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//generic util to wrap basic mongo methods in promises
update: function (query, params) {
return Q.nbind(model.update, model)(query, cleanParams(params), {strict: true, multi: true}).get(0);
var update = model.update(query)
//create assignment
return module.exports.insert(clean)
.then(function (assignment) {
clean._id = assignment._id;
Script Tag
Yolla Media will provide a script tag that needs to be placed within the <head> of the page. This should be placed as close to the opening <head> tag as possible.
Your tag:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> [NOTE: This was sent to you previously for each site]
# Moroccan Lentil Stew
#recipe/vegetarian #recipe/vegan #recipe/dinner
Feeds 4
### Ingredients
* 1 C (125g)Yellow Onion medium dice
* 1 3/4 tsp Cinnamon ground
* 1 tsp Cumin ground
renderVideo: function(target, placementId) {
var deferred = $.Deferred();
var vid;
var adTimer; = 'flex';
var resolvePreroll = function(status) { = 'none';
The point of this exercise is to write a bug report for a single bug you've found in one of the games listed below.
Since this role requires experience we won't be providing a bug report template, please provide the information you think is important, or your favourite bug report template.
Upon completion please email your report back in this thread. Can be plaintext in an email, please don't save it in a file.