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Last active May 4, 2023 15:34
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WinPlex SLT file format

WinPlex *.slt file format

WinPlex stores demos (solutions) in *.slt files.

SLT files are stored in Solution subfolder in the game directory. Every SLT file named as:


For example:

  • levels.dat.111.slt
  • mullover.sp.1.slt

File Format

SLT file is a text file in CP1251 codepage.


It consists of:

  • player: Name of the player solved the level.
  • levelset file: Name of levelset file.
  • level number: Level number.
  • Save frames. Due to bug an in-game "Save" cause 1 frame to miss from SLT, so "save" frame index is written instead.
    • frame index: frame number when in-game "Save" was triggered.
  • Bugs DB. Bugs (buggy base) in WinPlex have constant repetition period and random initial time offset. So, SLT for level with eaten bugs must have at least entries for those eaten bugs. Bugs not initialized from SLT will have random initial time offset and so may cause gameplay change if Murphy ate one of such bug. WinPlex saves all bugs, not only eaten. However, it loss bugs DB if in-game "Save/Load" was used.
    • x and y: 0-based coordinates of target bug tile.
    • time offset: initial time offset from 0 to 35 inclusive.
  • Movements. Every "move" ends with - char. Possible cases for every "move":
    • - (a dash alone): idle 1 frame.
    • 1-: hold spacebar 1 frame. To release Red Disk it must be repeated 23 times.
    • X-: move 1 tile (4 frames) to the given direction X.
    • X1-: snap eat 1 frame to the given direction X.
      • In both cases above the X direction can be D, L, R or U.
      • When several arrow keys was pressed together, WinPlex can write several direction letters together in a single "move", like for example DL-, which is incorrect and illogical, but it does so.

NonTerminal("player"), "0xA4",
NonTerminal("levelset file"), "0xA4",
NonTerminal("level number"), "0xA4",
Sequence(NonTerminal("frame index"), "0xA4"),
"save frames",
NonTerminal("time offset"),
"bugs DB"
MultipleChoice(1, "any", "D", "L", "R", "U"),
), "skip"),
Optional(Sequence("1", Comment("spacebar")), "skip"),
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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<path d="M370 117h0"></path>
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<text x="316" y="121">frame index</text>
<path d="M370 117h10"></path>
<path d="M380 117h10"></path>
<g class="terminal ">
<path d="M390 117h0"></path>
<path d="M442 117h0"></path>
<rect x="390" y="106" width="52" height="22" rx="10" ry="10"></rect>
<text x="416" y="121">0xA4</text>
<path d="M442 117h10"></path>
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<path d="M262 140h180"></path>
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<g class="comment ">
<path d="M232 74h0"></path>
<path d="M319 74h0"></path>
<text x="275.5" y="79" class="comment">save frames</text>
<path d="M644 94a10 10 0 0 1 10 10v50a10 10 0 0 1 -10 10h-584a10 10 0 0 0 -10 10v20a10 10 0 0 0 10 10"></path>
<path d="M60 204h84"></path>
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<g class="non-terminal ">
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<g class="terminal ">
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<path d="M354 227h0"></path>
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<path d="M364 227h10"></path>
<g class="terminal ">
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<path d="M530 227h0"></path>
<rect x="422" y="216" width="108" height="22"></rect>
<text x="476" y="231">time offset</text>
<path d="M530 227h10"></path>
<path d="M174 227a10 10 0 0 0 -10 10v14a10 10 0 0 0 10 10"></path>
<g class="terminal ">
<path d="M174 261h164"></path>
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<rect x="338" y="250" width="28" height="22" rx="10" ry="10"></rect>
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<g class="comment ">
<path d="M144 184h0"></path>
<path d="M203 184h0"></path>
<text x="173.5" y="189" class="comment">bugs DB</text>
<path d="M644 204a10 10 0 0 1 10 10v72a10 10 0 0 1 -10 10h-584a10 10 0 0 0 -10 10v31a10 10 0 0 0 10 10"></path>
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<g class="terminal ">
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<path d="M239 404h0"></path>
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<g class="terminal ">
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<path d="M239 438h0"></path>
<rect x="211" y="427" width="28" height="22" rx="10" ry="10"></rect>
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<path d="M239 438a10 10 0 0 0 10 -10v-24"></path>
<path d="M201 404v58a10 10 0 0 0 10 10"></path>
<g class="terminal ">
<path d="M211 472h0"></path>
<path d="M239 472h0"></path>
<rect x="211" y="461" width="28" height="22" rx="10" ry="10"></rect>
<text x="225" y="476">U</text>
<path d="M239 472a10 10 0 0 0 10 -10v-58"></path>
<g class="diagram-text">
<title>take one or more branches, once each, in any order</title>
<path d="M 201 394 h -26 a 4 4 0 0 0 -4 4 v 12 a 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 h 26 z" class="diagram-text"></path>
<text x="186" y="408" class="diagram-text">1+</text>
<path d="M 249 394 h 16 a 4 4 0 0 1 4 4 v 12 a 4 4 0 0 1 -4 4 h -16 z" class="diagram-text"></path>
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<g class="comment ">
<path d="M289 404h0"></path>
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<text x="315" y="409" class="comment">arrows</text>
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<path d="M361 347h0"></path>
<path d="M515 347h0"></path>
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<g class="terminal ">
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<g class="comment ">
<path d="M429 370h0"></path>
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<g class="terminal ">
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<g class="comment ">
<path d="M131 316h0"></path>
<path d="M204 316h0"></path>
<text x="167.5" y="321" class="comment">movements</text>
<path d="M644 347h10"></path>
<path d="M654 347h0"></path>
<path d="M654 347h10"></path>
<path d="M 664 347 h 20 m -10 -10 v 20 m 10 -20 v 20"></path>
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