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V字龍(Vdragon) Vdragon

  • V字龍軟體開發組(Vdragon Software Development Group)
  • 台灣(Taiwan)
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Vdragon / VS 2010 build log
Created February 25, 2012 09:05
VS 2010 build log
1>------ 已開始建置: 專案: 1_1, 組態: Debug Win32 ------
1> Swap_algorithm.c
1>i:\test_git\lab_1_1\visual_studio_2010_environment\1_1\source_code\swap_algorithm.c : warning C4819: 檔案含有無法在目前字碼頁 (950) 中表示的字元。請以 Unicode 格式儲存檔案以防止資料遺失
1>i:\test_git\lab_1_1\visual_studio_2010_environment\1_1\source_code\swap_algorithm.c(40): error C2065: 'swap_a' : 未宣告的識別項
1>i:\test_git\lab_1_1\visual_studio_2010_environment\1_1\source_code\swap_algorithm.c(40): error C2100: 不合法的間接取值
1>i:\test_git\lab_1_1\visual_studio_2010_environment\1_1\source_code\swap_algorithm.c(40): error C2099: 初始設定式不是常數
1>i:\test_git\lab_1_1\visual_studio_2010_environment\1_1\source_code\swap_algorithm.c(41): error C2065: 'swap_b' : 未宣告的識別項
1>i:\test_git\lab_1_1\visual_studio_2010_environment\1_1\source_code\swap_algorithm.c(41): error C2100: 不合法的間接取值
1>i:\test_git\lab_1_1\visual_studio_2010_environment\1_1\source_code\swap_algorithm.c(41): error C2099: 初始設定式不是常數
1>i:\test_git\lab_1_1\visual_studio_2010_environment\1_1\source_code\swap_algorithm.c(42): error C209
Vdragon / 某個地方的文章
Created February 27, 2012 10:06
由於之前一直拿Linux(GNU GCC)當作我的開發環境,所以這一次實習我也硬是先拿GNU編譯器當作開發環境了
不過在完成所有的要求,要移植到Visual Studio時遇到了一些問題:
1.在C++程式中include C library會出現關於不相容Common Language Runtime的錯誤
解法:在專案選項中關閉Common Language Runtime(/clr)(似乎是.NET程式才會用到的功能)。
2.UTF-8文字編碼(encoding)的原始程式碼檔案用Visual C++ compiler 編譯會出現很多無法從code中找到的error(似乎是編譯器的parsing出問題)
Build log如下:
目前的(暫時)解決方法是全部轉成BIG5(Codepage 950)才能順利編譯
不過網路上有人提到UTF-8程式原始碼要加上BOM(Byte Order Mark),我還沒試
Vdragon / sources.list
Created March 21, 2012 12:24
sources.list of Linux Mint 12 Lisa
deb lisa main upstream import
deb oneiric main restricted universe multiverse
deb oneiric-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb oneiric-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb oneiric partner
deb oneiric free non-free
deb oneiric-getdeb apps
deb oneiric-getdeb games
deb ./
Vdragon / GPL3+.zh_TW.unofficial.license
Created March 25, 2012 03:32
這個程式是一個自由軟體:您可以在遵守自由軟體基金會(Free Software Foundation)所發佈的GNU General Public License授權條款第3版或是(於您的選擇下的)任一更新版本的前提下將它重新分發及/或修改。
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
這個程式以開發者認為它可能有用的情況下被分發,但是*不包含任何擔保*;甚至不包含暗示其對於*商業價值*或是*特定需求的適用性*的保證。更多相關細節請參考GNU General Public License授權條款
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
您應該已經得到一份GNU General Public License授權條款的副本。如果沒有請上<>瀏覽。
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
rm -r ~/.feed
mkdir ~/.feed
cp ~/.feed
# cd to the Data directory
cd ~/.feed
# default subscriptionss
import java.util.Scanner;
public class DetectEmptyLine_Problematic_Demonstration{
public static void main(String args[]){
Scanner standard_input_reader = new Scanner (;
StringBuffer input_line = new StringBuffer();
while(!(input_line.insert(0, standard_input_reader.nextLine()).toString().isEmpty())){
Vdragon / stdout.log
Created April 24, 2015 15:01
Scene rendered pale white when turn the graphics level to max. · Issue #2111 · supertuxkart/stk-code
[info ] [FileManager]: Data files will be fetched from: 'data/'
[info ] [FileManager]: User directory is '/home/Vdragon/.config/supertuxkart/0.8.2/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Addons files will be stored in '/home/Vdragon/.local/share/supertuxkart/addons/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Screenshots will be stored in '/home/Vdragon/.cache/supertuxkart/screenshots/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: User-defined grand prix will be stored in '/home/Vdragon/.local/share/supertuxkart/grandprix/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 0 will be loaded from 'data/challenges/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 1 will be loaded from 'data/fonts/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 2 will be loaded from 'data/gfx/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 3 will be loaded from 'data/grandprix/'.
[info ] [FileManager]: Asset 4 will be loaded from 'data/gui/'.
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UNDERTALE Unofficial Novel

Spoiler Warning

WARNING: This novel contains spoilers of the UNDERTALE game, it is advised to play this game before continuing reading the novel!

Game Author

2015 © Toby Fox

Unofficial Novel Original Author

Vdragon / clone-host-rom-information.bash
Created October 10, 2016 18:52
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Refer Oracle VM VirtualBox Manual "Configuring the BIOS DMI information" section
# This script is proudly improved from the "Dualboot-Windows virtualisieren › Wiki ›" article:
set -o errexit
VM_NAME="直接啟動主端安裝的 Microsoft Windows" # Name der Virtuellen Maschine
MOTHERBOARD_FIRMWARE_TYPE="efi" #pcbios for pc, efi for efi