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Antonin Hackenberg TondaHack

View GitHub Profile
"requireCurlyBraces": [
OPTIONS /api/request/18/status 204 - - 0.102 ms
SELECT: SELECT,,u.idorganization,,u.config,u.avatar_url,u.language FROM user u JOIN user_token t ON t.iduser = AND t.deleted_at IS NULL WHERE t.access_token = ? LIMIT 1 | PARAMS: "e7cd4aa5-c70f-49c7-ab78-2784235b1c42"
UPDATE: UPDATE request_status SET closed_at = NOW() WHERE idrequest = ? AND closed_at IS NULL | PARAMS: ["18"]
INSERT: INSERT INTO request_status SET ? | PARAMS: {"idrequest":"18","idstatus":4,"idinvoker":0}
SELECT: SELECT, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM request_comment WHERE deleted_at IS NULL AND idrequest = as comment_count, s.idstatus, as status_name, s.open_note as status_note, s.opened_at as status_opened_at, r.idowner, as owner_name, r.created_at, r.processed_at, r.deleted_at, r.local_code, r.lead_plant, r.material_description, r.receiving_location, r.erp_base_unit_of_measure, r.toll_prod_indicator, r.toll_parent_mat, r.toll_principle_org, r.is_recursive, r.recursive_input_material, r.vip_mumber,
root@tonda-ThinkPad-E450:/home/topmonks/nmr/backend/api# npm run check-coverage
> nmr-api@1.0.0 check-coverage /home/topmonks/nmr/backend/api
> node test/db/init.js && istanbul cover _mocha -- --timeout 50000 -R spec test/files
USING DB CONFIG { user: 'root',
password: '',
database: 'nmr',
host: 'localhost',
connectionLimit: 10,
"id": 137,
"comment_count": 0,
"idstatus": 3,
"status_name": "Unclaimed",
"status_note": null,
"status_opened_at": "2015-08-04T23:01:30.000Z",
"status_invoker": null,
"status_invoker_name": null,
"approved_status_opened_at": null,
[1444859003489] INFO: request at 1444859003489 - GET /application
[1444859003497] DEBUG: no operations allowed for field (resource=application, field=api_key, method=read)
[1444859003497] DEBUG: no operations allowed for field (resource=application, field=api_secret, method=read)
[1444859003497] DEBUG: field not in projection type (resource=application, field=description, method=read)
[1444859003497] DEBUG: field not in projection type (resource=application, field=updated_at, method=read)
[1444859003497] DEBUG: field not in projection type (resource=application, field=created_at, method=read)
[1444859003497] DEBUG: no operations allowed for field (resource=application, field=idapplication_type_fk, method=read)
[1444859003503] DEBUG: no operations allowed for field (resource=application, field=api_key, method=read)
[1444859003504] DEBUG: no operations allowed for field (resource=application, field=api_secret, method=read)
[1444859003504] DEBUG: field not in projection type (resource=application, fie
name: 'Microsoft Internet Explorer',
y: 56.33
}, {
name: 'Chrome',
y: 24.03,
}, {
name: 'Firefox',
y: 10.38
}, {
"Karel", "last_name"
"Ploc", "email"
"", "phone"
null, "use_gravatar"
"manufacturers": [{
"manufacturer_id": 2149,
"enriched_part_count": "0",
"matched_part_count": "0",
"not_found_part_count": "1",
"total_part_count": "1",
"project_count": "8",
"account_count": "1",