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Elixir dev

Abhishek Tripathi TwistingTwists

Elixir dev
View GitHub Profile
"map": {
"@version": "freeplane 1.7.0",
"node": {
"@TEXT": "Central\nIdea",
"node": [
"@TEXT": "IDEA 1",
"@POSITION": "right",
"@ID": "ID_273436263",
<map version="freeplane 1.7.0">
<!--To view this file, download free mind mapping software Freeplane from -->
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{"map": {"@version": "freeplane 1.7.0", "node": {"@TEXT": "Central\nIdea", "@FOLDED": "false", "@ID": "ID_191153586", "@CREATED": "1554050528395", "@MODIFIED": "1554050528395", "@ICON_SIZE": "36.0 pt", "@LINK": "menuitem:_ExternalImageAddAction", "@STYLE": "oval", "font": {"@SIZE": "22"}, "hook": [{"@NAME": "MapStyle", "properties": {"@fit_to_viewport": "false", "@edgeColorConfiguration": "#808080ff,#ff0000ff,#0000ffff,#00ff00ff,#ff00ffff,#00ffffff,#7c0000ff,#00007cff,#007c00ff,#7c007cff,#007c7cff,#7c7c00ff"}, "map_styles": {"stylenode": {"@LOCALIZED_TEXT": "styles.root_node", "@STYLE": "oval", "@UNIFORM_SHAPE": "true", "@VGAP_QUANTITY": "24.0 pt", "font": {"@SIZE": "24"}, "stylenode": [{"@LOCALIZED_TEXT": "styles.predefined", "@POSITION": "right", "@STYLE": "bubble", "stylenode": [{"@LOCALIZED_TEXT": "default", "@ICON_SIZE": "12.0 pt", "@COLOR": "#000000", "@STYLE": "fork", "font": {"@NAME": "SansSerif", "@SIZE": "10", "@BOLD": "false", "@ITALIC": "false"}}, {"@LOCALIZED_TEXT": "defaultstyle.details"}, {"@LO
TwistingTwists / date_time.applescript
Created April 12, 2019 14:23
Date Time AppleScript
-- use it as service of automator
on run {input, parameters}
do shell script "date +%Y-%m-%d\\ %H.%M.%S"
set the clipboard to input & " - " & result as text
tell application "System Events"
the path to the frontmost application
the name of the result
TwistingTwists / .gitignore
Created April 13, 2019 11:59 — forked from olooney/.gitignore
worked examples of argparse and python logging
module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (..)
view : Flags -> Html msg
view { title, content } =
div []
[ h1 [] [ text title ]
import functools
# from termcolor import colored
def debug(func):
"""Print the function signature and return value"""
def wrapper_debug(*args, **kwargs):
args_repr = [repr(a) for a in args] # 1
kwargs_repr = [f"{k}={v!r}" for k, v in kwargs.items()] # 2
TwistingTwists / .gitignore
Last active March 14, 2020 08:22
Extract text from pdf
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
# C extensions
TwistingTwists / svginElm.elm
Created April 27, 2019 06:09
elm reactor does not respond
module Svgg exposing (..)
import Svg exposing (..)
import Svg.Attributes exposing (..)
main =
svg [ fillOpacity "1", colorRendering "auto", colorInterpolation "auto", textRendering "auto", stroke "black", strokeLinecap "square", width "1206", strokeMiterlimit "10", shapeRendering "auto", strokeOpacity "1", fill "black", strokeDasharray "none", fontWeight "normal", strokeWidth "1", height "5482", fontFamily "'Arial'", fontStyle "normal", strokeLinejoin "miter", fontSize "12px", strokeDashoffset "0", imageRendering "auto" ] [ defs [ id "genericDefs" ] [], g [] [ defs [ id "defs1" ] [ linearGradient [ gradientTransform "matrix(1.0082046 0.0 0.0 1.0572894 -104.94637 -312.96782)", x1 "111.93000030517578", x2 "112.7300033569336", gradientUnits "userSpaceOnUse", y1 "310.6199951171875", y2 "298.9200134277344", id "gradient1", colorInterpolation "sRGB", spreadMethod "pad" ] [ stop [ stopColor "rgb(13,46,46)", offset "0%" ] [], stop [ stopOpacity "0", stopColor "rgb(13,46,46)", offset "100%" ] [] ], linearGradi