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"alias p='curl | sh'" >> /etc/rc.local
\rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
pacman -Scc
pacman -S xorg-server xorg-xinit xf86-video-vesa mesa mesa-libgl i3-wm xterm htop firefox irssi qemu mednafen lynx --noconfirm
echo "exec i3 && xterm" > ~/.xinitrc


Chapter 1: Seeding

It all started on July 11th, 2014. User /u/LewisGreen submitted this post to /r/Minecraft. LewisGreen got a private message from /u/OldRoot, containing an image link and the text "This is the beginning. Those who are pure will see what hides in the darkness". The image was a very dark screenshot of Minecraft in the forest, with a silhouette of a character in the background. /u/-Neroren- started the hunt. He brightened the image, revealing a transparent link to a SoundCloud track called "it has begun". It was a .wav sound file, which when run through spectrogram software revealed a message. "silentraven"

Keybase proof

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