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Python-igraph Example
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"# Python-igraph Example\n", | |
"## 1. Creating a graph" | |
] | |
}, | |
{ | |
"cell_type": "code", | |
"execution_count": 1, | |
"metadata": {}, | |
"outputs": [], | |
"source": [ | |
"from igraph import *\n", | |
"\n", | |
"# Create graph\n", | |
"g = Graph(directed=True)\n", | |
"\n", | |
"# Add 5 vertices\n", | |
"g.add_vertices(5)\n", | |
"\n", | |
"# Add ids and labels to vertices\n", | |
"for i in range(len(g.vs)):\n", | |
" g.vs[i][\"id\"]= i\n", | |
" g.vs[i][\"label\"]= str(i)\n", | |
"\n", | |
"# Add edges\n", | |
"g.add_edges([(0,2),(0,1),(0,3),(1,2),(1,3),(2,4),(3,4)])\n", | |
"\n", | |
"# Add weights and edge labels\n", | |
"weights = [8,6,3,5,6,4,9]\n", | |
"['weight'] = weights\n", | |
"['label'] = weights" | |
] | |
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"source": [ | |
"## 2. Visualising the graph" | |
] | |
}, | |
{ | |
"cell_type": "code", | |
"execution_count": 3, | |
"metadata": {}, | |
"outputs": [ | |
{ | |
"data": { | |
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], | |
"text/plain": [ | |
"<igraph.drawing.Plot at 0x10a79b9e8>" | |
] | |
}, | |
"execution_count": 3, | |
"metadata": {}, | |
"output_type": "execute_result" | |
} | |
], | |
"source": [ | |
"visual_style = {}\n", | |
"\n", | |
"out_name = \"graph.png\"\n", | |
"\n", | |
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"visual_style[\"bbox\"] = (400,400)\n", | |
"visual_style[\"margin\"] = 27\n", | |
"\n", | |
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"visual_style[\"vertex_color\"] = 'white'\n", | |
"\n", | |
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"visual_style[\"vertex_size\"] = 45\n", | |
"\n", | |
"# Set vertex lable size\n", | |
"visual_style[\"vertex_label_size\"] = 22\n", | |
"\n", | |
"# Don't curve the edges\n", | |
"visual_style[\"edge_curved\"] = False\n", | |
"\n", | |
"# Set the layout\n", | |
"my_layout = g.layout_lgl()\n", | |
"visual_style[\"layout\"] = my_layout\n", | |
"\n", | |
"# Plot the graph\n", | |
"plot(g, out_name, **visual_style)" | |
] | |
}, | |
{ | |
"cell_type": "code", | |
"execution_count": 4, | |
"metadata": {}, | |
"outputs": [ | |
{ | |
"data": { | |
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], | |
"text/plain": [ | |
"<igraph.drawing.Plot at 0x108103cf8>" | |
] | |
}, | |
"execution_count": 4, | |
"metadata": {}, | |
"output_type": "execute_result" | |
} | |
], | |
"source": [ | |
"visual_style = {}\n", | |
"\n", | |
"out_name = \"graph_coloured.png\"\n", | |
"\n", | |
"# Set bbox and margin\n", | |
"visual_style[\"bbox\"] = (400,400)\n", | |
"visual_style[\"margin\"] = 27\n", | |
"\n", | |
"# Set vertex colours\n", | |
"g.vs[\"color\"] = [\"red\", \"green\", \"blue\", \"yellow\", \"orange\"]\n", | |
"\n", | |
"# Set vertex size\n", | |
"visual_style[\"vertex_size\"] = 45\n", | |
"\n", | |
"# Set vertex lable size\n", | |
"visual_style[\"vertex_label_size\"] = 22\n", | |
"\n", | |
"# Don't curve the edges\n", | |
"visual_style[\"edge_curved\"] = False\n", | |
"\n", | |
"# Set the layout\n", | |
"visual_style[\"layout\"] = my_layout\n", | |
"\n", | |
"# Plot the graph\n", | |
"plot(g, out_name, **visual_style)" | |
] | |
}, | |
{ | |
"cell_type": "markdown", | |
"metadata": {}, | |
"source": [ | |
"## 3. Obtaining information on vertices and edges of the graph" | |
] | |
}, | |
{ | |
"cell_type": "code", | |
"execution_count": 5, | |
"metadata": {}, | |
"outputs": [ | |
{ | |
"name": "stdout", | |
"output_type": "stream", | |
"text": [ | |
"Number of vertices in the graph: 5\n", | |
"Number of edges in the graph 7\n", | |
"Is the graph directed: True\n", | |
"Maximum degree in the graph: 3\n", | |
"Adjacency matrix:\n", | |
" [[0, 1, 1, 1, 0]\n", | |
" [0, 0, 1, 1, 0]\n", | |
" [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]\n", | |
" [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]\n", | |
" [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]\n" | |
] | |
} | |
], | |
"source": [ | |
"print(\"Number of vertices in the graph:\", g.vcount())\n", | |
"print(\"Number of edges in the graph\", g.ecount())\n", | |
"print(\"Is the graph directed:\", g.is_directed())\n", | |
"print(\"Maximum degree in the graph:\", g.maxdegree())\n", | |
"print(\"Adjacency matrix:\\n\", g.get_adjacency())" | |
] | |
}, | |
{ | |
"cell_type": "markdown", | |
"metadata": {}, | |
"source": [ | |
"## 4. Obtaining adjacent vertices to a vertex" | |
] | |
}, | |
{ | |
"cell_type": "code", | |
"execution_count": 6, | |
"metadata": {}, | |
"outputs": [ | |
{ | |
"name": "stdout", | |
"output_type": "stream", | |
"text": [ | |
"neighbors(vertex, mode=ALL)\n", | |
"\n", | |
"Returns adjacent vertices to a given vertex.\n", | |
"\n", | |
"@param vertex: a vertex ID\n", | |
"@param mode: whether to return only successors (L{OUT}),\n", | |
" predecessors (L{IN}) or both (L{ALL}). Ignored for undirected\n", | |
" graphs.\n", | |
"[1, 2, 3]\n" | |
] | |
} | |
], | |
"source": [ | |
"print(g.neighbors.__doc__)\n", | |
"\n", | |
"print(g.neighbors(0, mode=ALL))" | |
] | |
}, | |
{ | |
"cell_type": "markdown", | |
"metadata": {}, | |
"source": [ | |
"## 5. Breadth-first search (BFS) from a vertex" | |
] | |
}, | |
{ | |
"cell_type": "code", | |
"execution_count": 7, | |
"metadata": {}, | |
"outputs": [ | |
{ | |
"name": "stdout", | |
"output_type": "stream", | |
"text": [ | |
"bfs(vid, mode=OUT)\n", | |
"\n", | |
"Conducts a breadth first search (BFS) on the graph.\n", | |
"\n", | |
"@param vid: the root vertex ID\n", | |
"@param mode: either L{IN} or L{OUT} or L{ALL}, ignored\n", | |
" for undirected graphs.\n", | |
"@return: a tuple with the following items:\n", | |
" - The vertex IDs visited (in order)\n", | |
" - The start indices of the layers in the vertex list\n", | |
" - The parent of every vertex in the BFS\n", | |
"\n", | |
"([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 4, 5], [0, 0, 0, 0, 2])\n" | |
] | |
} | |
], | |
"source": [ | |
"print(g.bfs.__doc__)\n", | |
"print(g.bfs(0))" | |
] | |
}, | |
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"cell_type": "markdown", | |
"metadata": {}, | |
"source": [ | |
"## 6. Determining shortest paths from a vertex" | |
] | |
}, | |
{ | |
"cell_type": "code", | |
"execution_count": 8, | |
"metadata": {}, | |
"outputs": [ | |
{ | |
"name": "stdout", | |
"output_type": "stream", | |
"text": [ | |
"get_shortest_paths(v, to=None, weights=None, mode=OUT, output=\"vpath\")\n", | |
"\n", | |
"Calculates the shortest paths from/to a given node in a graph.\n", | |
"\n", | |
"@param v: the source/destination for the calculated paths\n", | |
"@param to: a vertex selector describing the destination/source for\n", | |
" the calculated paths. This can be a single vertex ID, a list of\n", | |
" vertex IDs, a single vertex name, a list of vertex names or a\n", | |
" L{VertexSeq} object. C{None} means all the vertices.\n", | |
"@param weights: edge weights in a list or the name of an edge attribute\n", | |
" holding edge weights. If C{None}, all edges are assumed to have\n", | |
" equal weight.\n", | |
"@param mode: the directionality of the paths. L{IN} means to\n", | |
" calculate incoming paths, L{OUT} means to calculate outgoing\n", | |
" paths, L{ALL} means to calculate both ones.\n", | |
"@param output: determines what should be returned. If this is\n", | |
" C{\"vpath\"}, a list of vertex IDs will be returned, one path\n", | |
" for each target vertex. For unconnected graphs, some of the list\n", | |
" elements may be empty. Note that in case of mode=L{IN}, the vertices\n", | |
" in a path are returned in reversed order. If C{output=\"epath\"},\n", | |
" edge IDs are returned instead of vertex IDs.\n", | |
"@return: see the documentation of the C{output} parameter.\n", | |
"\n", | |
"The shortest paths from vertex 0: [[0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [0, 2, 4]]\n", | |
"The shortest paths from vertex 0 to vertex 4: [[0, 2, 4]]\n" | |
] | |
} | |
], | |
"source": [ | |
"print(g.get_shortest_paths.__doc__)\n", | |
"\n", | |
"print(\"The shortest paths from vertex 0:\", g.get_shortest_paths(0))\n", | |
"print(\"The shortest paths from vertex 0 to vertex 4:\", g.get_shortest_paths(0, to=4))" | |
] | |
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"cell_type": "markdown", | |
"metadata": {}, | |
"source": [ | |
"## 7. Obtain the Laplacian matrix of a graph" | |
] | |
}, | |
{ | |
"cell_type": "code", | |
"execution_count": 9, | |
"metadata": {}, | |
"outputs": [ | |
{ | |
"name": "stdout", | |
"output_type": "stream", | |
"text": [ | |
"laplacian(weights=None, normalized=False)\n", | |
"\n", | |
"Returns the Laplacian matrix of a graph.\n", | |
"\n", | |
"The Laplacian matrix is similar to the adjacency matrix, but the edges\n", | |
"are denoted with -1 and the diagonal contains the node degrees.\n", | |
"\n", | |
"Normalized Laplacian matrices have 1 or 0 in their diagonals (0 for vertices\n", | |
"with no edges), edges are denoted by 1 / sqrt(d_i * d_j) where d_i is the\n", | |
"degree of node i.\n", | |
"\n", | |
"Multiple edges and self-loops are silently ignored. Although it is\n", | |
"possible to calculate the Laplacian matrix of a directed graph, it does\n", | |
"not make much sense.\n", | |
"\n", | |
"@param weights: edge weights to be used. Can be a sequence or iterable or\n", | |
" even an edge attribute name. When edge weights are used, the degree\n", | |
" of a node is considered to be the weight of its incident edges.\n", | |
"@param normalized: whether to return the normalized Laplacian matrix.\n", | |
"@return: the Laplacian matrix.\n", | |
"\n", | |
"Laplacian matrix of a graph:\n", | |
" [[3, -1, -1, -1, 0], [0, 2, -1, -1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, -1], [0, 0, 0, 1, -1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]\n" | |
] | |
} | |
], | |
"source": [ | |
"print(g.laplacian.__doc__)\n", | |
"print(\"Laplacian matrix of a graph:\\n\",g.laplacian())" | |
] | |
}, | |
{ | |
"cell_type": "markdown", | |
"metadata": {}, | |
"source": [ | |
"## 8. Determine the maximum flow between the source and target vertices" | |
] | |
}, | |
{ | |
"cell_type": "code", | |
"execution_count": 10, | |
"metadata": {}, | |
"outputs": [ | |
{ | |
"name": "stdout", | |
"output_type": "stream", | |
"text": [ | |
"maxflow(source, target, capacity=None)\n", | |
"\n", | |
" Returns a maximum flow between the given source and target vertices\n", | |
" in a graph.\n", | |
"\n", | |
" A maximum flow from I{source} to I{target} is an assignment of\n", | |
" non-negative real numbers to the edges of the graph, satisfying\n", | |
" two properties:\n", | |
"\n", | |
" 1. For each edge, the flow (i.e. the assigned number) is not\n", | |
" more than the capacity of the edge (see the I{capacity}\n", | |
" argument)\n", | |
"\n", | |
" 2. For every vertex except the source and the target, the\n", | |
" incoming flow is the same as the outgoing flow.\n", | |
"\n", | |
" The value of the flow is the incoming flow of the target or the\n", | |
" outgoing flow of the source (which are equal). The maximum flow\n", | |
" is the maximum possible such value.\n", | |
"\n", | |
" @param capacity: the edge capacities (weights). If C{None}, all\n", | |
" edges have equal weight. May also be an attribute name.\n", | |
" @return: a L{Flow} object describing the maximum flow\n", | |
" \n", | |
"A flow of a given graph.\n", | |
"\n", | |
" This is a simple class used to represent flows returned by\n", | |
" L{Graph.maxflow}. It has the following attributes:\n", | |
"\n", | |
" - C{graph} - the graph on which this flow is defined\n", | |
"\n", | |
" - C{value} - the value (capacity) of the flow \n", | |
"\n", | |
" - C{flow} - the flow values on each edge. For directed graphs,\n", | |
" this is simply a list where element M{i} corresponds to the\n", | |
" flow on edge M{i}. For undirected graphs, the direction of\n", | |
" the flow is not constrained (since the edges are undirected),\n", | |
" hence positive flow always means a flow from the smaller vertex\n", | |
" ID to the larger, while negative flow means a flow from the\n", | |
" larger vertex ID to the smaller.\n", | |
"\n", | |
" - C{cut} - edge IDs in the minimal cut corresponding to\n", | |
" the flow.\n", | |
"\n", | |
" - C{partition} - vertex IDs in the parts created\n", | |
" after removing edges in the cut\n", | |
"\n", | |
" - C{es} - an edge selector restricted to the edges\n", | |
" in the cut.\n", | |
"\n", | |
" This class is usually not instantiated directly, everything\n", | |
" is taken care of by L{Graph.maxflow}.\n", | |
"\n", | |
" Examples:\n", | |
"\n", | |
" >>> from igraph import Graph\n", | |
" >>> g = Graph.Ring(20)\n", | |
" >>> mf = g.maxflow(0, 10)\n", | |
" >>> print(mf.value)\n", | |
" 2.0\n", | |
" >>>[\"color\"] = \"red\"\n", | |
" \n", | |
"The maximum flow value: 13.0\n", | |
"The flow values on each edge: [4.0, 6.0, 3.0, 0.0, 6.0, 4.0, 9.0]\n", | |
"Tedge IDs in the minimal cut of the flow: [5, 6]\n", | |
"The vertex IDs in the parts created created by the cut: [[0, 1, 2, 3], [4]]\n" | |
] | |
} | |
], | |
"source": [ | |
"print(g.maxflow.__doc__)\n", | |
"print(g.maxflow(0,4,weights).__doc__)\n", | |
"\n", | |
"maxflow = g.maxflow(0,4,weights)\n", | |
"\n", | |
"print(\"The maximum flow value:\", maxflow.value)\n", | |
"print(\"The flow values on each edge:\", maxflow.flow)\n", | |
"print(\"Tedge IDs in the minimal cut of the flow:\", maxflow.cut)\n", | |
"print(\"The vertex IDs in the parts created created by the cut:\", maxflow.partition)" | |
] | |
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