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(DEPRECATED) Arch install with UEFI and Encryption

A text version plus my notes for future reference on Arch Linux instalation based on the video Arch Linux: Full Installation Guide - A complete tutorial/walkthrough in one video! from LearnLinuxTV. This is how I followed the guide and how I'm going to make this personal "reminder" of the steps I took to install Arch Linux on my computer, so I can use this later for more installations without needing to search parts of the original video.

Important websites to bookmark

  • Official Arch Linux website (06:00):

Arch install with encrypted BTRFS (LUKS2), GRUB e AwesomeWM

My notes with the steps to install Arch Linux with encrypted BTRFS (LUKS2) and GRUB.

If you stumbled upon this document looking for a guide to install Arch Linux, I recommend checking the official installation guide on the Arch Linux Wiki: This is not a guide, just some notes that I'm taking while trying this setup and getting fragments of information from the internet.