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Bill Tozier Vaguery

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class RandomGuess < SearchOperator
attr_accessor :params
def initialize(params={})
@params = params
def generate(howMany = 1, tempParams ={})
result = []
howMany.times do
def domination_classes(crowd, template = all_shared_scores(crowd))
result =
crowd.each_index do |i|
dominatedBy = 0
crowd.each_index do |j|
dominatedBy += 1 if crowd[i].dominated_by?(crowd[j], template)
result[dominatedBy] ||= []
result[dominatedBy].push crowd[i]
block {
literal «1»
literal «2»
block {
sample «3»
sample «4»
# local values:
program = <<-ENDME
block {
value «1»
value «2»
value «3»
«1,string» hi there \n we have some lines
with extra space
def replace_point(which,new_junk)
raise ArgumentError,"Cannot replace #{which}th program point" if which < 1
raise ArgumentError,"Cannot replace #{which}th program point" if which > self.points
raise ArgumentError,"Cannot insert #{new_junk.class}" unless new_junk.kind_of?(ProgramPoint)
result = self.deep_copy
if which == 1
result.linked_code = new_junk
block {
value «int»
do int_max
block {}
block {
value «int»
value «int»
ref planck_constant
block {
block {
# Convert the provided const desc to a qualified constant name (as a string).
# A module, class, symbol, or string may be provided.
def to_constant_name(desc) #:nodoc:
name = case desc
when String then desc.starts_with?('::') ? desc[2..-1] : desc
when Symbol then desc.to_s
when Module
raise ArgumentError, "Anonymous modules have no name to be referenced by" if
else raise TypeError, "Not a valid constant descriptor: #{desc.inspect}"
# Ruby 1.9+
j = /(?<!\-)\-{3}(?![\-])/
positives = ["---", "x--- ", " ---x", "x --- x", "---!"]
negatives = ["--", "----", "x----", "----x", "---- x", "--!", "x--", "--x"]
positives.each {|t| puts "in #{t} I find a match a position #{t.match(j) ? t.match(j).offset(0) : 'NOWHERE!!1!'}, and I want to"}
negatives.each {|t| puts "in #{t} I find a match a position #{t.match(j) ? t.match(j).offset(0) : 'NOWHERE!!1!'}, and I don't want to"}
#encoding: utf-8
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "./../spec_helper")
include Nudge
describe "Nudge Program parser" do
it "should parse all these simple examples" do
["value «int»" ,
"do int_add" ,
"ref x88" ,
# Two columns:
# mutated program listing, does it parse?
"Xlock {\n  ref aaa001\n  block {\n    block {\n      do bool_yank\n      block {\n        block {\n          value «bool»}\n        block {\n          value «float»}}}}\n  value «int»\n  do bool_from_float\n  value «float»\n  do code_rotate\n  value «int»\n  do float_yank\n  block {\n    do float_modulo\n    block {\n      ref aaa002}}} \n«bool» false\n«float» 75.0511936065204\n«int» -52\n«float» -523.763921107204\n«int» -34",false
"bXock {\n  ref aaa001\n  block {\n    block {\n      do bool_yank\n      block {\n        block {\n          value «bool»}\n        block {\n          value «float»}}}}\n  value «int»\n  do bool_from_float\n  value «float»\n  do code_rotate\n  value «int»\n  do float_yank\n  block {\n    do float_modulo\n    block {\n      ref aaa002}}} \n«bool» false\n«float» 75.0511936065204\n«int» -52\n«float» -523.763921107204\n«int» -34",false
"blXck {\n  ref aaa001\n  block {\n    block {\n      do bool_yank\n      block {\n        b