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Common App & Stanford Essays

The following are my responses to the main Common App essay and the Stanford application questions. You're welcome to read them to try and understand how I got "in" to Stanford, or just for fun. Whatever you choose to try and take away from these essays, I hope you get something out of them. Or nothing at all, that works too. Enjoy.

A Brief Note

There's no secret formula. There are a lot of people more qualified than me that got denied. Even though they may have been more qualified, I beat them when it came to the essays. The most important part of your application is your essays, so I would encourage you to spend a lot of time on them. Spend time reflecting on who you are and how you can use your essays to communicate that. The readers of the over 40,000 Stanford applicants know a fake essay from a mile away. If you want to have a chance at admission, your essays need to be 100% authentic you, not 90% authentic you and 10% your mom/tutor/fake self.

If you plan to apply, I

fodra /
Created December 18, 2017 06:29
Command to add extra resources in your electron app

This is the example usage of electron-packager that I never found online anywhere else.

To add resource.exe and resource2.dll in the resource folder when you create an installer, this is how you do it with the --extra-resource commandline switch.


electron-packager . --overwrite --asar --extra-resource="resource1.exe" --extra-resource="resource2.dll" --platform=win32 --arch=ia32 --icon=./frontend/dist/assets/icon.ico --prune=true --out=./build --version-string.ProductName='Hot Pan de sal'

within the backend code you can refer to the files as: