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doing stupid stuff in the most complicated way possible

Ulisse Mini UlisseMini

doing stupid stuff in the most complicated way possible
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UlisseMini / drillmine.lua
Last active September 11, 2018 01:42
Computercraft mining program that detects and refuels using lava
-- drillmine.lua by valvate --
-- But why? you ask there are
-- other drill mining progarms
-- well this one detects lava
-- and uses it to refuel
-- don't worry about running out of fuel
-- he automaticaly checks his fuel level
-- and tells you if he has enough fuel
-- for another trip!
import os
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
from webbrowser import open_new
from requests import get
# Create a socket
def socket_create():
import os
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
from webbrowser import open_new
# Create a socket
def socket_create():
UlisseMini / dl.go
Created November 4, 2018 03:08
downloads youtube links in new goroutines, has a strange bug where it tries to add a "" url
package main
import (
local a=[[
Usage: ncat <option>
options are:
replay - prompt repeating coms with custom message & sender ids
fuzz - make everyone have a bad time (WIP NOT DONE YET)
listen - just listen and display comunications
]]local b={...}if#b~=1 then print("Usage: ncat <option>")return end;local c=require("math")local d={}local e=65535;local f;local g;local h;local i;local j={}for k,l in ipairs(peripheral.getNames())do if peripheral.getType(l)=="modem"then i=peripheral.wrap(l)end end;if not i then error("Failed to find modem.")end;local function m(n)if type(n)~="table"then return false end;if n.message and type(n.nMessageID)=="number"and not j[n.nMessageID]then return true end;if n.nMessageID==nil then return false end;if type(n.nMessageID)=="number"and not j[n.nMessageID]then return true end;return false end;local function o()while true do local p,p,p,q,n=os.pullEvent("modem_message")if m(n)then return q,n end end end;local function r(s)io.write(s)return;function d.fuzz()local t,n=o()end;function d
UlisseMini / wiredolphin.lua
Last active November 10, 2018 01:49
Program to pwn rednet comunications
-- Program to pwn rednet comunications
-- Options
-- WireDoplphin replay - prompt repeating coms with custom message & sender ids
-- WireDoplphin listen - just listen and display comunications
-- add listening at the same time as repeating
-- more commandline options (gnu standered parsing?)
-- log how meny messages from every computer id sent and what spam was filtered
local helptext = "Usage: WireDoplphin <option>\noptions are:\nreplay - prompt repeating coms with custom message & sender ids\nlisten - just listen and display comunications"
package main
import (
func main() {
package main
import (
package main
import (
func main() {
cmd := exec.Command("npm", "start")
-- Sulution for
toDigits :: Integer -> [Integer]
toDigits n
| n < 1 = []
| otherwise = map (\x -> read [x] :: Integer) $ show n
toDigitsRev :: Integer -> [Integer]
toDigitsRev n = reverse (toDigits n)
-- taken and modified from stackoverflow to be more readable,