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mkdir GeneralAssembly
cd GeneralAssembly
mkdir Homework Notes Projects Outcomes
cd Homework
mkdir week01
cd week01
mkdir day01
cd ../../
cd Notes
echo "8675309" > totallyNotNuclearCodes.txt
cp CAT_PHOTOS/nefariousMisterMittens.jpg FLASH_DRIVE
puts("Hello, I am C-3P0, human-cyborg relations.")
puts("What is your name?")
name = gets().chomp()
puts("Its is a pleasure to meet you #{name}. Have you ever met a droid protocol before?")
user_answer = gets().chomp()
puts(user_answer + "How interesting, for someone from around these parts.")
puts("I'm terribly sorry for prying, but you don't by any chance go by the alias of Obi-Wan Kenobi, do you? (Answer I do or I don't)")
Tuzibun / Javascript
Created May 5, 2015 02:56
Javascript ...;
Learning javascript has followed the learning diagram pretty perfectly for me. It started out ok, but then started going downhill and around Thursday, I felt like I had no idea what was going on. Friday, with the project, I gained a little bit of a better understanding, but still felt like I was playing catch up so I'm still working on trying to figure out what piece I'm not getting. I like how the homeworks stepped us through with little baby steps. I'm having trouble figuring out the logic and then deciding what the best way to go about accomplishing the logic might be. Working with a group on Friday helped because we could bounce ideas off of each other and talk it through before and as we started to investigate writing code. I think that I need more practice in getting started and troubleshooting. Troubleshooting is especially hard because the error messages aren't as nice as in Ruby and I don't understand the syntax quite well enough to know where or what I should be looking for.