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TomRoche / accepted.StackScript
Created November 13, 2014 17:47
a linode StackScript which I was able to save to
### A fairly minimal, reasonably secure foundation for whatever you might be doing on a debian-based linode.
### Mostly this just automates
### 1.
### 2.
### This StackScript assumes you have previously (on the linode website) created a working linode with known
### * IP# (needed below)
TomRoche / rejected.StackScript
Created November 13, 2014 17:50
this StackScript cannot be saved via : draws error="Duplicate name found. A UDF's name must be unique"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
### A fairly minimal, reasonably secure foundation for whatever you might be doing on a debian-based linode.
### Mostly this just automates
### 1.
### 2.
### This StackScript assumes you have previously (on the linode website) created a working linode with known
### * IP# (needed below)
TomRoche / gist:3f4dbbe6f376ea36ad10
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
BackStory story pitch rejected by their WordPress spam filter

Secrecy in US history. I realize there is already a BS tag=secrecy, but, as is historically so often the case with classification, the one show with that tag is much more about privacy and surveillance. What I mean by "secrecy in US history" (and which I'm pitching) is more like what Matthew Connelly is discussing in his current series of LSE lectures: how the US government has sought (and not) to keep secrets. Connelly's recent second talk (audio here, [metadata here][6]) is particularly àpropos on this topic, and (IMHO) of interest. E.g., I had no idea [Jefferson was a cryptographer][7]! But I guess being a slavemaster greatly increases one's spare time ...

TomRoche / gist:58b1dd8e877c85f1b4b8
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
yet another spam-filtered BackStory pitch

Great/notable wills in US history? What I mean, why I pitch:

Just got done listening to an [excellent interview][1] (highly recommended to my fellow BS fans!) of your co-Virginian [Melvin Ely][2] about his book [Israel on the Appomattox: A Southern Experiment in Black Freedom from the 1790s Through the Civil War][3]. Its focus is a community founded by blacks not only freed but given land by the will of Richard Randolph (previously discussed in the [BS scandal show][4]) in central VA's Prince Edward County. Among many other things, Ely stresses (IMHO, successfully) that court records are excellent primary sources on ante-bellum race relations; one of several reasons is how white wills (such as Randolph's and George Washington's) dispose of their human property.

So I'm thinking, US history is (to coin a phrase :-) "chock full o' nuts," and they all die, so there have gotta be lotsa interesting/significant "last wills and testaments." Better yet, they're often litigated, which generates yet more documents,

TomRoche / gist:48bfa777448121a44a42
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
one more spam-filtered BackStory pitch

How 'bout red/black relations in US history, aka the history of interactions between African- and Native Americans? Arica Coleman's "That the Blood Stay Pure" (about a state of great interest to the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities :-) is a recent (and listenable) work directly on this topic. Jace Weaver's "The Red Atlantic" is more "red-focused," but introduced me to red/black figures like Paul Cuffee (about whom I had not heard--nor did I know that Crispus Attucks was mixed-race).

TomRoche / gist:b1b0bce26ebeeb03c1e7
Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
Radio 3 "The Essay" errors for recent episodes in podcast page and feed
Radio 3 has a program called "The Essay" with RSS feed (which I mostly use) @
and podcast page @
Currently, for episode title=
TomRoche / 0_reuse_code.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console

[The link in the first paragraph below may not show dlm's comment, to which this is a response, but merely open an On The Media article. If so, click the "show comments" button/link on the OTM page opened by the following link.]

[@dlm from United States][0]: 'While Obama focuses on semantics Islamic terrorists continue to increase the amount of territory they control.'

"dlm" repeats the US corporate-funded media's line: [Da'ish][1](1) "is taking over" eastern Syria and western Iraq. But this is nonsense, and we know it to be nonsense, because we've seen this movie before:

Cast your mind back to the mindless media of 2005: OMG, ["Al Qaeda in Iraq"][2] is taking over [al-Anbar][3]! Yet even then, thoughtful people noted that AQI's membership numbered, at best, a few thousand. How could a group that small "control" tens of thousands of square miles of territory, and keep US troops in their bases? The answer was, they couldn't. The group that had actually risen up against the US, its lackeys, and t