I do not use enough as the price continues to go up\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.605552673339844, \"y\": 17.489408493041992, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779778, \"response\": \"I do not use enough as the price continues to go up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.52169418334961, \"y\": 17.44568634033203, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779777, \"response\": \"I don't have the money this month due to losing my job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.128883361816406, \"y\": 15.985081672668457, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779777, \"response\": \"I don't have the money this month due to losing my job\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.153657913208008, \"y\": 15.949043273925781, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779776, \"response\": \"I don\\ufffdt use it enough\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.835243225097656, \"y\": 17.513263702392578, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779775, \"response\": \"I get it free with my phone service\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.69156265258789, \"y\": 18.555625915527344, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779774, \"response\": \"I get more on another service for less.\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 29.888044357299805, \"y\": 18.241313934326172, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779773, \"response\": \"i got hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.262908935546875, \"y\": 19.701982498168945, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779581, \"response\": \"Price change. Lack of acceptance of the reality that is subscription sharing.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 28.944942474365234, \"y\": 19.21546745300293, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779581, \"response\": \"Price change. Lack of acceptance of the reality that is subscription sharing.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.97644805908203, \"y\": 19.270965576171875, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779580, \"response\": \"Price continues to climb with no added benefit and other services have more and better prices.\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.827917098999023, \"y\": 17.881145477294922, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779580, \"response\": \"Price continues to climb with no added benefit and other services have more and better prices.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.873998641967773, \"y\": 17.854896545410156, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779579, \"response\": \"Price hike was too much.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.83902359008789, \"y\": 16.795970916748047, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779578, \"response\": \"Price hikes are getting to be too much, everything else in my life is already expensive\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.068397521972656, \"y\": 16.978818893432617, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779577, \"response\": \"Price Increase and garbage quality, why should I keep paying blindly \", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.962438583374023, \"y\": 17.822751998901367, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779576, \"response\": \"price increase and horrible customer service, what am I paying for??\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.619014739990234, \"y\": 18.01487922668457, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779575, \"response\": \"Price increase and I have to choose between this and putting my kids into activities that are already expensive. YOU made me have to choose one or the other\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.0468692779541, \"y\": 16.70348358154297, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779574, \"response\": \"Price increase and I cant afford you anymore\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 30.776540756225586, \"y\": 16.782569885253906, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779574, \"response\": \"Price increase and I cant afford you anymore\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.858808517456055, \"y\": 16.826919555664062, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779573, \"response\": \"Price increase after being a loyal customer since 2010\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.811851501464844, \"y\": 18.07002830505371, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779572, \"response\": \"Price increase and to manservices to pick from. Shouldn't a competitive market drive price down...\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.733882904052734, \"y\": 17.465059280395508, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779571, \"response\": \"Price increase and your tracking people and how they access their subscription.\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 28.780780792236328, \"y\": 19.016437530517578, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779571, \"response\": \"Price increase and your tracking people and how they access their subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.786405563354492, \"y\": 19.066749572753906, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779570, \"response\": \"Price Increase caused me to cancel\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.3327579498291, \"y\": 18.195899963378906, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779569, \"response\": \"Price increase is absurd\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.325395584106445, \"y\": 16.89089584350586, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779568, \"response\": \"PRICE INCREASE IS TOO MUCH!!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.04446029663086, \"y\": 17.091812133789062, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779567, \"response\": \"Price increase isn't worth it\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.08074188232422, \"y\": 16.761545181274414, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779566, \"response\": \"Price increase isnt worth what is offered\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.29414939880371, \"y\": 17.139446258544922, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779565, \"response\": \"Price increases and terrible customer service\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.501829147338867, \"y\": 18.198806762695312, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779564, \"response\": \"Price increases and charges for people using my subscription\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 28.638118743896484, \"y\": 18.925891876220703, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779564, \"response\": \"Price increases and charges for people using my subscription\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.640071868896484, \"y\": 18.889875411987305, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779563, \"response\": \"Price increases are too often.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.535768508911133, \"y\": 17.039592742919922, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779562, \"response\": \"price increases don't reflect quality of service\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.68120574951172, \"y\": 17.86324691772461, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779561, \"response\": \"Price is becoming too high for the quality\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.72076988220215, \"y\": 17.180574417114258, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779560, \"response\": \"Price is increasing\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.73255729675293, \"y\": 16.985679626464844, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779559, \"response\": \"Price is whack.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.732006072998047, \"y\": 17.240480422973633, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779558, \"response\": \"Price just keeps climbing\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.55402183532715, \"y\": 17.33845329284668, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779557, \"response\": \"Price keeps changing. Benefits don't. Been with you too long for this nonsense.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.183208465576172, \"y\": 17.753780364990234, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779557, \"response\": \"Price keeps changing. Benefits don't. Been with you too long for this nonsense.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.27463722229004, \"y\": 17.718311309814453, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779556, \"response\": \"Price keeps increasing\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.745256423950195, \"y\": 17.259632110595703, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779555, \"response\": \"Price keeps rising and service is not as good as it was before.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.560209274291992, \"y\": 18.050777435302734, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779554, \"response\": \"Price raises\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.873083114624023, \"y\": 17.016754150390625, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779553, \"response\": \"price too high\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.53608512878418, \"y\": 17.074312210083008, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779552, \"response\": \"Price went up and I have has since 2010 or Earlier sorry oneday\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.11434555053711, \"y\": 17.616527557373047, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779551, \"response\": \"Prices are going up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.52889633178711, \"y\": 17.394166946411133, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779550, \"response\": \"Prices are rising to much. This is the second time.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.65215492248535, \"y\": 17.203275680541992, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779549, \"response\": \"Prices are up in everything\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.477516174316406, \"y\": 17.329601287841797, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779548, \"response\": \"Prices continue to go up, and yet you continue to try to squeeze even more money out of people\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.6924991607666, \"y\": 17.523019790649414, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779547, \"response\": \"Raising prices after a 40% profit increase last year and starting to charge for additional profiles is just greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 31.725257873535156, \"y\": 16.498693466186523, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779547, \"response\": \"Raising prices after a 40% profit increase last year and starting to charge for additional profiles is just greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.84247589111328, \"y\": 16.497467041015625, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779547, \"response\": \"Raising prices after a 40% profit increase last year and starting to charge for additional profiles is just greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.704233169555664, \"y\": 16.472761154174805, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779546, \"response\": \"Barely use the service, money down the drain\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.816938400268555, \"y\": 18.029296875, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779545, \"response\": \"Rarely used\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.962167739868164, \"y\": 17.529499053955078, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779544, \"response\": \"Rate increase and garbage customer service, do you even care about your customers?\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.129051208496094, \"y\": 18.55642318725586, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779544, \"response\": \"Rate increase and garbage customer service, do you even care about your customers?\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.182771682739258, \"y\": 18.44005584716797, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779410, \"response\": \"You are about to charge for have extra subscriptions. Me and my family have different taste but I pay my bill, it\\ufffds extortion and you\\ufffdre a disgusting and greedy company.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.98121452331543, \"y\": 19.034204483032227, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779410, \"response\": \"You are about to charge for have extra subscriptions. Me and my family have different taste but I pay my bill, it\\ufffds extortion and you\\ufffdre a disgusting and greedy company.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 27.960159301757812, \"y\": 19.051008224487305, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779410, \"response\": \"You are about to charge for have extra subscriptions. Me and my family have different taste but I pay my bill, it\\ufffds extortion and you\\ufffdre a disgusting and greedy company.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 27.869749069213867, \"y\": 19.119518280029297, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779409, \"response\": \"you are constantly raising prices. i will take my business elsewhere\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 32.028385162353516, \"y\": 17.995939254760742, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779409, \"response\": \"you are constantly raising prices. i will take my business elsewhere\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.929262161254883, \"y\": 18.072969436645508, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779408, \"response\": \"You are going up on prices\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.220705032348633, \"y\": 17.53374481201172, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779407, \"response\": \"You are money hungry\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 28.72043228149414, \"y\": 15.86383056640625, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779406, \"response\": \"You are politically biased.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.399629592895508, \"y\": 17.1103572845459, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779405, \"response\": \"you aren't focused on customers anymore\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.11305809020996, \"y\": 18.511402130126953, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779404, \"response\": \"You charge too much\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.662141799926758, \"y\": 17.563278198242188, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779403, \"response\": \"You continue to raise your prices\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.92435073852539, \"y\": 17.951576232910156, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779402, \"response\": \"You guys are making business decisions that don\\ufffdt make sense at a time when it doesn\\ufffdt make sense. Make sense, and we\\ufffdll resubscribe.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.215856552124023, \"y\": 18.803272247314453, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779401, \"response\": \"You guys keep raising the prices\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.866987228393555, \"y\": 17.734180450439453, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779400, \"response\": \"You have gotten too greedy and raised the price too many times\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.103225708007812, \"y\": 17.36628532409668, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779400, \"response\": \"You have gotten too greedy and raised the price too many times\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.170278549194336, \"y\": 17.178686141967773, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779399, \"response\": \"you just keep raising the price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.827760696411133, \"y\": 17.95078468322754, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779398, \"response\": \"You keep adding fees and new prices, I don\\ufffdt really want it no more\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.94732666015625, \"y\": 18.206218719482422, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779396, \"response\": \"You keep increasing prices.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.59269905090332, \"y\": 17.670795440673828, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779395, \"response\": \"You keep jacking the price up every 12 days.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.634918212890625, \"y\": 17.644264221191406, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779394, \"response\": \"You keep raising prices and are now charging extra for other people using your subscription, other services are better and cheaper and the only reason I kept it was for the other people using it so if you\\ufffdre gonna charge for that I\\ufffdm out\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 28.41676139831543, \"y\": 18.899091720581055, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779394, \"response\": \"You keep raising prices and are now charging extra for other people using your subscription, other services are better and cheaper and the only reason I kept it was for the other people using it so if you\\ufffdre gonna charge for that I\\ufffdm out\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 28.375812530517578, \"y\": 18.95866584777832, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779394, \"response\": \"You keep raising prices and are now charging extra for other people using your subscription, other services are better and cheaper and the only reason I kept it was for the other people using it so if you\\ufffdre gonna charge for that I\\ufffdm out\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.459630966186523, \"y\": 18.94078826904297, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779393, \"response\": \"You keep raising prices. it's not my fault that you don't have enough customers and I have to pay the price. It's just not worth it to keep you.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.7081298828125, \"y\": 18.183441162109375, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779392, \"response\": \"You keep raising the damn price. I'm not made of money.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.881376266479492, \"y\": 18.004003524780273, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779391, \"response\": \"You keep upping the price and now i cant pay\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.35258674621582, \"y\": 17.75520896911621, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779390, \"response\": \"You need to stop increasing the price on long time users.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.270111083984375, \"y\": 17.62799072265625, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779389, \"response\": \"You raise prices and nothing is new. Nothing new.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.84027671813965, \"y\": 17.49686622619629, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779388, \"response\": \"You raised the price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.45448875427246, \"y\": 17.847875595092773, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779387, \"response\": \"You raised your price almost 50%. I also don\\ufffdt like the fact that you offer the price I used to pay once I tried to cancel. Shady!\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.46337890625, \"y\": 18.267780303955078, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779387, \"response\": \"You raised your price almost 50%. I also don\\ufffdt like the fact that you offer the price I used to pay once I tried to cancel. Shady!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.39761734008789, \"y\": 18.283674240112305, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779386, \"response\": \"You raised your prices again\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.47442626953125, \"y\": 17.98372459411621, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779385, \"response\": \"You want to charge me for my kids using MY subscription, how is that even fair?\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.95064926147461, \"y\": 19.101652145385742, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779384, \"response\": \"You're being greedy at every opportunity and I won't support it\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.572608947753906, \"y\": 16.362197875976562, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779383, \"response\": \"You're being greedy. If you cared about us, you wouldn't keep hiking up prices that were high to begin with. You'll only understand what this means when enough of us leave. \", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.99278450012207, \"y\": 17.65575408935547, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779382, \"response\": \"You're not going to allow family sharing\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.02819061279297, \"y\": 18.3253116607666, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779381, \"response\": \"You\\ufffdre just greedy\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.54021644592285, \"y\": 16.359567642211914, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779380, \"response\": \"Your charging for sharing. \\\"SHARING IS CARING!!\\\"\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.566804885864258, \"y\": 18.87531852722168, \"cluster\": 0}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779379, \"response\": \"Your company has far too many price increases. It seems like year after year or bi-annually you are increasing prices. Too much. I\\ufffdll consider other entertaining options.\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 31.40212059020996, \"y\": 16.780460357666016, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779379, \"response\": \"Your company has far too many price increases. It seems like year after year or bi-annually you are increasing prices. Too much. I\\ufffdll consider other entertaining options.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.531414031982422, \"y\": 16.965845108032227, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779378, \"response\": \"Your constant price creep is why. I keep paying more for less. I'm done.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.6988525390625, \"y\": 17.83050537109375, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779377, \"response\": \"your corporate greed\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.340574264526367, \"y\": 16.314014434814453, \"cluster\": 1}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779376, \"response\": \"Your new price system and raised rates are not workable for me\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.909366607666016, \"y\": 18.02134132385254, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779375, \"response\": \"Your price change buggin\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.22465705871582, \"y\": 17.671743392944336, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779374, \"response\": \"your price hikes are absurd\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.343608856201172, \"y\": 17.371440887451172, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779373, \"response\": \"Your price is just not worth keeping anymore especially with the pop up currently shoves iny face forcing me to make a choice for the more expensive subscription. So you lost a subscriber have a nice life\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 28.339561462402344, \"y\": 18.80447006225586, \"cluster\": 2}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779372, \"response\": \"Your pricing is terrible. You keep increasing prices and the addition of sharing charges is greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.481948852539062, \"y\": 19.041603088378906, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779372, \"response\": \"Your pricing is terrible. You keep increasing prices and the addition of sharing charges is greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 29.47457504272461, \"y\": 19.090787887573242, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779372, \"response\": \"Your pricing is terrible. You keep increasing prices and the addition of sharing charges is greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.458873748779297, \"y\": 19.089725494384766, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779371, \"response\": \"Your profits are up and you're *raising* my price? Are you kidding me?\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.05545425415039, \"y\": 17.98197364807129, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779370, \"response\": \"Your rates are higher than others who do the same thing\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.52712059020996, \"y\": 18.199207305908203, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779370, \"response\": \"Your rates are higher than others who do the same thing\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.52328109741211, \"y\": 18.119211196899414, \"cluster\": 3}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779369, \"response\": \"Your stupid price hike again\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.12220573425293, \"y\": 17.49244499206543, \"cluster\": 3}]}}, {\"mode\": \"vega-lite\"});\n",
"text/plain": [
"metadata": {},
"execution_count": 17
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"## Generating Common Themes/Topics For Each Cluster\n",
"Here we try to tag the clusters and assign common themes/topics to all the responses in each particular cluster.\n",
"- First I assign tags which are single word tags to each cluster\n",
"- Generate Bigram/Trigram topics"
"metadata": {
"id": "uxHyA3o4HwmW"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"#### Tag Generator\n",
"Here I use a bag of words approach to generate tags for all the responses in a cluster. This is done by looking at the most common words in each cluster with and without stopwords"
"metadata": {
"id": "Qauem92Bp73_"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"lemma = nltk.wordnet.WordNetLemmatizer()\n",
"def process_response(sentence: str):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" sentence = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+', '', sentence)\n",
" sentence_list = sentence.lower().split()\n",
" \n",
" stop_words = list(stopwords.words('english'))\n",
" output = [w for w in sentence_list if not w in stop_words]\n",
" output = [lemma.lemmatize(w) for w in sentence_list]\n",
" \n",
" return \" \".join(output)\n",
"def generate_tags(df: pd.DataFrame, process_data: bool=False):\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" Extract the keywords for each cluster\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" if process_data:\n",
" documents = df['response']\n",
" documents = documents.apply(process_response)\n",
" else:\n",
" documents = df['response']\n",
" \n",
" documents = pd.DataFrame({\"Document\": documents,\n",
" \"ID\": range(len(documents)),\n",
" \"Topic\": None})\n",
" documents['Topic'] = generate_clusters(n_clusters=4)\n",
" documents_per_topic = documents.groupby(['Topic'], as_index=False).agg({'Document': ' '.join})\n",
" count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words=\"english\").fit(documents_per_topic.Document)\n",
" count = count_vectorizer.transform(documents_per_topic.Document)\n",
" words = count_vectorizer.get_feature_names()\n",
" ctfidf = ClassTfidfTransformer().fit_transform(count).toarray()\n",
" words_per_class = {label: [words[index] for index in ctfidf[label].argsort()[-5:]] for label in documents_per_topic.Topic}\n",
" df['cluster'] = generate_clusters(n_clusters=4)\n",
" df['keywords'] = df['cluster'].map(lambda topic_num: \", \".join(np.array(words_per_class[topic_num])[:]))\n",
" return df"
"metadata": {
"id": "ET971ypZ8F63",
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
"outputId": "e732fa14-1099-4ab0-9d2b-44e50bb9e195"
"execution_count": 18,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stderr",
"text": [
"[nltk_data] Downloading package wordnet to /root/nltk_data...\n",
"[nltk_data] Package wordnet is already up-to-date!\n",
"[nltk_data] Downloading package omw-1.4 to /root/nltk_data...\n",
"[nltk_data] Package omw-1.4 is already up-to-date!\n"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"#### Tags with Stopwords\n",
"Here we basically use the responses as they are without processing to generate tags"
"metadata": {
"id": "Wc_p6Q0NqSQa"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"response_df['cluster'] = generate_clusters(n_clusters=4)\n",
"response_df = generate_tags(response_df)\n",
"generate_cluster_plot(dataframe = response_df,\n",
" legend_fields = ['cluster', 'keywords'],\n",
" tooltip_fields = ['response','keywords', 'cluster'],\n",
" color_field= 'keywords',\n",
" title = 'Clustering Customer Responses for Churn Analysis - Cluster Tags')"
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
"height": 563
"id": "3YMe_kUheKGs",
"outputId": "22509dbb-6705-47a2-ebad-220a156cd431"
"execution_count": 19,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
"text/html": [
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" .then(() => maybeLoadScript(\"vega-lite\", \"4.17.0\"))\n",
" .then(() => maybeLoadScript(\"vega-embed\", \"6\"))\n",
" .catch(showError)\n",
" .then(() => displayChart(vegaEmbed));\n",
" }\n",
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30.800010681152344, \"y\": 16.7558536529541, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779965, \"response\": \"disappointed with the sub subscription news\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 27.018205642700195, \"y\": 19.558141708374023, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779964, \"response\": \"Don't want it for now anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.507781982421875, \"y\": 16.942096710205078, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779963, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt need it\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.212806701660156, \"y\": 17.099021911621094, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779962, \"response\": \"duplicate subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.376066207885742, \"y\": 19.423219680786133, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779961, \"response\": \"Financial Difficulty\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.377357482910156, \"y\": 15.255457878112793, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779960, \"response\": \"Getting old\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.435773849487305, \"y\": 15.894251823425293, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779959, \"response\": \"I am connected through my service provider\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.498085021972656, \"y\": 18.560022354125977, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779958, \"response\": \"I just moved use it, as you can see by my time in the last many months\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.1607723236084, \"y\": 16.431442260742188, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779957, \"response\": \"I need to change country of billing\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.43511199951172, \"y\": 17.619462966918945, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779957, \"response\": \"I need to change country of billing\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 27.435821533203125, \"y\": 17.65107536315918, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779956, \"response\": \"I need to cut expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.965469360351562, \"y\": 14.951766014099121, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779955, \"response\": \"I wont support your nonesence.\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 29.10320281982422, \"y\": 17.029220581054688, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779954, \"response\": \"I'm moving but will rejoin once I get settled.\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.14884376525879, \"y\": 16.29201889038086, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779953, \"response\": \"Joint subscription with my husband\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.359052658081055, \"y\": 18.4921932220459, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779952, \"response\": \"Just take a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.017993927001953, \"y\": 15.464431762695312, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779951, \"response\": \"Keep raising your price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.01383972167969, \"y\": 18.094675064086914, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779950, \"response\": \"moved to the US - will start again there\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.38747787475586, \"y\": 16.392642974853516, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779949, \"response\": \"Moved to UK\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.32528305053711, \"y\": 16.460710525512695, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779948, \"response\": \"moving in with my bf. He has an subscription already.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.040706634521484, \"y\": 18.614742279052734, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779948, \"response\": \"moving in with my bf. He has an subscription already.\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.11902618408203, \"y\": 18.812273025512695, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779947, \"response\": \"Moving to new location in Ontario\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.151329040527344, \"y\": 16.314428329467773, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779946, \"response\": \"my fiance is moving in and we are consolidating subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.027973175048828, \"y\": 18.71746253967285, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779945, \"response\": \"Not using it anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.621381759643555, \"y\": 17.523958206176758, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779944, \"response\": \"Personal issues with subscription between users\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 26.459253311157227, \"y\": 19.57782745361328, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779943, \"response\": \"Price gouging\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 31.04475212097168, \"y\": 17.699365615844727, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779942, \"response\": \"Prices keep going upward it is now too much expensive for me unfortunately.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 31.1226749420166, \"y\": 17.607797622680664, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779942, \"response\": \"Prices keep going upward it is now too much expensive for me unfortunately.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.143648147583008, \"y\": 17.60208511352539, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779941, \"response\": \"sick of being ripped off LOL\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.273393630981445, \"y\": 17.088455200195312, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779940, \"response\": \"Started Charging Taxes\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 28.997726440429688, \"y\": 17.963653564453125, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779939, \"response\": \"Summer activities = better health\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.5435848236084, \"y\": 15.249807357788086, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779938, \"response\": \"taking a break will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.023714065551758, \"y\": 15.720640182495117, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779937, \"response\": \"The price hikes are getting out of hand for the lack of selection\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.236310958862305, \"y\": 17.088977813720703, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779936, \"response\": \"This is temporary\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.41529083251953, \"y\": 16.879087448120117, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779935, \"response\": \"To expensive compared to others so switching\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.0654354095459, \"y\": 16.725629806518555, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779935, \"response\": \"To expensive compared to others so switching\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.032182693481445, \"y\": 16.669326782226562, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779934, \"response\": \"Trying to cut back\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.066024780273438, \"y\": 15.184929847717285, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779933, \"response\": \"user passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.586767196655273, \"y\": 17.418703079223633, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779932, \"response\": \"Will return\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.125431060791016, \"y\": 16.473953247070312, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779931, \"response\": \"With frequent price increases, no longer a good value\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.08525085449219, \"y\": 16.979915618896484, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779930, \"response\": \"You keep upping prices by huge amounts\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.680782318115234, \"y\": 17.656723022460938, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779929, \"response\": \"2 price increases in 4 months has pushed me over the edge\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.922300338745117, \"y\": 17.250890731811523, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779928, \"response\": \"3 months out of town\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.901281356811523, \"y\": 16.18910789489746, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779927, \"response\": \"3rd price increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.84917640686035, \"y\": 16.902381896972656, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779926, \"response\": \"A 20% increase is something I'm not willing to support. Options are not great for the price.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.08875274658203, \"y\": 16.851816177368164, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779925, \"response\": \"subscription compromised\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 26.970067977905273, \"y\": 19.902067184448242, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779924, \"response\": \"subscription hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 26.987510681152344, \"y\": 19.88074493408203, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779923, \"response\": \"subscription hacked too hard to fix\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.125755310058594, \"y\": 19.876514434814453, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779922, \"response\": \"subscription owner passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.543577194213867, \"y\": 17.967159271240234, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779921, \"response\": \"subscription sharing crackdown\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.076873779296875, \"y\": 19.443971633911133, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779920, \"response\": \"Added charges and fees\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 29.130443572998047, \"y\": 18.312992095947266, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779919, \"response\": \"Others offer better services for lesser prices\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.245737075805664, \"y\": 18.060808181762695, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779918, \"response\": \"back to piracy with these prices.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.3837833404541, \"y\": 17.53602409362793, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779917, \"response\": \"Bad economy\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.781770706176758, \"y\": 15.606472969055176, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779916, \"response\": \"Be back on payday\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.618013381958008, \"y\": 16.471494674682617, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779915, \"response\": \"Because I can\\ufffdt share with my grandkids out of stay without you charging me extra.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.772947311401367, \"y\": 18.76885986328125, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779915, \"response\": \"Because I can\\ufffdt share with my grandkids out of stay without you charging me extra.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.815690994262695, \"y\": 18.850643157958984, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779914, \"response\": \"Because I was not allowed to pay my bill after my credit card was compromised. I wanted to have my bill charged to my bank subscription automatically but that is not an option I was told. So, I\\ufffdll just do without it.\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.75321388244629, \"y\": 19.217327117919922, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779913, \"response\": \"Because prices are raising without any differences or improvements\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.858476638793945, \"y\": 17.085800170898438, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779912, \"response\": \"Because y\\ufffdall keep stealing money from me and I haven\\ufffdt been on in years\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 28.16065788269043, \"y\": 19.045547485351562, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779911, \"response\": \"Because you guys want to stop people from sharing something that they pay for. Just stop.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 28.568119049072266, \"y\": 19.314435958862305, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779910, \"response\": \"Behind on finances\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.54949188232422, \"y\": 15.3506498336792, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779909, \"response\": \"Billing\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.598134994506836, \"y\": 17.87234878540039, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779908, \"response\": \"Billing trouble\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.5476016998291, \"y\": 17.98168182373047, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779907, \"response\": \"Bills\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.923547744750977, \"y\": 15.436640739440918, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779906, \"response\": \"Boyfriend has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.592235565185547, \"y\": 18.64130401611328, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779905, \"response\": \"Boyfriends subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.719911575317383, \"y\": 18.80306625366211, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779904, \"response\": \"Budget\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.57785987854004, \"y\": 15.691018104553223, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779903, \"response\": \"Budget :(\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.51384162902832, \"y\": 15.936114311218262, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779902, \"response\": \"budget cutbacks\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.33251190185547, \"y\": 15.155874252319336, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779901, \"response\": \"budget cuts\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.28165626525879, \"y\": 15.142152786254883, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779900, \"response\": \"Budget issues\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.41358184814453, \"y\": 15.239913940429688, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779899, \"response\": \"Budget Tightening, Will Return AgainLater\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 29.284759521484375, \"y\": 15.410642623901367, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779899, \"response\": \"Budget Tightening, Will Return AgainLater\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.35228729248047, \"y\": 15.356217384338379, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779898, \"response\": \"Budgeting\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.249387741088867, \"y\": 15.385656356811523, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779897, \"response\": \"Budgeting\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.205121994018555, \"y\": 15.41912841796875, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779896, \"response\": \"Business subscription is taking over\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.224634170532227, \"y\": 19.33734893798828, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779895, \"response\": \"Can't afford it at this time.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.51661491394043, \"y\": 16.2445068359375, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779894, \"response\": \"Can't afford it right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.56778335571289, \"y\": 16.151935577392578, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779893, \"response\": \"Can't afford right now.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.798503875732422, \"y\": 16.282922744750977, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779892, \"response\": \"can't justify the charge increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.83291244506836, \"y\": 17.57135009765625, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779891, \"response\": \"can\\ufffdt afford\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.48984718322754, \"y\": 16.159448623657227, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779890, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt afford it\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.65479278564453, \"y\": 16.381656646728516, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779889, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt afford it anymore thanks to inflation caused by president Biden\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.196279525756836, \"y\": 16.254823684692383, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779888, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt afford right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.538917541503906, \"y\": 16.189624786376953, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779887, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt pay this month\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.97246742248535, \"y\": 16.674623489379883, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779886, \"response\": \"Cannot afford\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.603445053100586, \"y\": 16.042980194091797, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779885, \"response\": \"Cannot afford it any longer\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.599971771240234, \"y\": 16.409666061401367, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779884, \"response\": \"Cannot get multiple billings stopped\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.17207908630371, \"y\": 18.837331771850586, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779883, \"response\": \"cannot pay\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.177885055541992, \"y\": 16.496755599975586, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779882, \"response\": \"Cant charge that for what you got\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.181705474853516, \"y\": 17.789642333984375, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779881, \"response\": \"Change of price\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.720958709716797, \"y\": 17.386905670166016, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779880, \"response\": \"Change payment date.\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.68407440185547, \"y\": 17.394906997680664, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779879, \"response\": \"Change to new country\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.36838150024414, \"y\": 16.518545150756836, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779878, \"response\": \"Changing subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.743986129760742, \"y\": 19.314876556396484, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779877, \"response\": \"changing bank will resume when thats done\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.450668334960938, \"y\": 16.861982345581055, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779876, \"response\": \"changing billing date\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.57544708251953, \"y\": 17.66378402709961, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779875, \"response\": \"charging for sharing subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.605562210083008, \"y\": 19.212678909301758, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779874, \"response\": \"Charging me for sharing subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.565757751464844, \"y\": 19.20484733581543, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779873, \"response\": \"combine households. Only need one subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.119779586791992, \"y\": 19.078706741333008, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779872, \"response\": \"combined with fiance\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.065052032470703, \"y\": 17.955366134643555, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779871, \"response\": \"consolidating subscriptions after getting got married\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.10102081298828, \"y\": 18.55422592163086, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779870, \"response\": \"Constant price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.119537353515625, \"y\": 16.771757125854492, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779869, \"response\": \"constant price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.114166259765625, \"y\": 16.731245040893555, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779868, \"response\": \"Constant price increases.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.907928466796875, \"y\": 16.660415649414062, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779867, \"response\": \"constantly raising monthly fees\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.94982147216797, \"y\": 18.53478240966797, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779866, \"response\": \"Continously raising of prices and restriction on services\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.91144371032715, \"y\": 18.307937622070312, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779865, \"response\": \"Continual Price Increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.09584045410156, \"y\": 16.89698600769043, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779864, \"response\": \"Continual price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.20009994506836, \"y\": 16.960227966308594, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779863, \"response\": \"Continually increasing Price point while delivering little new value.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.05311584472656, \"y\": 17.12318229675293, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779862, \"response\": \"Continuing price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.00265121459961, \"y\": 16.914291381835938, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779861, \"response\": \"Continuous price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.04331588745117, \"y\": 16.789350509643555, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779860, \"response\": \"cost keeps going up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.427852630615234, \"y\": 17.40135383605957, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779859, \"response\": \"Cost way tooo much\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.004863739013672, \"y\": 16.91429901123047, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779858, \"response\": \"Cost went up and quality went down.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.819978713989258, \"y\": 17.46828842163086, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779857, \"response\": \"Costs\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.86881446838379, \"y\": 16.34946060180664, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779856, \"response\": \"Costs keep rising\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.384822845458984, \"y\": 16.939884185791016, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779855, \"response\": \"Covid has me broke\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.86586570739746, \"y\": 15.70332145690918, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779854, \"response\": \"Currently reside with family\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.06410026550293, \"y\": 16.92236328125, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779853, \"response\": \"Cutting costs\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.52854347229004, \"y\": 15.097941398620605, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779852, \"response\": \"Cutting out unnecessary expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.10038948059082, \"y\": 14.852702140808105, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779851, \"response\": \"Cutting spending\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.322723388671875, \"y\": 15.248969078063965, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779850, \"response\": \"Death of account holder\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.555456161499023, \"y\": 17.529651641845703, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779849, \"response\": \"Death in Family.\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.56793975830078, \"y\": 17.115795135498047, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779848, \"response\": \"DEATH OF SPOUSE\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.342086791992188, \"y\": 17.409503936767578, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779847, \"response\": \"Divorce\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.238882064819336, \"y\": 17.793930053710938, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779846, \"response\": \"divorce - I will be back on my own subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.26346778869629, \"y\": 18.342239379882812, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779772, \"response\": \"I got married and my husband and I don't need two memberships\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.702983856201172, \"y\": 18.410564422607422, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779771, \"response\": \"I had 2 subscriptions set up.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.599529266357422, \"y\": 19.054201126098633, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779770, \"response\": \"I have amercian subscription but live in Poland\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.67245864868164, \"y\": 19.058584213256836, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779769, \"response\": \"I have another subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.72475242614746, \"y\": 18.980270385742188, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779768, \"response\": \"I have high medical bills.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.712949752807617, \"y\": 15.084542274475098, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779767, \"response\": \"I have to cut back due to high gas prices\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.469661712646484, \"y\": 15.18556022644043, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779766, \"response\": \"I have too many options now.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.567461013793945, \"y\": 16.675830841064453, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779765, \"response\": \"I have two subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.54398536682129, \"y\": 19.121843338012695, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779764, \"response\": \"I left the subscription on as a courtesy for my wife. Going through divorce now.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.19258689880371, \"y\": 18.44905662536621, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779763, \"response\": \"I live in two different addresses and I won't be able to use my subscription on both\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 26.601823806762695, \"y\": 19.29266357421875, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779762, \"response\": \"i might be back. taking a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.971900939941406, \"y\": 16.070791244506836, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779761, \"response\": \"I moved in with my son who is a subscriber\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.06644630432129, \"y\": 18.556312561035156, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779760, \"response\": \"I moved to a different country and want to be changed the currency of my current location\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 27.582778930664062, \"y\": 17.36561393737793, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779759, \"response\": \"I need to save money and don\\ufffdt use it as much as other services\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.108051300048828, \"y\": 16.156734466552734, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779758, \"response\": \"I never use it\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.808103561401367, \"y\": 17.511627197265625, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779757, \"response\": \"I prefer other platforms\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 28.126815795898438, \"y\": 17.612445831298828, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779756, \"response\": \"I will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.113075256347656, \"y\": 16.45049285888672, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779755, \"response\": \"I will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.064044952392578, \"y\": 16.45270538330078, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779754, \"response\": \"I will be back, need to move payment to end of month\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.485647201538086, \"y\": 16.788599014282227, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779754, \"response\": \"I will be back, need to move payment to end of month\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.482986450195312, \"y\": 16.675251007080078, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779753, \"response\": \"I will be back.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.00798988342285, \"y\": 16.3952693939209, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779752, \"response\": \"I will cancel each year for 2 months to offset your rate increasses\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.23611068725586, \"y\": 18.04450798034668, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779751, \"response\": \"I won't pay extra for sharing my subscription with MY FAMILY\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.41797637939453, \"y\": 18.936397552490234, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779751, \"response\": \"I won't pay extra for sharing my subscription with MY FAMILY\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 27.413358688354492, \"y\": 18.958681106567383, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779750, \"response\": \"I'd prefer to pay yearly.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 28.906301498413086, \"y\": 16.81844711303711, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779749, \"response\": \"I'm broke! :)\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.65770721435547, \"y\": 15.634303092956543, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779748, \"response\": \"I'm broke. I'll be back when I can be\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.49762725830078, \"y\": 15.817216873168945, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779747, \"response\": \"I'm having some financial issues.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.542390823364258, \"y\": 15.612829208374023, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779746, \"response\": \"I'm just trying to save some money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.010478973388672, \"y\": 15.98425006866455, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779745, \"response\": \"I'm not paying a higher price.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.95718002319336, \"y\": 16.621557235717773, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779744, \"response\": \"i'm tired of the price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.36204719543457, \"y\": 16.975238800048828, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779743, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdll be back on my next payday\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.496801376342773, \"y\": 16.41141700744629, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779742, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdll be back soon\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.147438049316406, \"y\": 16.468929290771484, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779741, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdll wait for few months to return\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.229446411132812, \"y\": 16.49148178100586, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779740, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdm BROKEEEE\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.770002365112305, \"y\": 15.640888214111328, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779739, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdm cutting back on spending\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.94879722595215, \"y\": 15.456292152404785, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779738, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdm done\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.44584083557129, \"y\": 16.662965774536133, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779737, \"response\": \"I\\ufffdm sharing an subscription with my parents and will no longer support you if you charge extra.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.70332145690918, \"y\": 18.950761795043945, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779736, \"response\": \"ill be back, rotating to something else,\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.12760353088379, \"y\": 16.381189346313477, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779735, \"response\": \"Im using another subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.933074951171875, \"y\": 19.11484146118164, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779734, \"response\": \"Income change\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.568941116333008, \"y\": 15.134279251098633, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779733, \"response\": \"Increase cost of living\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.20027732849121, \"y\": 16.324764251708984, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779732, \"response\": \"Increase from original price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.754093170166016, \"y\": 16.929994583129883, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779731, \"response\": \"Increase in price.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.182146072387695, \"y\": 16.957672119140625, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779730, \"response\": \"Increase price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.537052154541016, \"y\": 16.891080856323242, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779729, \"response\": \"Increase was too much, should be half what is charged\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.624547958374023, \"y\": 17.484535217285156, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779728, \"response\": \"Increasing price, not worth it\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.93336296081543, \"y\": 16.641632080078125, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779727, \"response\": \"inflation\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 31.28812599182129, \"y\": 16.111616134643555, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779726, \"response\": \"Inflation\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.233488082885742, \"y\": 16.072372436523438, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779725, \"response\": \"inflation food and gas\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.362913131713867, \"y\": 16.124099731445312, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779724, \"response\": \"Inflation reduces priority\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.207178115844727, \"y\": 16.209138870239258, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779723, \"response\": \"Inflation/ Recession/ rising costs\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.345455169677734, \"y\": 16.23842430114746, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779722, \"response\": \"it didnt let me cancel the first month\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.875246047973633, \"y\": 18.265111923217773, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779721, \"response\": \"it just keeps going up and I am on fixed income\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.413984298706055, \"y\": 15.84256649017334, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779720, \"response\": \"It's boring\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.088890075683594, \"y\": 16.83245849609375, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779719, \"response\": \"It's cheaper to pay in euro currency.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 30.1391544342041, \"y\": 17.672574996948242, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779718, \"response\": \"It\\ufffds not too expensive for me, it\\ufffds too expensive for itself\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.48233413696289, \"y\": 16.921659469604492, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779717, \"response\": \"Job loss\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.73297882080078, \"y\": 16.128604888916016, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779716, \"response\": \"Just can't afford it right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.867395401000977, \"y\": 16.45619010925293, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779715, \"response\": \"Just don't want to spend the money on another subscription\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.20375633239746, \"y\": 18.999845504760742, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779714, \"response\": \"Just eliminating monthly bills\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.92319107055664, \"y\": 15.296222686767578, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779713, \"response\": \"Just looking to cut costs.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.6727237701416, \"y\": 15.51053237915039, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779712, \"response\": \"Just need money back\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.14814567565918, \"y\": 16.1766414642334, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779468, \"response\": \"Too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.709733963012695, \"y\": 16.8380126953125, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779711, \"response\": \"Just need to take care of other things first before a start paying for this again\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 28.57034683227539, \"y\": 16.032657623291016, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779710, \"response\": \"Just reducing un-needed expenses \", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.08720588684082, \"y\": 14.891554832458496, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779709, \"response\": \"just taking a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.90743637084961, \"y\": 15.755900382995605, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779708, \"response\": \"Just taking a break and saving a bit of money. We'll be back.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.447219848632812, \"y\": 15.680036544799805, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779707, \"response\": \"Keep getting subscription hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.046947479248047, \"y\": 19.80600929260254, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779706, \"response\": \"Keep raising price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.969497680664062, \"y\": 17.859878540039062, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779705, \"response\": \"Keep raising prices\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.14332580566406, \"y\": 17.638025283813477, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779704, \"response\": \"Keep raising prices, not worth it\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.062400817871094, \"y\": 17.840063095092773, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779703, \"response\": \"Keep raising subscription price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.642303466796875, \"y\": 18.671463012695312, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779702, \"response\": \"keep raising the price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.793947219848633, \"y\": 17.89291000366211, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779701, \"response\": \"Keeps going up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.570236206054688, \"y\": 17.528100967407227, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779700, \"response\": \"laid off, reducing expenses\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.693742752075195, \"y\": 14.959328651428223, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779700, \"response\": \"laid off, reducing expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.33428955078125, \"y\": 14.961152076721191, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779699, \"response\": \"Limited users\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.449810028076172, \"y\": 18.419572830200195, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779698, \"response\": \"Limiting access with high price\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.74982261657715, \"y\": 18.473180770874023, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779697, \"response\": \"Limiting household spending\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.342748641967773, \"y\": 15.543649673461914, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779696, \"response\": \"Limiting to single household use.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 29.240116119384766, \"y\": 15.848084449768066, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779695, \"response\": \"Limiting to the household only.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 29.255176544189453, \"y\": 15.873856544494629, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779694, \"response\": \"living with daughter, not really using\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 26.560531616210938, \"y\": 18.007978439331055, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779693, \"response\": \"Loss of job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.618749618530273, \"y\": 15.956964492797852, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779692, \"response\": \"Lost job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.673660278320312, \"y\": 16.027088165283203, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779691, \"response\": \"Lost Job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.67662811279297, \"y\": 15.987093925476074, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779690, \"response\": \"Lost job can't afford now\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.063140869140625, \"y\": 15.94207763671875, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779689, \"response\": \"lost job due to vaccine\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.659116744995117, \"y\": 16.02650260925293, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779688, \"response\": \"Lost my job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.68168830871582, \"y\": 16.13412094116211, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779687, \"response\": \"lost my job can't afford it\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.2363338470459, \"y\": 15.878772735595703, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779686, \"response\": \"Lost y\\ufffdall damn mind with these prices\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.62972640991211, \"y\": 17.55416488647461, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779685, \"response\": \"lower bills\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.05103874206543, \"y\": 15.225327491760254, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779684, \"response\": \"lower your price pls __\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 31.280649185180664, \"y\": 18.101009368896484, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779683, \"response\": \"Lowering expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.32469940185547, \"y\": 14.950799942016602, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779682, \"response\": \"Making budget cut\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.283443450927734, \"y\": 15.179620742797852, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779681, \"response\": \"Married. Combining households\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.051673889160156, \"y\": 17.91811752319336, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779680, \"response\": \"Married. Using spouses subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.320581436157227, \"y\": 18.39482879638672, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779679, \"response\": \"Me and my mom live in two different places, since you want to restrict that I will cancel my membership.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.3306941986084, \"y\": 18.75448989868164, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779678, \"response\": \"Member passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.58655548095703, \"y\": 17.38983726501465, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779677, \"response\": \"membership fee going up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.16718292236328, \"y\": 18.595579147338867, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779676, \"response\": \"Merge households two subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.164594650268555, \"y\": 19.062772750854492, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779675, \"response\": \"merging households\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.030975341796875, \"y\": 17.94724464416504, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779674, \"response\": \"Monetary break. Will come back.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 28.008623123168945, \"y\": 15.563300132751465, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779673, \"response\": \"Money is tight, ill try and come back in a few months once I have the budget for this\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.023574829101562, \"y\": 15.837634086608887, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779672, \"response\": \"Money is a problem, I need to be saving more and can't deal with continuous price increases\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 30.291879653930664, \"y\": 15.753495216369629, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779672, \"response\": \"Money is a problem, I need to be saving more and can't deal with continuous price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.374696731567383, \"y\": 15.814840316772461, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779671, \"response\": \"money I don't have\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.728498458862305, \"y\": 16.15053939819336, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779670, \"response\": \"Money is tight right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.803794860839844, \"y\": 15.725641250610352, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779669, \"response\": \"Moved\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.230318069458008, \"y\": 16.138517379760742, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779668, \"response\": \"Moved in with family\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.147275924682617, \"y\": 16.744524002075195, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779667, \"response\": \"Moved in with my boyfriend so we only need one\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 25.865461349487305, \"y\": 18.47145652770996, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779666, \"response\": \"Moved in with significant other don\\ufffdt need two subscriptions in one house\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.186704635620117, \"y\": 18.93891143798828, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779665, \"response\": \"Moved in with someone\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.257122039794922, \"y\": 16.664899826049805, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779664, \"response\": \"Moved in with someone who has it already\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.091053009033203, \"y\": 16.804563522338867, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779663, \"response\": \"moving\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.240619659423828, \"y\": 16.104583740234375, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779662, \"response\": \"Moving\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.22461700439453, \"y\": 16.04926109313965, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779661, \"response\": \"Moving\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.202701568603516, \"y\": 16.062482833862305, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779660, \"response\": \"moving\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.248199462890625, \"y\": 16.035736083984375, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779659, \"response\": \"Moving away\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.399551391601562, \"y\": 16.087848663330078, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779658, \"response\": \"Moving country\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.243797302246094, \"y\": 16.341129302978516, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779657, \"response\": \"Moving on for now. Thank you.\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.618473052978516, \"y\": 16.68810272216797, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779656, \"response\": \"Moving out of the country\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.244142532348633, \"y\": 16.266023635864258, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779655, \"response\": \"Moving to another country.\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.33064842224121, \"y\": 16.383161544799805, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779654, \"response\": \"multiple subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.321189880371094, \"y\": 19.345443725585938, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779653, \"response\": \"Multiple subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.38763427734375, \"y\": 19.306808471679688, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779652, \"response\": \"Multiple subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.275522232055664, \"y\": 19.266925811767578, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779651, \"response\": \"Multiple subscriptions in our house\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.296016693115234, \"y\": 19.31539535522461, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779650, \"response\": \"Multiple subscriptions. Unneeded.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.406980514526367, \"y\": 19.32262420654297, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779649, \"response\": \"my subscription was being used by a stranger\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.099550247192383, \"y\": 19.8248291015625, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779648, \"response\": \"My subscription was hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.12822723388672, \"y\": 19.88959503173828, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779647, \"response\": \"my subscription was hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.14834976196289, \"y\": 19.829275131225586, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779646, \"response\": \"My Aunt passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.507539749145508, \"y\": 17.28968048095703, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779645, \"response\": \"My boyfriend wants me to cancel\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.885250091552734, \"y\": 18.06348419189453, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779644, \"response\": \"My daughter has a subscription at the same residence\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.266990661621094, \"y\": 18.864734649658203, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779643, \"response\": \"my husband already has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.42258644104004, \"y\": 18.605131149291992, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779642, \"response\": \"My husband has a subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.38941764831543, \"y\": 18.6834774017334, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779641, \"response\": \"My husband has an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.382888793945312, \"y\": 18.640634536743164, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779467, \"response\": \"Too expensive and too many new added charges\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 29.672359466552734, \"y\": 17.764724731445312, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779467, \"response\": \"Too expensive and too many new added charges\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.63160514831543, \"y\": 17.79404067993164, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779640, \"response\": \"My kids live in another city and you're going to charge more for that. Unfair and intolerable.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 28.98716163635254, \"y\": 18.42436408996582, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779639, \"response\": \"My spouse has an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.32170295715332, \"y\": 18.600765228271484, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779638, \"response\": \"My stepdad has an subscription so don\\ufffdt need one anymore\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.494510650634766, \"y\": 18.633323669433594, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779637, \"response\": \"Need to change due date\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.62554931640625, \"y\": 17.504444122314453, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779636, \"response\": \"Need to cut expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.044118881225586, \"y\": 14.9562406539917, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779635, \"response\": \"need to cut expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.058555603027344, \"y\": 14.927960395812988, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779634, \"response\": \"Need to cut just increased almost $40 per month\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.171756744384766, \"y\": 15.03941535949707, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779633, \"response\": \"need to discontinue for several weeks\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.581459045410156, \"y\": 17.071577072143555, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779632, \"response\": \"need to redo membership\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.814559936523438, \"y\": 18.682003021240234, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779631, \"response\": \"Need to save some money.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.064224243164062, \"y\": 15.895330429077148, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779630, \"response\": \"need to save the money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.88224983215332, \"y\": 15.997117042541504, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779629, \"response\": \"Need to simplify\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.072662353515625, \"y\": 16.323362350463867, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779628, \"response\": \"Never use it & too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.008098602294922, \"y\": 17.414140701293945, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779628, \"response\": \"Never use it & too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.187286376953125, \"y\": 17.317771911621094, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779627, \"response\": \"No longer enough value to justify the cost.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.043365478515625, \"y\": 17.05849266052246, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779626, \"response\": \"No longer good value for the money\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.6320858001709, \"y\": 16.35478973388672, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779625, \"response\": \"no longer worth it\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 28.80179786682129, \"y\": 16.600711822509766, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779624, \"response\": \"No more family sharing =[\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 26.954442977905273, \"y\": 18.24540901184082, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779623, \"response\": \"No need for it\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.458616256713867, \"y\": 17.21023941040039, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779622, \"response\": \"No respect for legacy members. It\\ufffds been a good run.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 26.882343292236328, \"y\": 17.417522430419922, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779621, \"response\": \"No sharing subscriptions to expensive\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.636247634887695, \"y\": 19.273239135742188, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779620, \"response\": \"no way of paying for it anymore\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.758697509765625, \"y\": 16.713228225708008, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779619, \"response\": \"not happy with price increase, this is now out of my spending and budget\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.806175231933594, \"y\": 16.98563003540039, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779618, \"response\": \"not in my budget anymore\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.456628799438477, \"y\": 16.65825653076172, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779617, \"response\": \"Not interested at this time\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.476070404052734, \"y\": 16.742958068847656, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779616, \"response\": \"Not letting us share anymore and u keep raising the price\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.356149673461914, \"y\": 19.37079620361328, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779616, \"response\": \"Not letting us share anymore and u keep raising the price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.45747184753418, \"y\": 19.376815795898438, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779615, \"response\": \"NOT NEEDED, you guys don\\ufffdt want to put forth good services so why do I need you\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.174476623535156, \"y\": 17.390300750732422, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779614, \"response\": \"Not needed\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.342044830322266, \"y\": 17.15886116027832, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779613, \"response\": \"Not paying for extra subscriptions.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 27.4903564453125, \"y\": 19.1555233001709, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779612, \"response\": \"not paying more money\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.435712814331055, \"y\": 16.268327713012695, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779611, \"response\": \"Not pleased with new policies\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 29.83101463317871, \"y\": 17.140140533447266, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779610, \"response\": \"Not used enough currently to be worth the price increase for me\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.664148330688477, \"y\": 17.47324562072754, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779610, \"response\": \"Not used enough currently to be worth the price increase for me\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.554811477661133, \"y\": 17.523805618286133, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779609, \"response\": \"Not using\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.6674747467041, \"y\": 17.52984046936035, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779608, \"response\": \"Not using it at this time.\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.71550178527832, \"y\": 17.4951114654541, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779607, \"response\": \"Not using now\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.653989791870117, \"y\": 17.431915283203125, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779606, \"response\": \"Not worth the price increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.8346004486084, \"y\": 16.62957191467285, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779605, \"response\": \"Not worth the price increase.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.722412109375, \"y\": 16.876564025878906, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779604, \"response\": \"Notified today that my subscription was hacked.\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.158218383789062, \"y\": 19.873823165893555, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779603, \"response\": \"obscene pricing!\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.554853439331055, \"y\": 17.275354385375977, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779602, \"response\": \"Offered with my phone subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.281147003173828, \"y\": 18.7629451751709, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779601, \"response\": \"Opened a new subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.828977584838867, \"y\": 19.407020568847656, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779600, \"response\": \"Opened this as a duplicate subscription by mistake\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.7174072265625, \"y\": 19.485593795776367, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779599, \"response\": \"Opening a different subscription\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.69371223449707, \"y\": 19.524168014526367, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779598, \"response\": \"Opening different subscriptions\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.52965545654297, \"y\": 19.42732048034668, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779597, \"response\": \"Other bills\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.032604217529297, \"y\": 15.593561172485352, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779596, \"response\": \"out of town for 4 months\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.82565689086914, \"y\": 16.18302345275879, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779595, \"response\": \"Out of work at the moment\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.168689727783203, \"y\": 15.798199653625488, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779594, \"response\": \"Owner of this subscription has passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.571557998657227, \"y\": 17.978078842163086, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779593, \"response\": \"Pagos adicional por el servicio\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 28.604373931884766, \"y\": 15.400924682617188, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779592, \"response\": \"My mom passed away and she had the account\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.61859703063965, \"y\": 17.711936950683594, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779591, \"response\": \"Parent owning account passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.565757751464844, \"y\": 17.721664428710938, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779590, \"response\": \"Pending extra charges\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 28.97783660888672, \"y\": 18.282039642333984, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779589, \"response\": \"Person passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.565858840942383, \"y\": 17.33754539489746, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779588, \"response\": \"Person paying passed away.\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.593570709228516, \"y\": 17.37430191040039, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779587, \"response\": \"personal income problems\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.226638793945312, \"y\": 15.162223815917969, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779586, \"response\": \"Please stop raising prices every year!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.06099319458008, \"y\": 17.763736724853516, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779585, \"response\": \"policy changes\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 30.252107620239258, \"y\": 16.76821517944336, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779584, \"response\": \"preemptively canceling before the next rate hike\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.47952651977539, \"y\": 18.061494827270508, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779583, \"response\": \"Prescription fees too high\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.944543838500977, \"y\": 17.684179306030273, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779582, \"response\": \"price change and don't use anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 31.0816593170166, \"y\": 17.995807647705078, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779582, \"response\": \"price change and don't use anymore\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.274391174316406, \"y\": 17.989145278930664, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779543, \"response\": \"Recent price increase and talk of limited subscription sharing, bye bye\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.08608627319336, \"y\": 19.365070343017578, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779543, \"response\": \"Recent price increase and talk of limited subscription sharing, bye bye\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.104219436645508, \"y\": 19.429094314575195, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779542, \"response\": \"recently married and don't need two memberships\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.582386016845703, \"y\": 18.320676803588867, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779541, \"response\": \"Remarried only need one subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.271692276000977, \"y\": 18.721616744995117, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779540, \"response\": \"Repurposing my time. I will be back!\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.027956008911133, \"y\": 16.309032440185547, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779539, \"response\": \"Restarting again soon\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.122882843017578, \"y\": 16.8391170501709, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779538, \"response\": \"Retiring and must cut expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.82505226135254, \"y\": 14.945634841918945, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779537, \"response\": \"Ridiculous price raises throughout history\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.554676055908203, \"y\": 16.870006561279297, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779536, \"response\": \"Roommate has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.379878997802734, \"y\": 18.849361419677734, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779535, \"response\": \"Save Money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.85471534729004, \"y\": 15.884793281555176, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779534, \"response\": \"saving $ and sharing with dad\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.0947265625, \"y\": 18.125240325927734, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779534, \"response\": \"saving $ and sharing with dad\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.048294067382812, \"y\": 18.120325088500977, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779532, \"response\": \"Selection continually goes in one direction, price goes in the other. The scales finally tipped.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 31.783203125, \"y\": 17.277389526367188, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779531, \"response\": \"Service is now overpriced.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.19495391845703, \"y\": 18.024843215942383, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779530, \"response\": \"Sharing with Spouse\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.59807777404785, \"y\": 18.24137306213379, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779529, \"response\": \"Sharon Passed Away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.54121208190918, \"y\": 17.257177352905273, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779528, \"response\": \"Sick of price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.2608699798584, \"y\": 16.691587448120117, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779527, \"response\": \"Someone hacked my subscription\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.140581130981445, \"y\": 19.92204475402832, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779526, \"response\": \"someone hacked my acct\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.295249938964844, \"y\": 19.78710174560547, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779525, \"response\": \"Someone keeps hacking my subscription\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.273839950561523, \"y\": 19.867652893066406, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779524, \"response\": \"Stop raising prices & put some money into customer success\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.11069107055664, \"y\": 17.736204147338867, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779523, \"response\": \"Stop raising the prices. Twice in 6 months is ridiculous.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.17726516723633, \"y\": 17.389907836914062, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779522, \"response\": \"Stop raising these damn prices!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.988025665283203, \"y\": 17.76862335205078, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779521, \"response\": \"STOP RAISING YOUR PRICES\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.224693298339844, \"y\": 17.87425994873047, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779520, \"response\": \"Stop raising your prices!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.803165435791016, \"y\": 17.893505096435547, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779519, \"response\": \"subscriber passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.49254035949707, \"y\": 17.651317596435547, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779518, \"response\": \"summer break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.285057067871094, \"y\": 15.326555252075195, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779517, \"response\": \"Summer coming\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.314870834350586, \"y\": 15.40517807006836, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779516, \"response\": \"Summer is coming. Time to play outside\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.314544677734375, \"y\": 15.388209342956543, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779515, \"response\": \"Switching my payment date\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.619647979736328, \"y\": 17.258525848388672, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779514, \"response\": \"Taking a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.942964553833008, \"y\": 15.53022575378418, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779513, \"response\": \"taking a break for summer\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.193256378173828, \"y\": 15.478975296020508, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779512, \"response\": \"taking a break layoff\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.083620071411133, \"y\": 15.623913764953613, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779511, \"response\": \"taking a break, will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.09500503540039, \"y\": 15.950726509094238, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779510, \"response\": \"Taking a break.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.900833129882812, \"y\": 15.690337181091309, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779509, \"response\": \"Taking a break.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.959632873535156, \"y\": 15.66061782836914, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779508, \"response\": \"Temp money issues\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 29.462627410888672, \"y\": 15.802327156066895, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779508, \"response\": \"Temp money issues\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.2901668548584, \"y\": 15.74056625366211, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779507, \"response\": \"Temporarily cancelling; will rejoin later!\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.27895736694336, \"y\": 17.13897132873535, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779506, \"response\": \"Temporarily scaling down services\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 30.12993812561035, \"y\": 18.12969398498535, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779505, \"response\": \"Temporary break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.97521209716797, \"y\": 15.596038818359375, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779504, \"response\": \"Temporary disconnection\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.333660125732422, \"y\": 16.912267684936523, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779503, \"response\": \"Temporary out of work\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.352581024169922, \"y\": 16.062135696411133, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779502, \"response\": \"terrible customer service\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.778419494628906, \"y\": 18.32155418395996, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779501, \"response\": \"The constant price increases are ridiculous and greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.88433074951172, \"y\": 16.48541831970215, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779501, \"response\": \"The constant price increases are ridiculous and greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.79365348815918, \"y\": 16.562965393066406, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779500, \"response\": \"The cost is going up much\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.855682373046875, \"y\": 17.291011810302734, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779499, \"response\": \"The cost is the biggest deal\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.1660099029541, \"y\": 16.82083511352539, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779498, \"response\": \"The fact you only give 10 months to reactivate makes me never want to come back again. I will consider it if you email me that you are rectifying this issue. If not, good bye forever.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.15361976623535, \"y\": 17.15046501159668, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779497, \"response\": \"The greed of the company disgusts me.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.210609436035156, \"y\": 16.287628173828125, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779496, \"response\": \"The increase of the bill and the news about paying extra money when i share my subscription with my family outside the states and I don't like the idea that you want limit my power of using my subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 28.315982818603516, \"y\": 19.317148208618164, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779496, \"response\": \"The increase of the bill and the news about paying extra money when i share my subscription with my family outside the states and I don't like the idea that you want limit my power of using my subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 28.23919105529785, \"y\": 19.288888931274414, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779496, \"response\": \"The increase of the bill and the news about paying extra money when i share my subscription with my family outside the states and I don't like the idea that you want limit my power of using my subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.324243545532227, \"y\": 19.30196189880371, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779495, \"response\": \"The last price increase was I am willing pay.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.45708656311035, \"y\": 16.644771575927734, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779494, \"response\": \"The new sharing fee. You will loose more from greed\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.269718170166016, \"y\": 19.267732620239258, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779494, \"response\": \"The new sharing fee. You will loose more from greed\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 29.140644073486328, \"y\": 19.13566017150879, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779493, \"response\": \"The new upcoming addtional price increases stop this and youll have me back as a customer.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.54093360900879, \"y\": 17.97886848449707, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779492, \"response\": \"The price continues to rise with no end in sight.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.76373291015625, \"y\": 17.435420989990234, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779491, \"response\": \"The price has gone up annually.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.139041900634766, \"y\": 17.402193069458008, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779490, \"response\": \"The price has increased so much. Can\\ufffdt keep with it.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.18211555480957, \"y\": 17.484434127807617, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779489, \"response\": \"The price has raised way to high! I will not be renewing for a long while!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.449337005615234, \"y\": 17.94935417175293, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779488, \"response\": \"the price hike and stopping sharing\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.40272331237793, \"y\": 19.31476402282715, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779488, \"response\": \"the price hike and stopping sharing\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.392745971679688, \"y\": 19.290287017822266, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779487, \"response\": \"The price hike was 43% in the span of 5 months and your selection has drastically deteriorated. Member since 09 gone just like that!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.149438858032227, \"y\": 17.854999542236328, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779486, \"response\": \"The price increase every year seems ok but when nothing really good is added, it is not ok.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.683778762817383, \"y\": 16.697439193725586, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779485, \"response\": \"The price increase since I became a member is ridiculous\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.344593048095703, \"y\": 17.418359756469727, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779484, \"response\": \"The price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.5904483795166, \"y\": 16.992557525634766, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779483, \"response\": \"The price increases + the upcoming change where we will have to pay a fee to use my subscription in different locations is ridiculous and anti-consumer.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 28.658912658691406, \"y\": 19.190683364868164, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779483, \"response\": \"The price increases + the upcoming change where we will have to pay a fee to use my subscription in different locations is ridiculous and anti-consumer.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.596792221069336, \"y\": 19.185317993164062, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779482, \"response\": \"The price just got to far out of hand\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.703670501708984, \"y\": 17.185012817382812, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779481, \"response\": \"THE PRICE KEEPS INCREASING\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.661258697509766, \"y\": 17.356584548950195, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779480, \"response\": \"The service vs price is no longer worth it. Too expensive now\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.275100708007812, \"y\": 17.932891845703125, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779479, \"response\": \"The service isn\\ufffdt worth the cost.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.71210289001465, \"y\": 17.967079162597656, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779478, \"response\": \"Think my subscription is compromised\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.010587692260742, \"y\": 19.898578643798828, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779477, \"response\": \"This is going to be about 4 times the amount it was when I started.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.786413192749023, \"y\": 17.445114135742188, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779476, \"response\": \"This is ridiculous! Price gouging!\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.898818969726562, \"y\": 17.39606285095215, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779475, \"response\": \"Time for a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.07996940612793, \"y\": 15.640122413635254, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779474, \"response\": \"Tired of the pay increases every year\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.459373474121094, \"y\": 16.429485321044922, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779473, \"response\": \"Tired of your company playing games with subscribers\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 27.39299774169922, \"y\": 19.382658004760742, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779472, \"response\": \"To busy\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 27.029434204101562, \"y\": 15.632171630859375, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779471, \"response\": \"To expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.798049926757812, \"y\": 16.49427032470703, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779470, \"response\": \"too easily hacked-not secure\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.362205505371094, \"y\": 19.662630081176758, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779469, \"response\": \"Too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.753028869628906, \"y\": 16.806489944458008, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779466, \"response\": \"Too expensive for me right now, maybe later\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.521472930908203, \"y\": 16.73785972595215, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779465, \"response\": \"Too expensive for what\\ufffds offered\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.64491844177246, \"y\": 16.769548416137695, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779464, \"response\": \"Too expensive, stupid new rule\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 30.041122436523438, \"y\": 17.254886627197266, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779464, \"response\": \"Too expensive, stupid new rule\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.090591430664062, \"y\": 17.235843658447266, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779463, \"response\": \"Too EXPENSIVE!\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.8269100189209, \"y\": 16.955604553222656, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779462, \"response\": \"Too greedy\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.583282470703125, \"y\": 16.28218650817871, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779461, \"response\": \"Too many charges added on.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 29.52649688720703, \"y\": 17.839452743530273, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779460, \"response\": \"Too many new rules and fees and raised prices. Just not worth the money anymore.\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 30.180376052856445, \"y\": 17.37089729309082, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779460, \"response\": \"Too many new rules and fees and raised prices. Just not worth the money anymore.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.233774185180664, \"y\": 17.28645896911621, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779459, \"response\": \"Too many on my subscription\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.94362449645996, \"y\": 19.118152618408203, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779458, \"response\": \"too many people using my subscription\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.110660552978516, \"y\": 19.431737899780273, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779457, \"response\": \"Too many price hikes and the newest hike for charging extra to share an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 28.92521858215332, \"y\": 19.15797233581543, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779457, \"response\": \"Too many price hikes and the newest hike for charging extra to share an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 28.897380828857422, \"y\": 19.239540100097656, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779457, \"response\": \"Too many price hikes and the newest hike for charging extra to share an subscription\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.78036117553711, \"y\": 19.256977081298828, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779456, \"response\": \"too many price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.271821975708008, \"y\": 17.12030792236328, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779455, \"response\": \"Too many price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.28717041015625, \"y\": 16.761219024658203, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779454, \"response\": \"Too many price increases.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.7802791595459, \"y\": 17.09581184387207, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779453, \"response\": \"Too many price increases. Going with a different service.\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.452659606933594, \"y\": 17.961917877197266, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779453, \"response\": \"Too many price increases. Going with a different service.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.48444938659668, \"y\": 18.062496185302734, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779452, \"response\": \"too many price increments and now you will be checking where we access the subscription. Your greed is why I am canceling. Good Luck!\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 28.118703842163086, \"y\": 18.611032485961914, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779452, \"response\": \"too many price increments and now you will be checking where we access the subscription. Your greed is why I am canceling. Good Luck!\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 28.17962646484375, \"y\": 18.636676788330078, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779452, \"response\": \"too many price increments and now you will be checking where we access the subscription. Your greed is why I am canceling. Good Luck!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.19293785095215, \"y\": 18.680133819580078, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779451, \"response\": \"Too many subscriptions, I'll be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.016653060913086, \"y\": 18.99199676513672, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779450, \"response\": \"Trying to reduce bills as much as possible for 6 months\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.081472396850586, \"y\": 15.401500701904297, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779449, \"response\": \"trying to save money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.02892303466797, \"y\": 15.788902282714844, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779448, \"response\": \"Trying to save money\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.907184600830078, \"y\": 15.811335563659668, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779447, \"response\": \"Trying to save money right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.85784149169922, \"y\": 15.911247253417969, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779446, \"response\": \"Two price increases in 6 months\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.94568634033203, \"y\": 17.04026222229004, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779445, \"response\": \"Two price increases in short amount of time\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.06003189086914, \"y\": 16.80457305908203, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779444, \"response\": \"Unable to change my billing date. Customer service no help at all.\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.585264205932617, \"y\": 17.705825805664062, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779443, \"response\": \"unable to share subscription with family\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 26.88324546813965, \"y\": 18.7943115234375, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779442, \"response\": \"Unemployed and financial issues\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.176849365234375, \"y\": 15.136326789855957, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779442, \"response\": \"Unemployed and financial issues\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.149206161499023, \"y\": 15.20991325378418, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779441, \"response\": \"User passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.5253849029541, \"y\": 17.3878231048584, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779440, \"response\": \"using a different membership\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 26.77246856689453, \"y\": 19.0081787109375, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779439, \"response\": \"using another platform for awhile - I will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.072031021118164, \"y\": 16.678855895996094, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779438, \"response\": \"using other subscription\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 26.74311065673828, \"y\": 19.217975616455078, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779437, \"response\": \"using other apps at this time\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 28.093732833862305, \"y\": 18.060283660888672, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779436, \"response\": \"Waiting until pay day\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.798805236816406, \"y\": 16.839750289916992, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779435, \"response\": \"Waste of money and you raising the cost\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.244300842285156, \"y\": 16.624055862426758, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779434, \"response\": \"Waste of time and money. Would rather spend time learning.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.090272903442383, \"y\": 17.139602661132812, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779433, \"response\": \"Way to many price hikes over the past few years. Also not a fan of you charging extra money to share subscriptions because your greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 29.036287307739258, \"y\": 19.169172286987305, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779433, \"response\": \"Way to many price hikes over the past few years. Also not a fan of you charging extra money to share subscriptions because your greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.00946044921875, \"y\": 19.25645637512207, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779433, \"response\": \"Way to many price hikes over the past few years. Also not a fan of you charging extra money to share subscriptions because your greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 28.99976348876953, \"y\": 19.188457489013672, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779433, \"response\": \"Way to many price hikes over the past few years. Also not a fan of you charging extra money to share subscriptions because your greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.9656925201416, \"y\": 19.23125457763672, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779432, \"response\": \"way too expensive\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.774324417114258, \"y\": 16.81065559387207, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779431, \"response\": \"way too expensive for the service given, not worth the amount.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.92156410217285, \"y\": 17.744504928588867, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779430, \"response\": \"We feel like there is no customer loyalty for a long time subscriber. Prices keep increasing at alarming rates and we only feel like it will keep going.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 29.736082077026367, \"y\": 18.69902229309082, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779430, \"response\": \"We feel like there is no customer loyalty for a long time subscriber. Prices keep increasing at alarming rates and we only feel like it will keep going.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.719396591186523, \"y\": 18.727399826049805, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779429, \"response\": \"We have 2 subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.49859046936035, \"y\": 19.0715274810791, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779428, \"response\": \"We have 3 subscriptions in 1 household. Only needed 1\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.188941955566406, \"y\": 19.00935935974121, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779427, \"response\": \"We have not been using it as much as we'd like to\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.76634979248047, \"y\": 17.569564819335938, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779426, \"response\": \"We have too many subscriptions lol\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.83322525024414, \"y\": 19.138946533203125, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779425, \"response\": \"When I can pay for it I will. You keep charging my card and it declined.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.086191177368164, \"y\": 18.69124984741211, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779424, \"response\": \"Why the price increase? __\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.401351928710938, \"y\": 16.804576873779297, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779423, \"response\": \"Wife has an subscription and don\\ufffdt need 2 subscriptions.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.43531608581543, \"y\": 18.73716926574707, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779422, \"response\": \"Wife has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.363998413085938, \"y\": 18.511470794677734, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779421, \"response\": \"Wife passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.449060440063477, \"y\": 17.318296432495117, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779420, \"response\": \"Will be back in a week\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.091157913208008, \"y\": 16.41908836364746, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779419, \"response\": \"will be getting the service through my phone provider\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.778785705566406, \"y\": 18.41468048095703, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779418, \"response\": \"will come back in may\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.075103759765625, \"y\": 16.418241500854492, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779417, \"response\": \"Will come in future\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.040019989013672, \"y\": 16.638437271118164, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779416, \"response\": \"Will join back later\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.177459716796875, \"y\": 16.586811065673828, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779415, \"response\": \"Will not pay price increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.493432998657227, \"y\": 16.951520919799805, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779414, \"response\": \"will replace with a cheaper service\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.112958908081055, \"y\": 18.090147018432617, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779413, \"response\": \"will restart under new email\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.092140197753906, \"y\": 17.160554885864258, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779412, \"response\": \"Will resume later in the year.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.27178382873535, \"y\": 16.667421340942383, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779411, \"response\": \"With the rise in fuel and other costs, I'm having to cut back on entertainment.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.922119140625, \"y\": 15.629517555236816, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779845, \"response\": \"Do not use often\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.838716506958008, \"y\": 17.50495719909668, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779844, \"response\": \"do not want anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.353050231933594, \"y\": 17.024206161499023, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779843, \"response\": \"Do you use enough to warrant cost\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.469512939453125, \"y\": 17.57369613647461, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779842, \"response\": \"Don't agree with price increase.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.129859924316406, \"y\": 16.896350860595703, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779841, \"response\": \"Don't have enough money to get it anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.593128204345703, \"y\": 16.504680633544922, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779840, \"response\": \"don't need it currently\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.455045700073242, \"y\": 17.03203773498535, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779839, \"response\": \"Don't need right now\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.23912239074707, \"y\": 16.986167907714844, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779838, \"response\": \"Don't use enough anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.998889923095703, \"y\": 17.354890823364258, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779837, \"response\": \"Don't use.\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.798080444335938, \"y\": 17.49152946472168, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779836, \"response\": \"Don't want it anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.40019416809082, \"y\": 16.93021583557129, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779835, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt agree with price increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.170297622680664, \"y\": 17.020856857299805, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779834, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt have the money\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 28.747140884399414, \"y\": 16.318588256835938, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779833, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt like political virtue signaling.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.23000144958496, \"y\": 17.047271728515625, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779832, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt need two subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.445131301879883, \"y\": 19.019487380981445, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779831, \"response\": \"Double subscriptions with same payment different emails\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.272411346435547, \"y\": 19.440526962280273, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779830, \"response\": \"Downsizing\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.44230842590332, \"y\": 15.04881477355957, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779829, \"response\": \"Economy hardship\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.277812957763672, \"y\": 15.115649223327637, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779828, \"response\": \"Extra charge for sign in. My daughter is in college!!!! And your going to charge me when she uses ut. No thank you. You're not worth it anyways. Good bye\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.914600372314453, \"y\": 18.704355239868164, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779828, \"response\": \"Extra charge for sign in. My daughter is in college!!!! And your going to charge me when she uses ut. No thank you. You're not worth it anyways. Good bye\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 27.888795852661133, \"y\": 18.725828170776367, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779828, \"response\": \"Extra charge for sign in. My daughter is in college!!!! And your going to charge me when she uses ut. No thank you. You're not worth it anyways. Good bye\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 27.89777374267578, \"y\": 18.766502380371094, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779827, \"response\": \"Fianc\\ufffde has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.306434631347656, \"y\": 18.583189010620117, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779826, \"response\": \"Finance decision\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.543903350830078, \"y\": 15.34498119354248, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779825, \"response\": \"Finances\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.505117416381836, \"y\": 15.345632553100586, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779824, \"response\": \"Finances\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.601247787475586, \"y\": 15.27301025390625, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779823, \"response\": \"Financial\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.593673706054688, \"y\": 15.350844383239746, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779822, \"response\": \"Financial Cut Backs\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.817995071411133, \"y\": 15.25339412689209, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779821, \"response\": \"Financial Hardship\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.228071212768555, \"y\": 15.152151107788086, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779820, \"response\": \"Financial hardship\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.27715492248535, \"y\": 15.213407516479492, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779819, \"response\": \"Financial hardship\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.184106826782227, \"y\": 15.15761947631836, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779818, \"response\": \"Financial reasons\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.568164825439453, \"y\": 15.323726654052734, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779817, \"response\": \"Financial situation changed.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.38484001159668, \"y\": 15.522284507751465, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779816, \"response\": \"financial situation has changed\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.605426788330078, \"y\": 15.624582290649414, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779815, \"response\": \"For the time being\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.154035568237305, \"y\": 15.915140151977539, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779814, \"response\": \"future issues expected with sharing profiles, price hikes\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.337543487548828, \"y\": 19.435998916625977, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779814, \"response\": \"future issues expected with sharing profiles, price hikes\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.26539421081543, \"y\": 19.392946243286133, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779813, \"response\": \"getting another platform instead\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 28.16029930114746, \"y\": 17.678606033325195, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779812, \"response\": \"Getting married and will be combining accounts\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.08159637451172, \"y\": 18.23835563659668, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779810, \"response\": \"Getting too expensive and not worth the money Thanks but no thanks\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.600849151611328, \"y\": 16.828737258911133, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779809, \"response\": \"Getting too Greedy for ya Girl!\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.547012329101562, \"y\": 16.280935287475586, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779808, \"response\": \"go to live with gf\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.28267478942871, \"y\": 16.81378936767578, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779807, \"response\": \"Going to not be using it for a few months\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 28.534997940063477, \"y\": 17.574243545532227, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779806, \"response\": \"got laid off, will be back when i can.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.442779541015625, \"y\": 15.917014122009277, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779806, \"response\": \"got laid off, will be back when i can.\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 27.383392333984375, \"y\": 15.97713565826416, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779805, \"response\": \"got married and my wife has her own subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.25359535217285, \"y\": 18.465850830078125, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779804, \"response\": \"Got married my husband and I now share subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.319965362548828, \"y\": 18.51034164428711, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779803, \"response\": \"Got to get back on my feet\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 26.98320960998535, \"y\": 15.918347358703613, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779802, \"response\": \"GREED\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.352628707885742, \"y\": 16.187360763549805, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779801, \"response\": \"greedy company\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.229267120361328, \"y\": 16.027341842651367, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779800, \"response\": \"Greedy company\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.312265396118164, \"y\": 16.11479949951172, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779799, \"response\": \"Greedy Corporation\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.335840225219727, \"y\": 16.155315399169922, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779798, \"response\": \"Hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.26307487487793, \"y\": 19.689579010009766, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779797, \"response\": \"hard time financially need to cancel some subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.606678009033203, \"y\": 18.75563621520996, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779796, \"response\": \"hardly use it but price keeps increasing.\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.73740005493164, \"y\": 17.66920280456543, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779796, \"response\": \"hardly use it but price keeps increasing.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.638683319091797, \"y\": 17.522069931030273, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779795, \"response\": \"Have 2 subscriptions and only need 1\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.59271812438965, \"y\": 19.12358283996582, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779794, \"response\": \"Have a different subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.61713409423828, \"y\": 19.34038543701172, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779793, \"response\": \"have more than one subscription aparently\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.527359008789062, \"y\": 19.332799911499023, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779792, \"response\": \"having $ issues.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.38496208190918, \"y\": 15.692039489746094, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779791, \"response\": \"competitor is better\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.246328353881836, \"y\": 16.394933700561523, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779790, \"response\": \"Health Issues\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.842721939086914, \"y\": 15.334066390991211, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779789, \"response\": \"Health issues\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.82925033569336, \"y\": 15.36709976196289, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779788, \"response\": \"Horrible business decisions.\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 29.698272705078125, \"y\": 16.1710147857666, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779787, \"response\": \"Others are cheaper\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.274023056030273, \"y\": 17.030038833618164, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779786, \"response\": \"I am flat broke\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.888322830200195, \"y\": 15.610038757324219, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779785, \"response\": \"I am retired and non a fixed income.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.43252944946289, \"y\": 15.322420120239258, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779784, \"response\": \"I am trying to cut my spending as much as possible for now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.194753646850586, \"y\": 15.36198616027832, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779783, \"response\": \"I can afford this but I think the price is way too high and am not willing to pay it\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.556392669677734, \"y\": 16.85964012145996, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779782, \"response\": \"I can't afford it at this time but will start again.\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 28.517988204956055, \"y\": 16.215425491333008, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779781, \"response\": \"I cant share my subscription with family outside my hosehold\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.018592834472656, \"y\": 18.799745559692383, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779780, \"response\": \"I do not agree with the price increases and policy changes\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.222694396972656, \"y\": 16.909029006958008, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779779, \"response\": \"I do not like\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.331459045410156, \"y\": 17.079200744628906, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779778, \"response\": \"I do not use enough as the price continues to go up\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.605552673339844, \"y\": 17.489408493041992, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779778, \"response\": \"I do not use enough as the price continues to go up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.52169418334961, \"y\": 17.44568634033203, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779777, \"response\": \"I don't have the money this month due to losing my job\", \"theme\": \"Unemployed\", \"x\": 28.128883361816406, \"y\": 15.985081672668457, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779777, \"response\": \"I don't have the money this month due to losing my job\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.153657913208008, \"y\": 15.949043273925781, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779776, \"response\": \"I don\\ufffdt use it enough\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.835243225097656, \"y\": 17.513263702392578, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779775, \"response\": \"I get it free with my phone service\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.69156265258789, \"y\": 18.555625915527344, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779774, \"response\": \"I get more on another service for less.\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 29.888044357299805, \"y\": 18.241313934326172, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779773, \"response\": \"i got hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.262908935546875, \"y\": 19.701982498168945, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779581, \"response\": \"Price change. Lack of acceptance of the reality that is subscription sharing.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 28.944942474365234, \"y\": 19.21546745300293, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779581, \"response\": \"Price change. Lack of acceptance of the reality that is subscription sharing.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.97644805908203, \"y\": 19.270965576171875, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779580, \"response\": \"Price continues to climb with no added benefit and other services have more and better prices.\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.827917098999023, \"y\": 17.881145477294922, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779580, \"response\": \"Price continues to climb with no added benefit and other services have more and better prices.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.873998641967773, \"y\": 17.854896545410156, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779579, \"response\": \"Price hike was too much.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.83902359008789, \"y\": 16.795970916748047, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779578, \"response\": \"Price hikes are getting to be too much, everything else in my life is already expensive\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.068397521972656, \"y\": 16.978818893432617, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779577, \"response\": \"Price Increase and garbage quality, why should I keep paying blindly \", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.962438583374023, \"y\": 17.822751998901367, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779576, \"response\": \"price increase and horrible customer service, what am I paying for??\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.619014739990234, \"y\": 18.01487922668457, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779575, \"response\": \"Price increase and I have to choose between this and putting my kids into activities that are already expensive. YOU made me have to choose one or the other\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.0468692779541, \"y\": 16.70348358154297, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779574, \"response\": \"Price increase and I cant afford you anymore\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 30.776540756225586, \"y\": 16.782569885253906, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779574, \"response\": \"Price increase and I cant afford you anymore\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.858808517456055, \"y\": 16.826919555664062, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779573, \"response\": \"Price increase after being a loyal customer since 2010\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.811851501464844, \"y\": 18.07002830505371, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779572, \"response\": \"Price increase and to manservices to pick from. Shouldn't a competitive market drive price down...\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.733882904052734, \"y\": 17.465059280395508, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779571, \"response\": \"Price increase and your tracking people and how they access their subscription.\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 28.780780792236328, \"y\": 19.016437530517578, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779571, \"response\": \"Price increase and your tracking people and how they access their subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.786405563354492, \"y\": 19.066749572753906, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779570, \"response\": \"Price Increase caused me to cancel\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.3327579498291, \"y\": 18.195899963378906, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779569, \"response\": \"Price increase is absurd\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.325395584106445, \"y\": 16.89089584350586, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779568, \"response\": \"PRICE INCREASE IS TOO MUCH!!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.04446029663086, \"y\": 17.091812133789062, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779567, \"response\": \"Price increase isn't worth it\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.08074188232422, \"y\": 16.761545181274414, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779566, \"response\": \"Price increase isnt worth what is offered\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.29414939880371, \"y\": 17.139446258544922, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779565, \"response\": \"Price increases and terrible customer service\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.501829147338867, \"y\": 18.198806762695312, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779564, \"response\": \"Price increases and charges for people using my subscription\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 28.638118743896484, \"y\": 18.925891876220703, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779564, \"response\": \"Price increases and charges for people using my subscription\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.640071868896484, \"y\": 18.889875411987305, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779563, \"response\": \"Price increases are too often.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.535768508911133, \"y\": 17.039592742919922, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779562, \"response\": \"price increases don't reflect quality of service\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.68120574951172, \"y\": 17.86324691772461, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779561, \"response\": \"Price is becoming too high for the quality\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.72076988220215, \"y\": 17.180574417114258, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779560, \"response\": \"Price is increasing\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.73255729675293, \"y\": 16.985679626464844, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779559, \"response\": \"Price is whack.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.732006072998047, \"y\": 17.240480422973633, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779558, \"response\": \"Price just keeps climbing\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.55402183532715, \"y\": 17.33845329284668, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779557, \"response\": \"Price keeps changing. Benefits don't. Been with you too long for this nonsense.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.183208465576172, \"y\": 17.753780364990234, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779557, \"response\": \"Price keeps changing. Benefits don't. Been with you too long for this nonsense.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.27463722229004, \"y\": 17.718311309814453, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779556, \"response\": \"Price keeps increasing\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.745256423950195, \"y\": 17.259632110595703, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779555, \"response\": \"Price keeps rising and service is not as good as it was before.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.560209274291992, \"y\": 18.050777435302734, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779554, \"response\": \"Price raises\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.873083114624023, \"y\": 17.016754150390625, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779553, \"response\": \"price too high\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.53608512878418, \"y\": 17.074312210083008, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779552, \"response\": \"Price went up and I have has since 2010 or Earlier sorry oneday\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.11434555053711, \"y\": 17.616527557373047, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779551, \"response\": \"Prices are going up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.52889633178711, \"y\": 17.394166946411133, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779550, \"response\": \"Prices are rising to much. This is the second time.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.65215492248535, \"y\": 17.203275680541992, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779549, \"response\": \"Prices are up in everything\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.477516174316406, \"y\": 17.329601287841797, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779548, \"response\": \"Prices continue to go up, and yet you continue to try to squeeze even more money out of people\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.6924991607666, \"y\": 17.523019790649414, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779547, \"response\": \"Raising prices after a 40% profit increase last year and starting to charge for additional profiles is just greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 31.725257873535156, \"y\": 16.498693466186523, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779547, \"response\": \"Raising prices after a 40% profit increase last year and starting to charge for additional profiles is just greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.84247589111328, \"y\": 16.497467041015625, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779547, \"response\": \"Raising prices after a 40% profit increase last year and starting to charge for additional profiles is just greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.704233169555664, \"y\": 16.472761154174805, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779546, \"response\": \"Barely use the service, money down the drain\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 29.816938400268555, \"y\": 18.029296875, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779545, \"response\": \"Rarely used\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.962167739868164, \"y\": 17.529499053955078, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779544, \"response\": \"Rate increase and garbage customer service, do you even care about your customers?\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.129051208496094, \"y\": 18.55642318725586, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779544, \"response\": \"Rate increase and garbage customer service, do you even care about your customers?\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.182771682739258, \"y\": 18.44005584716797, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779410, \"response\": \"You are about to charge for have extra subscriptions. Me and my family have different taste but I pay my bill, it\\ufffds extortion and you\\ufffdre a disgusting and greedy company.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.98121452331543, \"y\": 19.034204483032227, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779410, \"response\": \"You are about to charge for have extra subscriptions. Me and my family have different taste but I pay my bill, it\\ufffds extortion and you\\ufffdre a disgusting and greedy company.\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 27.960159301757812, \"y\": 19.051008224487305, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779410, \"response\": \"You are about to charge for have extra subscriptions. Me and my family have different taste but I pay my bill, it\\ufffds extortion and you\\ufffdre a disgusting and greedy company.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 27.869749069213867, \"y\": 19.119518280029297, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779409, \"response\": \"you are constantly raising prices. i will take my business elsewhere\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 32.028385162353516, \"y\": 17.995939254760742, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779409, \"response\": \"you are constantly raising prices. i will take my business elsewhere\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.929262161254883, \"y\": 18.072969436645508, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779408, \"response\": \"You are going up on prices\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.220705032348633, \"y\": 17.53374481201172, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779407, \"response\": \"You are money hungry\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 28.72043228149414, \"y\": 15.86383056640625, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779406, \"response\": \"You are politically biased.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.399629592895508, \"y\": 17.1103572845459, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779405, \"response\": \"you aren't focused on customers anymore\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.11305809020996, \"y\": 18.511402130126953, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779404, \"response\": \"You charge too much\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.662141799926758, \"y\": 17.563278198242188, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779403, \"response\": \"You continue to raise your prices\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.92435073852539, \"y\": 17.951576232910156, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779402, \"response\": \"You guys are making business decisions that don\\ufffdt make sense at a time when it doesn\\ufffdt make sense. Make sense, and we\\ufffdll resubscribe.\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 29.215856552124023, \"y\": 18.803272247314453, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779401, \"response\": \"You guys keep raising the prices\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.866987228393555, \"y\": 17.734180450439453, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779400, \"response\": \"You have gotten too greedy and raised the price too many times\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.103225708007812, \"y\": 17.36628532409668, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779400, \"response\": \"You have gotten too greedy and raised the price too many times\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.170278549194336, \"y\": 17.178686141967773, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779399, \"response\": \"you just keep raising the price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.827760696411133, \"y\": 17.95078468322754, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779398, \"response\": \"You keep adding fees and new prices, I don\\ufffdt really want it no more\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.94732666015625, \"y\": 18.206218719482422, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779396, \"response\": \"You keep increasing prices.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.59269905090332, \"y\": 17.670795440673828, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779395, \"response\": \"You keep jacking the price up every 12 days.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.634918212890625, \"y\": 17.644264221191406, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779394, \"response\": \"You keep raising prices and are now charging extra for other people using your subscription, other services are better and cheaper and the only reason I kept it was for the other people using it so if you\\ufffdre gonna charge for that I\\ufffdm out\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 28.41676139831543, \"y\": 18.899091720581055, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779394, \"response\": \"You keep raising prices and are now charging extra for other people using your subscription, other services are better and cheaper and the only reason I kept it was for the other people using it so if you\\ufffdre gonna charge for that I\\ufffdm out\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 28.375812530517578, \"y\": 18.95866584777832, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779394, \"response\": \"You keep raising prices and are now charging extra for other people using your subscription, other services are better and cheaper and the only reason I kept it was for the other people using it so if you\\ufffdre gonna charge for that I\\ufffdm out\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.459630966186523, \"y\": 18.94078826904297, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779393, \"response\": \"You keep raising prices. it's not my fault that you don't have enough customers and I have to pay the price. It's just not worth it to keep you.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.7081298828125, \"y\": 18.183441162109375, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779392, \"response\": \"You keep raising the damn price. I'm not made of money.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.881376266479492, \"y\": 18.004003524780273, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779391, \"response\": \"You keep upping the price and now i cant pay\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.35258674621582, \"y\": 17.75520896911621, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779390, \"response\": \"You need to stop increasing the price on long time users.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.270111083984375, \"y\": 17.62799072265625, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779389, \"response\": \"You raise prices and nothing is new. Nothing new.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.84027671813965, \"y\": 17.49686622619629, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779388, \"response\": \"You raised the price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.45448875427246, \"y\": 17.847875595092773, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779387, \"response\": \"You raised your price almost 50%. I also don\\ufffdt like the fact that you offer the price I used to pay once I tried to cancel. Shady!\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.46337890625, \"y\": 18.267780303955078, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779387, \"response\": \"You raised your price almost 50%. I also don\\ufffdt like the fact that you offer the price I used to pay once I tried to cancel. Shady!\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.39761734008789, \"y\": 18.283674240112305, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779386, \"response\": \"You raised your prices again\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.47442626953125, \"y\": 17.98372459411621, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779385, \"response\": \"You want to charge me for my kids using MY subscription, how is that even fair?\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.95064926147461, \"y\": 19.101652145385742, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779384, \"response\": \"You're being greedy at every opportunity and I won't support it\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.572608947753906, \"y\": 16.362197875976562, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779383, \"response\": \"You're being greedy. If you cared about us, you wouldn't keep hiking up prices that were high to begin with. You'll only understand what this means when enough of us leave. \", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 31.99278450012207, \"y\": 17.65575408935547, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779382, \"response\": \"You're not going to allow family sharing\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.02819061279297, \"y\": 18.3253116607666, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779381, \"response\": \"You\\ufffdre just greedy\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.54021644592285, \"y\": 16.359567642211914, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779380, \"response\": \"Your charging for sharing. \\\"SHARING IS CARING!!\\\"\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.566804885864258, \"y\": 18.87531852722168, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"time, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779379, \"response\": \"Your company has far too many price increases. It seems like year after year or bi-annually you are increasing prices. Too much. I\\ufffdll consider other entertaining options.\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 31.40212059020996, \"y\": 16.780460357666016, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779379, \"response\": \"Your company has far too many price increases. It seems like year after year or bi-annually you are increasing prices. Too much. I\\ufffdll consider other entertaining options.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.531414031982422, \"y\": 16.965845108032227, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779378, \"response\": \"Your constant price creep is why. I keep paying more for less. I'm done.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.6988525390625, \"y\": 17.83050537109375, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779377, \"response\": \"your corporate greed\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.340574264526367, \"y\": 16.314014434814453, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"budget, financial, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779376, \"response\": \"Your new price system and raised rates are not workable for me\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.909366607666016, \"y\": 18.02134132385254, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779375, \"response\": \"Your price change buggin\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.22465705871582, \"y\": 17.671743392944336, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779374, \"response\": \"your price hikes are absurd\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.343608856201172, \"y\": 17.371440887451172, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779373, \"response\": \"Your price is just not worth keeping anymore especially with the pop up currently shoves iny face forcing me to make a choice for the more expensive subscription. So you lost a subscriber have a nice life\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 28.339561462402344, \"y\": 18.80447006225586, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, subscriptions, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779372, \"response\": \"Your pricing is terrible. You keep increasing prices and the addition of sharing charges is greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 29.481948852539062, \"y\": 19.041603088378906, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779372, \"response\": \"Your pricing is terrible. You keep increasing prices and the addition of sharing charges is greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 29.47457504272461, \"y\": 19.090787887573242, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779372, \"response\": \"Your pricing is terrible. You keep increasing prices and the addition of sharing charges is greedy.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 29.458873748779297, \"y\": 19.089725494384766, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779371, \"response\": \"Your profits are up and you're *raising* my price? Are you kidding me?\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.05545425415039, \"y\": 17.98197364807129, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779370, \"response\": \"Your rates are higher than others who do the same thing\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.52712059020996, \"y\": 18.199207305908203, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779370, \"response\": \"Your rates are higher than others who do the same thing\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.52328109741211, \"y\": 18.119211196899414, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779369, \"response\": \"Your stupid price hike again\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.12220573425293, \"y\": 17.49244499206543, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"raising, increases, increase, prices, price\"}]}}, {\"mode\": \"vega-lite\"});\n",
"text/plain": [
"metadata": {},
"execution_count": 19
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": [
"#### Tags without Stopwords\n",
"Here we process each response, removing stopwords and lemmatizing the responses"
"metadata": {
"id": "Q56ovQO9qrqu"
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"response_df['cluster'] = generate_clusters(n_clusters=4)\n",
"response_df = generate_tags(df = response_df, process_data = True)\n",
"generate_cluster_plot(dataframe = response_df,\n",
" legend_fields = ['cluster', 'keywords'],\n",
" tooltip_fields = ['response','keywords', 'cluster'],\n",
" color_field= 'keywords',\n",
" title = 'Clustering Customer Responses for Churn Analysis - Cluster Tags')"
"metadata": {
"id": "Nuc-z8nE96Qs",
"colab": {
"base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
"height": 563
"outputId": "b072cc3c-c9aa-4508-dd89-77e2b37e89b0"
"execution_count": 20,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "execute_result",
"data": {
"text/html": [
"<div id=\"altair-viz-738580b54a85408dbf8d614a550101d3\"></div>\n",
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" function displayChart(vegaEmbed) {\n",
" vegaEmbed(outputDiv, spec, embedOpt)\n",
" .catch(err => showError(`Javascript Error: ${err.message}<br>This usually means there's a typo in your chart specification. See the javascript console for the full traceback.`));\n",
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" if(typeof define === \"function\" && define.amd) {\n",
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" require([\"vega-embed\"], displayChart, err => showError(`Error loading script: ${err.message}`));\n",
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" .catch(showError)\n",
" .then(() => displayChart(vegaEmbed));\n",
" }\n",
" })({\"config\": {\"view\": {\"continuousWidth\": 400, \"continuousHeight\": 300}, \"background\": \"#FDF7F0\"}, \"data\": {\"name\": \"data-0409d2b7b78b3abc34a6c3971b710261\"}, \"mark\": {\"type\": \"circle\", \"opacity\": 0.3, \"size\": 60, \"stroke\": \"#666\", \"strokeWidth\": 1}, \"encoding\": {\"color\": {\"field\": \"keywords\", \"legend\": {\"columns\": 1, \"labelFontSize\": 14, \"symbolLimit\": 0}, \"type\": \"nominal\"}, \"opacity\": {\"condition\": {\"value\": 1, \"selection\": \"selector008\"}, \"value\": 0.2}, \"tooltip\": [{\"field\": \"response\", \"type\": \"nominal\"}, {\"field\": \"keywords\", \"type\": \"nominal\"}, {\"field\": \"cluster\", \"type\": \"quantitative\"}], \"x\": {\"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"labels\": false, \"ticks\": false}, \"field\": \"x\", \"scale\": {\"zero\": false}, \"type\": \"quantitative\"}, \"y\": {\"axis\": {\"domain\": false, \"labels\": false, \"ticks\": false}, \"field\": \"y\", \"scale\": {\"zero\": false}, \"type\": 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cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779811, \"response\": \"Getting through cell provider\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.394304275512695, \"y\": 18.49049186706543, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779968, \"response\": \"Budget cuts\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.403881072998047, \"y\": 15.182365417480469, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779967, \"response\": \"Cannot have multiple users\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.190444946289062, \"y\": 18.296457290649414, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779966, \"response\": \"cost has risen too much too quickly\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.800010681152344, \"y\": 16.7558536529541, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779965, \"response\": \"disappointed with the sub subscription news\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 27.018205642700195, \"y\": 19.558141708374023, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779964, \"response\": \"Don't want it for now anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.507781982421875, \"y\": 16.942096710205078, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779963, \"response\": \"Don\\ufffdt need it\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.212806701660156, \"y\": 17.099021911621094, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779962, \"response\": \"duplicate subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.376066207885742, \"y\": 19.423219680786133, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779961, \"response\": \"Financial Difficulty\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.377357482910156, \"y\": 15.255457878112793, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779960, \"response\": \"Getting old\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 26.435773849487305, \"y\": 15.894251823425293, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779959, \"response\": \"I am connected through my service provider\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.498085021972656, \"y\": 18.560022354125977, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779958, \"response\": \"I just moved use it, as you can see by my time in the last many months\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.1607723236084, \"y\": 16.431442260742188, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779957, \"response\": \"I need to change country of billing\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.43511199951172, \"y\": 17.619462966918945, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779957, \"response\": \"I need to change country of billing\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 27.435821533203125, \"y\": 17.65107536315918, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779956, \"response\": \"I need to cut expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.965469360351562, \"y\": 14.951766014099121, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779955, \"response\": \"I wont support your nonesence.\", \"theme\": \"New policy generally\", \"x\": 29.10320281982422, \"y\": 17.029220581054688, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779954, \"response\": \"I'm moving but will rejoin once I get settled.\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.14884376525879, \"y\": 16.29201889038086, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779953, \"response\": \"Joint subscription with my husband\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.359052658081055, \"y\": 18.4921932220459, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779952, \"response\": \"Just take a break\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.017993927001953, \"y\": 15.464431762695312, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779951, \"response\": \"Keep raising your price\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.01383972167969, \"y\": 18.094675064086914, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779950, \"response\": \"moved to the US - will start again there\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.38747787475586, \"y\": 16.392642974853516, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779949, \"response\": \"Moved to UK\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.32528305053711, \"y\": 16.460710525512695, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779948, \"response\": \"moving in with my bf. He has an subscription already.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.040706634521484, \"y\": 18.614742279052734, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779948, \"response\": \"moving in with my bf. He has an subscription already.\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.11902618408203, \"y\": 18.812273025512695, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779947, \"response\": \"Moving to new location in Ontario\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.151329040527344, \"y\": 16.314428329467773, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779946, \"response\": \"my fiance is moving in and we are consolidating subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.027973175048828, \"y\": 18.71746253967285, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779945, \"response\": \"Not using it anymore\", \"theme\": \"Don't use it enough / anymore\", \"x\": 28.621381759643555, \"y\": 17.523958206176758, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779944, \"response\": \"Personal issues with subscription between users\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 26.459253311157227, \"y\": 19.57782745361328, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779943, \"response\": \"Price gouging\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 31.04475212097168, \"y\": 17.699365615844727, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779942, \"response\": \"Prices keep going upward it is now too much expensive for me unfortunately.\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 31.1226749420166, \"y\": 17.607797622680664, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779942, \"response\": \"Prices keep going upward it is now too much expensive for me unfortunately.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.143648147583008, \"y\": 17.60208511352539, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779941, \"response\": \"sick of being ripped off LOL\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.273393630981445, \"y\": 17.088455200195312, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779940, \"response\": \"Started Charging Taxes\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 28.997726440429688, \"y\": 17.963653564453125, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779939, \"response\": \"Summer activities = better health\", \"theme\": null, \"x\": 27.5435848236084, \"y\": 15.249807357788086, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779938, \"response\": \"taking a break will be back\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.023714065551758, \"y\": 15.720640182495117, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779937, \"response\": \"The price hikes are getting out of hand for the lack of selection\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.236310958862305, \"y\": 17.088977813720703, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779936, \"response\": \"This is temporary\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.41529083251953, \"y\": 16.879087448120117, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779935, \"response\": \"To expensive compared to others so switching\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.0654354095459, \"y\": 16.725629806518555, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779935, \"response\": \"To expensive compared to others so switching\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.032182693481445, \"y\": 16.669326782226562, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779934, \"response\": \"Trying to cut back\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.066024780273438, \"y\": 15.184929847717285, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779933, \"response\": \"user passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.586767196655273, \"y\": 17.418703079223633, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779932, \"response\": \"Will return\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.125431060791016, \"y\": 16.473953247070312, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779931, \"response\": \"With frequent price increases, no longer a good value\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.08525085449219, \"y\": 16.979915618896484, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779930, \"response\": \"You keep upping prices by huge amounts\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.680782318115234, \"y\": 17.656723022460938, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779929, \"response\": \"2 price increases in 4 months has pushed me over the edge\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.922300338745117, \"y\": 17.250890731811523, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779928, \"response\": \"3 months out of town\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 26.901281356811523, \"y\": 16.18910789489746, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779927, \"response\": \"3rd price increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.84917640686035, \"y\": 16.902381896972656, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779926, \"response\": \"A 20% increase is something I'm not willing to support. Options are not great for the price.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.08875274658203, \"y\": 16.851816177368164, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779925, \"response\": \"subscription compromised\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 26.970067977905273, \"y\": 19.902067184448242, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779924, \"response\": \"subscription hacked\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 26.987510681152344, \"y\": 19.88074493408203, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779923, \"response\": \"subscription hacked too hard to fix\", \"theme\": \"Account gets hacked\", \"x\": 27.125755310058594, \"y\": 19.876514434814453, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779922, \"response\": \"subscription owner passed away\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.543577194213867, \"y\": 17.967159271240234, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779921, \"response\": \"subscription sharing crackdown\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.076873779296875, \"y\": 19.443971633911133, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779920, \"response\": \"Added charges and fees\", \"theme\": \"Object to additional charges\", \"x\": 29.130443572998047, \"y\": 18.312992095947266, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779919, \"response\": \"Others offer better services for lesser prices\", \"theme\": \"Prefer competition\", \"x\": 30.245737075805664, \"y\": 18.060808181762695, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779918, \"response\": \"back to piracy with these prices.\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 30.3837833404541, \"y\": 17.53602409362793, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779917, \"response\": \"Bad economy\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.781770706176758, \"y\": 15.606472969055176, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779916, \"response\": \"Be back on payday\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.618013381958008, \"y\": 16.471494674682617, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779915, \"response\": \"Because I can\\ufffdt share with my grandkids out of stay without you charging me extra.\", \"theme\": \"Object to family/household restriction\", \"x\": 27.772947311401367, \"y\": 18.76885986328125, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779915, \"response\": \"Because I can\\ufffdt share with my grandkids out of stay without you charging me extra.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.815690994262695, \"y\": 18.850643157958984, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779914, \"response\": \"Because I was not allowed to pay my bill after my credit card was compromised. I wanted to have my bill charged to my bank subscription automatically but that is not an option I was told. So, I\\ufffdll just do without it.\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.75321388244629, \"y\": 19.217327117919922, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779913, \"response\": \"Because prices are raising without any differences or improvements\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.858476638793945, \"y\": 17.085800170898438, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779912, \"response\": \"Because y\\ufffdall keep stealing money from me and I haven\\ufffdt been on in years\", \"theme\": \"Corporate greed / taking advantage of customers\", \"x\": 28.16065788269043, \"y\": 19.045547485351562, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779911, \"response\": \"Because you guys want to stop people from sharing something that they pay for. Just stop.\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 28.568119049072266, \"y\": 19.314435958862305, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779910, \"response\": \"Behind on finances\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.54949188232422, \"y\": 15.3506498336792, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779909, \"response\": \"Billing\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.598134994506836, \"y\": 17.87234878540039, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779908, \"response\": \"Billing trouble\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.5476016998291, \"y\": 17.98168182373047, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779907, \"response\": \"Bills\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.923547744750977, \"y\": 15.436640739440918, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779906, \"response\": \"Boyfriend has subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.592235565185547, \"y\": 18.64130401611328, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779905, \"response\": \"Boyfriends subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.719911575317383, \"y\": 18.80306625366211, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779904, \"response\": \"Budget\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.57785987854004, \"y\": 15.691018104553223, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779903, \"response\": \"Budget :(\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.51384162902832, \"y\": 15.936114311218262, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779902, \"response\": \"budget cutbacks\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.33251190185547, \"y\": 15.155874252319336, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779901, \"response\": \"budget cuts\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.28165626525879, \"y\": 15.142152786254883, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779900, \"response\": \"Budget issues\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.41358184814453, \"y\": 15.239913940429688, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779899, \"response\": \"Budget Tightening, Will Return AgainLater\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 29.284759521484375, \"y\": 15.410642623901367, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779899, \"response\": \"Budget Tightening, Will Return AgainLater\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.35228729248047, \"y\": 15.356217384338379, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779898, \"response\": \"Budgeting\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.249387741088867, \"y\": 15.385656356811523, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779897, \"response\": \"Budgeting\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.205121994018555, \"y\": 15.41912841796875, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779896, \"response\": \"Business subscription is taking over\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 27.224634170532227, \"y\": 19.33734893798828, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779895, \"response\": \"Can't afford it at this time.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.51661491394043, \"y\": 16.2445068359375, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779894, \"response\": \"Can't afford it right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.56778335571289, \"y\": 16.151935577392578, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779893, \"response\": \"Can't afford right now.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.798503875732422, \"y\": 16.282922744750977, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779892, \"response\": \"can't justify the charge increase\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.83291244506836, \"y\": 17.57135009765625, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779891, \"response\": \"can\\ufffdt afford\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.48984718322754, \"y\": 16.159448623657227, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779890, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt afford it\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.65479278564453, \"y\": 16.381656646728516, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779889, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt afford it anymore thanks to inflation caused by president Biden\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.196279525756836, \"y\": 16.254823684692383, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779888, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt afford right now\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.538917541503906, \"y\": 16.189624786376953, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779887, \"response\": \"Can\\ufffdt pay this month\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.97246742248535, \"y\": 16.674623489379883, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779886, \"response\": \"Cannot afford\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.603445053100586, \"y\": 16.042980194091797, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779885, \"response\": \"Cannot afford it any longer\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.599971771240234, \"y\": 16.409666061401367, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779884, \"response\": \"Cannot get multiple billings stopped\", \"theme\": \"Problems with billing\", \"x\": 27.17207908630371, \"y\": 18.837331771850586, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779883, \"response\": \"cannot pay\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.177885055541992, \"y\": 16.496755599975586, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779882, \"response\": \"Cant charge that for what you got\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.181705474853516, \"y\": 17.789642333984375, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779881, \"response\": \"Change of price\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 31.720958709716797, \"y\": 17.386905670166016, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779880, \"response\": \"Change payment date.\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.68407440185547, \"y\": 17.394906997680664, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779879, \"response\": \"Change to new country\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.36838150024414, \"y\": 16.518545150756836, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779878, \"response\": \"Changing subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.743986129760742, \"y\": 19.314876556396484, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779877, \"response\": \"changing bank will resume when thats done\", \"theme\": \"Temporary break from platform\", \"x\": 27.450668334960938, \"y\": 16.861982345581055, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779876, \"response\": \"changing billing date\", \"theme\": \"Making changes to payment / billing\", \"x\": 27.57544708251953, \"y\": 17.66378402709961, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779875, \"response\": \"charging for sharing subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.605562210083008, \"y\": 19.212678909301758, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779874, \"response\": \"Charging me for sharing subscriptions\", \"theme\": \"Object to sharing restrictions\", \"x\": 27.565757751464844, \"y\": 19.20484733581543, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779873, \"response\": \"combine households. Only need one subscription.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.119779586791992, \"y\": 19.078706741333008, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779872, \"response\": \"combined with fiance\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.065052032470703, \"y\": 17.955366134643555, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779871, \"response\": \"consolidating subscriptions after getting got married\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.10102081298828, \"y\": 18.55422592163086, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779870, \"response\": \"Constant price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.119537353515625, \"y\": 16.771757125854492, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779869, \"response\": \"constant price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.114166259765625, \"y\": 16.731245040893555, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779868, \"response\": \"Constant price increases.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.907928466796875, \"y\": 16.660415649414062, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779867, \"response\": \"constantly raising monthly fees\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 28.94982147216797, \"y\": 18.53478240966797, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779866, \"response\": \"Continously raising of prices and restriction on services\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.91144371032715, \"y\": 18.307937622070312, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779865, \"response\": \"Continual Price Increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.09584045410156, \"y\": 16.89698600769043, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779864, \"response\": \"Continual price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.20009994506836, \"y\": 16.960227966308594, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779863, \"response\": \"Continually increasing Price point while delivering little new value.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.05311584472656, \"y\": 17.12318229675293, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779862, \"response\": \"Continuing price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.00265121459961, \"y\": 16.914291381835938, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779861, \"response\": \"Continuous price increases\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 32.04331588745117, \"y\": 16.789350509643555, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779860, \"response\": \"cost keeps going up\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.427852630615234, \"y\": 17.40135383605957, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779859, \"response\": \"Cost way tooo much\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 30.004863739013672, \"y\": 16.91429901123047, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779858, \"response\": \"Cost went up and quality went down.\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 30.819978713989258, \"y\": 17.46828842163086, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779857, \"response\": \"Costs\", \"theme\": \"Too expensive\", \"x\": 29.86881446838379, \"y\": 16.34946060180664, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779856, \"response\": \"Costs keep rising\", \"theme\": \"Constant price rise / increase\", \"x\": 31.384822845458984, \"y\": 16.939884185791016, \"cluster\": 3, \"keywords\": \"increasing, hike, raising, increase, price\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779855, \"response\": \"Covid has me broke\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 27.86586570739746, \"y\": 15.70332145690918, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779854, \"response\": \"Currently reside with family\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.06410026550293, \"y\": 16.92236328125, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779853, \"response\": \"Cutting costs\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.52854347229004, \"y\": 15.097941398620605, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779852, \"response\": \"Cutting out unnecessary expenses\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.10038948059082, \"y\": 14.852702140808105, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779851, \"response\": \"Cutting spending\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 29.322723388671875, \"y\": 15.248969078063965, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779850, \"response\": \"Death of account holder\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.555456161499023, \"y\": 17.529651641845703, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779849, \"response\": \"Death in Family.\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.56793975830078, \"y\": 17.115795135498047, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779848, \"response\": \"DEATH OF SPOUSE\", \"theme\": \"Account owner passed away\", \"x\": 26.342086791992188, \"y\": 17.409503936767578, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779847, \"response\": \"Divorce\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.238882064819336, \"y\": 17.793930053710938, \"cluster\": 0, \"keywords\": \"month, taking, need, moving, break\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779846, \"response\": \"divorce - I will be back on my own subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.26346778869629, \"y\": 18.342239379882812, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779772, \"response\": \"I got married and my husband and I don't need two memberships\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.702983856201172, \"y\": 18.410564422607422, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779771, \"response\": \"I had 2 subscriptions set up.\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.599529266357422, \"y\": 19.054201126098633, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779770, \"response\": \"I have amercian subscription but live in Poland\", \"theme\": \"Moving / changing locations\", \"x\": 26.67245864868164, \"y\": 19.058584213256836, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779769, \"response\": \"I have another subscription\", \"theme\": \"Consolidating / shifting accounts\", \"x\": 26.72475242614746, \"y\": 18.980270385742188, \"cluster\": 2, \"keywords\": \"extra, family, different, ha, subscription\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779768, \"response\": \"I have high medical bills.\", \"theme\": \"Reducing expenses / financial constraints\", \"x\": 28.712949752807617, \"y\": 15.084542274475098, \"cluster\": 1, \"keywords\": \"financial, cut, afford, expensive, money\"}, {\"question\": \"Why are you cancelling?\", \"respondent_id\": 1779767, \"response\": \"I have to cut back due to high gas prices\", \"theme\": \
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