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class Oclint < Formula
desc "OCLint static code analysis tool for C, C++, and Objective-C"
homepage ""
version '0.11.1'
sha256 'fd2a0ca67392ca14a57b9f2bebbcaecd7406b3266fe5c95a691d96e77c073054'
url "{version}/oclint-#{version}-x86_64-darwin-16.3.0.tar.gz"
head ""
def install
clang_version = '3.9.1'
class Oclint < Formula
desc "OCLint static code analysis tool for C, C++, and Objective-C"
homepage ""
version '0.11'
sha256 '804d7389d8631835fd4ceee845c5a6cc47062ffb10341ffcb421269c25182c0d'
url "{version}/oclint-#{version}-x86_64-darwin-16.0.0.tar.gz"
head ""
def install
clang_version = '3.9.0'