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<a class="clicked validates-clicked" target="linkwindow" href="{{ir_link | remove:'http://' | prepend:'http://'}}">{{ir_link}}</a>
<div class="row-fluid">
<p><a target="_blank" href="{{url}}" id="" class="btn btn-primary">Click here to view the Property Tax Bill</a></p>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span6">
<cml:radios label="Can you find the Discount Payment Amount?" name="hasdiscountamountdue" validates="required" aggregation="agg" gold="true">
<cml:radio label="Yes, the Discount Payment Amount is provided" value="Yes, amount"></cml:radio>
WilCF / gist:2284304bc00175d9c852
Created November 5, 2015 23:06
Add More Fund Setting
We are working on the copy for the new cost estimator/out of funds bypass setting.
What would you expect a setting with this description to do?
Name of setting: “Job continues to run when cost exceeds estimate”
Description: “When cost of job exceeds the previously allocated funds, debit additional amount from your account balance to allow the job to continue. Auto-payment must be turned on.”
Is this explicit enough about notifying you that your credit card will be debited? Any additional comments or critiques are welcome.
href="{{ir_link | remove:'http://' | prepend:'http://'}}">
WilCF / gist:6fd081eebf3b310d2d5c
Created September 17, 2015 00:51
Script for lisamarie7
Hello! I am doing this for my friend & coworker Bryan - because he is really great. Here is my script!
Woman: Hello Bryan!
Man: Yes! Hello Bryan!
Woman: Did you know that we think you are great?
Man: It’s true!
Woman: And I want you to know!
Man: Yes!
Woman: That I think you are truly the best!
Man: What?
<cml:radios label="JOB TITLE : {{raw}} CAN BE BEST PARAPHRASED AS " validates="required" gold="true" name="job_title__raw_can_be_best_paraphrased_as_" aggregation="agg">
<cml:radio label="CHOICE A: {{orginal_stdn}}" value="{{original_stdn}}"></cml:radio>
<cml:radio label="CHOICE B: {{new_stdn}}" value="{{new_stdn}}"></cml:radio>
<cml:radio label="both CHOICE A and CHOICE B are equally suitable" value="both_choice_a_and_choice_b_are_equally_suitable"></cml:radio>
<cml:radio label="neither CHOICE A nor CHOICE B are suitable paraphrases" value="neither_choice_a_nor_choice_b_are_suitable_paraphrases"></cml:radio>
<cml:radio label="I don't know" value="i_don_t_know"></cml:radio>
<video width="320" height="240" controls="">
<source src="{{url}}" type="video/mp4" />
<cml:text class="" label="Keyword 1" name="synonym" validates="required minLength:3" default="keyword" aggregation="all">
<cml:gold regex="{seed}" flags="i" no_escape="true"></cml:gold>
User has a FINISHED state job that has “"It seems like you've put input fields in your job that have the same names as headers in data you originally uploaded: tweet_id, handle. Please give the input fields in your job new names to avoid this problem.” error.
Expected: Despite error, I would be able to download the results for my job - I would expect I would not be able to relaunch the job.
Who does this affect?
Crowd reason - dozens of jobs
WCG - a few jobs
Apple - a few jobs
A handful of other customers who have written in.
<!-- The 'cml:select' tag is in regards to a dropdown list, where each dropdown option is a subtag labeled 'cml:option'. -->
<cml:select label="What type of room is this a part of?" name="room_type" instructions="Remember, use the image name as reference and verify the correct room type on the hotel website." only-if="hotel:[1]++notonlist:unchecked" gold="true">
<cml:option label="CF room" value="bad"></cml:option>
<!-- A Liquid for Designers for loop is used here to create each room type option from the choices list. 'item' is an arbritrary value for the for loop, but it must match the cml:option label. The value of this cml:option is also a Liquid value that inputs the corresponding value of an 'item' in the 'choices' array by calling the 'item's index number -->
{% for item in choices %}
<cml:option label="{{item}}" value="{{choices[forloop.index0]}}"></cml:option>
{% endfor %}