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UmGeek / load modloader lua's.lua
Last active April 22, 2018 22:35
Carregar lua scripts da pasta do modloader
function main()
local path = getGameDirectory()
local modloader_path = path.."\\modloader"
local luas = {}
if doesDirectoryExist(modloader_path) then
local handle = io.popen('dir "'..modloader_path..'\\*.lua" /b /s /A-D',"r")
while true do
UmGeek / NewOpcodes.xml
Last active September 27, 2018 21:46
NewOpcodes GTA3SCRIPT Part
<!-- Junior_Djjr -->
<Command ID="0xD00" Name="MULTIPLY_MATRIX">
<Arg Type="INT" Desc="Matrix"/>
<Arg Type="INT" Desc="Matrix"/>
<Arg Type="INT" Out="true" Desc="Matrix"/>
<Command ID="0xD01" Name="ROTATE_MATRIX">
UmGeek / Moon Vehicle Parking.lua
Last active March 1, 2018 12:58
Lua script para GTA San Andreas - Moonloader, Crie veiculos estacionados facilmente usando o cheat MPKM.
script_name('Estacionador de veiculos')
script_description('Cria veiculos estacionados com base em um arquivo dat')
local VEHICLE_TABLE = {}
local DATA_FILE = 'Vehicle Parking.dat'
local scriptReloaded = false
function onLoadGame(saveData) scriptReloaded = true end